Class VII English 2nd Paper

English 2nd Paper Model Question with Solution for Class Seven 2022-(Model 7)

Model Question-7

Section A: Grammar (Marks-30)

1.   Fill in the gaps with a, an or the and put a cross (×) where no article is needed. 0.5 × 8 = 4

Myself : Excuse me. Can I talk with you?
Passer-by : Sure. How can I help you?
Myself : I am looking for (a) — bookshop. Can you help me?
Passer-by : Sure. There are many bookshops near this place.
Myself : How far is (b) — place? How can I go there?
Passer-by : On foot. You need not hire (c) — rickshaw. Are you (d) — new comer?
Myself : Yes. I need to buy some books. For this I am looking for a library.
Passer-by : If you want to buy (e) — books at cheap rate you can go to (f) — PBS Bookshop. It is (g) — big shop. You will get there all kinds of (h) — books.
Myself : Do they give any commission?
Passer-by : Yes, they give more commission than any other library.
Myself : Thank you.
Passer-by : It is a pleasure to help you.

2.   Rupa is writing to her father for money. Choose the correct preposition from the box and fill in the gaps.                                                0.5 × 8 = 4

ofaboutto ×4for x2

My dear father,
I hope you are well. I am well. You know that the result (a) — our Annual Examination has been published and I am going (b) — be promoted to Class VIII.
Our teachers have advised us (c) — buy the books (d) — Class VIII. So I need (e) — 3000 Taka (f) — this purpose. Please send the money as early as possible.
My best regards (g) — you and mother and love (h) — the youngers.
Your loving daughter,

3.   Complete the text using the words in the box as needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5


Dear Maruf,
I am very (a) — to hear the news of your mother’s death. The news came to me (b) — like a bolt from the blue. It is (c) — hard to (d) — that your mother is no more on the (e) —. I am (f) — shocked at her death in such a (g) — age. I can’t forget that she was very (h) — to me.
I pray to the Almighty (i) — her soul (j) — rest in peace.
Yours ever,

4.   Make four sentences from the following substitution table.   1 × 4 = 4

Our Sangsad Bhabanisone of the most spectacular parliament buildings in the world.
Itsymbolizessurrounded by an artificial lake called the Crescent Lake.
at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar in Dhaka.
sovereignty, pride, hopes and aspirations of our nation.

5.   Read the following text and change the sentences as directed. 1 × 5 = 5

      We are Bangladeshis. (a) We are proud of our freedom fighters. (Make it interrogative). (b) Their contribution will never be forgotten. (Make it affirmative). (c) They were inspired by the common people. (Make it active). (d) Their sacrifice is greater than any other thing. (Make it positive). (e) We must follow their foot-print. (Make it negative).

6.   Fill in the gaps with the right forms of verb in the brackets. Question c and h have special instructions in the brackets for the use of verbs.                 0.5 × 8 = 4

      We often (a) — (see) young people (b) — (indulge) in pompous ways of life. They (c) — (‘abide’ in the negative) by the advice of the seniors, not even of their guardians. Even they (d) — (try) to realize the negative aspects of it. Pompous life (e) — (make) them gradually derailed. When they (f) — (realize) the consequence on their lives, they often (g) — (find) it quite impossible (h) — (‘mend’ use infinitive) the damages.

7.   Use appropriate punctuation marks and capital letters where necessary.   0.5 × 8 = 4

      the teacher said to the boy do you think that honesty is the best policy? the boy said yes sir, i think so.” “then learn to be honest from boyhood, “said the teacher “thank you sir.”

Model Question-7 Solution

1. (a) a ; (b) the ; (c) a ; (d) a ; (e) ´ ; (f) the ; (g) a ; (h) ´ .

2. (a) of; (b) to; (c) to; (d) for; (e) about; (f) for; (g) to ; (h) to.

3. (a) shocked; (b) just; (c) very; (d) believe; (e) earth; (f) greatly; (g) premature;             (h) affectionate; (i) that; (j) may.

4. (i) Our Sangsad Bhaban is at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar in Dhaka.

    (ii) It is one of the most spectacular parliament buildings in the world.

    (iii) It symbolizes sovereignty, pride, hopes and aspirations of our nation.

    (iv)    It is surrounded by an artificial lake called the Crescent Lake.

5. (a) Are we not proud of our freedom fighters?

    (b) Their contribution will always be remembered.

    (c) The common people inspired them.

    (d) No other thing is as great as their sacrifice.

    (e) We cannot but follow their footprint.

6. (a) see; (b) indulged; (c) do not abide; (d) do not try; (e) makes; (f) realize; (g) find;      (h) to mend.

7. The teacher said to the boy, “Do you think that honesty is the best policy?” The boy said, “Yes, Sir, I think so.” “Then learn to be honest from boyhood,” said the teacher. “Thank you, Sir.”

Mustafij Sir

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