Bangladesh Bank Question

Bangladesh Bank AD Question and Solution-2009

বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক AD প্রশ্ন ২০০৯

১। Select the correct one to fill in the gap. After it was repaired , it _ again.
(ক) ran perfect
(খ) could run perfect
(গ) run perfect
(ঘ) ran perfectly
(ঙ) runs perfect
উত্তরঃ ঘ। ran perfectly

২। Select the correctly spelt word —
(ক) Superior
(খ) Superour
(গ) Superrior
(ঘ) Supperior
(ঙ) Superrior
উত্তরঃ ক। Superior

৩। Select the opposite meaning of the word EXPOSE —
(ক) Reveal
(খ) Uncover
(গ) Unearth
(ঘ) Conceal
(ঙ) None of these
উত্ত ঘ। Conceal

৪। Select the opposite meaning of the word INADVERTENT —
(ক) Unintentional
(খ) Unintended
(গ) Accidental
(ঘ) Intentional
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ঘ। Intentional

৫। Select the correctly spelt word —
(ক) Unceremonous
(খ) Uncerimonious
(গ) Unseremonious
(ঘ) Unceremonious
(ঙ) Unsiremonious
উত্তরঃ ঘ। Unceremonious

৬। The hour hand of an analog clock moves 1/60th of a degree every minute. Then how many degree will the hour hand move in one hour ?
(ক) 1 degree
(খ) 2 degree
(গ) 3 degree
(ঘ) 4 degree
(ঙ) 5 degree
উত্তরঃ ক। 1 degree

৭। Susan can type 10 pages in 5 minutes. Mary can type 5 pages in 10 minutes. Working together , how many pages can they type in 30 minutes ?
(ক) 15
(খ) 20
(গ) 25
(ঘ) 65
(ঙ) 75
উত্তরঃ ঙ। 75

৮। Quantity A = Time to travel 95 miles at 50 miles per hour ; and Quantity B = Time to travel 125 miles at 60 miles per hour .
(ক) Quantity A is greater
(খ) Quantity A equals Quantity B
(গ) Quantity B is greater
(ঘ) Relationship indeterminate
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। Quantity B is greater

৯। In a class composed of x girls and y boys what part of the class is composed of girls ?
(ক) y / ( x + y )
(খ) x / xy
(গ) x / ( x + y)
(ঘ) y / xy
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। x / ( x + y)

১০। r > s > 0 ; Quantity A = rs / r and Quantity B = rs / s
(ক) Quantity in A is greater
(খ) Quantity in B is greater
(গ) The two quantities are equal
(ঘ) The relationship indeterminate
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ খ। Quantity in B is greater

১১। ‘সকল সভ্যগণ এখানে উপস্থিত ছিলেন’ বাক্যটির শুদ্ধরূপ কোনটি ?
(ক) সকল সভ্যগণ এখানে উপস্থিত ছিলেন
(খ) সকল সভ্য এখানে উপস্থিত ছিলেন
(গ) সভ্যগণ এখানে উপস্থিত ছিলেন
(ঘ) খ ও গ উভয়েই
(ঙ) কোনোটিই নয়
উত্তরঃ ঘ। খ ও গ উভয়েই

১২। বাঁধ + অন = বাঁধন কোন শব্দ ?
(ক) কৃদন্ত শব্দ
(খ) তদ্ধিতান্ত শব্দ
(গ) মৌলিক শব্দ
(ঘ) ধনাত্মক শব্দ
(ঙ) কোনোটিই নয়
উত্তরঃ ক। কৃদন্ত শব্দ

১৩। ধাতু কত প্রকার ?
(ক) দুই প্রকার
(খ) তিন প্রকার
(গ) চার প্রকার
(ঘ) পাঁচ প্রকার
(ঙ) কোনোটিই নয়
উত্তরঃ খ। তিন প্রকার

১৪। ‘রচনাটির উৎকর্ষতা অনস্বীকার্য’ বাক্যটির শুদ্ধরূপ কোনটি ?
(ক) রচনাটির উৎকর্ষ অনস্বীকার্য
(খ) রচনাটির উৎকর্সতা অনস্বীকার্য
(গ) রচনাটির উৎকর্স অনস্বীকার্য
(ঘ) রচনাটির উৎকর্ষতা অনস্বীকার্য
(ঙ) কোনোটিই নয়
উত্তরঃ ক। রচনাটির উৎকর্ষ অনস্বীকার্য

১৫। ‘দশে মিলে করি কাজ’ । ‘দশে’ কোন কারকে কোন বিভক্তি ?
(ক) কর্তৃকারক দ্বিতীয়া
(খ) সম্প্রদান কারকে ৭মী
(গ) কর্তৃকারকে ৪র্থী
(ঘ) কর্তৃকারকে ৭মী
(ঙ) কোনোটিই নয়
উত্তরঃ ঘ। কর্তৃকারকে ৭মী

১৬। The headquarter of Islamic Development Bank is in –
(ক) Cairo
(খ) Dubai
(গ) Rabat
(ঘ) Jeddah
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ঘ। Jeddah

১৭। Which Government agency is responsible for collecting taxes in Bangladesh ?
(ক) Ministry of Finance
(খ) Ministry of Commerce
(গ) Bangladesh Bank
(ঘ) Planning Commission
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ক। Ministry of Finance

১৮। In which year the Value Added Tax system was introduced in Bangladesh ?
(ক) 1991
(খ) 1990
(গ) 1992
(ঘ) 1980
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ক। 1991

১৯। Which is the capital of United Arab Emirates ?
(ক) Dubai
(খ) Sarjah
(গ) Abu Dhabi
(ঘ) Muscat
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। Abu Dhabi

২০। Which is the largest country in the world ?
(ক) Russia
(খ) USA
(গ) China
(ঘ) Canada
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ক। Russia

২১। Where is the headquarters Intel located ?
(ক) Tuscon, Arizona
(খ) Richmond, Virginia
(গ) Santa Clara, California
(ঘ) Redmond , Washington
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। Santa Clara, California

২২। This year’s Noble Laureate in Literature was born in ?
(ক) Germany
(খ) Bulgaria
(গ) Romania
(ঘ) Poland
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। Romania

২৩। ESCAP means —
(ক) Economic and Social Conference for Asia and the Pacific
(খ) Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
(গ) Environment and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
(ঘ) Economic and Social Center for Asia and the Pacific
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ খ। Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

২৪। Which is the largest trading block in the World ?
(গ) EU
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। EU

২৫। How many Stock Exchanges are there in Bangladesh ?
(ক) Three
(খ) Two
(গ) One
(ঘ) Four
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ খ। Two

২৬। What is the maximum number of half-point bottles of cream that can be filled with a 4-gallon can of cream ? ( 2 pt. = 1 qt. and 4 qt. =1 gal )
(ক) 16
(খ) 24
(গ) 30
(ঘ) 64
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 64

২৭। There are 200 questions on a 3-hour examination . Among these questions 50 are mathematics problems. It is suggested that twice as much time be spent on each math problem as for each other question. How many minutes should be spent on mathematics problem
(ক) 32
(খ) 72
(গ) 60
(ঘ) 100
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ খ। 72

২৮। x = 2y + 3 and y = -2 ; Quantity A = x and Quantity B = -1
(ক) Quantity A is greater
(খ) Quantity B is greater
(গ) The two quantities are equal
(ঘ) The relationship cannot be determined from the information given
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। The two quantities are equal

২৯। In a group of 15 , 7 have studied Latin , 8 have studied Greek, and 3 have not studied either . How many of these studied both Latin and Greek ?
(ক) 0
(খ) 3
(গ) 4
(ঘ) 5
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ খ। 3

৩০। If 13 =13w / ( 1 – w ), then ( 2w )2 =
(ক) 1/4
(খ) 1/2
(গ) 1
(ঘ) 2
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 2

৩১। Your doctor gives you pills to take one for every half hour. How long does it require to take all the pills ?
(ক) Half Hour
(খ) One Hour
(গ) One and Half Hour
(ঘ) Two Hours
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ খ। One Hour

৩২। A is the widow of B. B & C were the only children of E. C is unmarried and is a doctor. D is the grand-daughter of E and studies science . How is A related to D ?
(ক) aunt
(খ) daughter
(গ) sister
(ঘ) sister-in-law
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ খ। daughter

৩৩। If a and b are positive integers and a-b/3.5 = 4/7 , then
(ক) b < a (খ) b > a
(গ) b = a
(ঘ) b > a
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ক। b < a

৩৪। If the operation ^ is defined by the equation x ^ y = 2x + y, what is the value of a in 2 ^ a = a ^ 3 ?
(ক) 0
(খ) 1
(গ) -1
(ঘ) 4
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ খ। 1

৩৫। Which of the following fractions has the smallest value ?
(ক) 8/7
(খ) 10/9
(গ) 21/20
(ঘ) 41/40
(ঙ) 1013/1012
উত্তরঃ ঙ। 1013/1012

৩৬। If the sum of the 3 consecutive integers is 240, then the sum of the two larger integers is :
(ক) 79
(খ) 159
(গ) 169
(ঘ) 161
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 161

৩৭। Tom, Dick and Harry went for lunch to a restaurant. Tom had $100 with him , Dick had $60 and Harry had $40. They got a bill for $104 and decided to give a tip of $16. They further decided to share the total expenses in the ratio of the amounts of money
(ক) 120
(খ) 200
(গ) 60
(ঘ) 24
(ঙ) 36
উত্তরঃ ঙ। 36

৩৮। After 3 semesters in college , jim has a 3.0 GPA. What GPA must jim attain in his fourth semesters if he wishes to raise his GPA to a 3.1 ?
(ক) 2.7
(খ) 3.1
(গ) 3.3
(ঘ) 3.4
(ঙ) 3.5
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 3.4

৩৯। If the length and width of a rectangular garden plot were each increased by 20 percent. What would be the percent increase in the area of the plot ?
(ক) 44%
(খ) 24%
(গ) 36%
(ঘ) 40%
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ক। 44%

৪০। If b < 2 and 2x – 3b = 0,which of the following must be true ? (ক) x > -3
(খ) x < 2 (গ) x = 3 (ঘ) x < 3 (ঙ) x > 3
উত্তরঃ ঘ। x < 3

৪১। If 3/p = 6 and 3/q = 15 then p-q = ?
(ক) 1/3
(খ) 2/5
(গ) 3/10
(ঘ) 5/6
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। 3/10

৪২। The average of 5 quantities is 6 . The average of 3 of them is 8 . What is the average of the remaining two numbers ?
(ক) 6.5
(খ) 4
(গ) 3
(ঘ) 3.5
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। 3

৪৩। A father is three times as old as his son. After fifteen years the father will be twice as old as his son’s age at that time . Hence the father’s present age is —
(ক) 36
(খ) 42
(গ) 45
(ঘ) 48
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। 45

৪৪। A rectangle is 14 cm long and 10 cm wide . If the length is reduced by x cms and its width is increased also by x cms so as to make it a square, then its area changes by :
(ক) 4
(খ) 144
(গ) 12
(ঘ) 2
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ক। 4

৪৫। A Zoo keeper counted the heads of the animals in a zoo and found it to be 80. When he counted the legs of the animals he found it to be 260. If the zoo had either pigeons or horses, how many horses were there in the zoo ?
(ক) 40
(খ) 30
(গ) 50
(ঘ) 60
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। 50

৪৬। স্বরসংগতির উদাহরণ কোনটি ?
(ক) হইবে > হবে
(খ) রাত্রি > রাইত
(গ) দেশী > দিশী
(ঘ) জালিয়া > জাইল্যা > জেলে
(ঙ) কোনোটিই নয়
উত্তরঃ গ। দেশী > দিশী

৪৭। ‘পাতায় পাতায় পড়ে নিশির শিশির‘ । ‘পাতায় পাতায়‘ কোন কারকে কোন বিভক্তি ?
(ক) অধিকরণে ষষ্ঠী
(খ) অধিকরণে ৭মী
(গ) অপাদানে ষষ্ঠী
(ঘ) অপাদানে ৭মী
(ঙ) কোনোটিই নয়
উত্তরঃ খ। অধিকরণে ৭মী

৪৮। যে বহু বিষয়ে জানে __ বাক্য সঙ্কোচন কোনটি ?
(ক) সর্বজ্ঞ
(খ) বহুজ্ঞ
(গ) সবজান্তা
(ঘ) বহুদর্শী
(ঙ) কোনোটিই নয়
উত্তরঃ খ। বহুজ্ঞ

৪৯। নিচের কোনটি যৌগিক স্বরধ্বনি ?
(ক) অ
(খ) আ
(গ) ঐ
(ঘ) ঈ
(ঙ) কোনোটিই নয়
উত্তরঃ গ। ঐ

৫০। সূর্য এর প্রতিশব্দ নয় কোনটি ?
(ক) দিবাকর
(খ) বিভাবসু
(গ) হিমকর
(ঘ) দিনকর
(ঙ) কোনোটিই নয়
উত্তরঃ গ। হিমকর

৫১। Select the correctly spelt word —
(ক) Elemantary
(খ) Elimantary
(গ) Elementary
(ঘ) Alemantary
(ঙ) Eleemantary
উত্তরঃ গ। Elementary

৫২। Select the appropriate word to fill in the gap. It _ raining since early morning.
(ক) is raining
(খ) rained
(গ) was raining
(ঘ) has been raining
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ঙ। None of these

৫৩। Select the similar meaning of the word GRATIS _
(ক) Gratifying
(খ) Free
(গ) Gracious
(ঘ) With Charge
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ খ। Free

৫৪। Select the opposite meaning of the word GLORIOUS _
(ক) Superb
(খ) Splended
(গ) Disgraceful
(ঘ) Wonderful
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। Disgraceful

৫৫। Select the correct one to fill in the gap. After the hurricane , uprooted tree _ all over the ground.
(ক) were laying
(খ) were lying
(গ) were laid
(ঘ) was laid
(ঙ) was lying
উত্তরঃ খ। were lying

৫৬। When a student weighing 45 dgs left a class , the average weight of the remaining 59 students increased by 200g . What is the average weight of the remaining 59 students ?
(ক) 57 kgs
(খ) 56.8 kgs
(গ) 58.2 kgs
(ঘ) 52.2 kgs
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ক। 57 kgs

৫৭। If 18 is 15 percent of 30 percent of a certain number , what is the number ?
(ক) 9
(খ) 26
(গ) 40
(ঘ) 81
(ঙ) 400
উত্ত ঙ। 400

৫৮। Average cost of 5 apples and 4 mangoes is 36 taka. The Average cost of 7 apples and 8 mangoes is 48 taka. Find the total cost of 24 apples and 24 mangoes.
(ক) 1044
(খ) 2088
(গ) 720
(ঘ) 324
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ খ। 2088

৫৯। Which country will host the next year’s football world cup ?
(ক) Brazil
(খ) South Africa
(গ) USA
(ঘ) Russia
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ঘ। Russia

৬০। Bangladesh is not a member of which of the following association ?
(ক) IMF
(খ) ILO
(গ) OIC
(ঘ) OPEC
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ঘ। OPEC

৬১। Who is the longest serving Finance Minister of Bangladesh ?
(ক) MA Muhit
(খ) M Syeduzzaman
(গ) SAMS Kibria
(ঘ) M Saifur Rahman
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ঘ। M Saifur Rahman

৬২। Who is the first woman to win noble prize in economics ?
(ক) Irma Adelman
(খ) Ann Krueger
(গ) Elinor Ostrom
(ঘ) Joan Robinson
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। Elinor Ostrom

৬৩। Which is the deepest lake in the world ?
(ক) Lake Adelman
(খ) Lake Baikal
(গ) Lake Huron
(ঘ) Lake Malawi
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ খ। Lake Baikal

৬৪। Pound is not a currency of which country ?
(ক) Egypt
(খ) Lebanon
(গ) Morocco
(ঘ) Syria
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। Morocco

৬৫। Who is the first governor of Bangladesh Bank ?
(ক) ANM Hamidullah
(খ) AKN Ahmed
(গ) Khorshed Alam
(ঘ) Nurul Islam
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ক। ANM Hamidullah

৬৬। Which is not a water locked country ?
(ক) Australia
(খ) Sri Lanka
(গ) Norway
(ঘ) Maldives
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। Norway

৬৭। ‘Port Blayer’ island is in –
(ক) Pacific Ocean
(খ) Atlantic Ocean
(গ) Bay of Bengal
(ঘ) Indian Ocean
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ঘ। Indian Ocean

৬৮। Bangladesh has trade surplus with which country ?
(ক) India
(খ) USA
(গ) China
(ঘ) Singapore
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ খ। USA

৬৯। If n and p are both odd numbers, which of the following must be an even number ?
(ক) np + 2
(খ) n + p
(গ) n + p + 1
(ঘ) np
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ খ। n + p

৭০। The present ages of A and B are in the ratio 6 : 4. Five years ago their ages were in the ratio 5 : 3. Find their present ages.
(ক) 42, 28
(খ) 36, 24
(গ) 30, 20
(ঘ) 25, 15
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। 30, 20

৭১। A predator is chasing its prey. The predator takes 4 leaps for every 6 leaps of the prey and the predator covers as much distance in 2 leaps as 3 leaps of the prey. Will the predator succeed in getting its food ?
(ক) Yes
(খ) In the 6th leap
(গ) Never
(ঘ) Can’t be determined
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ক। Yes

৭২। Quantity A = 4/100 and Quantity B = 0.012/3
(ক) Quantity B is greater
(খ) Quantity A equals Quantity B
(গ) Quantity A is greater
(ঘ) The relationship indeterminate
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। Quantity A is greater

৭৩। If u > t, r > q, s > t, t > r, Which of the following must be true ? 1. u > s 2. s > q 3. u > r
(ক) 1 only
(খ) 2 only
(গ) 3 only
(ঘ) 1 and 2 only
(ঙ) 2 and 3 only
উত্তরঃ ঙ। 2 and 3 only

৭৪। Three math classes , X, Y, and Z, take an algebra test. The Average score in class X is 83. The Average score in class Y is 76. The Average score in class Z is 85. The Average score of all students is classes X and Y together is 79. The Average scor
(ক) 81
(খ) 81.5
(গ) 82
(ঘ) 84.5
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ খ। 81.5

৭৫। Hasan sold an article for 56 taka which cost him x taka . If he had gained x% on his outlay, what was his cost ?
(ক) 40 taka
(খ) 45 taka
(গ) 36 taka
(ঘ) 25
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ক। 40 taka

৭৬। Consider the following series: 3,4,6,9,13, …………. What comes next ?
(ক) 15
(খ) 16
(গ) 17
(ঘ) 18
(ঙ) 19
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 18

৭৭। Which of the following is the least like the others ?
(ক) cube
(খ) sphere
(গ) pyramid
(ঘ) circle
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। pyramid

৭৮। A farmer had 20 hens. All but 2 died . How many hens are still alive ?
(ক) 2
(খ) 10
(গ) 15
(ঘ) 18
(ঙ) 20
উত্ত ক। 2

৭৯। Divide 60 by half and deduct twenty . What do you get
(ক) 120
(খ) 100
(গ) 60
(ঘ) 30
(ঙ) 10
উত্ত খ। 100

৮০। A red house is built from red bricks . A blue house is built from blue bricks. A white house is built from white bricks. Then what is a greenhouse made from ?
(ক) green bricks
(খ) wood
(গ) glass
(ঘ) steel
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। glass

৮১। Quantity in A = 9132 and Quantity B = 91312
(ক) Quantity A equals Quantity B
(খ) Relationship indeterminate
(গ) Quantity B is greater
(ঘ) Quantity A is greater
(ঙ) None of these
উত্ত গ। Quantity B is greater

৮২। Average cost of 5 apples and 4 mangoes is 36 taka. The average cost of 7 apples and 8 mangoes is 48 taka. Find the total cost of 24 apples and 24 mangoes .
(ক) 1044
(খ) 2088
(গ) 720
(ঘ) 324
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ খ। 2088

৮৩। If n and p are both odd numbers, which of the following must be an even nu ber?
(ক) np + 2
(খ) n + p
(গ) n + p +1
(ঘ) np
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ খ। n + p

৮৪। The present age of A and B are in the ratio 6 : 4 Five years ago their ages were in the ratio 5 : 3 . Find their present ages.
(ক) 42, 28
(খ) 36, 24
(গ) 30, 20
(ঘ) 25, 15
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। 30, 20

৮৫। 3.0032.002 = ?
(ক) 1.05
(খ) 1.50015
(গ) 1,501
(ঘ) 1.5015
(ঙ) 1.5
উত্তরঃ ঙ। 1.5

৮৬। A predator is chasing its prey. The predator takes 4 leaps for every 6 leaps of the prey and the predator covers as much distance in 2 leaps as 3 leaps of the prey. Will the predator succeed in getting its food?
(ক) Yes
(খ) In the 6th leap
(গ) Never
(ঘ) Can’t be determined
(ঙ) None of them
উত্তরঃ ক। Yes

৮৭। Quantity A = 4100 and Quantity B = 0.0123
(ক) Quantity B is greater
(খ) Quantity A equals Quantity B
(গ) Quantity A is greater
(ঘ) Relationship indeterminate
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। Quantity A is greater

৮৮। If u>t, r>q, s>t, t>r, which of the following must be true? I. u>s II. s>q III. u>r
(ক) I only
(খ) II only
(গ) III only
(ঘ) I and II only
(ঙ) II and III only
উত্তরঃ ঙ। II and III only

৮৯। Three math classes , X, Y , and Z, take an algebra test. The average score in class X is 83. The average score in class Y is 76. The average score in class Z is 85. The average score of all students in classes X and Y together is 79. The average score of all student classes Y and Z together is 81. What is the average for all the three classes?
(ক) 81
(খ) 81.5
(গ) 82
(ঘ) 84.5
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ খ। 81.5

৯০। Hasan sold an article for 56 taka which cost him x taka. If he had gained x% on his outlay , what was his cost ?
(ক) 40 taka
(খ) 45 taka
(গ) 36 taka
(ঘ) 25 taka
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ক। 40 taka

৯১। ‘JPG’ extension refers usually to what kind of file ?
(ক) System file
(খ) Animation/movie file
(গ) MS Encarta document
(ঘ) Image file
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ঘ। Image file

৯২। RAM stands for —
(ক) Random Access Memory
(খ) Really Annoying Machine
(গ) Read A Manual
(ঘ) Real Absolute Memory
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ ক। Random Access Memory

৯৩। ‘CD’ computer abbreviation usually means ?
(ক) Command Description
(খ) Compact Disc
(গ) Change Data
(ঘ) Copy Density
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ খ। Compact Disc

৯৪। ‘MPG’ extension refers usually to what kind of file ?
(ক) Word Perfect Document file
(খ) MS Office Document
(গ) Animation/movie file
(ঘ) Image file
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। Animation/movie file

৯৫। How many bits is a byte ?
(ক) 4
(খ) 8
(গ) 16
(ঘ) 32
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ খ। 8

৯৬। Another word for the CPU is –
(ক) Execute
(খ) Micro chip
(গ) Microprocessor
(ঘ) Decode
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। Microprocessor

৯৭। ‘INTI’ extension refers usually to what kind of file ?
(ক) Image file
(খ) System file
(গ) Hypertext related file
(ঘ) Image Color Matching Profile file
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ খ। System file

৯৮। Which one is a database software ?
(গ) MS Outlook
(ঘ) Corel DRAW
(ঙ) MS Power
উত্তরঃ খ। ORACLE

৯৯। Which one is not a graphic-software ?
(ক) Harvard Graphics
(খ) Page Maker
(গ) Access
(ঘ) Freelance Graphics
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। Access

১০০। In general, which letter is considered for Hard Disk Drive ?
(ক) A
(খ) B
(গ) C
(ঘ) D
(ঙ) None of these
উত্তরঃ গ। C

Mustafij Sir

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Mustafij Sir

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