English 2nd Paper Model Question with Solution for Class Seven 2022-(Model 9)

Model Question-9

Section A: Grammar (Marks-30)

1.   Fill in the gaps with a, an or the and put a cross (×) where no article is needed. 0.5 × 8 = 4

Rumi : Hi, Simi, how are you?
Simi : I’m fine and you?
Rumi : I’m also fine. What are you going to do during (a) — summer vacation?
Simi : I shall get admitted to (b) — computer course.
Rumi : It’s (c) — good idea. What would you learn there?
Simi : I would learn (d) — type-writing and many other things about computer. What are you going to do during (e) — summer vacation?
Rumi : I shall get admitted to (f) — spoken English course to learn better English.
Simi : Would you like to visit any place in this vacation?
Rumi : If you go, I am ready to visit (g) — place of historical interest. What about you?
Simi : I’m thinking (h) — so. Thank you very much.
Rumi : Ok, bye.

2.   Asif is writing to his friend Safa about his favourite hobby. Choose the correct preposition from the box and fill in the gaps.             0.5 × 8 = 4

to × 3aboutof × 3with

My dear Safa,
Your letter is just (a) — hand. I hope you are hale and hearty. You have wanted to know (b) — my favourite hobby. Now I am telling it to you.
Every person has a hobby (c) — his own. I have also one. My favourite hobby is stamp collection. I have already collected more than three thousand stamps (d) — forty countries. I have made several albums (e) — those stamps. They look interesting. I like (f) — show you all (g) — them. I am trying to collect more stamps still now.
I hope you are coming soon (h) — see my collections.
Lovingly yours,

3.   Complete the text using the words in the box as needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5


My dear Robin,

Accept my heartiest (a) — . I hope you are (b) — happy days in Chittagong. (c) — I am writing you the details of my (d) — visit to Paharpur, Naogaon. I (e) — there with some of my classmates on last Friday. It is a renowned (f) — place where I (g) — the relics of the buildings of ancient kings, weapons and the hills. The surroundings attracted me (h) — much. If you (i) — with me, the visit would become more enjoyable. No (j) — today.


4.   Make four sentences from the following substitution table.   1 × 4 = 4

The traditional music in Bangladeshcan bedivided into three distinct categories-classical, folk and modern.
Music in Bangladeshistwo names in classical instrumental music who are internationally known.
The classical music, both vocal and instrumentalarethe perspectives of that of the Indian sub-continent.
Ustad Alauddin Khan and Ustad Ayet Ali Khansharesrooted in the remote past of the sub-continent.

5.   Read the following text and change the sentences as directed. 1 × 5 = 5

      (a) Faruk is a lazy boy (make it interrogative). (b) He is always late in school (make it negative). He is often punished for being late. (c) His teachers always warn him to give up his bad habits (make it passive). (d) He is lazy (make it negative). So he cannot do well in the exam. His father bites him when he makes bad result. (e) No one likes him (make it affirmative).

6.   Fill in the gaps with the right forms of verb in the brackets. Question b and e have special instructions in the brackets for the use of verbs. 0.5 × 8 = 4

      With extreme competition everywhere parents (a) — (be) constantly worried about the results. This is a common sight during the Primary Education Completion Examinations in thousands of families. Special prayers (b) — (‘offer’ use passive voice) in families having such an examinee. Parents (c) — (take) special care of their children. They (d) — (make) sure that their wards get along with studies without the slightest of problems even without mosquito bites. Parents shuttle to mazars and temples (e) — (‘pray’ use infinitive) for the examinees. Sometimes they (f) — (give) cash money and kinds for their wards. Parents of an examinee usually (g) — (remain) worried until the result (h) — (publish).

7.   Use appropriate punctuation marks and capital letters where necessary.      0.5 × 8 = 4

      a man came to salams shop he was very short but his wife was very tall their daughter was also with them “My daughter’s got a bad headache the man said.

Model Question-9 Solution

1. (a) the; (b) a; (c) a; (d) ´; (e) the; (f) a; (g) a; (h) ´.

2. (a) to; (b) about; (c) of; (d) of; (e) with; (f) to; (g) of; (h) to.

3. (a) love; (b) passing; (c) Now; (d) recent; (e) visited; (f) historical; (g) saw; (h) very;   (i) were; (j) more.

4. (a) The traditional music in Bangladesh shares the perspectives of that of the Indian sub-continent. (b) Music in Bangladesh can be divided into three distinct categories-classical, folk and modern. (c) The classical music, both vocal and instrumental is rooted in the remote past of the sub-continent. (d) Ustad Alauddin Khan and Ustad Ayet Ali Khan are two names in classical instrumental music who are internationally known.

5. (a) Isn’t Faruk a lazy boy?           

    (b) He is always never punctual in school.                                       

    (c) He is always warned to give up his bad habits by his teachers.

    (d) He is not active.

    (e) Everybody dislikes him.

6. (a) are ; (b) are offered; (c) take ; (d) make ; (e) to pray ; (f) give ; (g) remain ; (h) is published.

7. A man came to Salam’s shop. He was very short but his wife was very tall. Their daughter was also with them. “My daughter’s got a bad headache,” the man said.

Mustafij Sir

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