Class VII English 2nd Paper

English 2nd Paper Model Question with Solution for Class Seven 2022-(Model 26)

Model Question-26

[ Answer all the questions : Figures in the margin indicate full marks ]

Section A : Grammar – 30

1.   Fill in the gaps with a, an or the and put a cross (x) where no article is needed. 0.5 × 8 = 4

      Rana is (a) — orphan. He lives in (b) — orphanage. The orphanage is (c) — wholesome (d) — place. (e) — orphanage authority is very kind to (f) — orphans. (g) — officer is in charge of the education of (h) — orphans.

2.   Choose the correct preposition from the box and fill in the gaps.    0.5 × 8 = 4


      My friend Karim and I was sitting (a) — the bus station. I came (b) — see him  (c) —. Karim was going (d) — Dhaka. It was very crowded (e) — the station. There was a long line of people (f) — the ticket counter. They were waiting (g) — tickets. Lastly Karim got (h) — a bus.

3.   Complete the text using the words in the box as needed.               0.5 × 10 = 5


      There are six seasons in the year. Winter season is a (a) — season of the year. A winter morning is cool (b) — I get up from bed (c) — in the morning. When I get up early in the winter morning, I have to (d) — some (e) —. Nature (f) — pale   (g) — the sun rises. When the sun (h) —, the fog (i) — gradually. (j) — there are some difficulties, I like it very much.

4.   Make four sentences from the following substitution table.                1 × 4 = 4

Recently I
From far away, I
As I
At last I
could see
was going
near, the tower was becoming longer and longer.
the National Memorial at Savar.
that there were seven towers.
a high tower.

5.   Read the following text and change the sentences as directed.          1 × 5 = 5

      Corruption is a great curse to our nation (a) No other problem is so dreadful as corruption (Comparative). (b) It prevails in every walk of our life (Interrogative). It destroys everything. (c) Every good fruit of our effort is devoured by corruption (Active). It can be compared to cancer. (d) It paralyses the whole nation (Passive). (e) We must realise the fact and come forward against corruption (Negative).

6.   Fill in the gaps with the right forms of verbs in the brackets. Questions e and g have special instructions.                                                                                           0.5 × 8 = 4

      Science has (a) — (enable) man to turn water into steam. It (b) — (turn) night into day. Science (c) — (add) comforts to the life of man. It (d) — (provide) with various facilities. It (e) — (‘take’ in the negative) more time to travel anywhere. Now we can (f) — (move) from one country to another within a short while. It (g) — (‘make’ use present perfect) the whole world a global village. Science (h) — (be) a great blessing for us.

7.   Use appropriate punctuation marks and capital letters where necessary.       0.5 × 8 = 4

      Bangladesh air force has given an advertisement for recruitment. Written tests on mathematics, language and general knowledge will be held. The eligible candidates are asked to appear before an Interview Board if they pass the tests duly they will be selected.

Model Question-26 Solution

1.   (a) an; (b) an; (c) a; (d) ´; (e) The; (f) the; (g) An; (h) the.

2.   (a) at; (b) to; (c) off; (d) to; (e) in; (f) at; (g) for; (h) into.

3.   (a) remarkable; (b) but; (c) early; (d) face; (e) problems; (f) looks; (g) until;         (h) rises; (i) disappears; (j) Though.

4.   Recently I visited the National Memorial at Savar. From far away, I could see a high tower. As I was going near, the tower was becoming longer and longer. At last I could see that there were seven towers.

5.   (a) Corruption is more dreadful than any other problem. (b) Doesn’t it prevail in every walk of our life? (c) Corruption devours every good fruit of our effort.      (d) The whole nation is paralysed by it. (e) We cannot but realise the fact and come forward against corruption.

6.   (a) enabled; (b) turns; (c) adds; (d) provides; (e) does not take; (f) move; (g) has made; (h) is.  

7.   Bangladesh Air Force has given an advertisement for recruitment. Written tests on mathematics, Language and General Knowledge will be held. The eligible candidates are asked to appear before an Interview Board. If they pass the tests duly, they will be selected. 

Mustafij Sir

Published by
Mustafij Sir

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