ssc english 2nd paper

SSC English 2nd Paper Model-17 With Solutions


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                                  0.5×10=5


         Bacteria are tiny one-celled organisms. Both living and non-living things may have bacteria (a) ——or (b) —— them. There are various types (c) —— bacteria. Some of them are harmful and cause illnesses. There are some others which cause food to be spoilt. But there are many other types of bacteria which are helpful (d) —— human beings. Both plant and animal life would be impossible (e) —— them. Bacteria can exist in all sorts of habitants and environments. They are found not only on (f) —— hot deserts but also in (g) —— cold polar regions. Some bacteria can (h) —— and (i) —— very well at temperature that is not suitable for other forms (j) —— life.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                          0.5×10=5

         At present natural calamities in the world are increasing (a) —— an alarming rate. Floods, cyclones, earthquakes, tsunami, etc (b) —— almost every year and (c) —— away valuable lives, habitats and other belongings still now. We are (d) —— to abide by the will of nature. Scientists think that we are responsible (e) —— these disasters. Nature has (f) —— her equilibrium for (g) —— unwise acts of man. So nature is taking her (h) —— on us. If we don’t become conscious (i) —— it, the whole world will be unfit (j) —— living.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below.   1×5=5

Feminismbelong/belongsto eradicating  existing gender inequalities
It neveraccelerate/acceleratesmisandry (hatred towards men)
Rather, feministsbeto any gender
Theymean /means the belief in women’s equal rights
The rise of nationsstickwhere men and women rise together

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :                 0.5×10=5


         I (a) —— a shy boy and my first day in school (b) —— me the laughing stock of the classroom. I (c) —— to the blackboard to write my name and address. I (d) —— my name and address, but (e) —— at the blackboard with the eyes of many students (f) —— at me made me freeze inside and I was unable to write a single letter, “(g) —— your name,” the teacher (h) —— to me. I (i) —— the white chalk and as I was about to write, my mind (j) —— blank.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                        5

         “Please, don’t go out now as it is raining outside. If you have to go, you should take your umbrella,” My friend said to me, “No, I have a raincoat so I shall not carry it.” “You may do whatever you like. I have nothing to say,” he said.

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                              1×10=10

         (a)     English is not a native language. (Affirmative)

         (b)    Without learning English, we cannot hope to get any good job. (Complex)

         (c)    The man who knows English well can go abroad. (Simple)

         (d)    He becomes more valuable than most other people. (Positive)

         (e)    You must learn English. (Negative)

         (f)           Everybody knows this truth. (Passive)

         (g)    It is more practical than most other truths. (Superlative)

         (h)    None but the foolish can disobey this. (Interrogative)

         (i)     So, let not anymore time be wasted. (Active)

         (j)      If you study well, you will be able to learn it. (Compound)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                    1×5=5

         (a)     —— who does not want to be respected.

         (b)     But, people will not respect us until——.

         (c)     If you show compassion——.

         (d)     Above all, love is stronger ——.

         (e)     The world would be a better place——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         Sports can give us (a) — (entertain) — and (b) — (please) —. There are (c) — (vary) — kinds of sports. Among them, football and cricket have (d) — (popular) — in our country. However, football is losing its (e) — (attract). The people of our country (f) — (joy)  — the T-20 match most. It is also (g) — (high) — enjoyable to me. (h) — (unfortunate) — I missed the last T-20 match between Pakistan and India. This match was very much (i) — (attract) —. The players played (j) — (wonderful) —.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                            1×5=5

         (a)     We notice some remarkable changes in the food habits of our country, ——?

         (b)     You are right. Urban people have greatly changed their food habits, ——?

         (c)     Our young people are habituated (were) to some fast foods like pizzas, burgers, faluda, etc, ——?

         (d)     Certainly, fast foods can be eaten or carried away quickly, ——?

         (e)     Nowadays our aged persons are no more dependent on our traditional foods only,——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                             1×5=5

         They ploughed some fields day after day and prepared see beds. (a) —— they planted the seeds. (b) —— the seedlings were growing, they ploughed the rest of the fields (c) —— made them ready. (d) —— the seedlings grew long enough to be planted. Jamal and his son pulled the young seedlings from the wet soil and tied them in bundles. (e) —— they had pulled all the seedlings from the seed bed, they took the bundles to the fields.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                              5

         give me a few grains of corns i’m dying of hunger said the grasshopper but what did you in the summer didn’t you store up any grain the ant remarked no i was too lazy


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) on; (b) around; (c) of; (d) to; (e) without; (f) the; (g) the; (h) live; (i) grow; (j) of.

2.      (a) at; (b) happen/occur; (c) take; (d) bound/compelled/obliged; (e) for; (f) lost; (g) the; (h) revenge; (i) of/about; (j) for.

3.      (i)      Feminism means the belief in women’s equal rights.

         (ii)     It never belongs to any gender.

         (iii)    Rather feminists are misandry (hatred towards men).

         (iv)    They stick to eradicating existing gender inequalities.

         (v)     The rise of nations accelerates where men and women rise together.

4.      (a) was; (b) made; (c) went; (d) could write; (e) standing; (f) looking; (g) Write; (h) said; (i) lifted; (j) was.

5.      My friend requested me not to go out then as it was raining outside. He said that if I had to        go, I should take my umbrella. I disagreed and said that I had a raincoat so I would not carry it. He said that I might do whatever I liked. He also added that he had nothing to say.

6.      (a)     English is a foreign language.

         (b)     If we do not learn English, we cannot hope to get any good job.

         (c)     The man knowing English well can go abroad.

         Or,    The/An English knowing man can go abroad.

         (d)     Very few people become as/so valuable as he.

         (e)     You cannot but learn English./You cannot help learning English.

         (f)     This truth is known to everybody.  

         (g)     It is one of the most practical truths.

         (h)     Who but the foolish can disobey this?

         (i)      So, do not waste any more time./So do not waste time any more.

         (j)      Study well and you will be able to learn it.

7.      (a)     There is no man who does not want to be respected.

         (b)     But, people will not respect us until we are honest.

         (c)     If you show compassion, they will show compassion to you too.

         (d)     Above all, love is stronger than any other thing.

         (e)     The world would be a better place if we realized it.

8.      (a)   entertainment;   (b)  pleasure;   (c)  various;   (d)  popularity;   (e)  attraction;   (f)   enjoy; (g) highly; (h) Unfortunately; (i) attractive; (j) wonderfully.

9.      (a)     We notice some remarkable changes in the food habits of our country, don’t we?

         (b)     You are right. Urban people have greatly changed their food habits, haven’t they?

         (c)     Our young people are habituated to some fast foods like pizzas, burgers, faluda, etc, aren’t they?

         (d)     Certainly, fast foods can be eaten or carried away quickly, can’t they?

         (e)     Nowadays our aged persons are no more dependent on our traditional foods only, are they?

10.    (a) Then; (b) While; (c) and; (d) After that; (e) After/When.

11.    “Give me a few grains of corns. I’m dying of hunger,” said the grasshopper. “But what did you do in the summer? Didn’t you store up any grain?” the ant remarked. “No. I was too lazy.”

Mustafij Sir

Published by
Mustafij Sir

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