Class VI English 2nd Paper

English 2nd Paper Model Question with Solution for Class Six 2022-(Model 4)

Model Question-4

[Answer all the questions. Figures in the margin indicate full marks]

 Section : Grammar – 30 

1.   Fill in the gaps with a, an or the and put a cross (×) where no article is needed. 0.5×8=4

      Ruma :  Hi Rupa, how are you?

      Rupa  :  I’m fine and you?

      Ruma : I’m also fine. What are you going to do during (a) — summer vacation?

      Rupa  :  I shall get admitted to (b) — computer course.

      Ruma :  It’s (c) — good idea. What would you learn there?

      Rupa  :  I would learn (d) — type-writing and many other things about computer. What are you going to do during (e) — summer vacation?

      Ruma :  I shall get admitted to (f) — spoken English course to learn better English.

      Rupa  :  Would you like to visit any place in this vacation?

      Ruma :  If you go, I am ready to visit (g) — historical place. What about you?

      Rupa  :  I’m thinking (h) —  so. Thank you very much.

      Ruma :  Ok, bye.

2.   Nurul is writing to his friend Nayan about his favourite hobby. Choose the correct preposition from the box and fill in the gaps.             0.5 × 8 = 4

to × 3aboutof × 3with

My dear Nayan,

Your letter is just (a) — hand. I hope, you are hale and hearty. You have wanted to know (b) — my favourite hobby. Now I am telling it to you.

Every person has a hobby (c) — his own. I have also one. My favourite hobby is stamp collecting. I have already collected more than three thousand stamps (d) — forty countries. I have made several albums (e) — those stamps. They look interesting. I like (f) — show you all (g) — them. I am trying to collect more stamps still now.

I hope you are coming soon (h) — see my collections.

Lovingly yours,


3.   Complete the text using the words in the box as needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5


Dear Bonna,
I received your letter yesterday. I hope you are well. You have wanted to (a) — about the crops of our country. Now I am (b) — to tell you about it.
I like to inform you (c) — Bangladesh is an (d) — country. As a result, different kinds of crops grow (e) —. For example, paddy, jute, tea, sugarcane, etc grow here (f) —. Paddy (g) — jute are our main crops. We earn much foreign exchange from (h) — those some of crops. So the (i) — of crops for us is (j) —.
No more today.
Yours ever,

4.   Make four sentences from the following substitution table.   1 × 4 = 4

Unemploymentshouldidle after completing their studies.
Itisthe body and mind of our young generation.
Educated youthsremainnot depend on the government to provide them with the jobs.
Theyweakensa curse.

5.   Read the following text and change the sentences as directed. 1 × 5 = 5

      Today corruption is a very familiar term in Bangladesh. (a) Corruption is the most dangerous weapon to destroy a society (Make it positive). (b) It lies in every phase of our society (Make it interrogative). (c) Doesn’t it paralyse the whole nation?  (Make it affirmative). (d) The persons in the high rank of the society are not involved in corruption (Make it affirmative). (e) Social awareness is very essential to resist corruption (Make it interrogative).

6.   Fill in the gaps with the right forms of verb in the brackets. Question d and f have special instructions in the brackets for the use of verbs. 0.5×8=4

      Polash (a) — (read) in class six. He (b) — (go) to school regularly. One day he was (c) — (come) home with his friend Kamal after school. Looking at a beautiful bird they stopped (d) — (walk ‘make it present participle’). The bird (e) — (be) of blue and yellow colour. They (f) — (try ‘use past indefinite’) to catch it. Polash said to Kamal, “I’ll now (g) — (climb) up the tree and will try to catch the kingfisher.” Kamal (h) — (run) to call their other friends to enjoy the event.

7.   Use appropriate punctuation marks and capital letters where necessary.      0.5×8=4

      sweets of Bangladesh are mostly milk based. The common ones are roshgulla, sandesh rasamalai gulap jamun kalo jamun and chom-chom there are hundreds of different varieties of sweet preparations. sweets are therefore an important part of the day today life of Bangladeshi people.

Model Question-4 Solution

1. (a) the ; (b) a ; (c) a ; (d) × ; (e) the ; (f) a ; (g) a ; (h) ×.

2. (a) to; (b) about; (c) of; (d) of; (e) with; (f) to; (g) of; (h) to.

3. (a) know; (b) going; (c) that; (d) agricultural; (e) here; (f) abundantly; (g) and;      (h) exporting; (i) importance; (j) immeasurable.

4. (a) Unemployment is a curse.

    (b) It weakens the body and mind of our young generation.

    (c) Educated youths remain idle after completing their studies.

    (d) They should not depend on the government to provide them with the jobs.

5. (a) No other weapon to destroy a society is as dangerous as corruption.

    (b) Doesn’t it lie in every phase of our society?

    (c) It paralyses the whole nation.

    (d) The persons in the high rank of the society are away from corruption.

    (e) Isn’t social awareness very essential to resist corruption?

6. (a) reads; (b) goes; (c) coming; (d) walking; (e) was; (f) tried; (g) climb; (h) ran.

7. Sweets of Bangladesh are mostly milk based. The common ones are roshgulla, sandesh, rasamalai, gulap jamun, kalo jamun and chom-chom. There are hundreds of different varieties of sweet preparations. Sweets are, therefore, an important part of the day-to-day life of Bangladeshi people.

Mustafij Sir

Published by
Mustafij Sir

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