Class VII English 1st Paper

25+ Most Common Stories For English 1st Paper Class Seven

1.    Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it:

Once a farmer had a donkey. The donkey thought himself to be very clever. He used to carry heavy load for his master alone to a market which was on the other side of river. One morning when the donkey reached the river, he decided ……………………. by wading across the water.

But at one stage he reached a very deep spot. He had to swim to cross the river. Fortunately, he was carrying …………………….. that day. So, a large portion of the salt diluted in the water. As a result, the load ………………………. cross the river. He felt very proud of himself. He decided that ……………………… follow the same way.

But the donkey did not know that the next day he was carrying of a load of cotton. When he reached the river, he started wading through the river. But this time the load became so heavy soaking water that the donkey ……………………. Though he thought himself clever, …………………. . And for his foolishness, he died.


Once a farmer had a donkey. The donkey thought himself to be very clever. He used to carry heavy load for his master alone to a market which was on the other side of river. One morning when the donkey reached the river, he decided to make his journey shorten by wading across the water.

But at one stage he reached a very deep spot. He had to swim to cross the river. Fortunately, he was carrying bags of salt on that day. So, a large portion of the salt diluted in the water. As a result, the load became light and he could easily cross the river. He felt very proud of himself. He decided that from next time onwards he would follow the same way.

But the donkey did not know that the next day he was carrying of a load of cotton. When he reached the river, he started wading through the river. But this time the load became so heavy soaking water that the donkey drowned. Though he thought himself clever, really he was foolish. And for his foolishness, he died.

2.    Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it:

Once a golden necklace was lost from a rich man’s house. A few servants worked in that house. Naturally it was suspected that any …………………………. the necklace. Each of them was asked. But nobody confessed the guilt. So, the master of the house ………………… before the Judge. All of the servants were summoned to the court. But all of the servants denied the charge. Then the Judge …………………… He gave each of them a stick of same length and told them to submit them to the court the following day. He told them that the person who had stolen the necklace, his stick ………………………… When they returned home, they kept their sticks as they were. But the servant who stole the necklace ………………… an inch. The next day when everybody submitted the sticks, it was found that …………………… an inch. Then the thief was detected and he was given punishment.


Once a golden necklace was lost from a rich man’s house. A few servants worked in that house. Naturally it was suspected that any one of the servants had stolen the necklace. Each of them was asked. But nobody confessed the guilt. So, the master of the house lodged a complaint before the Judge. All of the servants were summoned to the court. But all of the servants denied the charge. Then the Judge hit upon a plan. He gave each of them a stick of same length and told them to submit them to the court the following day. He told them that the person who had stolen the necklace, his stick would increase an inch. When they returned home, they kept their sticks as they were. But the servant who stole the necklace shortened it by an inch. The next day when everybody submitted the sticks, it was found that one stick was short by an inch. Then the thief was detected and he was given punishment.

3.    Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it:

Once there was a stag in a forest. He felt very thirsty and went to a stream to drink water. The water of the pool was so clear that he could see his image in the water. He was very charmed to see the image of his horn. But when he saw his legs, ………………….. because his legs were very thin and ugly. 

While thinking so, he saw …………………………. his hounds. The stag was so afraid that he started ……………………. His legs helped him to run fast. But his horns ……………………….. in the bushes. He fell down. The hunter came and killed him. Had he not …………………, he might not have been killed.


Once there was a stag in a forest. He felt very thirsty and went to a stream to drink water. The water of the pool was so clear that he could see his image in the water. He was very charmed to see the image of his horn. But when he saw his legs, he was very sorry because his legs were very thin and ugly. 

While thinking so, he saw a hunter coming towards him with his hounds. The stag was so afraid that he started running fast to save his life. His legs helped him to run fast. But his horns got entangled with the creepers in the bushes. He fell down. The hunter came and killed him. Had he not the horns, he might not have been killed.

4.    Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it:

Once there lived two women in a village. One of them had a baby. But another woman claimed that baby. As a result, both of them entangled in a quarrel. None could find a solution to the problem. Last of all they went to the court of King Solomon. King Solomon was a very wise and just king. Finding out the truth he could solve any problem. When he saw that none left the claim of the baby, he thought what to do. Then he ordered one of his men ………………… ………………… and give one half ………………….. The first woman became very elated. She said, “I’m agreed with the decision. Please give me my half.” But the second woman started howling. She told the king, “Don’t …………………………. Give the baby to her.” The king …………………….. fact and gave the baby ……………. and the first woman was sent to prison.


Once there lived two women in a village. One of them had a baby. But another woman claimed that baby. As a result, both of them entangled in a quarrel. None could find a solution to the problem. Last of all they went to the court of King Solomon. King Solomon was a very wise and just king. Finding out the truth he could solve any problem. When he saw that none left the claim of the baby, he thought what to do. Then he ordered one of his men to cut the baby into two equal halves and give one half to each of the women. The first woman became very elated. She said, “I’m agreed with the decision. Please give me my half.” But the second woman started howling. She told the king, “Don’t kill the baby. I don’t need my share. Give the baby to her.” The king understood the fact and gave the baby to the second woman and the first woman was sent to prison.

5.    Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it:

Once there lived a happy cobbler who passed his days in working and singing from morning till night. A rich neighbour of his was a banker who one day said to him, “How much a year do you earn?” The cobbler laughed and said, “How much a year, Sir; I never reckoned in that way. I earn a little everyday and it brings my meals and I am happy.” The banker said, “I have resolved …………………………. of want. Take these thousand pounds, preserve them carefully and use them ……………….. .” The cobbler who had never seen so much money at a time in his life before, hurried home and buried his treasure in the earth. But alas! He buried …………………………. night he could not enjoy a sound sleep. He would remain alert the whole night. He would think of the money. Thus he lost ……………………………. . One day he went to the banker and told him that …………………………….. So he told the banker to take his money back and finally the cobbler returned the money to the banker. Again he was able to enjoy …………….. and …………………. and happiness. Thus it was proved that true happiness lies in contentment.


Once there lived a happy cobbler who passed his days in working and singing from morning till night. A rich neighbour of his was a banker who one day said to him, “How much a year do you earn?” The cobbler laughed and said, “How much a year, Sir; I never reckoned in that way. I earn a little everyday and it brings my meals and I am happy.” The banker said, “I have resolved to place you above the fear of want. Take these thousand pounds, preserve them carefully and use them in time of need.” The cobbler who had never seen so much money at a time in his life before, hurried home and buried his treasure in the earth. But alas! He buried his happiness with it too because at night he could not enjoy a sound sleep. He would remain alert the whole night. He would think of the money. Thus he lost his sleep and happiness. One day he went to the banker and told him that his money had snatched away his sleep. So he told the banker to take his money back and finally the cobbler returned the money to the banker. Again he was able to enjoy sound sleep and mental peace and happiness. Thus it was proved that true happiness lies in contentment.

6.    Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

        Once a fox saw a crow sitting on the top of a tree. She had a piece of meat in her beak. “I wish I could somehow make the crow drop it. What a hearty meal of it I would make!” thought the hungry fox within himself. “Good morning, Madam Crow”, said he. “I am told that ……………………. . Will you just sing to me …………………….?” Now this crow happened ……………………. . She felt flattered ……………………., and readily agreed. As she opened her beak to sing, ……………………. . The fox took it up and ……………………. . The poor crow had ……………………. . So, indeed she …………………….. She said to herself, ……………………. I will never ……………………. .


        Once a fox saw a crow sitting on the top of a tree. She had a piece of meat in her beak. “I wish I could somehow make the crow drop it. What a hearty meal of it I would make!” thought the hungry fox within himself. “Good morning, Madam Crow”, said he. “I am told that you have a very sweet voice. Will you just sing to me one of your sweetest songs?” Now this crow happened to be a silly bird. She felt flattered at the false praise of her voice, and readily agreed. As she opened her beak to sing, the piece of meat fell to the ground below. The fox took it up and ran away with it. The poor crow had nothing to do but repent. So, indeed she felt very sorry. She said to herself, “What a fool I made of myself! I will never trust a flatterer any more.”

7.    Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

        Once upon a time, an ant lived on the bank of a river. One day it suddenly slipped into water. It was trying very hard to come ashore. a dove lived in a tree on the bank not far from the spot. The dove saw the ant ……………………. . She was touched …………………….. So in order to save it from being drowned she at once ……………………. . The ant got on the leaf and ……………………. . A few days after this, ……………………. . The ant saw and …………………. . He aimed his gun ……………………. . As soon as the ant saw this, ……………………. . The pain caused by the ant made the hunter crying at a loud voice. The dove …………………….. Thus the ant saved the dove ……………………. .


        Once upon a time, an ant lived on the bank of a river. One day it suddenly slipped into water. It was trying very hard to come ashore. a dove lived in a tree on the bank not far from the spot. The dove saw the ant struggling in a helpless condition. She was touched with pity. So in order to save it from being drowned she at once dropped a leaf into the water. The ant got on the leaf and saved itself. A few days after this, a hunter came there with a gun. The ant saw and followed him. He aimed his gun to shoot the dove in the tree. As soon as the ant saw this, it bit his foot. The pain caused by the ant made the hunter crying at a loud voice. The dove heard the sound and fly off at once. Thus the ant saved the dove that had once saved its life.

8.    Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

        Androcles was a Roman slave who had committed a crime. He escaped to a hilly forest where he took shelter in a cave. Soon a roaring lion entered it. Androcles was frightened beyond measure. But the beast limped near him with clear signs of pain. As it raised one of its paws, Androcles noticed that a big thorn had run into it and Androcles ……………………. . Then, the lion went out and brought a kill ……………………. . Some days after, however, ……………………. . Androcles felt so hungry that he came out and was ……………………. . He was ……………………. . But the lion let loose upon him ……………………. . Like a pet dog, ……………………. . The spectators were …………………….. It was the very lion whom …………………….. This unusual event led his master ……………………..


        Androcles was a Roman slave who had committed a crime. He escaped to a hilly forest where he took shelter in a cave. Soon a roaring lion entered it. Androcles was frightened beyond measure. But the beast limped near him with clear signs of pain. As it raised one of its paws, Androcles noticed that a big thorn had run into it and Androcles gently drew it out. Since then, the lion went out and brought a kill for his benefactor’s food. Some days after, however, it did not return. Androcles felt so hungry that he came out and was arrested by his master. He was to be thrown before a hungry lion. But the lion let loose upon him behaved differently. Like a pet dog, it fawned at his feet. The spectators were utterly surprised. It was the very lion whom he had helped. This unusual event led his master to set him free as innocent.

9.    Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

        Robert Bruce, the king of Scotland, fought several battles to regain his country’s freedom but was each time defeated. Naturally he was in a very dejected mood. Sitting in his hideout, he lost himself in deep thought. Deep in despair, when he was thinking of giving up, he saw a spider trying to reach the ceiling of the cave. He was looking at it and waited to see what the spider would do. He wondered if the tiny creature would manage to reach the high ceiling. The spider went some way up its ……………………. . King Bruce became deeply interested and anxiously waited for the outcome ……………………. The spider did not give up ……………………. . It made as many as nine attempts ……………………. . King Bruce thought that now it would ……………………. It climbed up once more and succeeded ……………………. .

        This sight filled ……………………. . He set about gathering forces, determined to fight ……………………. . Working secretly, he gathered a large band of  soldiers and gave battle ……………………. . This time, ……………………. .


        Robert Bruce, the king of Scotland, fought several battles to regain his country’s freedom but was each time defeated. Naturally he was in a very dejected mood. Sitting in his hideout, he lost himself in deep thought. Deep in despair, when he was thinking of giving up, he saw a spider trying to reach the ceiling of the cave. He was looking at it and waited to see what the spider would do. He wondered if the tiny creature would manage to reach the high ceiling. The spider went some way up its own silken thread but fell. King Bruce became deeply interested and anxiously waited for the outcome of the tiny creature’s effort. The spider did not give up but continued its effort. It made as many as nine attempts but without any success. King Bruce thought that now it would give up the attempt, but it did not. It climbed up once more and succeeded in reaching the ceiling.

        This sight filled the King with hope. He set about gathering forces, determined to fight until victory was achieved. Working secretly, he gathered a large band of soldiers and fought a battle against the occupied forces. This time, he was successful.

10.  Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

        Once a dog stole a piece of meat from a butcher’s shop. The dog ran off with it in his mouth. On his way, there was a narrow stream. The stream was bridged over by a plank placed across it. As the dog was on the plank, he suddenly looked down. He saw his own image…………………….. He took it …………………….. “I must fight that out and get his piece.” said he, “I am ……………………..” In fact it was his own shadow and ……………………. . As he opened his mouth to bark at his own shadow, …………………….. It fell ……………………..

        He jumped into the water at once ……………………. . He searched for it by diving and swimming, but it was lost for ever, for it was carried away ……………………..


        Once a dog stole a piece of meat from a butcher’s shop. The dog ran off with it in his mouth. On his way, there was a narrow stream. The stream was bridged over by a plank placed across it. As the dog was on the plank, he suddenly looked down. He saw his own image on the clear water below. He took it another dog with a piece of meat. “I must fight that out and get his piece,” said he, “I am so hungry.” In fact it was his own shadow and not another dog. As he opened his mouth to bark at his own shadow, the piece of meat dropped down from his mouth. It fell into the stream.

        He jumped into the water at once to get back his piece of meat. He searched for it by diving and swimming, but it was lost for ever, for it was carried away by the current of the stream.

11.  Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

The crows are ugly to look at. So they are unhappy. They want to be beautiful. But how! Once a crow got a chance to be beautiful. One day the crow found some beautiful feathers of a peacock in a jungle. He became very glad. He took the feathers one by one and ……………………………….. . He looked …………………….. and became ……………………….. because he was …………………… . So, he made up his mind ……………….. . Seeing him the peacocks ………………………. . They attacked him, pulled out …………………… When he returned to the crows, ………………….. . The crow ……………………… . He promised to the crows that ……………………… .


The crows are ugly to look at. So they are unhappy. They want to be beautiful. But how! Once a crow got a chance to be beautiful. One day the crow found some beautiful feathers of a peacock in a jungle. He became very glad. He took the feathers one by one and stuck them in among his own feather. He looked at himself and became glad and proud because he was no longer ugly like other crows. So, he made up his mind to go to the peacocks and live with them. Seeing him the peacocks understood that he was a crow in the guise of a peacock. They attacked him, pulled out the false feathers and drove him away. When he returned to the crows, they also drove him away. The crow realized his fault. He promised to the crows that he would never be false.

12.  Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it:

        It was long time ago. There was a town in Germany called Hamelin. The town of Hamelin had a great problem with rates. These rate were so big that they fought the dogs, killed the cats and bit the babies in the cradles. They ate up the corn. Their shrieking and squeaking was unbearable.

          At last people came to the Mayor. They told him to do something. The Mayor called a meeting with his councillors ad discussed the problems for hours. But ……………… .

        Just then ……………………… . He said that ……………………………. He told he would …………………. The Mayor ………………………… The pied piper …………………….. and began ………………. Soon rats ………………….. He took …………………… Thus all the rats ……………..


It was long time ago. There was a town in Germany called Hamelin. The town of Hamelin had a great problem with rats. These rats were so big that they fought the dogs, killed the cats and bit the babies in the cradles. They ate up the corn. Their shrieking and squeaking was unbearable.

At last people came to the Mayor. They told him to do something. The Mayor called a meeting with his councillors and discussed the problems for hours. But no solution came.

Just then a man of fantastic dress appeared. He said that people called him ‘Pied Piper’. He told he would rid the town of rats if they paid him a thousand guilders. The Mayor agreed to it. The pied piper took out a pipe from his pocket and began to play on it. Soon rats began to follow him from every house. He took all the rats of the town into the river Weser. Thus all the rats were drowned in the water.

13.  Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

        One day two rats stole a piece of bread. They failed to divide it in equal parts as both of them wanted the larger part. They fought for that. Lastly, they agreed to put up their problem to the monkey. All the animals of the forest knew him as the wiser animal. They went to the monkey and asked him to divide the bread into two equal parts. The monkey …………… hand. “One piece is clearly bigger …………… So he bit off a part of …………… “That piece now …………… So he bit off a part of the bigger piece. That piece now became …………… The monkey, therefore, ate a part of the piece …………… . At last, there was only …………… . The rats now begged the monkey …………… . The monkey wanted it for his fee …………… . The rats indeed left …………… .


        One day two rats stole a piece of bread. They failed to divide it in equal parts as both of them wanted the larger part. They fought for that. Lastly, they agreed to put up their problem to the monkey. All the animals of the forest knew him as the wiser animal. They went to the monkey and asked him to divide the bread into two equal parts. The monkey divided the bread into two pieces and took a piece in each hand. “One piece is clearly bigger than the other”, said the monkey. So he bit off a part of the bigger piece. “That piece now became smaller than the other,” said the monkey. So he bit off a part of the bigger piece. That piece now became smaller than the other. The monkey, therefore, ate a part of the piece to make the other smaller. At last, there was only one small piece of bread left. The rats now begged the monkey to give that piece to them. The monkey wanted it for his fee and ate up that also. The rats indeed left the place becoming sadder and wiser.

14.  Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

        There once lived a saint in a deep forest. One day a poor, weak mouse caught his notice. He fed it well. A cat soon came to his hut. So the saint turned the mouse into a cat. Soon a dog came there and …………………………. The saint and the dog lived ……………………………… One evening, however, they saw …………………………. . The dog trembled …………………….. So the saint at once ………………………………. Now the tiger …………………… In his pride, he prowled about ………………………. But it forgot the past and also ……………….. . One day, the tiger thought of making ……………………………. .  The saint who could read the mind of the tiger, ………………………………….. .


        There once lived a saint in a deep forest. One day a poor weak mouse caught his notice. He fed it well. A cat soon came to his hut. So the saint turned the mouse into a cat. Soon a dog came there and the saint now turned the cat into a dog.  The saint and the dog lived quite happily for sometimes.  One evening, however, they saw a tiger there roaming in search for prey. The dog trembled in fear. So the saint at once made it a tiger. Now the tiger felt very happy. In his pride, he prowled about terrifying the other animals of the forest. But it forgot the past and also the kindness of the saint. One day, the tiger thought of making a hearty meal of him.  The saint who could read the mind of the tiger changed it back into the mouse.

15.  Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

       Once a hungry fox was searching for food in the forest. After a while, he came to a vine-yard. Ripe grapes were in the vines. The fox was very hungry and thirsty. The sight of the ripe grapes …………… . He was tempted ……………. The grapes were ……………. The fox thought of having ……………. So, he jumped and jumped ……………. He did it ……………. But the grapes were ……………. The poor fox became tired and …………… . So he went away and said : “…………… . I don’t want …………… .”


       Once a hungry fox was searching for food in the forest. After a while, he came to a vine-yard. Ripe grapes were in the vines. The fox was very hungry and thirsty. The sight of the ripe grapes was joy for him. He was tempted by the beautiful ripe grapes. The grapes were hanging high. The fox thought of having a good meal of the ripe grapes. So, he jumped and jumped to reach the grapes. He did it again and again. But the grapes were too high to reach. The poor fox became tired and thought that it was no good trying. So he went away and said, “The grapes are sour. I don’t want to have the grapes.”

16.  Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

        Once upon a time there lived an old farmer. He had three sons who used to quarrel among themselves. One day, the sons were quarrelling again and the old farmer heard them. In order to teach them the value of unity he called his sons beside him………… The three sons went and brought………… The old farmer………… with the rope. Then he asked his sons ………… The three sons tried and tried but………… Then their father untied the sticks and………… He told them………… . This time they all………… Then the old farmer………… nobody could………… .


        Once upon a time there lived an old farmer. He had three sons who used to quarrel among themselves. One day, the sons were quarrelling again and the old farmer heard them. In order to teach them the value of unity he called his sons beside him and told them to bring him three sticks and some rope. The three sons went and brought the sticks and rope for their father. The old farmer then tied the sticks together with the rope. Then he asked his sons to break the bundle of sticks. The three sons tried and tried but they couldn’t break the bundle of sticks. Then their father untied the sticks and gave one stick to each of his sons. He told them again to break the sticks. This time they all broke their sticks easily. Then the old farmer told his sons that nobody could do any harm to them if they remained united.

17.  Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

      Bayezid’s ailing mother wanted a glass of water to him. There was no water at home. Bayezid went to a distant fountain to fetch water. He came back with water and found his mother asleep. He did not awake her. Keeping a glass of water in hand, …………. . He was waiting …………. . But she …………. When it was dawn, …………. . and discovered …………. . She wondered …………. . Then she …………. . She could not …………. . She embraced …………. and blessed …………. .


      Bayezid’s ailing mother wanted a glass of water to him. There was no water at home. Bayezid went to a distant fountain to fetch water. He came back with water and found his mother asleep. He did not awake her. Keeping a glass of water in hand, he stood still beside his mother’s bed. He was waiting for his mother’s awaking. But she was in sound sleep. When it was dawn, Bayazid’s mother awake and discovered her son standing beside her bed with a glass of water in hand. She wondered for a moment. Then she could remember the fact, she could not control her tears anyway. She embraced her son with deep love and blessed him from the core of her heart.

18.  Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

      Once some mice were having a good time in a rich man’s house. Being fed-up, the owner brought a cat. As a result, the mice fell in a great difficulty. One day all the mice sat together in a conference ………………….. Different mice gave different suggestions. but none ……………………. At last a young mouse stood up and suggested, “If we …………………….we’ll easily understand ………………….. and then we’ll”. All the mice praised the proposal …………………. He stood up and said, ………………….. but …………………….” Hearing this all the mice ………………………….. and felt disappointed. Finding no solution, ………………………. .


      Once some mice were having a good time in a rich man’s house. Being fed-up with the mice, the owner brought a cat. As a result, the mice fell in a great difficulty. One day all the mice sat together in a conference in order to find a way out. Different mice gave different suggestions, but none was found acceptable. At last a young mouse stood up and suggested, “If we tie a bell around the cat’s neck, we’ll easily understand when the cat is coming to the barn and then we’ll hasten into our holes.” All the mice praised the proposal except the old one. He stood up and said, “I’ve no doubt in my mind that the proposal is very good. But who will bell the cat?” Hearing this, all the mice began to look at one another and felt disappointed. Finding no solution the mice eventually migrated to another house.

19.  Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

      Once there lived a shepherd boy. He tended a flock of sheep near a forest. The forest was near a village. One day he wanted to make fun with the villagers. So, he began to cry out saying. “Tiger! Tiger!” The villagers thought …………… and they …………………. But the boy began …………………. . Many a time the boy ………………………….. So, the men really …………………. . One day ……………… and the boy cried out,  …………………………..” His neighbours heard him shouting but ……………………. . They thought that ………………….. . The Tiger fell upon …………………… .


      Once there lived a shepherd boy. He tended a flock of sheep near a forest. The forest was near a village. One day he wanted to make fun with the villagers. So, he began to cry out saying “Tiger! Tiger!” The villagers thought that a tiger had come and they ran up to him. But the boy began to laugh at them.

      Many a time the boy did this trick. So, the men really got angry upon him. One day a tiger really came and the boy cried out “Tiger! Tiger!” His neighbours heard him shouting but they did not come. They thought the boy was again playing his trick to have a joke with them. The tiger fell upon the boy and tore him to pieces.

20.  Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

        There lived a farmer in a village. He had a wonderful goose. The goose would lay a golden egg everyday. The farmer would sell it in the market. He would buy food, clothes, and daily necessaries with the money. He would even save some money every day. The farmer grew rich gradually. But the farmer was very greedy and intolerant. He thought that if he would sell an egg each day, it …………………………………………………………… He was hasty in nature and …………………………………. He wanted to have …………………………………. He planned to kill the goose to …………………………………. The farmer told the plan to his wife but …………………………………. She asked him to be tolerant and …………………………………. But the farmer didn’t pay ………………………………… . One evening the farmer killed the goose and………………………………… . But there were no eggs in the ………………………………… . Thus the greedy ………………………………… .


        There lived a farmer in a village. He had a wonderful goose. The goose would lay a golden egg everyday. The farmer would sell it in the market. He would buy food, clothes, and daily necessaries with the money. He would even save some money every day. The farmer grew rich gradually. But the farmer was very greedy and intolerant. He thought that if he would sell an egg each day, it would take a long time to become rich. He was hasty in nature and wanted to change his lot overnight. He wanted to have all the eggs at a time. He planned to kill the goose to get all the eggs. The farmer told the plan to his wife but she didn’t agree to the proposal. She asked him to be tolerant and not to be greedy. But the farmer didn’t pay any heed to his wife’s advice. One evening the farmer killed the goose and cut out the stomach of the goose. But there were no eggs in the stomach of the goose. Thus the greedy farmer lost everything.

21.  Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

        Sheikh Saadi was a great poet. Once he was going to the court of the king of Iran. He took shelter in a rich man’s house on his way to the court. The rich man did not treat him well. Sheikh Saadi was not wearing costly and gorgeous dress. He was wearing a very ordinary and cheap cloth. The treatment he received in the rich man’s house offended him. But he did not say anything to him.

        On the next day Sheikh Saadi went to the court of the king and was received with honour. He stayed there for a few days. He composed some beautiful poems and entertained the king and his courtiers. He received rich gifts from the king. On his way to his village he again ……………………. . This time, the rich man was surprised …………………… and ……………………. .

        While eating, Saadi was …………… delicious food and ……………. . Sheikh Saadi then instead of eating the food, ………………………………….. This surprised the rich man. “Why are you ………………………….. of your dress?” said the rich man. “I am putting them into the pockets of my dress ……………….,” said Saadi. The rich man realized his ………………… .


        Sheikh Saadi was a great poet. Once he was going to the court of the king of Iran. He took shelter in a rich man’s house on his way to the court. Sheikh Saadi was wearing a very ordinary and cheap cloth. The treatment he received in the rich man’s house offended him. But he did not say anything.

        On the next day Sheikh Saadi went to the court of the king and was received with honour. He stayed there for a few days. He composed some beautiful poems and entertained the king and his courtiers. He received rich gifts from the king. On his way to his village he again visited that rich man’s house. This time, the rich man was surprised to see Sheikh Saadi in a rich ornamental dress and treated him with the best of the foods and comfort.

        While eating, Saadi was surprised to see the rich delicious food and understood the rich man’s attitude. Sheikh Saadi then instead of eating the food, started putting them into the pockets of his rich cloth. This surprised the rich man. “Why are you putting the food into the pockets of your dress?”, said the rich man. “I am putting them into the pockets of my dress because these foods are meant for my dress, not for me,” said Saadi. The rich man realized his earlier folly and became ashamed.

22.   Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

        A proud hare laughed at the tortoise for its slow motion. But the tortoise challenged the hare to run a race. At this the hare was much amused. So it said, “Come along, let’s fix a date for the race.” They fixed a date and a place. A fox agreed to be the judge. The tortoise and the hare came to the starting point. The race began. The hare began to run very fast. It ran a mile in a few minutes. Soon it found ……….. . It became sure of success. It said to itself, “What’s the use of going so fast? Perhaps, the tortoise has ……….. So, I can very well ………..” So it  saying, the hare slept on the way. In the meantime ……….. . It did not stop anywhere. When it came near the hare, ……….. It smiled and ……….. Many hours passed. The hare woke up. It saw that ……….. It immediately got on its feet. It began ……….. . But alas! The tortoise  had already gone far. It was ……….. So, the tortoise won the race. It proves that …………


        A proud hare laughed at the tortoise for its slow motion. But the tortoise challenged the hare to run a race. At this the hare was much amused. So it said, “Come along, let’s fix a date for the race.” They fixed a date and a place. A fox agreed to be the judge. The tortoise and the hare came to the starting point. The race began. The hare began to run very fast. It ran a mile in a few minutes. Soon it found the tortoise far behind. It became sure of success. It said to itself, “What’s the use of going so fast? Perhaps, the tortoise has gone only a few yards by this time. So, I can very well have a good sleep before the tortoise comes up.” So it saying, the hare slept on the way. In the meantime the tortoise walked on and on. It did not stop anywhere. When it came near the hare, it saw the hare lying fast asleep. It smiled and quietly passed by the hare. Many hours passed. The hare woke up. It saw that it was already evening. It immediately got on its feet. It began to run very fast. But alas! The tortoise had already gone far. It was already crossing the winning post. So, the tortoise won the race. It proves that slow and steady wins the race.

23.  Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

          Once a thirsty crow was flying to and fro in search of water. But he found no water anywhere. At last, he saw a pitcher …………….. He tried to dip …………….. . Then he tried to …………….. . The efforts only made him …………….. . At last, he caught sight of some …………….. . He picked up some of those and …………….. The water seemed …………….. . So he went on doing it till the water …………….. After sometime the water came up within the reach of its beak. The crow now …………….. by drinking as much ………………


        Once a thirsty crow was flying to and fro in search of water. But he found no water anywhere. At last, he saw a pitcher nearby and flew to it. He tried to dip his beak but to no effect. Then he tried to upset the jar but failed to turn it over. The efforts only made him more thirsty. At last, he caught sight of some stones lying at hand. He picked up some of those and began to drop those into the pitcher. The water seemed to rise a little. So he went on doing it till the water came up within the reach of his beak. After sometime the water came up within the reach of its beak. The crow now quenched his thirst by drinking as much as he liked.

24.  Read the following story and complete it. Give a suitable title to it.

        Once upon a time two friends went on a journey. They had to go through a forest on the way. As they came through the wood, they saw a bear approaching. Both of them …………….., but suddenly one of them ……………… The other finding no other alternative, …………….. . The bear soon came up, …………….. and …………….. . The bear, …………….. . Seeing the bear going, …………….. . He then said to his friend, “What did the bear ……………..?”
His friend replied, “He gave me a …………..”.
“What is that?” he asked.
He told his friend that the bear said, “Do not trust a friend who …………….. .”


        Once upon a time two friends went on a journey. They had to go through a forest on the way. As they came through the wood, they saw a bear approaching. Both of them became frightened, but suddenly one of them climbed up a tree. The other finding no other alternative, lay flat on the ground without breathing. The bear soon came up, put down its head and smelt his body. The bear took him to be dead and went away. Seeing the bear going, the other friend came down the tree. He then said to his friend, “What did the bear whisper into your ear?”        His friend replied, “He gave me a piece of good advice”.
“What is that?” he asked.
He told his friend that the bear said, “Do not trust a friend who leaves you alone in a danger.”

25.  Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

        Oncea big bone  stuck into the throat of a tiger. He could not get it out from his throat. It pained him much. So he went to a stork. The stork agreed to ………………………………. The tiger agreed ………………….. . The stork put his ………………. and …………………………………… The tiger thanked ………………….. and ………………….. . When the stork demanded his fee ……………….. and said, “It is …………………… that you once put your head and didn’t ………………….. .”   


        Oncea big bone stuck into the throat of a tiger. He could not get it out from his throat. It pained him much. At last he went to a stork. The stork agreed to bring the bone out from his throat. The tiger agreed to pay for it. The stork put his long bill down the throat and got the bone out quite easily. The tiger thanked him and turned to go away. When the stork demanded his fee, the tiger refused to pay and said, “It is your good luck that you once put your head into a  tiger’s mouth and didn’t get it bitten off.”

26.  Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

        Once a lion was sleeping in his den. He was disturbed by a mouse running over his body. He caught it and in anger, he was about to kill it. The poor mouse begged for its life. He said, “Pardon me, king of beasts. I shall always be grateful to you if you spare my life for this time.” The lion had pity on him and ……………………………… . The mouse promised to give any …………………………. The lion …………………….. He said, “You are a little animal. How ……………………. ?” After a few days, the lion was ……………………………….. . He tugged and …………………….. The mouse heard the lion’s roar and ……………………………… . He bit the net with his sharp teeth and………………… He thus set …………………….. Thus the great lion was ……………………. .                                                                                                             


        Once a lion was sleeping in his den. He was disturbed by a mouse running over his body. He caught it and in anger, he was about to kill it. The poor mouse begged for its life. He said, “Pardon me, king of beasts. I shall always be grateful to you if you spare my life for this time.” The lion had pity on him and let him off with a warning. The mouse promised to give any help to the lion in case of need. The lion laughed at the offer. He said, “You are a little animal. How could you help me?” After a few days, the lion was caught in a net and roared (MR©b Kij). He tugged and strained but to no effect. The mouse heard the lion’s roar and rushed to help him. He bit the net with his sharp teeth and at last cut it off. He thus set the lion free. Thus the great lion was saved by the little mouse.

27.  Read the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

        There lived a wood-cutter in a village. One day he was cutting wood in a jungle near a pond. Suddenly his axe fell into the pond. The pond was very deep and the wood-cutter did not know how to swim. So he was sitting there with a heavy heart.  He was very poor and he had not the money to buy another axe. He was thinking what to do. He was very depressed and blaming his lot. Suddenly, he heard a voice and ………… . The fairy asked him ………… . He told her everything. The fairy ………… . She went  into the pond and ………… . The wood-cutter refused ………… She then again went into the water and ………… This time also the wood-cutter ………… Finally she brought the axe of ………… The wood-cutter was delighted ………… . The fairy became pleased with the wood-cutter ………… .  Honesty is thus always rewarded.


        There lived a wood-cutter in a village. One day he was cutting wood in a jungle near a pond. Suddenly his axe fell into the pond. The pond was very deep and the wood-cutter did not know how to swim. So he was sitting there with a heavy heart.  He was very poor and he had not the money to buy another axe. He was thinking what to do. He was very depressed and blaming his lot. Suddenly, he heard a voice and saw a fairy before him. The fairy asked him why he was crying. He told her everything. The fairy took pity on him. She went into the pond and came back with a golden axe. The wood-cutter refused to take the golden axe. She then again went into the water and returned with a silver one. This time also the wood-cutter refused to take it. Finally she brought the axe of the wood-cutter from the water. The wood-cutter was delighted to get back his iron axe. The fairy became pleased with the wood-cutter at his honesty and gave him the two valuable axes as reward.  Honesty is thus always rewarded.

28.  Read the following story and complete it. Give a suitable title to it.

        There lived a clever fox in a jungle. One day while passing through the jungle he fell into a trap. He could get out of the trap but lost his tail behind. Without his tail the fox looked very odd and strange. The fox felt very upset and ashamed losing his tail. He could not come in front of other foxes as they would laugh at him. But the fox was very clever. He made a plan. He invited all the foxes living in the jungle to a meeting. As the fox was a good speaker, all the foxes came to the meeting to listen to him. The fox was pleased that it was a good gathering. He rose to speak and told them that he had made a great discovery. All the foxes became very eager to listen to him. He told them that their tail was of no use rather it looked ugly and dirty. If they cut off their tail ………… . He also told them that he himself had ………… He brought out a knife and ………… The foxes were convinced and ………… . But among them there was an old and wise fox. He understood ………… . He told the other foxes that the clever fox had not cut off its tail, ………… As he did not have a tail, he wanted the other foxes ………… It was, in fact, an ………… . All other foxes then understood the ………… . Finding no other way, …………


        There lived a clever fox in a jungle. One day while passing through the jungle he fell into a trap. He could get out of the trap but lost his tail behind. Without his tail the fox looked very odd and strange. The fox was very upset and ashamed losing his tail. He could not come in front of other foxes as they would laugh at him. But the fox was very clever. He made a plan. He invited all the foxes living in the jungle to a meeting. As the fox was a good speaker, all the foxes came to the meeting to listen to him. The fox was pleased that it was a good gathering. He rose to speak and told them that he had made a great discovery. All the foxes became very eager to listen to him. He told  them that their  tail was of no use rather it looked ugly and dirty. If they cut off their tail they would look more beautiful and more attractive. He also told them that he himself had cut off his tail to prove it. He brought out a knife and gave it to them to follow him. The foxes were convinced and they were about to do that. But among them was an old and wise fox. He understood the trick of the clever fox. He told the other foxes that the clever fox had not cut off its tail, but it had lost its tail falling in a trap. As he did not have a tail, he wanted the other foxes to cut off their tails. It was, in fact, an evil trick of the clever fox. All other foxes then understood the evil design of the clever fox. Finding no other way, the clever fox ran away from that place.

Mustafij Sir

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