Class VII English 2nd Paper

English 2nd Paper Model Question with Solution for Class Seven 2022-(Model 29)

Model Question-29

 [Answer all the questions. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.]

Section : Grammar – 30

1.   Fill in the gaps with a, an or the and put a cross (x) where no article is needed.    0.5 × 8 = 4

      Last Friday Salam stayed at home. At 8 am he was in (a) — kitchen preparing (b) — breakfast. He was roasting (c) — full chicken for his breakfast. (d) — chicken was almost ready when (e) — doorbell rang. He saw (f) — man standing there. (g) — man wanted to inform Salam about (h) — injured friend of him.

2.   Choose the correct preposition from the box and fill in the gaps.    0.5 × 8 = 4


      A citizen enjoys a lot of rights (a) — times of peace. But sometimes he has to give (b) — some of his rights and privileges voluntarily in order to keep the independence (c) — his country secure. When his country is (d) — war his only duty is (e) — switch (f) — all his tasks (g) — the defense (h) — his country.

3.   Complete the text using the words in the box as needed.               0.5 × 10 = 5


Good manners (a) — an important part of our education. Our education (b) — incomplete if we don’t learn good manners. In our (c) — with others we must (d) — proper respect for them. We should have a (e) — of fitness in our (f) — with others. We should show respect to our (g) —. It is necessary for a (h) — society. Good manners cost us (i) —. So, good manners should be a part of our (j) —.

4.   Make four sentences from the following substitution table.                1 × 4 = 4

The majority of our peopleareto choose between right and wrong.
It still illiterate.
Illiteracyisstill dominant in our country.
The illiterate personsfaila curse.

5.   Read the following text and change the sentences as directed.          1 × 5 = 5

      Industry is the key to success. (a) None can prosper in life without industry. (Affirmative) (b) Those who are idle, always lag behind. (Negative) (c) We have to work hard to earn money and acquire knowledge. (Interrogative). The active person does not depend on others (d) People say that hardworking persons can see the light of prosperity in life. (Passive) (e) So, in the society, women should work as much as men. (Comparative)

6.   Fill in the gaps with the right forms of verbs in the brackets. Questions a and d have special instructions.                                                                                           0.5 × 8 = 4

      Who (a) — (‘like’ in negative) flowers? A flower (b) — (be) the symbol of beauty. He who (c) — (love) flowers, (d) — (‘harm’ use cannot) anybody. We (e) — (become) fascinate at the fragrance and beauty of rose. Its fragrance (f) — (refresh) our mind. There goes a wise saying, “(g) — (give) up smoking and (h) — (inhale) the fragrance of flower.”

7.   Use appropriate punctuation marks and capital letters where necessary.       0.5 × 8 = 4

      We live in the age of science in every step of our life we feel the dire necessity of it. We cannot think of a single day without it from morning till night we consume a lot of things invented by science. It is impossible i think for us to maintain modern life avoiding science.

Model Question-29 Solution

1.   (a) the; (b) ´; (c) a; (d) The; (e) the; (f) a; (g) The; (h) an.

2.   (a) in; (b) up; (c) of; (d) at; (e) to; (f) over; (g) to; (h) of.

3.   (a) form; (b) remains; (c) behaviour; (d) show; (e) sense; (f) conduct; (g) superiors; (h) disciplined; (i) nothing; (j) nature.

4.   Illiteracy is a curse. It is still dominant in our country. The majority of our people are still illiterate. The illiterate persons fail to choose between right and wrong.

5.   (a)   Everyone can prosper in life with industry.

      (b)   Those who are idle can never go forward.

      (c)   Don’t we have to work hard to earn money and acquire knowledge?

      (d)   It is said that the light of prosperity can be seen in life by hardworking persons.

      (e)   So, in the society women should work not less than men.

6.   (a) doesn’t like; (b) is; (c) loves; (d) cannot harm; (e) become; (f) refreshes; (g) Give; (h) inhale.

7.   We live in the age of science. In every step of our life we feel the dire necessity of it. We cannot think of a single day without it. From morning till night we consume a lot of things invented by science. It is impossible, I think, for us to maintain modern life avoiding science.

Mustafij Sir

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