English 1st Paper Class Six-Question Type : 4 (Chose The Best Answer)

1.  Fill in the gaps using clues from the boxes. There are more words than necessary.        0.5 × 10 = 5


      We must not (a) — our energy and money any more. We need to take (b) — to educate our people. Emphasis (c) — be given on primary education. There should be at (d) — one primary school in (e) — and every village. Our government has made primary (f) — compulsory. A (g) — has been passed in the (h) — . To remove illiteracy from the (i) — some more steps may be taken. The (j) — adults need to be educated.

Ans. (a) waste; (b) steps; (c) should; (d) least; (e) each; (f) education; (g) law; (h) assembly; (i) country; (j) illiterate.

2.  Fill in the gaps using clues from the box. There are more words than necessary.                                                                                      0.5 × 10 = 5


     When a child is born, it is (a) — helpless. It is the parents who affectionately (b) — it up to grow (c) — an adult. The (d) — and sufferings they (e) — for us can never be (f) — in words. There is none dearer to us (g) — our father and mother. In this way, we (h) — obey our parents and not do (i) — that may wound their (j) —.

Ans. (a) absolutely; (b) bring; (c) into; (d) troubles; (e) bear; (f) described; (g) than; (h) should; (i) anything; (j) feelings.

3.  Fill in the gaps using clues from the box. There are more words than necessary.                                                                                       0.5 × 10 = 5

recent                                                                                       Oxygencollectingheldancientspreadsold

     Amongst all the exhibitions, the book fairs are of (a) — origin. They are frequently (b) — in towns and cities now. Last year I (c) — Ekushey Boi Mela in Bangla Academy premises. There were a number of stalls and thousands of books (d) —. It was a great opportunity of (e) — a varied choice of books. Book lovers (f) — there. I was tempted to buy a lot of books but my purse didn’t (g) — me. So I bought a few books and (h) — a lot of catalogues. However, a book fair (i) — the message that books are the best friends. Books (j) — our vision and make our life meaningful.

Ans.(a) recent; (b) held; (c) visited; (d) displayed; (e) collecting; (f) crowded; (g) permit; (h) had; (i) spreads; (j) enlarge.

4.  Fill in the gaps using clues from the box. There are more words than necessary.                                                                                       0.5 × 10 = 5


     Research around the world points to (a) — recipe for well-being. Eat simple (b) — not elite treats. Nutritionists have been (c) — International Super foods-dishes, from around the (d) — that may hold the key to (e) — eating. In many countries they have (f) —, the healthiest diet is the simple, (g) — diet that people give up as (h) — move into prosperity. This diet is often (i) — the peasant diet. It’s usually based (j) — grains, fruits and vegetables and small amount of meat, fish or eggs.

Ans. (a) a; (b) foods; (c) studying; (d) globe; (e) healthy; (f) found; (g) inexpensive;
(h) they; (i) called; (j) on.

5.  Fill in the gaps using clues from the boxes. There are more words than necessary.                                                                                      0.5 × 10 = 5


     We should love our homeland. (a) — is sweeter than homeland because (b) — native is greatly attached to (c) — soil, air, water, wind and (d) — of the homeland since his (e) — her birth. We are Bangladeshi (f) — birth. As a citizen of (g) — we need to love our (h) — from the core of our (i) —. The prosperity of our country (j) — on our feelings of patriotism.

Ans. (a) Nothing; (b) any; (c) the; (d) sky; (e) or; (f) by; (g) Bangladesh; (h) homeland;

      (i) heart; (j) depends.

6.  Fill in the gaps using clues from the box. There are more words than necessary.                                                                                      0.5 × 10 = 5


     Proper education provides a learner (a) — opportunity to improve all his (b) —. Its aim is perfect development (c) — so that he can be (d) — to himself and to the (e) —. An educated man is self-reliant. (f) — he can also assist others (g) — attaining this great virtue. He (h) — supposed to be well-mannered, kind (i) — sympathetic. So a man who (j) — acquired knowledge and skill only for his material development, cannot be called truly an educated man.

Ans. (a) with; (b) talents; (c) mentally; (d) useful; (e) society; (f) But; (g) in; (h) is;

     (i) and; (j) has.

7.  Fill in the gaps using clues from the box. There are more words than necessary.                                                                                           1 × 5 = 5


     In Bangladesh, boat races are (a) — for a festival. Boat race is a folk (b) — which is held at the local or (c) ― level. Different types of boats are (d) — in different areas of Bangladesh and they are given (e) — names such as Pankhiraj, Tuphan, Jharer Pakhe, Mayurpankhi, Sonar Tory and so on. The (f) — slim boats speed up (g) — typical splashing sound. Musical instruments (h) — dhak, dhol, jhanjhor, kansi and ghanta are (i) —to raise morale and strength of the boatmen and inspire (j) —.

Ans.(a) played; (b) sport; (c) national; (d) used; (e) different; (f) long; (g) with; (h) like; (i) used; (j) them.

8.  Fill in the gaps using clues from the box. There are more words than necessary.                                                                                      0.5 × 10 = 5


     Most students learn (a) — by note taking them from a common (b) —. I think this is again a wrong (c) — of preparing for an (d) —. For one thing it’s no good (e) — things without understanding or thinking about them. You become a parrot. Another reason is that examiners get bored when they find almost the same answers in all the (f) —. You can’t blame them if they don’t give you good (g) —. If you were an (h) —, you (i) — do the (j) — thing.

Ans. (a) answers; (b) source; (c) way; (d) examination; (e) memorizing; (f) scripts;
(g) marks; (h) examiner; (i) would; (j) same.

9.  Fill in the gaps using clues from the box. There are more words than necessary.                                                                                      0.5 × 10 = 5


     A number of languages (a) —— taught in (b) —— universities. Among them (c) —— is (d) —— compulsorily (e) —— class 1 to 14. It is (f) —— only language that can (g) —— you (h) —— a job both at home (i) —— abroad. That is why, much importance has been (j) —— on learning English during the recent years.

Ans. (a) are; (b) our; (c) English; (d) taught; (e) from; (f) the; (g) help; (h) find; (i) and; (j) given.

10. Fill in the gaps using clues from the box. There are more words than necessary.                                                                                      0.5 × 10 = 5


     (a) — effect is the gradual (b) — of the air (c) — the earth as a result of heat being (d) — by (e) — pollution. This is exemplified by the destruction and (f) — down of tropical (g) — forests, by (h) — that clogs up city streets, by the rapid (i) — of industry, the use of CFC in packaging and (j) — commercial products.

Ans. (a) Greenhouse; (b) pollution; (c) surrounding; (d) trapped; (e) environment;
(f) burning; (g) rain; (h) traffic; (i) growth; (j) manufacturing.

11. Fill in the gaps using clues from the box. There are more words than necessary.                                                                                       0.5 × 10 = 5

carbon dioxidedownmomentsobalancedestroy

     Trees are (a) — to us in many (b) —. They give us (c) — without which we can’t live a single (d) —. They also take (e) — from animals and thus keep ecological (f) —. Trees also help to prevent us from (g) — calamities. If we cut (h) — trees at random, our country will face (i) — which we may not overcome. So we must plant trees for our own (j) —.

Ans. (a) useful; (b) ways; (c) oxygen; (d) moment; (e) carbon dioxide; (f) balance;
(g) natural; (h) down; (i) disaster; (j) sake.

12. Fill in the gaps using clues from the box.  There are more words than necessary.                                                                                      0.5 × 10 = 5


     Television has become (a) — most common and wide spread (b) — of entertainment of the (c) — world. A wide range of programmes of varied (d) — is telecast (e) — numerous channels. Almost every middle class and (f) — working class families have a (g) — set today. Television programmes are not only entertaining; they can be highly educative (h) —. For example, television is used for (i) — learning. Courses run by the Open University are shown (j) — television.

Ans. (a) the; (b) form; (c) modern; (d) subjects; (e) through; (f) even; (g) television;
(h) too; (i) distance; (j) on.

13.     Fill in the gaps using clues from the boxes. There are more words than necessary.        0.5 × 10 = 5


We live in an (a) — of science. We can see the influence of science in (b) — spheres. Science is a (c) — companion of our daily life. We have made the impossible (d) — possible by means of science. The modern (e) — is a contribution of science. At present we can (f) — travel from one place to (g) —. But in ancient time journey was difficult. (h) — has to spend a lot of time (i) — money for travelling. But we should remember that science has to be explored for the greater welfare of (j) — .

Ans. (a) age; (b) all; (c) constant; (d) things; (e) civilization; (f) easily; (g) another;
(h) Man; (i) and; (j) mankind.

14. Fill in the gaps using clues from the box. There are more words than necessary.                                                                                      0.5 × 10 = 5


     Crops need water. Farmers must (a) — their fields if there is a very (b) — rain at any time. But irrigation is not (c) — if there is no river (d) — to the crops. Canals can carry (e) — water to the fields. Sometimes much water (f) — flood. A dam may (g) — the difficulties of irrigation. A (h) — lake can be built (i) — the dam. Dams are not (j) — invention.

Ans. (a) irrigate; (b) little; (c) easy; (d) close; (e) river; (f) causes; (g) remove; (h) great;

 (i) behind; (j) recent.

15. Fill in the gaps using clues from the box. There are more words than necessary.                                                                                       0.5 × 10 = 5


     A flower is the best (a) — of nature. It is a symbol of (b) — and beauty. It (c) — us pleasure. There is nobody (d) — likes a flower. But it is a matter of sorrow that (e) — flower does not last long. It (f) — in the morning and (g) — away very soon. Now-a-days, flowers are (h) — in our country. Many people earn their living (i) — flower cultivation. At present flower cultivation is (j) — in our country.

Ans. (a) creation; (b) purity; (c) gives; (d) but; (e) the; (f) blooms; (g) withers;
(h) cultivated; (i) by; (j) popular.

16. Fill in the gaps using clues from the box. There are more words than necessary.                                                                                       0.5 × 10 = 5


     Patriotism is a noble virtue. It is an (a) — in human nature. It inspires a man (b) — shed every drop of blood to defend the (c) — and dignity of the country. But patriotism should (d) — be merely a so-called slogan in the public (e) — to fraud the people. It should be cherished (f) — the core of heart and materialized in our (g) —. We should keep ourselves above from the fake (h) —. Everybody should bear in mind that a pretender (i) — be defeated. Nobody will remember or honour a (j) — patriot.

Ans. (a) instinct; (b) to; (c) interest; (d) not; (e) meeting; (f) in; (g) deeds;

     (h) patriotism; (i) must; (j) mock.

17. Fill in the gaps with using clues from the box. There are more words than necessary.                                                                                         0.5×10= 5


     The (a) — Barisal  Zilla School was founded by Mr. N.W. Garret on December 23, 1829 (b) — only 8 students. The name of the school was ‘Barisal (c) — School’. The first Headmaster of this school was Mr. John Smith and the first teacher from (d) — was Babu Tanuram Lahiri. From 1853 to 1891 this School was (e) — under Government management as ‘Barisal Zilla School’. In 1891 it was (f) — as a Non-Government school and was (g) — Barisal English School’. In 1906 it was once again (h) — under govt. management and once again (i) — the name “Barisal Zilla School”. Mr Barton founded the current main school building. In 1991 the school (j) — two shifts: morning and day.

Ans. (a) historic; (b) with; (c) English; (d) Bengal; (e) directed; (f) declared;                (g) renamed; (h) brought; (i) got; (j) started.

18. Fill in the gaps using suitable words from the box. There are more words than necessary.                                                                    0.5 × 10 = 5


     Man has been closely (a) — with Nature since the (b) — of civilization. Nature is helpful for human beings. Nature abounds (c) — trees. Trees are one of (d) — best gifts of nature. As the civilization (e) — towards development, valuable natural assets are also getting damaged day by day, (f) — is the case with trees. (g) — are being destroyed indiscriminately. Now the ecological balance is disturbed and life becomes (h) —. One of the main (i) — of energy is firewood. We get them from (j) —.

Ans. (a) related; (b) dawn; (c) with; (d) the; (e) proceeds; (f) so; (g) Forests;

     (h) difficult; (i) sources; (j) trees.

19. Fill in the gaps using clues from the box. There are more words than necessary.                                                                                      0.5 × 10 = 5


     Nature has given her (a) — to us more (b) — than many other countries of the world. Think about our soil. It is soft and (c) —. Our farmers who have only (d) — handmade tools can (e) — dig, plough and prepare the soil (f) — them. Whereas (g) — which is dry and rocky cannot be so easily dug, ploughed and (h) —. We have (i) — great natural (j) — too. We can use most of our lands.

Ans. (a) resources; (b) generously; (c) fertile; (d) simple; (e) easily; (f) with; (g) earth;

     (h) prepared; (i) some; (j) advantages.

20.     Fill in the gaps using clues from the boxes. There are more words than necessary.        0.5 × 10 = 5


     Happiness is a relative (a) — . A person with a crown, living in (b) — may not be happy (c) — a day labourer may find (d) — living in a shabby hut. Happiness (e) — from person to (f) — . A beggar may be happy (g) — a coin. A businessman may be happy getting (h) — of money. (i) — complete happiness or peace of (j) — is a blessing of God.

Ans. (a) term; (b) palace; (c) where; (d) happiness; (e) varies; (f) person; (g) getting;
(h) lots; (i) But; (j) mind.

Mustafij Sir

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