Agrani Bank Question

Agrani Bank Senior Officer (Morning- Cancelled) 2017 Question and Solution

অগ্রণী ব্যাংক সিনিয়র অফিসার (মর্নিং- বাতিল) পরীক্ষা ২০১৭

১। ‘হাতির ডাক’- কে এক কথায় কী বলে?
(ক) বৃংহিত
(খ) নিক্বণ
(গ) কেকা
(ঘ) হ্রেষা
উত্তরঃ ক। বৃংহিত

২। ‘মৃন্ময়’ শব্দের সন্ধি বিচ্ছেদ-
(ক) মৃ+ময়
(খ) মৃন+ময়
(গ) মৃদ+ময়
(ঘ) মৃৎ+ময়
উত্তরঃ ঘ। মৃৎ+ময়

৩। ‘দারোগা’ শব্দটি কোন ভাষা থেকে বাংলা ভাষায় এসেছে?
(ক) জাপানি
(খ) গুজরাটি
(গ) তুর্কি
(ঘ) ফরাসি
উত্তরঃ গ। তুর্কি

৪। ‘আম-কুড়ানো’ কোন সমাস?
(ক) ৩য়া তৎপুরুষ
(খ) ৬ষ্ঠী তৎপুরুষ
(গ) ২য়া তৎপুরুষ
(ঘ) ৪র্থী তৎপুরুষ
উত্তরঃ খ। ৬ষ্ঠী তৎপুরুষ

৫। ‘যেখানে বাঘের ভয় সেখানে সন্ধ্যা হয়’। -বাক্যটিতে ‘বাঘের’ শব্দটিন কারক ও বিভক্তি কোনটি?
(ক) করণ কারকে ৭মী
(খ) কর্তৃ কারকে ৭মী
(গ) অপাদান কারকে ৬ষ্ঠী
(ঘ) কর্মকারকে ৬ষ্ঠী
উত্তরঃ গ। অপাদান কারকে ৬ষ্ঠী

৬। কোন সমাসে ব্যাসবাক্য হয় না?
(ক) প্রাদি সমাস
(খ) দ্বন্দ্ব সমাস
(গ) দ্বিগু সমাস
(ঘ) নিত্য সমাস
উত্তরঃ ঘ। নিত্য সমাস

৭। কোনটি প্রবাদ?
(ক) বোমা ফাটানো
(খ) চড়াই উৎরাই
(গ) ধর্মের কল বাতাসে নড়ে
(ঘ) পাড়াপড়শির চক্ষুশূল
উত্তরঃ গ। ধর্মের কল বাতাসে নড়ে

৮। ক্ষুদ্রার্থে স্ত্রীবাচক শব্দ কোনটি?
(ক) কুমারী
(খ) মানবী
(গ) মালিকা
(ঘ) সুন্দরী
উত্তরঃ গ। মালিকা

৯। সাধু ও চলিত রীতির পার্থক্য সূচিত হয়-
(ক) সন্ধি ও উপসর্গে
(খ) ক্রিয়াপদ ও সর্বনামে
(গ) বিশেষ্য ও বিশেষণে
(ঘ) প্রকৃতি ও প্রত্যয়ে
উত্তরঃ খ। ক্রিয়াপদ ও সর্বনামে

১০। কোনটি সৈয়দ ওয়ালীউল্লাহ রচিত উপন্যাস?
(ক) কাঁদো নদী কাঁদো
(খ) পুতুল নাচের ইতিকথা
(গ) পদ্মা মেঘনা যমুনা
(ঘ) ঢোঁড়াই রচিত মানস
উত্তরঃ ক। কাঁদো নদী কাঁদো

১১। সূর্যের সমার্থক শব্দ কোনগুলো?
(ক) অরুণ, বরুণ
(খ) তপন, পূষণ
(গ) আদিত্য, প্রচেভ
(ঘ) দিবাকর, নিশাকর
উত্তরঃ খ। তপন, পূষণ

১২। কোনটি শুদ্ধ বাক্য?
(ক) দুর্বলতাবশত: অনাথিনী বসে পড়ল
(খ) দুর্বলবশত: অনাথা বসে পড়ল
(গ) দুর্বলতাবশত: অনাথা বসে পড়ল
(ঘ) দুর্বলবশত: অনাথিনী বসে পড়ল
উত্তরঃ খ। দুর্বলবশত: অনাথা বসে পড়ল

১৩। ‘কাদম্বিনী’ শব্দের অর্থ কি?
(ক) মেঘমালা
(খ) অসহায়
(গ) সূর্য
(ঘ) নদী
উত্তরঃ ক। মেঘমালা

১৪। ‘ধোপদুরস্ত’ বাগধারাটির অর্থ-
(ক) গম্ভীর প্রকৃতির
(খ) পরিপাটি
(গ) অসম সাহসী
(ঘ) ধীরশক্তি সম্পন্ন
উত্তরঃ খ। পরিপাটি

১৫। The man is of his head.- বাক্যটির যথাযথ বঙ্গানুবাদ:
(ক) লোকটির মাথা কাটা গিয়েছে
(খ) রোকটির মাথায় কিছু নেই
(গ) লোকটির সম্মান নষ্ট হয়েছে
(ঘ) লোকটির মাথা খারাপ হয়েছে
উত্তরঃ ঘ। লোকটির মাথা খারাপ হয়েছে

১৬। বাংলা একাডেমির অভিধান অনুযায়ী নিচের কোন বর্ণানুক্রমটি সঠিক?
(ক) গাং,গাঁ, গাঙ্গ, গাওয়া
(খ) গাং, গাওয়া গাঁ, গাঙ্গ
(গ) গাওয়া, গাং, গাঁ, গাঙ্গ
(ঘ) গাং, গাঁ, গাওয়া, গাঙ্গ
উত্তরঃ গ। গাওয়া, গাং, গাঁ, গাঙ্গ

১৭। কাকে ‘কবিকঙ্কন’ উপাধিতে ভূষিত করা হয়?
(ক) চন্ডীদাস
(খ) জ্ঞানদাস
(গ) রূপরাম
(ঘ) মুকন্দরাম
উত্তরঃ ঘ। মুকন্দরাম

১৮। ‘প্যারীচাঁদ মিত্রের’ ছদ্মনাম কি?
(ক) বনফুল
(খ) টেকচাঁদ টাকুর
(গ) পরশুরাম
(ঘ) মাগন ঠাকুর
উত্তরঃ খ। টেকচাঁদ টাকুর

১৯। জেলখানায় বন্দি থাকা কালে মুনীর চৌধুরী রচিত নাটক?
(ক) দণ্ডােকারন্য
(খ) কবর
(গ) রক্তাক্ত প্রান্তর
(ঘ) চিঠি
উত্তরঃ খ। কবর

২০। কোন বাগধারাটির অর্থ ভিন্ন?
(ক) -পোষা
(খ) অক্কা পাওয়া
(গ) অগস্ত্য যাত্রা
(ঘ) পঞ্চত্ব প্রাপ্তি
উত্তরঃ ক। -পোষা

২১। Gullivers Travels was written by
(ক) Jonathan Swift
(খ) G B Shaw
(গ) Alexander Pope
(ঘ) William Wordsworth
উত্তরঃ ক। Jonathan Swift

২২। Choose the correct sentence:
(ক) Do not forget their sacrifices who brought about independent Bangladesh
(খ) Do not forget the sacrifices of those who brought about independent Bangladesh
(গ) Do not forget the sacrifices made by them who brought about independent Bangladesh.
(ঘ) Do not forget theirs sacrifices who brought about independent Bangladesh
উত্তরঃ খ। Do not forget the sacrifices of those who brought about independent Bangladesh

২৩। Choose the correct sentence:
(ক) The man appears to be stronger than other lining men
(খ) The man appears to be stronger than any other lining men
(গ) The man appears to be stronger than all other lining men
(ঘ) a+c
উত্তরঃ ঘ। a+c

২৪। Choose the correct sentence:
(ক) Either of the roads leads have led to the Central Shahid Minar.
(খ) Either of the roads have lend to the Central Shahid Minar
(গ) Either of the roads leads to the Central Shahid Minar.
(ঘ) Either of the roads lead to the Central Shahid Minar
উত্তরঃ ঘ। Either of the roads lead to the Central Shahid Minar

২৫। Choose the correct sentence:
(ক) Every candidate must bear his own burden
(খ) Every candidates must bear his own burden
(গ) Every candidates must bear their own burden
(ঘ) Every candidates must bear their own burden
উত্তরঃ ক। Every candidate must bear his own burden

২৬। The indirect form of the sentence: “The teacher said to his students, “Do you suppose you know better than your teacher?” is:
(ক) The teacher asked the students whether they supposed that they know better than their teacher
(খ) The teacher asked the students whether they supposed that they had known better than their teacher
(গ) The teacher asked the students whether they supposed that they knew better than their teacher.
(ঘ) The teacher asked the students whether they had supposed that they knew better than their teacher
উত্তরঃ গ। The teacher asked the students whether they supposed that they knew better than their teacher.

২৭। The active form of the sentence “Every order will be carried out promptly” is
(ক) Orders should be carried out immediately
(খ) Oreders must be carried out promptly
(গ) We will carry out every order promptly
(ঘ) Orders will be carried out promptly
উত্তরঃ গ। We will carry out every order promptly

২৮। Which of the following is a masculine gender?
(ক) roe
(খ) doe
(গ) stag
(ঘ) vixen
উত্তরঃ গ। stag

২৯। Identify the correct spelling:
(ক) denounciation
(খ) denunsiation
(গ) denunciation
(ঘ) denuntiation
উত্তরঃ গ। denunciation

৩০। The underlined word in the sentence “Whoever violates the rule shall be punished” is
(ক) a personal pronoun
(খ) a demonstrative pronoun
(গ) a compound relative pronoun
(ঘ) a distributive pronoun
উত্তরঃ গ। a compound relative pronoun

৩১। Which of the following is in plural?
(ক) Datum
(খ) Media
(গ) Radius
(ঘ) Analysis
উত্তরঃ খ। Media

৩২। Which of the following is in simillar relationship of JUDGE:COURTHOUSE?

৩৩। Fill in the Blank: The Managing Director practically took the wind—his Managers Sail and when the letter was told to his spurious report.
(ক) out, of
(খ) out, from
(গ) in, to
(ঘ) off, from
উত্তরঃ ক। out, of

৩৪। Fill in the Blank: The banker has to make sure the client does not go— — his word.
(ক) along, with
(খ) back, on
(গ) off, without
(ঘ) away, with
উত্তরঃ খ। back, on

৩৫। Fill in the Blank: The companys customiers are drawn— a cross section of backgrounds
(ক) from
(খ) out of
(গ) to
(ঘ) off
উত্তরঃ ক। from

৩৬। Fill in the Blank: His fever is—-to ignor
(ক) high to much
(খ) much to high
(গ) too high
(ঘ) too much high
উত্তরঃ গ। too high

৩৭। In the sentence Shameem looked around but could not spot the man, the word around is
(ক) an adjective
(খ) a noun
(গ) an adverb
(ঘ) a preposition
উত্তরঃ গ। an adverb

৩৮। The term a profiteer means:
(ক) a person who makes excessive profits by charging inflated rates.
(খ) a person who is very sure of making profit.
(গ) a product or business that earns huge profit.
(ঘ) a person who is lucky enough to make easy profit.
উত্তরঃ ক। a person who makes excessive profits by charging inflated rates.

৩৯। The word foreclosure is synonmous with the expression:
(ক) forfeiture of a borrowers right to take further bank loan
(খ) prior closure of borrowers loan account
(গ) forfeiture of a borrowers right to redeem a mortgage
(ঘ) repayment of loan before the due date
উত্তরঃ ক। forfeiture of a borrowers right to take further bank loan

৪০। The word obverse is the antonym of
(ক) converse
(খ) perverse
(গ) subverse
(ঘ) reverse
উত্তরঃ ঘ। reverse

৪১। The average age of 32 students is 10 years. If the teachers age is also included, the average age increases by one year. What is the age of the teacher?
(ক) 50 Years
(খ) 32 Years
(গ) 43 Years
(ঘ) 34 Years
উত্তরঃ গ। 43 Years

৪২। If the number 481*673 is completely divisible by 9, then the smallest whole number in place of * will be:
(ক) 6
(খ) 7
(গ) 2
(ঘ) 5
উত্তরঃ খ। 7

৪৩। The difference between a positive proper fraction and its reciprocal is 9/20. The fraction is:
(ক) 5/4
(খ) 2/5
(গ) 3/10
(ঘ) 4/5
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 4/5

৪৪। The sum of all even natural numbers between 1 and 31 is:
(ক) 240
(খ) 16
(গ) 512
(ঘ) 128
উত্তরঃ ক। 240

৪৫। The L.C.M. of two numbers is 48. The numbers are in the ratio 2 : 3. The sum of the numbers is:
(ক) 40
(খ) 32
(গ) 64
(ঘ) 28
উত্তরঃ ক। 40

৪৬। If √(3n) = 729, the value of n is:
(ক) 6
(খ) 8
(গ) 10
(ঘ) 12
উত্তরঃ সঠিক উত্তর পাওয়া যায়নি

৪৭। Find the average of all the numbers between 6 and 34 which are divisible by 5.
(ক) 20
(খ) 24
(গ) 18
(ঘ) 30
উত্তরঃ ক। 20

৪৮। The difference between a number and its three-fifth is 50. What is the number?
(ক) 175
(খ) 75
(গ) 125
(ঘ) 152
উত্তরঃ গ। 125

৪৯। Sazu is younger than Rabi by 4 years. If their age ratios are of 7 : 9 respectively, how pld is Sazu?
(ক) 14.5 Years
(খ) 14 Years
(গ) 12 Years
(ঘ) 41 Years
উত্তরঃ খ। 14 Years

৫০। If 5x = 3125, the value of 5(x-1) is:
(ক) 25
(খ) 125
(গ) 625
(ঘ) 1625
উত্তরঃ গ। 625

৫১। If 120 is 20% of a number, then 120% of that number will be:
(ক) 20
(খ) 120
(গ) 360
(ঘ) 720
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 720

৫২। A’s income is 25 % more than B’s income. B’s income in terms of A’s income is:
(ক) 33%
(খ) 75%
(গ) 80%
(ঘ) 86%
উত্তরঃ গ। 80%

৫৩। A’s income is 25 % more than B’s income. B’s income in terms of A’s income is:
(ক) 86%
(খ) 80%
(গ) 33%
(ঘ) 75%
উত্তরঃ খ। 80%

৫৪। The ratio of the cost price and the selling prices is 4:5. The profit percent is :
(ক) 30%
(খ) 25%
(গ) 10%
(ঘ) 20%
উত্তরঃ খ। 25%

৫৫। The ratio of three numbers is 3 : 4 : 5 and the sum of their squares is 1250. The sum of the numbers is
(ক) 50
(খ) 90
(গ) 30
(ঘ) 60
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 60

৫৬। A, B and C enter into a partnership with a capital in which As contribution is Tk. 10,000. If out of a total profit Tk. 1,000. A gets Tk. 500 and B gets Tk. 300 then Cs capital is?
(ক) Tk. 6,000
(খ) Tk. 9,000
(গ) Tk. 5,000
(ঘ) Tk. 4,000
উত্তরঃ ঘ। Tk. 4,000

৫৭। In a dairy firm, 40 cows eat 40 bags of husk in 40 days. In how many days one cow will eat one bag of husk.
(ক) 1/40
(খ) 40
(গ) 80
(ঘ) 1
উত্তরঃ খ। 40

৫৮। A man can do a piece of work in 5 days, but with the help of his son, he can do it in 3 days. In what time can the son do it alone?
(ক) 7.5 days
(খ) 6.5 days
(গ) 7 days
(ঘ) 8 days
উত্তরঃ ক। 7.5 days

৫৯। In what time will atrain 100 meters long cross an electric pole, if its speed is 144 km/hr.?
(ক) 4.5 seconds
(খ) 2.5 seconds
(গ) 3 seconds
(ঘ) 5 seconds
উত্তরঃ খ। 2.5 seconds

৬০। Average of all prime numbers between 30 to 50 is:
(ক) 37
(খ) 37.5
(গ) 39
(ঘ) 39.5
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 39.5

৬১। If the cost price is 25% of selling price then what is the profit percent?
(ক) 350%
(খ) 300%
(গ) 100%
(ঘ) 200%
উত্তরঃ খ। 300%

৬২। A and B together have Tk. 1210. If 4/15 of As amount is equal to 2/5 of Bs amount. How much amount B has?
(ক) Tk. 478
(খ) Tk. 470
(গ) Tk. 484
(ঘ) Tk. 480
উত্তরঃ গ। Tk. 484

৬৩। If a person walks at 14 km/hour instead of 10 km/hour, he would have walked 20 km more. The actual distince travelled by him is:
(ক) 56 km
(খ) 70 km
(গ) 50 km
(ঘ) 80 km
উত্তরঃ গ। 50 km

৬৪। What is the square root of 0.16?
(ক) 0.04
(খ) 0.4
(গ) 4
(ঘ) 0.004
উত্তরঃ খ। 0.4

৬৫। A cistern 6m long and 4m wide contains water up to a depth of 1 m 25 cm. The total area of the wet surface is:
(ক) 49 m2
(খ) 50 m2
(গ) 53.5 m2
(ঘ) 55 m2
উত্তরঃ ক। 49 m2

৬৬। In what time period will simple interested on Tk. 500 at 5% be equal to the interest on Tk. 400 for years at 5%?
(ক) 8 years
(খ) 3 Years
(গ) 6 years
(ঘ) 4 years
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 4 years

৬৭। A shopkeeper purchases 70kg of potatoes for Tk. 420 ans sold the whole lot as the rate of Tk. 6.50 per kg. What will be his gain in percentage ?
(ক) 8 1/3 %
(খ) 6 1/4 %
(গ) 4 1/6 %
(ঘ) 20%
উত্তরঃ সঠিক উত্তর পাওয়া যায়নি

৬৮। A pump can fill a tank with water in 2 hours. Because of a leak, it took 2 1/3 hours to fill the tank. The leak can drain all the water of the tank what time ?
(ক) 4 1/3 hrs
(খ) 14 hrs
(গ) 7 hrs
(ঘ) 8 hrs
উত্তরঃ খ। 14 hrs

৬৯। If p-q=3 and p2+q2 = 29, find the value of pq.
(ক) 8
(খ) 9
(গ) 7
(ঘ) 10
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 10

৭০। If m and n are whole numbers such that mn = 121, the value of (m-1)n+1 is
(ক) 1000
(খ) 100
(গ) 10
(ঘ) 1
উত্তরঃ ক। 1000

৭১। A part from engaging political and academic leaders across the world, the declared mission of the world Economic Forum based in Davos is to engage, among others.
(ক) business leaders
(খ) human rights activits
(গ) child rights activits
(ঘ) Environment activists
উত্তরঃ ক। business leaders

৭২। The 9th BRICS summit is due to be held in China in:
(ক) November, 2017
(খ) October, 2017
(গ) August, 2017
(ঘ) September, 2017
উত্তরঃ ঘ। September, 2017

৭৩। The responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer of Bangladesh Investment Development Authority has been vested in :
(ক) the Vice-Chairman of the Governing Board
(খ) the Secretary of the Authority
(গ) the Chairman of the Governing Body
(ঘ) the Executive Chairman of the Authority
উত্তরঃ ঘ। the Executive Chairman of the Authority

৭৪। Intercontinental Exchange LIBOR or ICE LIBOR is based on the following five currencies
(ক) US Dollar, Pound Sterling, Swiss Franc, Euro, French Franc
(খ) US Dollar, Pound Sterling, Swiss Franc, Euro, Australian Dollar
(গ) US Dollar, Pound Sterling, Deutsche Mark, Euro, Japanese Yen
(ঘ) US Dollar, Pound Sterling, Swiss Franc, Euro, Japanese Yen
উত্তরঃ ঘ। US Dollar, Pound Sterling, Swiss Franc, Euro, Japanese Yen

৭৫। Legislations authorizing tracking of suspicious bank transactions having link with terrorist activities started emerging after the :
(ক) 26 February, 1993, terrorist attack on World Trade Centre, New York
(খ) 7 July,2005, London Bombing
(গ) 11 September,2001, terrorist attack on World Trade Centre, New York
(ঘ) 7 August,1998, terrorist attack on US Embassy in Nairobi.
উত্তরঃ গ। 11 September,2001, terrorist attack on World Trade Centre, New York

৭৬। The first Gas field in the region now know as Bangladesh was discovered in :
(ক) 1945
(খ) 1955
(গ) 1915
(ঘ) 1957
উত্তরঃ খ। 1955

৭৭। UNESCOs Education For All (EFA) Initiative known as the E9 Forum, was first launched in the year –
(ক) 1986
(খ) 1993
(গ) 1996
(ঘ) 1983
উত্তরঃ খ। 1993

৭৮। The Trade Facilitation Agreement was signed by the members of the World Trade Organization at
(ক) 2013 Bail Ministerial Conference
(খ) 2001 Doha Development Round
(গ) 2003 Cancun Ministerial Meeting
(ঘ) 2008 Geneva Ministerial Meeting
উত্তরঃ ক। 2013 Bail Ministerial Conference

৭৯। The river Karnaphuli originates from a hill situated in :
(ক) Tripura
(খ) Mizoram
(গ) Assam
(ঘ) Manipur
উত্তরঃ খ। Mizoram

৮০। Prior to joining in the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971, Birsresto Ruhul Amin was –
(ক) a junior mechanical engineer in Navy
(খ) an EPR personnel
(গ) an army personel
(ঘ) an Air Force personnel
উত্তরঃ ক। a junior mechanical engineer in Navy

৮১। The regular Brigade K Force of the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971 comprised of :
(ক) 2nd East Bengal and 9th East Bengal
(খ) 3rd East Bengal and 8th East Bengal
(গ) 4th East Bengal, 9th East Bengal and 10th East Bengal
(ঘ) 1st East Bengal, 4th East Bengal and 7th East Bengal
উত্তরঃ গ। 4th East Bengal, 9th East Bengal and 10th East Bengal

৮২। Currently, the contribution of agriculture sector in the GDP of Bangladesh is :
(ক) 15%
(খ) 16%
(গ) 17%
(ঘ) 14%
উত্তরঃ ক। 15%

৮৩। The Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) is headquartered in :
(ক) Ebene, Mauritius
(খ) Grand Port, Mauritius
(গ) Savanne, Mauritius
(ঘ) Moka, Mauritius
উত্তরঃ ক। Ebene, Mauritius

৮৪। The first ever bank established in the Indian sub-continent was :
(ক) Bank of Madras
(খ) Bank of Calcutta
(গ) Bank of Bombay
(ঘ) Bank of Hindostan
উত্তরঃ ঘ। Bank of Hindostan

৮৫। The contribution of Ilish (hilsha fish) to the GDP of Bangladesh is estimated at :
(ক) 3%
(খ) 1%
(গ) 3.5%
(ঘ) 2.5%
উত্তরঃ খ। 1%

৮৬। Gobrakura & Koroitoli Land Port is located in
(ক) Jibon Nogar, Chuadanga
(খ) Haluaghat, Mymensingh
(গ) Domar, Nilphamari
(ঘ) Nalitabari, Sherpur
উত্তরঃ খ। Haluaghat, Mymensingh

৮৭। In the Constitution of Bangladesh, powers of the High Court Division to issue certain orders and directions are enshrined in Article :
(ক) 104
(খ) 103
(গ) 102
(ঘ) 101
উত্তরঃ গ। 102

৮৮। All of the following four countries belong to the Eurozone, except:
(ক) France
(খ) Austria
(গ) Finland
(ঘ) Sweden
উত্তরঃ ঘ। Sweden

৮৯। The word bourse meaning a stock exchange, is more commonly associated with :
(ক) Amsterdam Stock Exchange
(খ) Berlin Stock Exchange
(গ) London Stock Exchange
(ঘ) Paris Stock Exchange
উত্তরঃ ঘ। Paris Stock Exchange

৯০। What is the rank of Bangladesh in Human development Index 2016 ?
(ক) 141
(খ) 142
(গ) 140
(ঘ) 139
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 139

৯১। The term Pentium is related to –
(ক) DVD
(খ) Microprocessor
(গ) Hard Disk
(ঘ) Mouse
উত্তরঃ খ। Microprocessor

৯২। What type of software creates a smaller file that is faster to transfer over the Internet ?
(ক) Unzipped
(খ) Encapsulation
(গ) Compression
(ঘ) Fragmentation
উত্তরঃ গ। Compression

৯৩। You can move between two or more Excel files opened by using the –
(ক) ctrl +F9
(খ) ctrl + tab
(গ) ctrl + page up
(ঘ) ctrl + page down
উত্তরঃ খ। ctrl + tab

৯৪। ……… is the execution of at least two different programs simultaneously.
(ক) Recovery
(খ) Multi processing
(গ) Integrity
(ঘ) Multi programming
উত্তরঃ খ। Multi processing

৯৫। Ethernet is family of protocol used in :
(ক) MAN
(খ) BIOS
(গ) WAN
(ঘ) LAN
উত্তরঃ ঘ। LAN

৯৬। The IEEE standard LAN is –
(ক) IEEE 802.9
(খ) IEEE 802
(গ) IEEE 802.1
(ঘ) IEEE 802.12
উত্তরঃ গ। IEEE 802.1

৯৭। The combination of row and column is called –
(ক) Cell
(খ) Row
(গ) Column
(ঘ) Line
উত্তরঃ ক। Cell

৯৮। Typeface option will come under ………. menu.
(ক) View
(খ) Edit
(গ) Tools
(ঘ) Format
উত্তরঃ ঘ। Format

৯৯। On an excel sheet the active cell in indicated by :
(ক) A dark wide border
(খ) A blinking border
(গ) A dotted border
(ঘ) By italic text
উত্তরঃ ক। A dark wide border

১০০। CD-ROM stands for –
(ক) Compactable Disk Read Only Memory
(খ) Compact Disk Read Only Memory
(গ) Compact Data Read Only Memory
(ঘ) Compactable Read Only Memory
উত্তরঃ খ। Compact Disk Read Only Memory

Mustafij Sir

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Mustafij Sir

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