Bangladesh Bank Question

Bangladesh Bank AD Question and Solution-2011

বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক AD প্রশ্ন ২০১১

১। Which of the following is associated with UNO ?
(ক) ILO
(খ) WHO
উত্তরঃ গ। ASEAN

২। Who among the following was/is not a Governor of Bangladesh Bank ?
(ক) Dr. Akbar A H Khan
(খ) Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed
(গ) Dr. Salehuddin
(ঘ) Dr. Atiur Rahman
(ঙ) Dr. Mohammed Farashudin
উত্তরঃ ক। Dr. Akbar A H Khan

৩। The world’s largest diamond producing country is :
(ক) USA
(খ) South Africa
(গ) China
(ঘ) England
(ঙ) Russia
উত্তরঃ ঙ। Russia

৪। Where was Shakespeare born ?
(ক) London
(খ) Coventry
(গ) Sussex
(ঘ) Durham
(ঙ) Stratford-upon-Avon
উত্তরঃ ঙ। Stratford-upon-Avon

৫। How many teams played in the ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 ?
(ক) 10
(খ) 12
(গ) 14
(ঘ) 16
(ঙ) 18
উত্তরঃ গ। 14

৬। He insisted
(ক) on me going
(খ) on I going
(গ) for me to go
(ঘ) upon me going
(ঙ) on my going
উত্তরঃ ঙ। on my going

৭। We would never have had the accident if you _ so fast.
(ক) haven’t driven
(খ) were not driving
(গ) did not drive
(ঘ) hadn’t driven
(ঙ) hadn’t been driving
উত্তরঃ ঘ। hadn’t driven

৮। The quotation was erroneously _ to a British poet.
(ক) resolved
(খ) attributed
(গ) activated
(ঘ) regulated
(ঙ) vitiated
উত্তরঃ খ। attributed

৯। It was __
(ক) us who had left before be arrived
(খ) we who had left before be arrived
(গ) we who had went before be arrived
(ঘ) us who had went before be arrived
(ঙ) we who had left before the time he had arrived
উত্তরঃ খ। we who had left before be arrived

১০। The company announced that its profits declined much less in the second quarter than analysts __ in the second half of the year .
(ক) had expected and that its business would improve
(খ) expected it would and that it will improve its business
(গ) had expected it to and its business will improve
(ঘ) expected them to and its business would improve
(ঙ) expected and that it will improve its business
উত্তরঃ ক। had expected and that its business would improve

১১। “হে বঙ্গ ভান্ডারে তব বিবিধ রতন ……….. পরধন লোভে” কোন কবির কবিতা থেকে নেয়া হয়েছে ?
(ক) কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম
(খ) কবিগুরু রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর
(গ) মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্ত
(ঘ) কবি সুফিয়া কামাল
(ঙ) কবি শামসুর রহমান
উত্তরঃ গ। মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্ত

১২। কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম রচিত ‘ব্যথার দান‘ কোন শ্রেনীর রচনা ?
(ক) গল্প
(খ) প্রবন্ধ
(গ) কবিতা
(ঘ) নাটক
(ঙ) গান
উত্তরঃ ক। গল্প

১৩। শহীদুল্লাহ কায়সারের বিখ্যাত গ্রন্থ—–
(ক) জমিদার দর্পন
(খ) সংশপ্তক
(গ) জীবন থেকে নেয়া
(ঘ) ক্রীতদাসের হাসি
(ঙ) পদ্মানদীর মাঝি
উত্তরঃ খ। সংশপ্তক

১৪। পর্যালোচনার সঠিক সন্ধি বিচ্ছেদ —
(ক) পর্য + আলোচনা
(খ) পরি + আলোচনা
(গ) পর্যা + লোচনা
(ঘ) পর্যালো + চনা
(ঙ) পরিআলো + চনা
উত্তরঃ খ। পরি + আলোচনা

১৫। ‘অম্বর’ শব্দের অর্থ —
(ক) রাত্রি
(খ) আকাশ
(গ) কৃত্রিম
(ঘ) মেঘ
(ঙ) অন্ধকার
উত্তরঃ খ। আকাশ

১৬। If (x-y) = 10, and xy = 75, what is the value of x ?
(ক) 15
(খ) 5
(গ) 10
(ঘ) 20
(ঙ) 25
উত্তরঃ ক। 15

১৭। If x > y, and w < x, which of the following is always true ? (ক) z > w
(খ) y > w
(গ) y = w
(ঘ) z < x
(ঙ) x < 2
উত্তরঃ ঘ। z < x

১৮। 1/5 of 30% of 0.60 = ?
(ক) 0.12
(খ) 0.13
(গ) 3.6
(ঘ) 0.36
(ঙ) 0.036
উত্তরঃ ঙ। 0.036

১৯। There will be a loss of 10% , if a chair is sold for TK. 540. At what price should the chair be sold to make a profit of 20% ?
(ক) 576
(খ) 660
(গ) 600
(ঘ) 720
(ঙ) 900
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 720

২০। The cost function of a product is 400 + 2x, where x is the number of units produced . How many units should be produced to make an average cost of TK. 2.5 per unit ?
(ক) 200
(খ) 800
(গ) 400
(ঘ) 720
(ঙ) 900
উত্তরঃ খ। 800

২১। A car-wash can wash 8 cars in minutes. At this rate, how many cars can the car-wash in 3 hours ?
(ক) 13
(খ) 40.5
(গ) 80
(ঘ) 125
(ঙ) 405
উত্তরঃ গ। 80

২২। Organizers of a trade fair projected an increase of 20% in the number of visitors over the previous year, but the number of visitors actually increased by 50% . By what percentage was the actual number of visitors greater than the projected of visitors ?
(ক) 20%
(খ) 25%
(গ) 30%
(ঘ) 50%
(ঙ) 125%
উত্তরঃ খ। 25%

২৩। P is now 8 years older than Q. 17 years ago P was twice as old as Q. How old will Q be in 10 years ?
(ক) 43
(খ) 35
(গ) 15
(ঘ) 27
(ঙ) 25
উত্তরঃ খ। 35

২৪। Salim gets grades of 79, 83, 86 and 89 on four math tests . What grade must he get on his fifth test to average 85 ?
(ক) 86
(খ) 3
(গ) 87
(ঘ) 85
(ঙ) 88
উত্তরঃ ঙ। 88

২৫। A man deposits TK. 600 in a Bank at 10% interest rate compounded annually . At the end of the second year, what will be the total amount including interest ?
(ক) 660
(খ) 720
(গ) 726
(ঘ) 626
(ঙ) 670
উত্তরঃ গ। 726

২৬। 35% of Buri’s income is equal to 25% Nuru’s income. The ratio of their income is :
(ক) 7:3
(খ) 4:3
(গ) 4:7
(ঘ) 5:7
(ঙ) 3:4
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 5:7

২৭। In a class the ratio of boys and girls was 7 to 3. If there were 210 girls in the class, what was the number of boys in the class ?
(ক) 63
(খ) 90
(গ) 147
(ঘ) 280
(ঙ) 490
উত্তরঃ ঙ। 490

২৮। A fair coin is thrown in the air four times. If the coin lands with the head up on the first three tosses, what is the probability that the coin will land with the head up on the fourth toss ?
(ক) 3/4
(খ) 1/4
(গ) 1/8
(ঘ) 1/16
(ঙ) 1/32
উত্তরঃ খ। 1/4

২৯। In a class of 50 students , 18 take music, 26 take art , and 2 take both art and music . How many students in the class are not enrolled in either music or art ?
(ক) 6
(খ) 8
(গ) 16
(ঘ) 24
(ঙ) 36
উত্তরঃ খ। 8

৩০। Mary says, “the number I am thinking of divisible by 2 or it is divisible by 3.” This statement is false if the number Mary is thinking of is :
(ক) 2
(খ) 6
(গ) 8
(ঘ) 11
(ঙ) 15
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 11

৩১। MICR stands for
(ক) Magnetic Ink Character Reader
(খ) Magnetic Ink Code Reader
(গ) Magnetic Ink Cases Reader
(ঘ) Mechanic Ink Code Reader
(ঙ) Mechanic Ink Cases Reader
উত্তরঃ ক। Magnetic Ink Character Reader

৩২। An error in software or hardware is called a bug. What is the alternative computer jargon for it ?
(ক) Leech
(খ) Squid
(গ) Slug
(ঘ) Glitch
(ঙ) Virus
উত্তরঃ ঙ। Virus

৩৩। ASCII stands for
(ক) American Stable code for International Interchange
(খ) American Standard case for Institutional Interchange
(গ) American Standard code for Information Interchange
(ঘ) American Standard case for Interchange Information
(ঙ) American Standard code for International Interchange
উত্তরঃ গ। American Standard code for Information Interchange

৩৪। All computers must have :
(ক) Word processing software
(খ) An operating system
(গ) A printer attached
(ঘ) A virus checking program
(ঙ) A speaker
উত্তরঃ খ। An operating system

৩৫। One MB is equal to :
(ক) 512 KB
(খ) I billion byte
(গ) 1024 KB
(ঘ) 1024 bytes
(ঙ) 1028 KB
উত্তরঃ গ। 1024 KB

৩৬। “নিরানব্বইয়ের ধাক্কা” বাগধারটির অর্থ –
(ক) প্রচন্ড ধাক্কা
(খ) বিপদ
(গ) সঞ্চয়ের প্রবৃত্তি
(ঘ) তীরে পৌছার ঝক্কি
(ঙ) স্পর্ধা বৃদ্ধি
উত্তরঃ গ। সঞ্চয়ের প্রবৃত্তি

৩৭। শুদ্ধ বানান কোনটি ?
(ক) পিপিলীকা
(খ) পীপিলিকা
(গ) পিপিলিকা
(ঘ) পিপীলিকা
(ঙ) পিপীলীকা
উত্তরঃ ঘ। পিপীলিকা

৩৮। কোনটি প্রবচন ?
(ক) ধারাকে সরা জ্ঞান করা
(খ) ফুলের ঘায়ে মূর্ছা যাওয়া
(গ) পুরোনো চাল ভাতে বাড়ে
(ঘ) দুধের স্বাদ ঘোলে মেটানো
(ঙ) মহাভারত অশুদ্ধ হওয়া
উত্তরঃ গ। পুরোনো চাল ভাতে বাড়ে

৩৯। “দারিদ্রতা” শব্দটি অশুদ্ধ কেন ?
(ক) প্রত্যয়জনিত কারনে
(খ) উপসর্গ জনিত কারনে
(গ) সন্ধিজনিত কারনে
(ঘ) কারক জনিত কারনে
(ঙ) অনুসর্গজনিত কারনে
উত্তরঃ ক। প্রত্যয়জনিত কারনে

৪০। কোন উপন্যাসটি কবিগুরু রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর রচিত নয় ?
(ক) শেষের কবিতা
(খ) চোখের বালি
(গ) গোরা
(ঘ) বিষের বাঁশি
(ঙ) বউ ঠাকুরানীর হাট
উত্তরঃ ঘ। বিষের বাঁশি

৪১। The y wasted all the money on purchase of some …… items.
(ক) excellent
(খ) important
(গ) significant
(ঘ) quality
(ঙ) trivial
উত্তরঃ ঙ। trivial

৪২। Which of the following movie was not directed by Satyajit Ray ?
(ক) Charulata
(খ) Kanchenjungha
(গ) Aparajito
(ঘ) Jana Aranyae
(ঙ) Akaler Shandhaney
উত্তরঃ ঙ। Akaler Shandhaney

৪৩। When he found the wallet his face glowed but soon it faded as the wallet was …..
(ক) Empty
(খ) Vacant
(গ) Recovered
(ঘ) Stolen
(ঙ) Expensive
উত্তরঃ ক। Empty

৪৪। What is the singular form of the word ‘dice’ ?
(ক) dish
(খ) disc
(গ) die
(ঘ) diskette
(ঙ) dice
উত্তরঃ গ। die

৪৫। Words inscribed on a tomb is an :
(ক) epitome
(খ) epithet
(গ) epitaph
(ঘ) episode
(ঙ) epic
উত্তরঃ গ। epitaph

৪৬। The meaning of ‘serene’ is :
(ক) harsh
(খ) calm
(গ) hard
(ঘ) scenic
(ঙ) wild
উত্তরঃ খ। calm

৪৭। The meaning of ‘melancholy’ is :
(ক) magnificent
(খ) barren
(গ) depressed
(ঘ) harmony
(ঙ) heavenly
উত্তরঃ গ। depressed

৪৮। The word opposite to ‘skepticism’ is :
(ক) Plausibility
(খ) Audacity
(গ) Reason
(ঘ) Argument
(ঙ) Conviction
উত্তরঃ ক। Plausibility

৪৯। Find the word ( s ) that is / are closest in meaning of ‘by and large’
(ক) Very large
(খ) Mostly
(গ) Everywhere
(ঘ) Far away
(ঙ) Too far away
উত্তরঃ খ। Mostly

৫০। Which of the following statement is wrong ?
(ক) He is handsome , but he is not so honest as his father
(খ) My watch is as bright as gold
(গ) No other city in Bangladesh is as big as Chittagong
(ঘ) Nobody else but he can do that
(ঙ) Our pond contains less water than that
উত্তরঃ সঠিক উত্তর পাওয়া যায়নি

৫১। Who is the author of ‘Pride and Prejudice’?
(ক) Leo Tolstoy
(খ) Charles Dickens
(গ) Jane Austen
(ঘ) George Eliot
(ঙ) William Shakespeare
উত্তরঃ গ। Jane Austen

৫২। The value of -3-(-10) is how much greater than the value of -10-(-3) ?
(ক) 0
(খ) 6
(গ) 7
(ঘ) 14
(ঙ) 26
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 14

৫৩। Rahim and Karim each fire 20 shots at a mark and agree to register 4 points for every hit and to deduct 3 points for every miss. One hits the mark 12 times , the other 8 times . What are their separate scores ?
(ক) 24, -4
(খ) 72,68
(গ) 48, 32
(ঘ) 74, 16
(ঙ) 80,60
উত্তরঃ ক। 24, -4

৫৪। A total of TK. 450 is divided into equal shares. If kate receives four shares , Kevin received three shares, and Anna receives the remaining two shares, how much money did Kevin receive ?
(ক) 100
(খ) 150
(গ) 200
(ঘ) 250
(ঙ) 300
উত্তরঃ খ। 150

৫৫। The next 2 numbers of the series 2,7,1,6 are
(ক) 5, -5
(খ) 7, -6
(গ) 5, -1
(ঘ) 5, -2
(ঙ) 0, 5
উত্তরঃ ঙ। 0, 5

৫৬। If one angle of a parallelogram is 60 degrees, find the number of degrees in the remaining 3 angles ?
(ক) 60,60,60
(খ) 30, 60, 90
(গ) 60,120,120
(ঘ) 60, 120, 150
(ঙ) 60, 120, 180
উত্তরঃ গ। 60,120,120

৫৭। A family had dinner in a restaurant and paid $30 for food. They also had to pay 9.5% sale tax and 10% for the tip. How much did the pay for the dinner ?
(ক) $35.85
(খ) $33.60
(গ) $35.45
(ঘ) $36.55
(ঙ) $36.35
উত্তরঃ ক। $35.85

৫৮। In a box, there are 8 red, 7 blue, and 6 green balls. One ball is picked up randomly , what is the probability that it is neither red nor green ?
(ক) 1/3
(খ) 3/4
(গ) 7/19
(ঘ) 8/2
(ঙ) 9
উত্তরঃ ক। 1/3

৫৯। x sells a product to y and makes a profit of 25% . Y sells it to z at a loss of 20% . If z buys it for TK. 140, what price did x pay for it ?
(ক) 210
(খ) 175
(গ) 140
(ঘ) 126
(ঙ) 200
উত্তরঃ গ। 140

৬০। Masum can do a job in 2 hours. Hashem can do the same job in 3 hours. If they work together , how many hours will it take to do the job?
(ক) 115
(খ) 6
(গ) 3
(ঘ) 123
(ঙ) 134
উত্তরঃ ক। 115

৬১। An empty bucket being filled with paint at a constant rate takes 6 minutes to be filled to 710 of its capacity. How much more time will it take to fill the bucket to full capacity?
(ক) 2 minutes
(খ) 3 minutes
(গ) 2 and 42 minutes
(ঘ) 8 and 47 minutes
(ঙ) 2 hours and 47 minutes
উত্তরঃ ঙ। 2 hours and 47 minutes

৬২। The output quality of a printer is measured by :
(ক) Dot per inch
(খ) Dot per sq. inch
(গ) Dots printed per unit time
(ঘ) Dot per second
(ঙ) Dots matrix per minute
উত্তরঃ ক। Dot per inch

৬৩। If a computer on the network shares resources for others to use , it is called _ _
(ক) Server
(খ) Client
(গ) Mainframe
(ঘ) Fiber Optic
(ঙ) Superscalar Processor
উত্তরঃ ক। Server

৬৪। A program that can copy itself and infect a computer without the permission or knowledge of the owner is called
(ক) Java
(খ) C++
(গ) Virus
(ঘ) SPSS
উত্তরঃ গ। Virus

৬৫। A _ is a small piece of text stored on your computer, phone or whatever you use surf the Internet ?
(ক) Virus
(খ) Cookie
(গ) Application
(ঘ) Session
(ঙ) Query string
উত্তরঃ খ। Cookie

৬৬। To move to the bottom of a document press :
(ক) End Key
(খ) Alt + End key
(গ) Shift + End key
(ঘ) Ctrl +End key
(ঙ) Ctrl + Alt key
উত্তরঃ ঘ। Ctrl +End key

৬৭। এক কথায় প্রকাশ করুন — “যে নারী প্রিয় কথা বলে।”
(ক) প্রিয়ভাষিণী
(খ) প্রিয়ংবদা
(গ) প্রিয়ভাসিণী
(ঘ) প্রিয়া
(ঙ) সুভাষিণী
উত্তরঃ খ। প্রিয়ংবদা

৬৮। সমাস নির্ণয় করুনঃ “দশ আনন যাহার – দশানন”
(ক) দ্বন্দ্ব
(খ) কর্মধারয়
(গ) বহুব্রীহি
(ঘ) অব্যয়ীভাব
(ঙ) তৎপুরুষ
উত্তরঃ গ। বহুব্রীহি

৬৯। গুরুজনে ভক্তি কর – বাক্যটিতে “গুরুজনে” কোন কারক
(ক) কর্তৃকারক
(খ) কর্মকারক
(গ) করণকারক
(ঘ) সম্প্রদান কারক
(ঙ) অপাদান কারক
উত্তরঃ খ। কর্মকারক

৭০। “বনফুল” কার ছদ্মনাম ?
(ক) প্রমথ চৌধুরী
(খ) বালাইচাঁদ মুখোপাধ্যায়
(গ) যতীন্দ্রমোহন বাগচি
(ঘ) মোহিতলাল মজুমদার
(ঙ) কৃষ্ণচন্দ্র মজুমদার
উত্তরঃ খ। বালাইচাঁদ মুখোপাধ্যায়

৭১। ‘Surgeon’ এর পরিভাষা
(ক) শল্য চিকিৎসক
(খ) দন্ত চিকিৎসক
(গ) অস্থি চিকিৎসক
(ঘ) সার্জেন্ট
(ঙ) ভেষজ চিকিৎসক
উত্তরঃ ক। শল্য চিকিৎসক

৭২। Who is the writer of the Harry Potter series ?
(ক) K. Rowling
(খ) Roald Dahi
(গ) Jacqueline Wilson
(ঘ) Ronald Jacques
(ঙ) Polly Watson
উত্তরঃ ক। K. Rowling

৭৩। The number of foreign banks operating in Bangladesh is :
(ক) 10
(খ) 9
(গ) 15
(ঘ) 5
(ঙ) 8
উত্তরঃ খ। 9

৭৪। The current President of World Bank is :
(ক) Ramon Casadesus-Masanell
(খ) Francois Brochet
(গ) Timothy Butler
(ঘ) Robert Zoellick
(ঙ) Jim yong kim
উত্তরঃ ঙ। Jim yong kim

৭৫। The Mujibanagar Government was formed on :
(ক) March 25, 1971
(খ) March 26, 1971
(গ) April 17, 1971
(ঘ) Dec. 12, 1971
(ঙ) Dec. 16, 1971
উত্তরঃ গ। April 17, 1971

৭৬। The first Bangladeshi to earn Grand Master Norms is :
(ক) Quazi Motahar Hossain
(খ) Niaz Morshed
(গ) Ziaur Rahman
(ঘ) Rani Hamid
(ঙ) Reefat Bin Sattar
উত্তরঃ খ। Niaz Morshed

৭৭। Which of the following is the main revenue generating sector of Bangladesh Government ?
(ক) Import duty
(খ) Income tax
(গ) Value added tax
(ঘ) Interest
(ঙ) External debt
উত্তরঃ গ। Value added tax

৭৮। ‘NAME’
(ক) National Academy for Educational and Management
(খ) National Academy for Education and Management
(গ) National Academy for Environmental Management
(ঘ) National Academy for Economics and Management
(ঙ) National Academy for Educational Management
উত্তরঃ ঙ। National Academy for Educational Management

৭৯। “Justice delayed is Justice denied.” Is a quotation of :
(ক) Plato
(খ) Socrates
(গ) Aristotle
(ঘ) Rousseau
(ঙ) Gladstone
উত্তরঃ ঙ। Gladstone

৮০। Which of the following is the only Muslim country included in NATO.
(ক) Pakistan
(খ) Iran
(গ) Egypt
(ঘ) Turkey
(ঙ) Syria
উত্তরঃ ঘ। Turkey

৮১। Olympic Games 2012 will take place in –
(ক) Cape Town
(খ) Paris
(গ) Sydney
(ঘ) London
(ঙ) Copenhagen
উত্তরঃ ঘ। London

৮২। Who is the author of ‘A Brief History of time’?
(ক) Stephen Hawking
(খ) VS Niapaul
(গ) Anthony Burgess
(ঘ) M Foster
(ঙ) William Shakespeare
উত্তরঃ ক। Stephen Hawking

৮৩। Two Taka note is signed by :
(ক) Finance Minister
(খ) Secretary of Finance
(গ) Governor of Bangladesh Bank
(ঘ) Deputy Governor of Bangladesh Bank
(ঙ) Commerce Minister
উত্তরঃ খ। Secretary of Finance

৮৪। Who was the first captain in the Test Cricket of Bangladesh ?
(ক) Aminul Islam
(খ) Atahar Ali Khan
(গ) Akram Khan
(ঘ) Naimur Rahman
(ঙ) Rakibul Hasan
উত্তরঃ ঘ। Naimur Rahman

৮৫। Which color can be seen from a long distance ?
(ক) White
(খ) Red
(গ) Black
(ঘ) Yellow
(ঙ) Green
উত্তরঃ খ। Red

৮৬। The chief of National Transitional Council in Libya is :
(ক) Mustafa Abdel Jalil
(খ) Mummar Gddafi
(গ) Mahmoud Sham man
(ঘ) Mohammad Abdel Hannan
(ঙ) Muammar Hashim Abdullah
উত্তরঃ ক। Mustafa Abdel Jalil

৮৭। Which planet is closest to the Sun ?
(ক) Pluto
(খ) Venus
(গ) Earth
(ঘ) Uranus
(ঙ) Mercury
উত্তরঃ ঙ। Mercury

৮৮। Country that ranks first in terms of population is :
(ক) Russia
(খ) USA
(গ) China
(ঘ) India
(ঙ) Canada
উত্তরঃ গ। China

৮৯। The number of official languages recognized by the UN charter is :
(ক) 4
(খ) 5
(গ) 6
(ঘ) 7
(ঙ) 8
উত্তরঃ গ। 6

৯০। Which of the following countries is not a land locked country ?
(ক) Bhutan
(খ) Austria
(গ) Nepal
(ঘ) Afghanistan
(ঙ) Denmark
উত্তরঃ ঙ। Denmark

৯১। The Indian anti-corruption crusader, who protested through hunger strike is :
(ক) Bhupin Hazarika
(খ) Anna Hazare
(গ) Mamata Banerjee
(ঘ) Manmohan Sing
(ঙ) Rahul Gandhi
উত্তরঃ খ। Anna Hazare

৯২। Among the following who is/ was not a winner of Noble Prize in literature ?
(ক) Tomas Transtroemer
(খ) George Bernard
(গ) Pablo Neruda
(ঘ) Bertrand Russell
(ঙ) Leo Tolstoy
উত্তরঃ ঙ। Leo Tolstoy

৯৩। Which one is incorrect ?
(ক) IMO: International Maritime Organization
(খ) UNV: United Nations Volunteer
(গ) UNU: United Nation University
(ঘ) IFC: International Finance Company
(ঙ) UNDP: United Nations Development Program
উত্তরঃ ঘ। IFC: International Finance Company

৯৪। Soft loan window of World Bank is :
(ক) IBBD
(খ) IFC
(গ) IDA
(ঘ) MIGA
(ঙ) IBRD
উত্তরঃ গ। IDA

৯৫। Who is /was the first female head of the state in the Muslim world ?
(ক) Benazir Bhutto
(খ) Megawati Sukarmoputri
(গ) Beatriz
(ঘ) Hina Rabbani Khan
(ঙ) Isabella
উত্তরঃ ঙ। Isabella

৯৬। Which of the following is a novel written by Tlostoy ?
(ক) The Da Vinci Code
(খ) Anna Karenina
(গ) The Great Gatsby
(ঘ) David Coperfield
(ঙ) Madame Bovary
উত্তরঃ খ। Anna Karenina

৯৭। ‘Yuan’ is the currency of
(ক) Maynmar
(খ) Japan
(গ) China
(ঘ) South Korea
(ঙ) North Korea
উত্তরঃ গ। China

৯৮। The regulations related to intellectual property is known as :
(ক) IPRS
(খ) TRIM
(ঘ) GATT
(ঙ) ISO
উত্তরঃ গ। TRIPS

৯৯। With the death of Steve jobs which organization has recently lost the visionary and creative genius ?
(ক) Microsoft
(খ) IBM
(গ) Apple
(ঘ) Dell Computers
(ঙ) Lenovo
উত্তরঃ গ। Apple

১০০। Which is the first EPZ in Bangladesh ?
(ক) Chittagong EPZ
(খ) Dhaka EP
(গ) Mongla EPZ
(ঘ) Comilla EPZ
(ঙ) Rangpur EPZ
উত্তরঃ ক। Chittagong EPZ

১০১। A is thrice as good as workman as B and therefore is able to finish a job in 60 days less than B. Working together, they can do it in :
(ক) 20 days
(খ) 22.5 days
(গ) 25 days
(ঘ) 30 days
(ঙ) 15 days
উত্তরঃ খ। 22.5 days

১০২। Riaz spent 20% of his income on taxes and 20% of the remainder on rent . What percent of his income has he spent on rent ?
(ক) 12
(খ) 14
(গ) 16
(ঘ) 18
(ঙ) 15
উত্তরঃ গ। 16

১০৩। What is the slope of the line that contains the points ( 1, 3 ) and ( 4, -3 ) ?
(ক) -2
(খ) -0.5
(গ) 1
(ঘ) 2
(ঙ) 3
উত্তরঃ ক। -2

১০৪। The price of corn rose 20% two years ago and 15% last year . what is the combined percent increase in price ?
(ক) 5%
(খ) 17.5%
(গ) 25%
(ঘ) 35%
(ঙ) 38%
উত্তরঃ ঙ। 38%

১০৫। The organizers of a fair projected 25% increase of visitors this year over that of the last year but the actual turnover was 20% less than that of the last year. What percent of projected visitors attended the fair ?
(ক) 25%
(খ) 45%
(গ) 55%
(ঘ) 64%
(ঙ) 67%
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 64%

১০৬। If cigarettes were banned, life _
(ক) will be healthier
(খ) become healthier
(গ) should become healthier
(ঘ) would become healthier
(ঙ) become health
উত্তরঃ ঘ। would become healthier

১০৭। The synonym of ‘genesis’ is :
(ক) Generalized
(খ) Beginning
(গ) Ending
(ঘ) Magnanimous
(ঙ) Greater
উত্তরঃ খ। Beginning

১০৮। ‘Palgiarism’ is
(ক) the act of using someone else’s ideas as one’s own
(খ) the act of planning everything beforehand
(গ) the art of pottery
(ঘ) the art of playing a musical instrument
(ঙ) the belief in self love
উত্তরঃ ক। the act of using someone else’s ideas as one’s own

১০৯। Choose the correct one :
(ক) In spite of my illness, attended the meeting
(খ) Despite of my illness, attended the meeting
(গ) In spite my illness, attend the meeting
(ঘ) Despite my illness, I had attended the meeting
(ঙ) None of them
উত্তরঃ ক। In spite of my illness, attended the meeting

১১০। Before adapting to changes in value, many prefer to , to the universally agreed on principles that have been upheld for centuries.
(ক) innovate, protect
(খ) resist, defend
(গ) ponder, subvert
(ঘ) vacillate, publicize
(ঙ) revert, ignore
উত্তরঃ খ। resist, defend

১১১। Which of the following units represents the largest amount of data?
(ক) Gigabyte
(খ) Terabyte
(গ) Byte
(ঘ) Megabyte
(ঙ) Kilobyte
উত্তরঃ খ। Terabyte

১১২। Which of the following are you probably using if you are viewing windows and icons ?
(ক) Menu-driven Interface
(খ) Graphical Interface
(গ) Command Driven Interface
(ঘ) Character User Interface
(ঙ) Menu User Interface
উত্তরঃ খ। Graphical Interface

১১৩। When electrical power is disrupted or cut off, data and programs are lost in :
(ক) Secondary storage
(খ) Hard Disk
(গ) Operating System
(ঘ) RAM
(ঙ) ROM
উত্তরঃ ঘ। RAM

১১৪। UNIX is a :
(ক) Word processing program
(খ) Database
(গ) Operating System
(ঘ) Hardware
(ঙ) Anti-virus
উত্তরঃ গ। Operating System

১১৫। Bluetooth is the popular name for the _ wireless networking standard.
(ক) 802.15
(খ) 802.11
(গ) 702.15
(ঘ) 702.11
(ঙ) 815.05
উত্তরঃ খ। 802.11

১১৬। In MS Word, CTRL + E will result in:
(ক) Table
(খ) Centre alignment
(গ) Exit from MS Word
(ঘ) Underlined
(ঙ) Deleted Text
উত্তরঃ খ। Centre alignment

১১৭। কোনটি সঠিক শব্দ ?
(ক) আপদমস্তক
(খ) আপাদমস্তক
(গ) আপদমস্ত
(ঘ) অপাদমস্তক
(ঙ) আপাদমাস্তক
উত্ত খ। আপাদমস্তক

১১৮। সমাস নির্ণয় করুন ‘দশ আনন যাহার–দশানন’
(ক) দ্বন্দ্ব সমাস
(খ) কর্মধারয়
(গ) বহুব্রীহি সমাস
(ঘ) অব্যয়ীভাব
(ঙ) মধ্যপদলোপী কর্মধারয়
উত্তরঃ গ। বহুব্রীহি সমাস

১১৯। বিপরীত শব্দ নির্ণয় করুন ‘ভূত’
(ক) অশরীর
(খ) অবাস্তব
(গ) বর্তমান
(ঘ) অতীত
(ঙ) ভবিষ্যৎ
উত্তরঃ ঙ। ভবিষ্যৎ

১২০। ‘কী অপদ! লোকটা যে পিছু ছাড়ে না।’ বাক্যটিতে কি প্রকাশ পেয়েছে ?
(ক) বিরক্তি
(খ) ঘৃণা
(গ) যন্ত্রণা
(ঘ) কষ্ট
(ঙ) দুঃখ
উত্তরঃ ক। বিরক্তি

১২১। ‘রক্ত করবী’ কোন জাতীয় গ্রন্থ ?
(ক) উপন্যাস
(খ) কাব্য
(গ) নাটক
(ঘ) গল্প গ্রন্থ
(ঙ) কাব্য নাট্য
উত্তরঃ গ। নাটক

১২২। Attention is most often focused on net exports because that figure measures the net effect of a nation’s trade in goods and services with the rest of the world . In 2000, net exports were 5.8% of GNP and in 2005, they were 6.8% . If the information above
(ক) Exports were greater than imports in 2005, but not in 2000
(খ) Exports increased from 2000 to 2005
(গ) In 2005, the increased in Exports was nearly double of that in 2000
(ঘ) In 2000, net exports were greaterthan in 2005
(ঙ) If GNP was constant from 2000 to 2005 , net exports were greater in 2005 than in 2000
উত্তরঃ ঙ। If GNP was constant from 2000 to 2005 , net exports were greater in 2005 than in 2000

১২৩। According to the proposed national budget for FY 2011-12, what is the minimum level of taxable income for a tax payer in general ?
(ক) 150,000
(খ) 160,000
(গ) 165,000
(ঘ) 180,000
(ঙ) 200,000
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 180,000

১২৪। Presently how many credit rating agencies are there Bangladesh ?
(ক) 2
(খ) 3
(গ) 6
(ঘ) 8
(ঙ) 12
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 8

১২৫। What is the regulatory agency for non-bank financial agency in Bangladesh ?
(ক) SEC
(খ) Ministry of Finance
(গ) Bangladesh Bank
(ঘ) ICB
(ঙ) Bangladesh Leasing Association
উত্তরঃ গ। Bangladesh Bank

১২৬। What is the expected GDP growth rate for current fiscal year as stipulated tn the budget ?
(ক) 7%
(খ) 7.55
(গ) 8%
(ঘ) 9%
(ঙ) 10%
উত্তরঃ ক। 7%

১২৭। 75% of students of a class answered Question No. 1 correct and 55% answered Question No. 1 correct and 20% answered neither question correctly . What percent of students answered both question correctly ?
(ক) 20%
(খ) 25%
(গ) 35%
(ঘ) 45%
(ঙ) 50%
উত্তরঃ ঙ। 50%

১২৮। The taxicab charges TK. 4.60 for the first 0.2 mile of a trip and TK. 1.20 for each of 0.2 of a mile or a part thereof . If the trip is 2.5 miles one way and the waiting charge is TK. 7.50 for 30 minutes or part thereof . What will be the fare for a round?
(ক) 50
(খ) 55
(গ) 60
(ঘ) 6.50
(ঙ) 75
উত্তরঃ খ। 55

১২৯। How many squares are there in a chess board if each player has got 16 pawns to play with?
(ক) 64
(খ) 128
(গ) 204
(ঘ) 256
(ঙ) 552
উত্তরঃ গ। 204

১৩০। Two planes leave the airport at the same time . Minutes later, plane A is 33 miles due north of the airport and plane B is 56 miles due east of the airport . How far apart are the two planes ?
(ক) 82
(খ) 119
(গ) 65
(ঘ) 93
(ঙ) 66
উত্তরঃ গ। 65

১৩১। Which of the following terms does not describe the number 9 ?
(ক) Prime
(খ) Integer
(গ) Real Number
(ঘ) Whole Number
(ঙ) Rational Number
উত্তরঃ ক। Prime

১৩২। A circular pool is filling with water . Assuming the water level will be 4ft deep and the diameter is 20 ft , what is the approximate volume of the water needed to fill the pool ?
(ক) 251.2 cubic ft
(খ) 1,256 cubic ft
(গ) 5,024 cubic ft
(ঘ) 3,140 cubic ft
(ঙ) 4,410 cubic ft
উত্তরঃ খ। 1,256 cubic ft

১৩৩। If the length and width of a rectangle garden plot were each increased by 20% , what would be the percent increase in the area of plot ?
(ক) 20%
(খ) 24%
(গ) 36%
(ঘ) 40%
(ঙ) 44%
উত্তরঃ ঙ। 44%

১৩৪। In how many ways can the letters of the word ‘ARRANGE’ be arranged in which the two Rs and two As come together ?
(ক) 360
(খ) 120
(গ) 95
(ঘ) 75
(ঙ) 150
উত্তরঃ খ। 120

১৩৫। In the two consecutive numbers one-fourth of the smaller one exceeds one – fifth of the larger one by 3 . The numbers are :
(ক) 36, 37
(খ) 13, 12
(গ) 64, 65
(ঘ) 24, 25
(ঙ) 75, 76
উত্তরঃ গ। 64, 65

১৩৬। By selling a book for TK. 56, gain is as much percent as it costs in taka. The cost price is :
(ক) 280
(খ) 40
(গ) 360
(ঘ) 140
(ঙ) 500
উত্তরঃ খ। 40

১৩৭। A researcher computed the mean , median and standard deviation for a set of performance score . If 5 were to be added to each score , which of these three statistics would change ?
(ক) The mean only
(খ) The median only
(গ) The standard deviation only
(ঘ) The mean and median only
(ঙ) The mean and the standard deviation only
উত্তরঃ ঘ। The mean and median only

১৩৮। 8% of 0.06 = ?
(ক) 0.048
(খ) 0.48
(গ) 4.8
(ঘ) 0.0048
(ঙ) 0.00048
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 0.0048

১৩৯। The average of a series of consecutive odd numbers is 33. If there are 7 numbers in the series, what is the lowest number in the series ?
(ক) 25
(খ) 27
(গ) 29
(ঘ) 37
(ঙ) 39
উত্তরঃ খ। 27

১৪০। Three years ago the government introduced the Youth Training Program to guarantee teenagers leaving school an alternative to the dole. Today, over one hundred thousand 17 and 18 year olds are still signing on for unemployment benefits . Each of the follow
(ক) The program provides uninteresting work
(খ) It is difficult to find work for all the program’s graduates
(গ) The number of 17 and 18 year old youths has increased over the past three year
(ঘ) Unemployment benefits are known while future salaries are not
(ঙ) Youths are unaware of the program’s benefits
উত্তরঃ গ। The number of 17 and 18 year old youths has increased over the past three year

১৪১। An economist was quoted as saying that the cost of living index ( COL ) will go up next month because a recent increase in the price of fruits and vegetables . Which of the following cannot be inferred from the statement ?
(ক) The cost of fruits and vegetables has risen sharply
(খ) Consumers have decreased their consumption of fruits and vegetables
(গ) The cost of fruits and vegetables is a major item in the COL
(ঘ) Other items that make up the COL have not significantly decreased in price
(ঙ) Food cost changes are reflected quickly in the COL
উত্তরঃ খ। Consumers have decreased their consumption of fruits and vegetables

১৪২। The exchange rate is the ruling official rate of exchange of dollars for other currencies . It determines the value of American goods in relation to foreign goods. If the the dollar is devalued in terms of other currencies , American exports which are
(ক) There are certain disadvantages for the United States economy attached to devaluation
(খ) The prospect of devaluation results in a speculative outflow of funds
(গ) By encouraging exports and discouraging imports, devaluation can improve the American balance of payments
(ঘ) The difference between the exports and imports is called the trade gap
(ঙ) It is possible that inflation neutralises the beneficial effects of devaluation
উত্তরঃ গ। By encouraging exports and discouraging imports, devaluation can improve the American balance of payments

১৪৩। A car uses 1 liter of petrol to travel 17 miles. After a tune-up, the car travels 17% farther on one liters. How many liters ( best approximation ) of petrol will it take for the car to travel 170 miles after a tune-up ?
(ক) 8.1
(খ) 7.9
(গ) 9.3
(ঘ) 9.1
(ঙ) 8.5
উত্তরঃ ঙ। 8.5

১৪৪। If x + y > 5 and x – y > 3, then which of the following gives all and only possible values of x ?
(ক) x < 3 (খ) x > 3
(গ) x > 4
(ঘ) x < 5 (ঙ) x > 5
উত্তরঃ গ। x > 4

১৪৫। Three angles of a triangle are in proportion 5 : 6 : 7. Then what is the difference in degrees between the biggest and the smallest angles ?
(ক) 15
(খ) 20
(গ) 25
(ঘ) 30
(ঙ) 10
উত্তরঃ খ। 20

১৪৬। Square of a number plus two times the number equal 63. What is the number ?
(ক) 7
(খ) 9
(গ) -9
(ঘ) 7 or -9
(ঙ) 8
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 7 or -9

১৪৭। Which of the following is would be analogous to “Refinery : Petroleum” ?
(ক) mill : grain
(খ) mine : ore
(গ) warehouse : merchandise
(ঘ) generator : electricity
(ঙ) forest : lumber
উত্তরঃ ক। mill : grain

১৪৮। ‘Gargantuan’ – Which is the perfect antonym?
(ক) fearful
(খ) tiny in size
(গ) eager
(ঘ) success
(ঙ) rare
উত্তরঃ খ। tiny in size

১৪৯। ‘Vacillate’ – Which is the perfect antonym?
(ক) irritate
(খ) hestitate
(গ) determine
(ঘ) debate
(ঙ) amplify
উত্তরঃ গ। determine

১৫০। Match the best alternative that corresponds to the underlined words : Dwelling taxes are based on an ‘estimate of the value’ of one’s property ,
(ক) appraisal
(খ) forecast
(গ) diagnosis
(ঘ) outline
(ঙ) load
উত্তরঃ ক। appraisal

১৫১। For an investor who __ money , silver or bond provides a good option .
(ক) has so little a
(খ) has very little
(গ) has so few
(ঘ) has very few
(ঙ) has a quite a few
উত্তরঃ ক। has so little a

১৫২। WAN stands for :
(ক) Wap Area Network
(খ) Wide Area Network
(গ) Wide Array Net
(ঘ) Wireless Area Network
(ঙ) World Area Network
উত্তরঃ খ। Wide Area Network

১৫৩। Which file extensions do indicate only graphics files ?
(ক) BMP and DOC
(খ) JPEG and TXT
(গ) TXT and STK
(ঘ) BMP and GIF
(ঙ) XLS and DAT
উত্তরঃ ঘ। BMP and GIF

১৫৪। The goal to ensure the accuracy , integrity and safety of all information system processes and resources is goal of :
(ক) Security management
(খ) Firewalls
(গ) Encryptions
(ঘ) Cyber theft
(ঙ) Hacking
উত্তরঃ ঘ। Cyber theft

১৫৫। ‘বসুমতী’ শব্দটির সমার্থক শব্দ কোনটি ?
(ক) ফুল
(খ) নগ
(গ) গিরি
(ঘ) কানন
(ঙ) ধরিত্রী
উত্তরঃ ঙ। ধরিত্রী

১৫৬। ‘পরার্থ’ শব্দের অর্থ —
(ক) পরাধীন
(খ) ভিন্ন অর্থ
(গ) দৈব্য
(ঘ) পরোপকার
(ঙ) পরনিন্দা করা
উত্তরঃ ঘ। পরোপকার

১৫৭। ‘যে নারী প্রিয় কথা বলে’ এর এক কথায় প্রকাশ কি হবে ?
(ক) প্রিয়ভাষিণী
(খ) প্রিয়ংবদা
(গ) মিষ্টিভাষিণী
(ঘ) সুবক্তা
(ঙ) প্রিয়া
উত্তরঃ খ। প্রিয়ংবদা

১৫৮। “সাত সাগরের মাঝি” কাব্যগ্রন্থের রচয়িতা কে ?
(ক) কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম
(খ) ফখরুখ আহমেদ
(গ) আব্দুর কাদির
(ঘ) বন্দে আলী মিয়া
(ঙ) জীবানানন্দ দাশ
উত্তরঃ খ। ফখরুখ আহমেদ

১৫৯। বৃষ্টি’র সন্ধি বিচ্ছেদ
(ক) বৃষ + টি
(খ) বৃশ + টি
(গ) বৃষ + তি
(ঘ) বৃ+ ষ্টি
(ঙ) বৃষঃ + টি
উত্তরঃ গ। বৃষ + তি

১৬০। Average of 17 even consecutive integers is 42. What is the third integer from the beginning of the series when the integers are arranged in an increasing sequence ?
(ক) 28
(খ) 29
(গ) 30
(ঘ) 34
(ঙ) 36
উত্তরঃ গ। 30

১৬১। In 1990, Hotel Seagull earned TK. 5 million in tourist revenue. By 2000, tourist revenue doubled and in 2010, it reached the sum TK. 20 million. Each of the following , if true , may explain the trend in tourist revenue except :
(ক) The number of total hotel rooms has increased
(খ) The number of tourist has increased from 1990 to 2010
(গ) Average stay per tourist has increased
(ঘ) The average price of tourist services has increased
(ঙ) Average expenditure per tourist has increased
উত্তরঃ ক। The number of total hotel rooms has increased

১৬২। The earth’s resources are being depleted too fast. To correct this , Alpha country must keep its resource consumption at present levels for many years to come. Which of the following , if true , would most strengthen the argument above ?
(ক) New resource deposits are constantly being discovered
(খ) Other countries need economic development more than Alpha country does.
(গ) Alpha country consumes one-third of all resources used in the world
(ঘ) Other countries have agreed to hold their resource consumption at present levels
(ঙ) Alpha country has been conserving resources for several years
উত্তরঃ গ। Alpha country consumes one-third of all resources used in the world

১৬৩। Of the five bill collectors at Apex Collection Agency, Mr . Mamun has the highest rate of unsuccessful collections . Yet Mr . Mamun is the best bill collector on the agency’s staff. which one of the following , if true, most helps to resolve the apparent
(ক) None of the bill collectors at the agency has been working longer than Mr . Mamun
(খ) The other four bill collectors at the agency consider Mr. Mamun to be a very capable bill collector
(গ) Mr. Manun’s rate of collections per year has remained fairly steady in the last few years
(ঘ) Before joining the agency , Mr. Mamun was affiliated with the credit department of a large department store
(ঙ) Mr. Mamun is assigned to the majority of the most difficult cases at the agency
উত্তরঃ ঙ। Mr. Mamun is assigned to the majority of the most difficult cases at the agency

১৬৪। If the second day of the month is a Monday , the eighteenth day of the month is a _
(ক) Sunday
(খ) Tuesday
(গ) Wednesday
(ঘ) Monday
(ঙ) Thursday
উত্তরঃ গ। Wednesday

১৬৫। Mr. A is 5 years senior to Mr. B, Mr. B is 3 years senior to Mr. C, and Mr. C is 2 years junior to Mr. D in job experience . If Mr. D has 15 years job experience , how many years of experience does Mr. A possess ?
(ক) 18
(খ) 19
(গ) 20
(ঘ) 21
(ঙ) 22
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 21

১৬৬। In the middle of around pool lies a water-lily . The water-lily doubles in size every day . After exactly 20 days the complete pool will be covered by the lily. After how days will half of the pool be covered by water-lily ?
(ক) 3
(খ) 7
(গ) 10
(ঘ) 15
(ঙ) 19
উত্তরঃ ঙ। 19

১৬৭। How many of the integers between 110 and 120 are prime numbers ?
(ক) 0
(খ) 1
(গ) 2
(ঘ) 3
(ঙ) 4
উত্তরঃ খ। 1

১৬৮। Unless the new reserves are found soon, the world’s supply of coal is being depleted in such a way that with demand continuing to grow at present rates, reserves will be exhausted by the year 2050. Which of the following , if true , will weaken he above a
(ক) There has been a slowdown in the rate of increase in world demand for coal over the last 5 years from 10% to 5%
(খ) It has been known for many years that there are vast stocks of coal under Antarctica which have yet to be economically exploited
(গ) Oil is being used increasingly in place of coal for many industrial and domestic uses
(ঘ) As coal resources are depleted more and marginal supplies , which are more costly to produce and less efficient in use , are being mined
(ঙ) Industries are increasingly using fossil fuels, now a days , as the new reserves of such energy have been discovered
উত্তরঃ ঙ। Industries are increasingly using fossil fuels, now a days , as the new reserves of such energy have been discovered

১৬৯। From a group of 7 men and 6 women, five persons are to be selected to from a committee so that at least 3 men are there on the committee. In how many ways can it be done ?
(ক) 564
(খ) 645
(গ) 735
(ঘ) 756
(ঙ) 749
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 756

১৭০। What is the missing number in the following series ? 1, 4, 9, ?, 25
(ক) 15
(খ) 16
(গ) 17
(ঘ) 18
(ঙ) 19
উত্তরঃ খ। 16

১৭১। A train which travels at a uniform speed due to some mechanical fault after traveling for an hour goes at 3/5th of the original speed and reached the destination 2 hours late. If the fault had occurred after traveling another 50 miles, the train would ha
(ক) 280
(খ) 300
(গ) 310
(ঘ) 320
(ঙ) 305
উত্তরঃ খ। 300

১৭২। M goes to the gym every fourth day . E’s exercise routine is to go every third day. Today is Monday and both M and E are at the gym. What will the day of the week be the next time they are BOTH at gym ?
(ক) Sunday
(খ) Wednesday
(গ) Friday
(ঘ) Saturday
(ঙ) Monday
উত্তরঃ ঘ। Saturday

১৭৩। The principal monetary policy objective is to reduce substantially the import surplus of the coming years while resuming economic growth. Realization of this goal entails a marked structural change of the economy, which can be brought about by freezing th
(ক) Economic growth will result in a structural change of the economy
(খ) Only if people consume less can the economy grow
(গ) The import surplus can be reduced if investment is restricted
(ঘ) Only a structural change in the economy can substantially increase imports
(ঙ) People will have to be persuaded to give up consumption for the national good
উত্তরঃ ঙ। People will have to be persuaded to give up consumption for the national good

১৭৪। Choose the pair of numbers which comes next : 75, 65, 85, 55, 45, 85, 35, …….?
(ক) 25, 15
(খ) 25, 85
(গ) 35, 25
(ঘ) 35, 85
(ঙ) 15, 85
উত্তরঃ খ। 25, 85

১৭৫। Monopoly is characterized by an absence of or decline in competition . The ABC Company realizes that its operations are in competitive industries. Which of the following conclusions may be inferred from the above ?
(ক) ABC’s market is not monopolistic
(খ) Monopoly is defined as one seller in a market
(গ) The ABC Company has no domestic competitors
(ঘ) The ABC Company is publicly own
(ঙ) The ABC Company is in a service industry
উত্তরঃ ক। ABC’s market is not monopolistic

১৭৬। The only persons who attended a meeting were four ship captains and the first mates of three of those captains . The captains were R, S, T, and W; the first mates were L, N, and V. Each first mate present spoke immediately after his or her captain . S was the first captain to speak, and T was the second captain to speak. Which of the following order did the speaker follow?
(ক) S, L, T, V, W, R, N
(খ) S, N, T, V, R, W, L
(গ) S, T, L, R, N, W, V
(ঘ) S, T, L, W, N, R, V
(ঙ) All of them
উত্তরঃ ঙ। All of them

১৭৭। If the length and width of a rectangle garden plot were each increased by 20% , what would be the percent increase in the area of plot ?
(ক) 20%
(খ) 24%
(গ) 36%
(ঘ) 40%
(ঙ) 44%
উত্তরঃ ঙ। 44%

১৭৮। if x>0 and yx=x, , then what is the value of y in terms of x?
(ক) 1x
(খ) x
(গ) xx
(ঘ) x2x
(ঙ) x3
উত্তরঃ ঙ। x3

১৭৯। If x =-1, then x4-x3+x2x-1=?
(ক) -32
(খ) -12
(গ) 12
(ঘ) 32
উত্তরঃ ক। -32

১৮০। If x =5 , what is the value of (x7÷x5×x2)?
(ক) 5
(খ) 25
(গ) 125
(ঘ) 625
(ঙ) 50
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 625

১৮১। A cube has a volume of 8m3 . If each side is doubled is length, what will be its new volume ?
(ক) 16M3
(খ) 24M3
(গ) 32M3
(ঘ) 48M3
(ঙ) 64M3
উত্তরঃ ঙ। 64M3

১৮২। How many degrees does a minute hand move in 20 minutes?
(ক) 20°
(খ) 120°
(গ) 60°
(ঘ) 100°
(ঙ) 90°
উত্তরঃ খ। 120°

১৮৩। √150 + √150 = ?
(ক) 45
(খ) 20
(গ) 25
(ঘ) 600
(ঙ) 300
উত্তরঃ গ। 25

১৮৪। In the figure , AB and AC are radii of two circles. Length of BC is 6. If AB = 4, what is AC? AC is tangent to the circle with centre B.
(ক) 25
(খ) 5.5
(গ) 35
(ঘ) 32
উত্তরঃ ক। 25

১৮৫। Which of the following is not the name of a Greek God?
(ক) Venus
(খ) Neptune
(গ) Pluto
(ঘ) Jupiter
(ঙ) Earth
উত্তরঃ ঙ। Earth

১৮৬। When did South Sudan become the newest independent state in the world ?
(ক) March 30, 2011
(খ) April 30, 2011
(গ) May 04, 2011
(ঘ) June 04, 2011
(ঙ) July 9, 2011
উত্তরঃ ঙ। July 9, 2011

১৮৭। With which device are earthquakes recorded ?
(ক) Barometer
(খ) Oscillator
(গ) Voltmeter
(ঘ) Seismograph
(ঙ) Thermometer
উত্তরঃ ঘ। Seismograph

১৮৮। Which organization World Bank is known as the ‘soft-loan window ‘?
(ক) IDA
(খ) IFC
(গ) EDI
(ঘ) IBRD
(ঙ) ICB
উত্তরঃ ক। IDA

১৮৯। Government fiscal policy is related to :
(ক) Tax
(খ) Money supply
(গ) Export-import
(ঘ) FDI
(ঙ) Financial institution
উত্তরঃ ক। Tax

১৯০। What is the Statutory Liquidity Reserve (SLR) for the commercial banks set by the Bangladesh Bank ?
(ক) 19%
(খ) 18.5%
(গ) 19.5%
(ঘ) 17.5%
(ঙ) 18%
উত্তরঃ ক। 19%

১৯১। Who is the president of the “Executive Committee of the National Economic Council” of Bangladesh ?
(ক) president
(খ) Prime Minister
(গ) Finance Minister
(ঘ) Planning Minister
(ঙ) Bangladesh Bank Governor
উত্তরঃ খ। Prime Minister

১৯২। Which Bangladeshi engineer is the designer of record (DOR) of the planned large US civil work in Louisiana
(ক) A F Rahaman
(খ) Jamilur Chowdhury
(গ) Ainun Nishat
(ঘ) Anwar Zahid
(ঙ) Mahbubul Azam
উত্তরঃ ক। A F Rahaman

১৯৩। What is the size of Annual Development Programme for Bangladesh for FY 2001-12 ?
(ক) Taka 256.11 Billion
(খ) Taka 397.56 Billion
(গ) Taka 472.76 Billion
(ঘ) Taka 512.14 Billion
(ঙ) Taka 649.89 Billion
উত্তরঃ ক। Taka 256.11 Billion

১৯৪। How many non-bank financial institutions are in the financial market of Bangladesh ?
(ক) 07
(খ) 12
(গ) 18
(ঘ) 20
(ঙ) 29
উত্তরঃ ঙ। 29

১৯৫। The country with the largest amount of public debt is :
(ক) Greece
(খ) Portugal
(গ) Iceland
(ঘ) USA
(ঙ) China
উত্তরঃ ঘ। USA

১৯৬। Who won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2010 ?
(ক) Peter A . Diamond
(খ) Dale T . Mortensen
(গ) Christopher A . Passarides
(ঘ) Peter Dale Francis
(ঙ) A, B and C
উত্তরঃ ঙ। A, B and C

১৯৭। What is the name of the present regulatory agency for the insurance sector in Bangladesh ?
(ক) Controller of Insurance
(খ) Bangladesh Bank
(গ) Bangladesh Insurance Academy
(ঘ) Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority
(ঙ) Insurance Controlling Authority
উত্তরঃ ঘ। Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority

১৯৮। Pixel of a color monitor consist of how many color dots ?
(ক) 5
(খ) 4
(গ) 3
(ঘ) 2
(ঙ) many
উত্তরঃ গ। 3

১৯৯। Which of the following act empowers Bangladesh Bank to issue licenses to carry out banking business in Bangladesh ?
(ক) Bangladesh Bank Ordinance, 1972
(খ) Bank Companies Act, 1991
(গ) Companies Act, 1994
(ঘ) British Banking Act, 1886
(ঙ) Bank and Financial Institutions Act, 2003
উত্তরঃ খ। Bank Companies Act, 1991

২০০। Which of the following is the prudential regulator of UK financial services industry ?
(ক) Bank of England
(খ) Financial Services Administration
(গ) Financial Services Authority
(ঘ) European Central Bank
(ঙ) Her Majesty’s Treaty
উত্তরঃ গ। Financial Services Authority

Mustafij Sir

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2 years ago

SSC-২০২৩ হিন্দু ধর্ম-পঞ্চম অধ্যায়- দেবদেবী ও পূজা সৃজনশীল ও বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্নোত্তর

পঞ্চম অধ্যায় দেবদেবী ও পূজা এ অধ্যায়ে আমরা পূজা, পুরোহিতের ধারণা ও যোগ্যতা, দেবী দুর্গা,…

2 years ago

SSC-২০২৩ হিন্দু ধর্ম-চতুর্থ অধ্যায়- হিন্দুধর্মে সংস্কার সৃজনশীল ও বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্নোত্তর

চতুর্থ অধ্যার হিন্দুধর্মে সংস্কার আমাদের এই পার্থিব জীবনকে সুন্দর ও কল্যাণময় করে গড়ে তোলার লড়্গ্েয…

2 years ago

SSC-২০২৩ হিন্দু ধর্ম-তৃতীয় অধ্যায়, ধর্মীয় আচার-অনুষ্ঠান সৃজনশীল ও বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্নোত্তর

তৃতীয় অধ্যায় ধর্মীয় আচার-অনুষ্ঠান আমাদের জীবনকে সুন্দর ও কল্যাণময় করার জন্য যেসব আচার-আচরণ চর্চিত হয়…

2 years ago

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