Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)
1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5×10=5
to | A | for | In | Work | prepare | the | By |
It is useful (a) —— students to take part (b) —— social service. (c) —— taking part (d) —— social service, they can benefit themselves as well as (e) —— nation. Student life is (f) —— period of (g) —— for future life. If the students do some social (h) ——, they will be better prepared for giving service (i) —— the nation on completion of their education. As they students have no family burden and as they get enough time during the large vacation, they can do (j) —— great deal of work for the people.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5×10=5
Language (a) —— a very important role in the life of human beings. We use language from the (b) —— we wake up in the morning (c) —— we go to bed at night. We use language (d) —— different purposes. We use language to (e) —— our ideas, thoughts and feelings, to (f) —— our message or to pass (g) —— information to others. In short, language is (h) —— present in our activities. It is (i) —— inseparable part of (j) —— we are, what we do and believe.
3. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
A student | cherish | to work to materialize any ambition |
Almost all of us | having | a particular ambition |
One | may | a particular ambition needs to study |
Ambition | means | desire to achieve something |
One’s ambition | needs | be materialized and sometimes hindered |
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5×10=5
make | Quicken | bring | have | Occupy | deepen | gain | transmit | be | change |
Information technology has (a) —— the process of globalization. In the field of information technology internet has (b) —— greatly. It has (c) —— the world smaller and (d) —— the world within our reach. It can (e) —— information within a short time. It (f) —— also (g) —— a great change in banking sectors. It has (h) —— our knowledge and (i) —— our life pattern. So, we cannot help (j) —— knowledge of it.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5
“Have you done your homeworks?” the mother said to the daughter. “No, I’ve forgotten,” said the daughter. “That’s very bad. You must be more careful about your homeworks. By doing so, you can’t expect to do well in your studies,” said the mother.
6. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10
(a) The other sailors were very angry with the old man who had shot the albatross. (Make compound sentence)
(b) They thought that they were the most endangered persons in the world. (Use comparative degree)
(c) They blamed him for their sufferings and thirst. (Use passive voice)
(d) They cursed him and hung the dead albatross round his neck as a punishment. (Make simple sentence)
(e) The next few days were very terrible. (Make exclamatory sentence)
(f) They found water nowhere. (Make interrogative sentence)
(g) The sailor’s throats were so dry that they could not speak. (Make simple sentence)
(h) Their eyes hurt with looking across the bright, glassy sea, watching all day long for a ship to come to help them. (Make complex sentence)
(i) Suddenly they saw a ship which was coming towards them. (Making simple sentence)
(j) Seeing the boat, they thought it as the blessing of God. (Make compound sentence)
7. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5
(a) We work hard so that——.
(b) If we are not industrious ——.
(c) A man who leads an idle life——.
(d) An idle man can never help people and so ——.
(e) We know the proverb that ——.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5Í10=5
Nobody is (a) — (mortal) — on earth. We are (b) — (account) — to God for our deeds. So it is (c) — (wise) — to lead an (d) — (pious) — life on earth. Moreover, it is (e) — (probable) — that man can escape death. As death is inevitable, we must do something noble to be in the heart of people even after our death. For this purpose, we should (f) — (proper) — use our talent and full (g) — (potential) — to achieve our (h) — (desire) — goal. We must keep in mind that this goal should be (i) — (help) — to others, (j) — (important) — should be given to prepare us ready to carry out our individual duty.
9. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5
(a) You had been to Dhaka during the winter holiday, Shilpi, ——?
(b) Your brother also stays in Dhaka, —— ?
(c) How nicely he sings, —— ?
(d) The brave deserve the fair, —— ?
(e) The body hardly keeps silent, —— ?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5
A mirror was found in a paddy field by a farmer. (a) —— this farmer (b) —— anybody else in the area had ever seen a mirror. (c) ——, when the farmer looked into the mirror, he was surprised to see a man looking straight at him. Now this farmer very resembled his father (d) —— had died a few years ago. He thought (e) —— it was his father.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5
over was called two batsmen walked to each other too much bouncers whispered tamim hang on inspired mushfique fixing his helmet.
Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)
1. (a) for; (b) in; (c) By; (d) in; (e) the; (f) the; (g) preparation; (h) work; (i) to (j) a.
2. (a) plays; (b) time/moment; (c) till; (d) for; (e) reveal/express; (f) send; (g) necessary; (h) ever; (i) an; (j) what.
3. (a) Almost all of us cherish a particular ambition.
(b) Ambition means desire to achieve something.
(c) One needs a particular ambition.
(d) A student having a particular ambition needs to study.
(e) One’s ambition may be materialized and sometimes hindered.
4. (a) quickened; (b) occupied; (c) made; (d) brought; (e) transmit; (f) has; (g) brought; (h) deepened; (i) changed; (j) gaining.
5. The mother asked the daughter if she (d) had done her (d) homeworks. The daughter replied in the negative and told that she (d) had forgotten. The mother told that that was very bad. She (m) added that she (d) had to be more careful about her (d) homeworks. She (m) also said that by doing so she (d) could not expect to do well in her (d) studies.
6. (a) The old sailor had shot the albatross and the other sailors were very angry with him.
(b) They thought that they were more endangered than any other person in the world.
(c) He was blamed by them for their sufferings and thirst.
(d) Cursing him, they hung the dead albatross round his neck as a punishment.
(e) How terrible the next few days were!
(f) Did they find water anywhere?
(g) The sailor’s throats were too dry to speak.
(h) Since they were watching all day long for a ship to come to help them, their eyes hurt with looking across the bright, glassy sea.
(i) Suddenly they saw a ship coming towards them.
(j) They saw the boat and thought it as the blessing of God.
7. (a) We work hard so that we can prosper in life.
(b) If we are not industrious, we will not shine in life.
(c) A man who leads an idle life, can never develop his condition.
(d) An idle man can never help people and so he has no dignity in the society.
(e) We know the proverb that man is the maker of his own fate.
8. (a) immortal; (b) accountable; (c) unwise; (d) impious; (e) improbable; (f) properly; (g) potentiality; (h) desired; (i) helpful; (j) importance.
9. (a) You had been to Dhaka during the winter holiday, Shilpi, hadn’t you?
(b) Your brother also stays in Dhaka, doesn’t he?
(c) How nicely he sings, doesn’t he? .
(d) The brave deserve the fair, don’t they?
(e) The body hardly keeps silent, does it?
10. (a) Neither; (b) nor; (c) So; (d) who; (e) that.
11. Over was called. Two batsmen walked to each other. “Too much bouncers,” whispered Tamim. “Hang on,” inspired Mushfique fixing his helmet.
WordsMeaningsSynonyms antonymsouterবাইরেরoutmostinnerproletarianদরিদ্র/সর্বহারাWorking-classmorallaunchশুরু করাIntroductionwithdrawpreparingপ্রস্তুতিGet-readydoubtfaultlesslyনির্দোষভাবেabsolutelyfaultynauseaবমিবমিভাবvomitingheadachediscomfortঅসস্তিupsetcomfortmaintainedবজায় করাsustainuselessLaterকরেnextearlierdynamicগতিশীলAggressivestaticplanপরিকল্পনাproposaldisorderaimলক্ষGoalaimlessdirectionনিদ্ধেশনাInstructionnoticeprofessionপেশাJobjoblesssuitsআকারFormnothingaptitudeযোগ্যতাAttitudedislikevaryপরিবর্তীতVariousfixeducatedশিক্ষিতLearneduneducatedcitizenনাগরিকnativeforeignervirtueপূর্ণgoodnessevilA lotঅনেকhugelittlecourteousবিনয়ীpoliterudediscourtesyঅবিনয়ীrudenesscourteouswinজয় করাgainloseenemyশত্রুfoefriendensureনিশ্চিত করাconfirmcancelangerরাগtempercalmnessremoveঅপসারণcancelputcordialityসোহার্দrudenessdiscordialitydifferentভিন্নDissimilarsameseeksঅনুসন্ধানPursuefindeagerআগ্রহীinterestdisinterestedobservationপর্যবেক্ষণExaminationneglectmereএকমাত্রImmenseabnormalalertসতর্কWatchfulunawarelatentসুপ্তOpenrealizedinstructorsপ্রশিকক্ষকteacherstudentguideগাইডmentormisguidewayপথ/উপায়Pathpartfascinatingচমৎকারexcellentunattractiveinterestআগ্রহীeagerdisregardimpatientঅধৈয্যIntolerancepatientillogicalঅযোক্তিকunethicalLogicalindifferentউদাসীনUninteresteddifferentethicallyনৈথিকভাবেlawfullyUnethicalGood-lookingচমৎকারAttractiveUnattractiveDarkঅন্ধকারBlackbrightFlawlessস্থিরperfectflawedShinyউজ্জল্যbrightdarkSlenderসরুthinfatGracefulকরুনাময়elegantungracefulStylishlyআড়ম্বরপূর্ণভাবেattractivesimplyAppreciatesপ্রশংসা করেpriesCriticizeNoticeলক্ষ করেadvertisementoverlookAmbitionউচ্ছাকাঙকাAim/desirelazinessRequireপ্রয়োজনneedanswerProficiencyদক্ষতাskilledincompetenceWonderআশ্চয্যSurprisedisinterestTestedপরীক্ষীতverifiednewEquallyসমানভাবেsimilarlyUnequallyDisappointingহতাশাজনকInceptingappointingPresumablyসম্ভবতdoubtlesslyimprobableQualifyযোগ্যতাcertifyDisqualifywrongভুলmistakewriteIdealআদর্শModelbadMasterদক্ষTeacherStudentMakesতৈরীcreateBreak/destroyMethodপদ্ধতিSystemdifferenceConvincingবিশ্বাসীsatisfactoryUnconvincingPraisesপ্রশাংসা করেhurrahCriticizeMistakeভুলErrorsagacityAngryরাগevilcalmSimpleসাধারণgeneralComplexmoralনৈতিকethicalamoralAcceptedগৃহিতreceivedrejectedSincerityআন্তরিকতাGood-willinsincerityResponsibilityদায়িত্বdutiesdepartureComplexityজটিলতাcomplicationSimplicityEnvyহিংসাlastedpraiseVicesমন্দevilVirtueImpactsপ্রভাবeffectfailsAwarenessসতর্কতাalertnessunawarenessOut-comeবাহিরের দিকresultcauseimportanceগুর্ত্বপূর্ণsignificanceinsignificanceFriendবন্দুenemyfoeNeedপ্রয়োজনcommitment/necessaryavoidSympathyসহানুভুতিkindnessrudenessProveপ্রমানconfirmdisproveFalseমিথ্যাwrongtrueHarmক্ষতিকরlosshelpLaughহাসাburstcryPleasureআনন্দhappinesssadnessBringআনাcarryleaveideaধারণাconceptnothingAllowঅনুমতিpermitdenyFreedomস্বাধীনতাindependencebondageOpinionমতামতviewawarenessFairমেলাcleanunfairEqualসমানbalancedunequalDivisionবিভাগdistributionunionElectনির্বাচন করাvoterefuseSystemনিয়ম-নীতিprocesspartTreatmentচিকিৎশা করাcuringhurtFacilityসুবিধাadvantagepainNeverকখন নয়NotingAlwaysWeakerদুর্বলrottenstrongerDiscourageনিরুৎসাহিতdroopEncourageFrustratingহতাশাজনকBuffaloingsatisfyingInterestআগ্রহীeagernessdiscourageAbilityসক্ষমতাCapabilityinabilityDreamস্বপ্নfancyfactBestসবচেয়ে ভালfinestworstSuccessসফলতাachievementfailureachieveঅর্জন…
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