[Answer all the questions. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.]
Section : Grammar – 30
1. Fill in the gaps with a, an or the and put a cross (x) where no article is needed. 0.5 × 8 = 4
Farida is eight. She is (a) — uneducated girl. She is also (b) — orphan. She works as (c) — domestic servant in (d) — house of (e) — rich man. The owner of (f) — house is not (g) — unkind man. Farida does (h) —— household activities.
2. Choose the correct preposition from the box and fill in the gaps. 0.5 × 8 = 4
to | in | to | for | of | in | with | by |
A pious man is absorbed (a) — meditation. He has firm faith (b) — the Almighty. He abides (c) — the rules (d) — religion. He clings (e) — his faith. He knows that man is accountable (f) — the Almighty (g) — his action. So, he leads his life accordingly. He is not angry (h) — anybody.
3. Complete the text using the words in the box as needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5
educated | only | properly | brought | but |
teacher | authority | wanted | sculptor | helped |
Socrates was not (a) — a great philosopher (b) — also a great (c) —. His father was a (d) —. He (e) — his father. His mission was to (f) — the people (g) —. He (h) — to correct the wrong ideas of the people. But the (i) — of Athens (j) — two charges against him.
4. Make four sentences from the following substitution table. 1 × 4 = 4
The baby’s arms and legs | looked | as thin as pencils. |
The woman | wanted | thin too. |
She | were | at her baby and cried and cried. |
I | was | to know the reason of her crying. |
5. Read the following text and change the sentences as directed. 1 × 5 = 5
Ratan is my brother. (a) He is a regular student of class seven. (Negative) (b) He is the best boy in the class. (Comparative) (c) He wants to be a good teacher in future. (Interrogative) for this reason he works very hard. (d) He learns his lessons timely. (Passive) (e) He is loved by his friends and teachers. (Active)
6. Fill in the gaps with the right forms of verbs in the brackets. Questions c and f have special instructions in the brackets. 0.5 × 8 = 4
I (a) — (receive) your letter yesterday. In it you (b) — (write) why you (c) — (‘join’ use could not) us in the picnic. You also (d) — (want) to (e) — (know) my experience in the picnic. What a pleasure it would have been if you (f) — (‘be’ use past perfect) in the midst of us! Really, we (g) — (miss) you very much. Anyway here is a short description of the same. We (h) — (select) Sonargaon as the spot.
7. Use appropriate punctuation marks and capital letters where necessary. 0.5 × 8 = 4
Everyone has a favourite person in his way of life I am not exceptional either. Mr. K Rahman our English teacher is my favourite person. He has a unique quality to teach English. He presents his lesson in the class in a fantastic way. He is honest sincere and responsible. Now i often dream to be a teacher like him in future.
1. (a) an; (b) an; (c) a; (d) the; (e) a; (f) the; (g) an; (h) the.
2. (a) in; (b) in; (c) by; (d) of; (e) to; (f) to; (g) for; (h) with.
3. (a) only; (b) but; (c) teacher; (d) sculptor; (e) helped; (f) educate; (g) properly; (h) wanted; (i) authority; (j) brought.
4. The baby’s arms and legs were as thin as pencils. The woman was thin too. She looked at her baby and cried and cried. I wanted to know the reason of her crying.
5. (a) He is not an irregular student of class seven.
(b) He is better than any other boy in the class.
(c) Doesn’t he want to be a good teacher in future?
(d) His lessons are learnt timely.
(e) His friends and teachers love him.
6. (a) received; (b) wrote; (c) could not join; (d) wanted; (e) know; (f) had been; (g) missed; (h) selected.
7. Everyone has a favourite person in his way of life. I am not exceptional either. Mr K Rahman, our English teacher, is my favourite person. He has a unique quality to teach English. He presents his lesson in the class in a fantastic way. He is honest, sincere and responsible. Now I often dream to be a teacher like him in future.
WordsMeaningsSynonyms antonymsouterবাইরেরoutmostinnerproletarianদরিদ্র/সর্বহারাWorking-classmorallaunchশুরু করাIntroductionwithdrawpreparingপ্রস্তুতিGet-readydoubtfaultlesslyনির্দোষভাবেabsolutelyfaultynauseaবমিবমিভাবvomitingheadachediscomfortঅসস্তিupsetcomfortmaintainedবজায় করাsustainuselessLaterকরেnextearlierdynamicগতিশীলAggressivestaticplanপরিকল্পনাproposaldisorderaimলক্ষGoalaimlessdirectionনিদ্ধেশনাInstructionnoticeprofessionপেশাJobjoblesssuitsআকারFormnothingaptitudeযোগ্যতাAttitudedislikevaryপরিবর্তীতVariousfixeducatedশিক্ষিতLearneduneducatedcitizenনাগরিকnativeforeignervirtueপূর্ণgoodnessevilA lotঅনেকhugelittlecourteousবিনয়ীpoliterudediscourtesyঅবিনয়ীrudenesscourteouswinজয় করাgainloseenemyশত্রুfoefriendensureনিশ্চিত করাconfirmcancelangerরাগtempercalmnessremoveঅপসারণcancelputcordialityসোহার্দrudenessdiscordialitydifferentভিন্নDissimilarsameseeksঅনুসন্ধানPursuefindeagerআগ্রহীinterestdisinterestedobservationপর্যবেক্ষণExaminationneglectmereএকমাত্রImmenseabnormalalertসতর্কWatchfulunawarelatentসুপ্তOpenrealizedinstructorsপ্রশিকক্ষকteacherstudentguideগাইডmentormisguidewayপথ/উপায়Pathpartfascinatingচমৎকারexcellentunattractiveinterestআগ্রহীeagerdisregardimpatientঅধৈয্যIntolerancepatientillogicalঅযোক্তিকunethicalLogicalindifferentউদাসীনUninteresteddifferentethicallyনৈথিকভাবেlawfullyUnethicalGood-lookingচমৎকারAttractiveUnattractiveDarkঅন্ধকারBlackbrightFlawlessস্থিরperfectflawedShinyউজ্জল্যbrightdarkSlenderসরুthinfatGracefulকরুনাময়elegantungracefulStylishlyআড়ম্বরপূর্ণভাবেattractivesimplyAppreciatesপ্রশংসা করেpriesCriticizeNoticeলক্ষ করেadvertisementoverlookAmbitionউচ্ছাকাঙকাAim/desirelazinessRequireপ্রয়োজনneedanswerProficiencyদক্ষতাskilledincompetenceWonderআশ্চয্যSurprisedisinterestTestedপরীক্ষীতverifiednewEquallyসমানভাবেsimilarlyUnequallyDisappointingহতাশাজনকInceptingappointingPresumablyসম্ভবতdoubtlesslyimprobableQualifyযোগ্যতাcertifyDisqualifywrongভুলmistakewriteIdealআদর্শModelbadMasterদক্ষTeacherStudentMakesতৈরীcreateBreak/destroyMethodপদ্ধতিSystemdifferenceConvincingবিশ্বাসীsatisfactoryUnconvincingPraisesপ্রশাংসা করেhurrahCriticizeMistakeভুলErrorsagacityAngryরাগevilcalmSimpleসাধারণgeneralComplexmoralনৈতিকethicalamoralAcceptedগৃহিতreceivedrejectedSincerityআন্তরিকতাGood-willinsincerityResponsibilityদায়িত্বdutiesdepartureComplexityজটিলতাcomplicationSimplicityEnvyহিংসাlastedpraiseVicesমন্দevilVirtueImpactsপ্রভাবeffectfailsAwarenessসতর্কতাalertnessunawarenessOut-comeবাহিরের দিকresultcauseimportanceগুর্ত্বপূর্ণsignificanceinsignificanceFriendবন্দুenemyfoeNeedপ্রয়োজনcommitment/necessaryavoidSympathyসহানুভুতিkindnessrudenessProveপ্রমানconfirmdisproveFalseমিথ্যাwrongtrueHarmক্ষতিকরlosshelpLaughহাসাburstcryPleasureআনন্দhappinesssadnessBringআনাcarryleaveideaধারণাconceptnothingAllowঅনুমতিpermitdenyFreedomস্বাধীনতাindependencebondageOpinionমতামতviewawarenessFairমেলাcleanunfairEqualসমানbalancedunequalDivisionবিভাগdistributionunionElectনির্বাচন করাvoterefuseSystemনিয়ম-নীতিprocesspartTreatmentচিকিৎশা করাcuringhurtFacilityসুবিধাadvantagepainNeverকখন নয়NotingAlwaysWeakerদুর্বলrottenstrongerDiscourageনিরুৎসাহিতdroopEncourageFrustratingহতাশাজনকBuffaloingsatisfyingInterestআগ্রহীeagernessdiscourageAbilityসক্ষমতাCapabilityinabilityDreamস্বপ্নfancyfactBestসবচেয়ে ভালfinestworstSuccessসফলতাachievementfailureachieveঅর্জন…
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Model Question 1 Part-I : Marks 60 1. Read the passage and answer the questions…
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চতুর্থ অধ্যার হিন্দুধর্মে সংস্কার আমাদের এই পার্থিব জীবনকে সুন্দর ও কল্যাণময় করে গড়ে তোলার লড়্গ্েয…
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