ssc english 1st paper

Letter Writing: SSC Einglish First Paper

Letter Writing

চিঠি লেখার সময় অবশ্যই এই ৬টি অংশ মাথায় রাখতে হবে।

    Letter লেখার সহজ Tips :

·   Heading – এ তারিখ ও পত্র লেখকের ঠিকানা দিতে হবে।

·   Salutation – এ সম্পর্ক অনুযায়ী ভাষা ব্যবহার করতে হবে Dear father/Mother/Dear Sumon/ Sumona ইত্যাদি| (Word গুলোর প্রথম অক্ষর বড় হাতের হবে |)

·   Body -তে মূল বক্তব্য প্রয়োজনমত সংক্ষেপে তুলে ধরতে হবে। সুবিধামত একাধিক প্যারা হতে পারে।

·   Closing -এর ভাষা হবে সম্পর্ক অনুসারে your loving son/daughter/ your friend ইত্যাদি |

·   Signature – অংশে পত্র লেখকের নাম লিখতে হবে।

·   Superscription অংশের বামপাশে পত্র লেখকের নাম-ঠিকানা এবং ডানপাশে পত্র প্রাপকের নাম-ঠিকানা লিখতে হবে।

1.     Suppose, you are Himon and you live in a city. your close friend Muhit lives in another city. Recently, your birthday party has been celebrated and you have got a nice birthday present from Muhit. Now, write a letter to him thanking him for the present you have got.

32, Dhaka Road, Chittagong

10 January 2017

Dear Muhit,

It’s a great pleasure to have your nice gift. What a wonderful surprise it is! I jumped into joy when I got the present . A box full of chocolates has charmed me a lot. Once I told you that I love chocolates. You remembered it so long! I’m impressed. However, I missed you as you could not attend my 15th birthday party. I also know you were on emergency duty (Riæwi `vwq‡Z¡). But it’s clear that a good friend can never forget his friends’ memorable events .

I’m leaving my writing today. Convey my best regards to your parents.

                                                                                                                                                               Your loving friend,

* Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                          Himon

2.     Suppose, you are Akash. Recently, you along with your classmates enjoyed a picnic at a historical place. Now, write a letter to your friend Neloy describing the picnic.

Dear Neloy,

I’ve received your letter just now. In your letter, you’ve wanted to know about our picnic. Now I’m going to describe you the picnic which we enjoyed last week.

Our school arranges a picnic every year. This year is not exceptional. As Bagerhat is a historical place, we choose it for the picnic. Our bus left Jessore for Bagerhat at 8 am. At noon we reached our destination. After taking refreshment, we visited the Mazar of Khan Jahan Ali. He is the founder of the Bagerhat city. The lake near the Mazar and natural beauty charmed us very much. We became pleased to see the crocodiles in the lake. Then, we returned to our picnic spot and had our meals. We held a cultural programme at the spot. After that we went to visit the historical Shatgombuj Masjid. The architectural beauty of the Masjid enchanted us. In the evening, we left for Jessore. I’ll never forget this picnic. It would be more enjoyable if you attended the picnic.

No more today (AvR Avi bq). Please convey my best regards to your parents.

                                                                                                                                                                      Yours ever,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                      Akash

3.     Suppose, you are Karim. Your friend Sumon Wants to know what you intend to do after SSC examination. Now, Write a letter to your friend telling him/her what you intend to do after S.S.C. examination.                                         [DjB ’11]

Pallabi, Mirpur


01 April 2017

Dear Sumon,

Take my love and best wishes. I have received your letter. In your letter, you have wanted to know what I intend (B”Qv †cvlY Kwi) to do after the SSC examination. I am glad to tell you a few lines about the same.

We live in the age of technology . In this age, a person who doesn’t know how to operate computer, cannot prosper in life. As my exams are finished, I have decided to learn about computer. I will admit myself into a computer training centre and spend my free time in learning how to operate computer, e-mailing, internet browsing etc. If we have no computer knowledge, we cannot cope with the modern age. So you may also take the opportunity.

No more today. Stay well and write to me about your intention (B”Qv).

                                                                                                                                                                      Yours ever,

*     Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                      Karim

4.     Suppose, you are Sujana. Your friend Rumana wants to know about the importance of learning English. Now, write a letter to your friend about the importance of learning English.

Mirpur, Dhaka

April 10 2017

Dear Rumana,

Thank you for your letter. You wanted to know about the importance of learning Enlish. Today I will tell you the same .

English is an international language. We cannot communicate with the other corner of the world without English. All international seminars and discussions are held in English. Any good job is hardly possible without English. Books on higher studies are also written in English. To be a good doctor, a good teacher, a good engineer, one must have a good knowledge in English. So I advise you to learn English to make life successful.

No more today. Write me about the importance of learning Mathematics.

                                                                                                                                                                      Yours ever,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                     Sujana

5.     Suppose, you are Shahin. Your friend wants to know about how you spent the last summer vacation. Now, write a letter to your friend about how you spent summer vacation.

Azimpur, Dhaka

30 June 2016

Dear Friend,

Yesterday I got your letter. You asked me to write about how I spent the last summer vacation. I am writing the same.

Our school was closed for fifteen days on account of the last summer vacation. I left the hostel and came back home. During this vacation, I tried to improve my knowledge in my school subjects. Morning was the only time when I could read. Mid-day was very hot. So, study was not possible then. In the evening, I sang songs and played some indoor games. In this way, I spent almost all the days of the summer vacation. Only for two days I went to my village to visit Grandma. I could not do any social service during this vacation because I was weak in Mathematics and tried to make up my weakness.

No more today. Write me about how you spent your summer vacation.

                                                                                                                                                                      Yours ever,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                     Shahin

6.    Suppose, you are Rahim/Rahima. Your friend is Hasan/Hasina. He/she wants to know about your favourite game. Now, write a letter to your friend about your favourite game.

Mirpur, Dhaka

01 January 2017

Dear Hasan,

Thank you for your letter. You wanted to know about my favourite game. Everybody loves to play. I also like games and sports. The name of my favourite game is cricket. I like to play and watch cricket very much. Now it is a common and popular game in the world. The game is played between two teams of eleven players on each side. It teaches us discipline and unity. It keeps our body fit and ensures the refreshment of mind. I want to be a good cricketer in future. I play it with my friends in the afternoon.

No more today. Write me about your favourite game.

                                                                                                                                                                      Yours ever,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                      Rahim

7.     Suppose, you are Kamal/Kona and you live in a city. You have a friend named Atik/Rimi who lives in a village. Recently, you have visited your friend’s village home. While staying (_vKvi mgq) his/her home, he/she showed heartiest (AvšÍwiK) hospitality (AvwZ‡_qZv). Now, write a letter to your friend thanking for his/her hospitality.

Uttara, Dhaka

11  March 2016

Dear Atik,

I’ve returned home safely. Though I’m at my home, my mind is at your home. It’s impossible for me to forget those days.

I knew that the people of Bangladesh are hospitable. I’ve realized the fact after visiting your home. At first, when I got down from the train, I was surprised seeing you at the station. Then I remember your family members’ hospitality. Your younger sister welcomed me with flowers. Your brother gave me a chair to sit on. Within a short time your mother came with different kinds of cakes and fruits. How delicious the cakes were. In the evening your father came from market with meat and sweet. I’ll never forget your heartiest hospitality.

No more today. Please visit my home with your parents as early as possible. We’re eagerly waiting for you.

                                                                                                                                                               Your loving friend,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                      Kamal

8.     Suppose, you are Sumon and you study at a village school. Your friend Raju studies at a city school. Recently ‘The Annual Sports Day’ of your school has been observed. Now, write a letter to your friend describing ‘The Annual Sports Day’/’Prize Giving Ceremony’.


29 January 2017

Dear Raju,

I’m happy receiving your letter. in your letter you have wanted to know how I have enjoyed ‘The Annual Sports Day’ of our school. I’m now going to describe it with great pleasure .

The ceremony held in our school campus a few days ago. Our school was decorated very beautifully on the sports day. A large stage was built in our school field. The ceremony was presided over by our honourable headmaster. With the recitation (†ZjvIqvZ) from the holy Quran, the function began at 10 a.m.

Most of the sports events were held before the sports day. race high jump, long jump and pillow (evwjk) changing were left for the day of the ceremony. After completing these events, the prize giving ceremony started. The honourable Headmaster delivered a short speech. Then he gave away prizes among the winners. Our sports teacher helped him in this regard . My joys knew no bounds when I received my prizes. I was called three times for prizes. The day is one of the memorable days of my life.

No more today. Write me about your annual sports day.

                                                                                                                                                               Your loving friend,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                     Sumon

9. Suppose, you are Nabil/Nabila. Your friend is Sakib/Sakiba. Your elder sister’s marriage ceremony is going to be held next week. Now, write a letter to your friend inviting him to the ceremony.



Dear Sakib,                                                                                                                                                                   24 July 2017

Many days have past we did not meet each other. But it is the right time for us. I am glad to inform you that the marriage ceremony of my elder sister has already been fixed. It is going to be held next week. You will also be glad to know that it is going to take place at our residence. I request you to come earlier . I have planned to decorate the wedding spot nicely. You will be happy to know that some of our friends will also come to attend the ceremony.

I shall be happy if you kindly join the function. My parents will also be very glad to find you. I hope you will come soon.

                                                                                                                                                                      Yours ever,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                       Nabil

10.  Suppose, you are Eva. Shafina is your friend.Write a letter to your friend congratulating on her brilliant success.

Savar, Dhaka

30 May 2015

Dear Shafina,

I received your letter just a few hours ago . I can’t but make an unbound joy and pleasure when I have known your result. To secure GPA 5 in the S.S.C. examination is not a matter of joke. You have made a great result that I have desired . All of your friends and relatives must be proud of your brilliant result. Please accept my heartiest congratulation on your brilliant success. All of my family members are also happy. I am sure, this result will encourage you to do better in your higher studies.

It will create unique (Abb¨) pleasure for us if you come to our house. No more today. With best wishes and love.

                                                                                                                                                                      Yours ever,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                        Eva

11.  Suppose, you are Faisal and you live in a village in Gazipur. Your friend is Fahim who lives in a city. Recently, you have been informed that your friend has become a smoker. Now, write a letter to your friend describing the bad effects of smoking.


10 November 2015

Dear Fahim,

A few days ago, I talked with our friend about you. It’s a matter of great regret that you’ve started smoking after mixing with some evil companies . I’m really very shocked .

you know well about the dangers of smoking. Yet, I want to remind you the serious harmful effects of smoking. Smoking is highly injurious to health. It causes many serious diseases. Even it causes the fatal disease cancer. Heart disease, lungs disease, asthma, bronchitis etc. affect a smoker and gradually leads him to death. Besides, severe bad smell of smoke is highly irritating and disgusting for the non-smokers. Especially, children are dangerously affected by smoking.

Please give up smoking as soon as possible. I hope you’ll stop smoking for good.

No more today. Please visit my home when you’ve free time.

                                                                                                                                                                      Yours ever,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                      Faisal

12.  Suppose, you are Farhana. You read daily newspaper. Samin is your friend. Now, write a letter to your friend describing the necessity of reading newspapers.

Mirpur, Dhaka

01 January, 2016.

Dear Samin,

I received your letter yesterday. Thank you for your letter. I am well. I hope you are also well by the grace of Allah. I am glad to tell you a few lines about the necessity of reading newspaper.

A newspaper is a store house of knowledge. It is the mirror of the current world. By reading newspaper, we can enrich) our knowledge on various fields. By reading it, we can learn the information on science, education, literature, agriculture, sports and games, arts and culture. So, everybody should read newspaper.

No more today. Stay well and write to me about the necessity of learning computer.

                                                                                                                                                               Your loving friend,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                    Farhana

13. Suppose, you are Apu and your younger brother is Topu. He is indifferent to his study and tries to copy other’s answer at the exam hall. Now, write a letter to your younger brother advising him not to adopt unfair means in the exam.

Mirpur, Dhaka

20 July 2015

Dear Topu,

I received mother’s letter yesterday. I am upset to know that you are indifferent to your study and try to copy other’s answer at the exam hall. Now I am giving you some advice about unfair means in the examination.

Copying answer at the exam hall is an offence . I do not support it. It degrades the standard of education. If you adopt unfair means, you will not achieve proper knowledge. So you will suffer in the future. I hope that you will never adopt copying at the exam hall. You should also be attentive to your study.

No more today. With best wishes and love.

                                                                                                                                                              Yours elder brother,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                        Apu

14.  Write a letter to your friend Karim/Karimon living at Agrabad, Chittagong consoling him/her at his/her father’s sudden death.

Agrabad, Chittagong

02 February 2016

Dear Karim,

I am very shocked hearing that your father is no more . I could never think that he would leave us at this time. No words of consolation can give you any comfort at this moment.

Man is mortal . Today or tomorrow everybody must die. With the course of time, you and I will also die. My heart began to cry when I read about the untimely and sudden demise of your father. It is a great loss for you. I don’t have any language to console you. Let’s pray to Allah for his departed soul.

                                                                                                                                                               Your loving friend,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                     Sabina

15. Suppose, you are Sumon. Your pen-friend wants to know about Bangladesh and her people. Now, write a letter to your pen-friend about it.

20, Mirpur,

Dhaka, Bangladesh

dear John,                                                                                                                                                                     24 July 2017

I received your letter yesterday. You wanted to know about Bangladesh- the people, their habits and culture and the important places of our country. Now I am giving you a short description of these.

Bangladesh is a small but beautiful country. About 80 percent people live in the villages. Most of the people of our country are muslims. Besides , there are Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and Tribes . The hospitality of our people are world famous Here the people entertain their guests heartily. Most if the people of our country wear lungi and shirts. The people observe various festivals like Pahela Baishakh, Nabanna Utsab etc. Bangladesh is known as the darling child of nature. It is a country of scenic beauty. The Sundarbans, the forests of hilly districts, the tea gardens of Sylhet and cox’s Bazar sea beach are the important tourist spots of our country.

No more today. Write about your country. Wish you all the best.

                                                                                                                                                                      Yours ever,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                     Sumon

16.  You have arranged a picnic. The venue has already been selected. Some students of your class will participate. Now, write a letter to your friend inviting him to join the picnic.

27, Basabo, Dhaka

24 March 2017

My dear Hasan,

Hope that you are well. From your last letter I have come to know that your examination is over and so is ours .

Well, we are going on a picnic to Kuakata on 29 March. We all are interested to take you with us. We shall do many things and enjoy many sights and sounds on the way to picnic. If you are with us, we will enjoy the picnic greatly. So, I do invite you to join the picnic.

More when we meet. Love to all of your family members.

                                                                                                                                                                      Yours ever,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                      Shuvo

17.  Suppose, you are Dip/Dipa, a student of class 8. You are going to observe your birthday on 10 December. You will arrange a tea party. Now, write a letter to your friend, Farhan/Farhana inviting him/her to attend the party.

52, Gulshan, Dhaka

22 March 2017

dear Farhana,

Hope that you are quite (cy‡ivcywi) fine by the grace of Allah. It is long since we met for the last time.

Now there is an opportunity for you to pay me a visit. I am happy to inform you that my birthday anniversary is knocking at the door . On the occasion of my fourteenth birthday my parents are going to arrange a party. They have told me to invite all of my friends. I do expect you in the party. Your presence will make me highly glad. Your participation is also necessary for making the party more enjoyable and successful.

Convey my best regards to uncle and aunt and affection to the younger sister. I look forward to meeting you.

                                                                                                                                                                      Yours ever,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                       Dipa

18.  Imagine, you have wonderfully passed your last winter vacation. It gave you much pleasure and enjoyment. Your friend Harun is interested to know how you have passed it. So, write a letter to him describing how you have passed your last winter vacation.

435/A, Port Colony, Chittagong

01 March 2017

dear Saiful,

Hope this letter will find you hale and hearty . In your last letter you have showed your interest to know how I passed my last winter vacation. Well, for your interest, I am writing to you.

I have passed this vacation delightfully . I went to the countryside and enjoyed the sights and sounds of nature there . I ate different kinds of seasonal fruits too. I drank fresh date-juice. Going to the riverside, I enjoyed the sunset. I took part in various village games during the winter season. Really, I passed the last winter vacation with great joy and delight.

Love to you and respect to your parents. Write to me how you have passed your winter vacation.

                                                                                                                                                                                 Yours ever,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                                  Shafi

19.  Suppose, you are Sagor. You have a pen friend in the USA. Now, write a letter to your friend describing your country.

Dhaka, Bangladesh

1 January 2016

Dear John,

Hope you are well. I am also well. You wanted to know about my country. I am giving a short description about it.

The name of my country is Bangladesh. It is small but beautiful. It became independent in 1971. It’s area is 1,47,500 square kilometers. A lot of people live here. It has many big rivers. Our land is very fertile The farmers grow a lot of crops here. We also grow many fruits. Jackfruit is our national fruit. The water lily is our national flower. Our mother language is Bangla. There are many tourist spots in our country. We have the largest sea beach in the world, Cox’s Bazar. People of different religion live here peacefully.

No more today. Write to me about your country very soon.

                                                                                                                                                                                 Your friend,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                                  Sagor

20.  Suppose, you are Sumya. Nusrat is your friend who is weak in English. Now, write a letter to your friend advising him how to improve / develop his skill in English.

Mirpur, Dhaka

30 July 2016

Dear Nusrat

At first take my compliments and love. I think you are well with the grace the almighty . I am also well. You know, English is used almost all over the world. If you wish to have higher education in any subject you must know English well. So far as I know you are not so good in English. I am going to advise how you can improve your English skill.

By listening, speaking, reading and writing, you can improve your English. I advise you to read English newspaper and listen to English news bulletin regularly. Read English story books and novels. Keep a notebook and write down every new word you come across . Then write down its meaning consulting dictionary. And finally try to speak English as much as you can. If you follow these instructions you will surely improve. So try hard to improve your English.

                                                                                                                                                                               Yours ever,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                              Sumya

21.  Suppose, you are Karim. Your SSC exam is knocking at the door. Now, write a letter to your father informing him about your preparation for the SSC examination.

Azimpur, Dhaka

15 January 2017

Dear Father,

Take my Salam. Hope, you all (Avcbviv mevB) are well by the grace of almighty Allah. I am also well. I could not write to you for a long time. I was busy with my SSC preparation. Today I will inform you about the preparation.

You will be glad to know that I stood first in the final Model test of our school. You know I could not do very well in the pre-test examination. But after it was over, I began to study more seriously.  I have got 80% marks in the tests. Now, no subject is hard to me. Every day I read around 12 hours. Every morning I check what I learnt the previous day through writing. I just place the questions on the table and write the answers within a fixed time. After that I myself assess them with the help of the answers prepared earlier by my subject teachers. The practice help me so. I hope that I will fulfill your expectation in the coming examination. Now I am quite hopeful of having my SSC result with GPA 5. Pray for me and tell my mother for the same.

Convey my Salam to mother and love to Samin.

                                                                                                                                                        Your affectionate daughter

                                                                                                                                                                  Samia Rahman

22. Suppose, you are Jamil. Your friend, Sharif, wants to know about the use of internet. Now, write a letter to your friend describing the uses of internet.

Dear Sharif,

I have received your letter. But I am sorry that I could not answer your letter in time (mgqgZ). You wanted to know about how to use internet. Here I am going to write something about it.

Today internet is one of the most important part of our daily life. It is one of the latest wonders of the modern information technology. It has a wide range of information giving system. All sorts of information is available on the Internet. We can find various information like education, sports, general knowledge, etc. within a few minutes. We also can communicate with one another on internet by sending e-mail. In modern age, you cannot go ahead without having the knowledge of internet.

No more today. I will tell you more when I meet you.

                                                                                                                                                                                     Yours ever

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                                     Jamil

23. Suppose, you are Zakir. Robert is your friend who lives in the USA. Now, write a letter to your friend describing the food and food habit of Bangladesh people.

Dhaka, Bangladesh

1 January 2017

Dear Robert,

I have received your letter just now. You have wanted to know about the food and the food habit of the people of our country. I am glad to tell you a few lines about the same.

In Bangladesh, people are used to taking three meals a day, breakfast lunch and dinner. They are fond of rice, fish, vegetables and pulses. People usually eat rice and one or two curries for both lunch and dinner. There are large varieties of fish in our country. But Hilsha is the most popular of all fishes. We have also different types of fruits including mangoes, Jackfruits, Bananas etc. We have different kinds of pithas during the winter season.

Actually we are fond of eating.

No more today, I shall be very happy if you let me know about the food habit of the people of your country.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Yours ever,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                                     Zakir

24. Suppose, you are Mim. Mun is your friend. Recently you have made a train journey. Now, write a letter to your friend about the train journey you have made recently.

Bashabo, Dhaka

25 February 2017

Dear Mun,

I have received your letter just now. In your letter, you have wanted to know about my train journey. Now I am describing you the same.

Last month I made a train journey with my friends from Dhaka to Chittagong. We bought three tickets and got into the train at 6am. It was an inter-city train. I sat beside a window. Through the window, I saw many trees, houses, green fields, rivers, jungles, people etc. All those things made my mind fresh. Everything seemed to be running swiftly in the opposite direction. I also enjoyed the mild jerking of the train. Really it was a great journey in my life.

No more today, convey my regards to your parents and love to your younger brother.

                                                                                                                                                                           Your loving friend,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                                   Mim

25. Suppose, you have visited a village fair recently. Your friend, Munna, is very much eager to know about the fair. Now, write a letter to your friend describing the village fair.

Surjamoni, Mathbaria

April 28, 2016

Dear Munna,

I hope, you all are safe and sound by the grace of Allah. I received your letter last week. In the letter, you wanted to know about the recent fair that was held in my village. Now I am writing you the same.

The fair was held on the bank of a river. It lasted for a week. There were almost one hundred stalls in the fair. The circus party, magic show and puppet show were the main attractions of the fair. I with some of my friends visited the fair and enjoyed it very much. Toys, dolls balloons and various kinds of sweetmeats were sold there. Actually, it is a great source of recreation and amusement to the villagers.

No more today. Convey my salam to your parents and love to your youngers.

                                                                                                                                                                           Your loving friend,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                                 Shuvo

26. Suppose, you are Siyam. Your friend is Monir. Your School is closed due to summer vacation. Now, write a letter to your friend describing the summer vacation.

Arambag, Dhaka

15 May 2016

Dear Monir,

I am very glad to inform you that our first Semester Examination is over and our summer vacation has already been started. I think you are in the same condition. So, friend, let us enjoy this vacation together.

I have already decided to spend this vacation at my village home which is situated by the river Meghna in a charming place with natural beauty. I know you have been longing for a long time to enjoy village life for some days. So, come up without any delay. There, we will bath, swim and fish in the river and row boat. We will also eat different fresh fruits and enjoy different village cultures. My parents also want you to come with me.

No more today. Waiting for you.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Yours ever,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                                    Siyam

27. Suppose, you are Arman. Your intimate friend Taimur is eager to know about your aim in life. Now, write a letter to your friend informing about your aim in life.

Shahbug, Dhaka

10 March 2016

Dear Taimur,

I hope you are well by the grace of Allah. I have received your letter just now. In your letter, you have wanted to know about my aim in life. Now I am telling you the same.

The aim of my life is to be a doctor. You know that most of the poor people suffer from many diseases. They cannot take proper treatment due to having lack of money. I have a dream to serve them free of cost after being a doctor. After obtaining M.B.B.S degree, I shall come back to my own village and open a dispensary there. However, I am very much confident that I would reach my goal.

No more today. Let me know about your aim in life. Convey my best regard to your parents and love to the youngers.


*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                                       Arman

28. Suppose, you are Alam. Your intimate friend Shakil who is indifferent to the importance of physical exercise. Now, write a letter to your friend describing the importance of physical exercise.

Farm Gate, Dhaka

05 January 2016

Dear Shakil,

I hope you are well by the grace of Allah. I have received your letter just now. In your letter, you have told that you are indifferent to the importance of physical exercise. I am writing you a few lines about it.

You are a brilliant student but you are indifferent to your health. So you often look gloomy. Remember sound mind lives in a sound body. If you cannot keep in good health, all the activities of the world will seem to be meaningless and dull to you. Despite having lots of wealth, an unhealthy person cannot enjoy his life. If you start physical exercise, your limbs and muscles will start to grow properly. Besides, physical exercise will increase your digest power and help proper circulation of blood. Your nerves will also function properly. As a result, you will be able to avoid diseases. This will also make you more active and more attentive to your study. You will shortly start to look cheerful (Drdzjø), lively and smart.

So, I advise you to start physical exercise immediately and continue routinely side by side your academic study.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Yours ever,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                                     Alam

29. Suppose, you are Rumi. Your friend Sumi is eager to know about the co-curricular activities of your school. Now, write a letter to your friend describing the co-curricular activities of your school.

Bandar, Narayangonj

25 December 2016

Dear Sumi,

I am happy to receive your letter. In the letter, you requested me to tell you about the co-curricular (mn-wkÿv) activities of our school. I gladly accept your request.

ours is renowned for its extra-curricular activities. We have enough scope to take part in these activities. We have a debating club and I am an active member of the club. Last year, our school became champion in the Inter School Debate Competition. We also have an English Language Club to practice English. There are a skilled football team, a cricket team and a hockey team in our school. Boys have two game periods each week. Besides annual sports arrangement, our school takes part in different inter district sports competitions. However, our students have a long tradition and reputation in scouting. Every year our school arranges study tour. An annual magazine named ‘Notun Surja’ is published from our school. We also publish a wall magazine named ‘Rupashi Bangla’ on the occasion of the 21st February. I also want to know about yours.

Looking forward to your reply. With best compliments to you.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Yours ever,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                                     Rumi

30.  Suppose, you have recently witnessed a serious road accident. Write a letter to your friend describing the street accident.

Motijheel, Dhaka

10 March 2017

Dear Nasir,

Hope you are well. I am not well because I have witnessed a serious street accident. Here, I am giving you a brief description of it.

Yesterday I was going to Sadarghat. The road was busy. There was a heavy jam of vehicles. Suddenly, the jam disappeared . All the vehicles were going quickly. I heard a bang. I looked behind and saw a crowd of people. A boy of twelve years was run over by a truck. When he was crossing the road, the truck loaded with goods was coming from the opposite direction . The driver failed to control the speed of the truck and ran over the boy. The boy died on the spot.

No more today. Be careful while crossing road.

                                                                                                                                                                                     Yours ever

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                                     Monir

31.  Suppose, your younger brother is indifferent to studies. Now, write a letter to your brother telling him to be serious with studies.

Tongi, Gazipur

22 July 2015

Dear Ratan,

Hope you are well. I am also well. But I am unhappy to know that you are not attentive with your studies. You could not obtain good marks in the last exams. You should keep in mind that the good students are loved by all. So, be attentive with your studies. You have to make a good result in the next exams. Unless you can do well in the exam, you will not be able to get admission into a good college. Still you have time to do well in the exam. Be serious with your studies. Do not waste your time.

No more today. Take Care.

                                                                                                                                                                    Your loving brother,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                           Manik

32. Suppose, you are Sumon. Your friend Sujan who is eager to know about your village. Now, write a letter to your friend describing your village.

Atmul, Bogra

1 May 2016

Dear Sujan,

Hope you are well. I am also well. In your last letter, you wanted to know about my village. Now, I am giving you a short description about the same.

My village is not a big one but very beautiful. It is by the side of a river. The natural scenery of the village is very charming. There is a high school, two primary schools and a market in our village. My village has many flower gardens. The villagers love one another. They live in peace . I am proud of my village.

No more today. Write to me about your village.

                                                                                                                                                                           Your loving friend,

*      Draw an envelope and write full addresses.                                                                                                 Sumon

Mustafij Sir

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