SSC 2022

SSC English 1st Paper Question 2022 With Answer

ENGLISH [According to the Syllabus of 2022) FIRST PAPER

Time-2 hours Full marks-50

Read the passage. Then answer the questions below 1 and 2: May Day or International Workers’ Day is observed on May 1 all over the world today to commemorate the historical struggle and sacrifices of the working people to establish an eight-hour workday. It is a public holiday in almost all the countries of the world. Since the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries in Europe and the US, the workers in mills and factories had been working a long shift, fourteen or even more hours a day.

On May 1st in 1886, inspired by the trade unions, half of the workers at the Mc Cormick Harvester Company in Chicago went on strike demanding an eight hour work day. Two days later, a workers’ rally was held near the Mc Cormick Harvester Company and about 6000 workers joined it. The rally was addressed by the labour leaders. They urged the workers to stand together, to go on with their struggle and not to give in to their bosses. Just at this moment some strike breakers started leaving the meeting place. The strikers went down the street to bring them back. Suddenly about 200 policemen attacked them with clubs and revolvers. One striker was killed instantly, five or six others were badly injured.

The events of May 1, 1886 are a reminder that workers will continue to be exploited until they stand up and speak out to gain better working conditions, better pay and better lives.

Marks                                                                                                                                     1×5=5

1. Choose the correct answer from the following alternatives:

(a) The word “commemorate’ in line two means

(1) identify

(ii) remember (iii) demonstrate

(iv) display

(b) The prevailing work hour of the workers had been very (i) tolerable

(ii) short

(iii) lengthy

(iv) expectable

(e) In the rally, the labour leaders inspired the workers

()to follow their bosses. ()to honour their bosses.

(ii) not to surrender to their bosses. (iv) not to disobey their bosses.

(d) Whom does trade union represent?

(1) Farmers (i) Teachers

(ii) Workers

(iv) Businessmen

(e) During the industrial revolution the workers in mills and factories had a/an

(1) favourable environment (ii) satisfactory environment

(iii) accordant environment (iv) adverse environment

2. Answer the following questions:                                                      2×4-8

(a) Why is May Day or International Workers’ Day observed now? (b) When and where did the historic events of May 1st take place?

(c) How did the policemen behave with the workers during their protest? (d) What inspired the workers joining the protest?

3. Read the following text and fill in each gap with suitable word 0-5×10-5

based on the information of the text:

Bangladesh is now apparently in the grip of all sorts of pollution like air pollution, soil pollution and water pollution. The dwellers of the urban areas are the worst sufferers of such pollution. The indiscriminate industrialisation process in Bangladesh over the past decades has created significant environmental problems.

Air pollution comes from a wide variety of sources. In Bangladesh poisonous exhaust from industrial plants, brick kilns, old and poorly serviced vehicles and dust from roads and construction sites are some of the major sources of air pollution. We can minimise this type of pollution by making less use of motor vehicles and avoiding the use of vehicles older than twenty years. We may also use proper lubricants to lessen the level of emission and pollutants. We can encourage people to use Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) or Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) for fuelling their cars. The government may relocate hazardous industries like brick kilns to areas away from human habitations.

At present, environment pollution is one of the greatest (a) Bangladesh. There are various types of pollutions such (b) air pollution, soil pollution and water pollution. Though it is wide spread, the urban areas are badly (c)- with it. Unplanned industrialization, wastage (d) mills and factories, faulty vehicles and construction sites are the main (e) of pollution. To get rid () all types of pollutions, some fruitful steps must be (g)- Firstly, to reduce air pollution, faulty and old vehicles must be avoided. On the other (h) we can minimise water and soil pollution by proper management of all (1) of wastage including industrial garbage. Finally, general people must be made (7) of the adverse consequences of environment pollution.

Match the parts of the sentences in column A, B and C to write four complete sentences:       1×4

Column AColumn B Column C
Air pollution arefrom the vehicles is the main cause of it.
ThereMust be takento control this pollution.
Black Smoke Whichisa number of reasons behind this pollution.
Immediate StepsIs Emittedthe most dangerous form of pollution.

Read the following text carefully and answer the questions no. 5 and 6:

It was Autumn, August 26, 1910. A little girl was born to an Albanian descent, rich catholic merchant’s family in a small town called Skopje, Macedonia. She was the youngest of the three siblings and was named Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, who had known that this tiny, little girl would one day become the servant of humanity-would love and serve the poorest of the poor and become the mother of humanity. Yes we are talking about none other than Mother Teresa. At the age of 12, she heard a voice from within her that urged her to spread the love of Christ. She decided that she would be a missionary. At the age of 18 she left her parental home. She then joined an Irish Community of nuns called the Sisters of Loreto, which had missions in India.

After a few months of training at the institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Dublin, Mother Teresa came to India. On May 24, 1931, she took her initial vows as a nun. From 1931 to 1948, Mother Teresa taught Geography and theology at St. Mary’s high school in Kolkata. However, the prevailing poverty in Kolkata had a deep impact on Mother Teresa’s mind, and in 1948 she received permission from her superiors to leave the convent and devote herself to work among the poorest of the poor in the slums of Kolkata.

Complete the table below with the information from the passage: 0.5×6-3

Name: Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa (ii)_________ Skopje 1910
(iii)________had missionsIndia
Mother Teresatook vows as a nunIndia(iv)________
She (v)________
(vi)__________shocked Mother Teresa streets of Kolkata

6. Write a summary of the above passage in your own words.

Writing Part (Marks-20)

7. Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on

“A School Library”.

(a) What is a school library?

(b) What kinds of books are there in your library? (c) What is the use of your school library?

(d) How can you use your school library?

8. Suppose, you are Salam/Salma living at Patenga, Chottogram. Your friend Sumon/Sumona lives at Himchori, Cox’s bazar. Recently you have visited his/her house and stayed there for two days. Now, write an e-mail to him/her thanking his/her family members for their hospitality.

9. Suppose, you are Ebad and your friend is Rifa. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend about tree plantation.

Mustafij Sir

Published by
Mustafij Sir

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