ssc english 2nd paper

SSC English 2nd Paper Model-20 With Solutions


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                                  0.5×10=5


         All (a) —— virtues depend (b) —— the virtue of (c) ——. It is lack of repeated attempts, not lack of (d) ——, that is the cause of (e) —— of the (f) —— (g) —— that (h) ——  in the history of (i) ——. It is because men do not persevere in (j) —— difficulties.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                           0.5×10=5

         Good manners form (a) —— important part of our education. Our education (b) —— incomplete if we don’t learn good manners. In our behaviour (c) —— others we must (d) —— proper respect for them. We should have (e) —— sense of fitness in our (f) —— with others. We should show respect to our (g) —— . It is necessary for (h) —— disciplined society. Good manners cost us (i) —— . So, good manners should be a part (j) —— our nature.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below.   1×5=5

nursesnew vistas of knowledge for them
A teacheropensa window opener for his students
Heholdsthe nation builder
isthe noblest profession
the young minds carefully

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :                 0.5×10=5


         The UNESCO (a) ——, February 21 as the International Mother Language Day (b) —— worldwide in recognition of the sacrifices of the martyrs for (c) —— the rightful place of Bangla. The declaration (d) —— in the form of a resolution generally in November 1999. The UNESCO (e) —— that collectively the recognition (f) —— bearing in mind that (g) —— mother tongue, widely not only (h) —— variety to language and (i) —— multilingualism also (j) —— fuller awareness about language and cultural traditions throughout the world.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                        5

         The new teacher entered the classroom and said, “Can you tell me what I should do now?” “No, sir,” one of the students said. The teacher smiled and said. “Try to guess.” “You should introduce yourself to us,” another student said. “Thank you,” said teacher. “You’re really brilliant.”

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                              1×10=10

         (a)     National Memorial which is situated at Savar is the symbol of the nation’s respect. (Simple)

         (b)    It bears more important memories than any other memorial. (Superlative)

         (c)    It is a combination of seven towers. (Complex)

         (d)    No other memorial is as visible as it in Bangladesh. (Comparative)

         (e)    We should show proper respect for gaining it. (Passive)

         (f)           We should remember our freedom fighters. (Negative)

         (g)    They have earned a very respectful position in our country. (Exclamatory)

         (h)     Every year a lot of people visit it, they bow down their heads in front of it. (Compound)

         (i)      What a beautiful piece of work the National Memorial is! (Assertive)

         (j)      Everybody wants to visit it. (Negative)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                    1×5=5

         (a)     Those who are prudent ——.

         (b)     Completing my lessons——.

         (c)     —— I would have helped the poor.

         (d)     They behaved ——.

         (e)     —— as long as it rains.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         The dead (a) — (war) — was brought before the widow. She stood beside the dead body. She was (b) — (speech) — because she was (c) — (whelmed) — with grief. All standing around the dead body (d) — (called) — the good qualities of her husband. But she was still standing (e) — (moved) —. She burst into tears when her child was given on to her lap. She wept (f) — (bitter) — thinking of the (g) — (fortune) — of her child as it had become (h) — (father) —. But she felt proud of her husband’s (i) — (hero) —. Her husband’s embraced  (j) — (martyr) —.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                            1×5=5

         (a)     Rina has little knowledge about games and sports, ——?

         (b)     Let’s talk to her,——?       

         (c)     The Creator is second to none, ——?

         (d)     Everybody praises a well-mannered student, ——?

         (e)     I think she has no interest in it, ——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                             1×5=5

         Forests are very important (a) —— trees produce oxygen (b) —— is essential for man and all living beings. (c) —— trees help us in many ways. (d) —— trees are less in number, there will be an increased amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (e) —— it will enhance greenhouse effect.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                              5

         life without love is a barren field it is very difficult to grow anything in a sterile place if a man is loveless he can kill anyone easily such type of man is often compared to a beast.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) the; (b) on; (c) perseverance; (d) ability; (e) failure; (f) stainless; (g) man; (h) comes; (i) perseverance; (j) much.

2.      (a) an; (b) remains; (c) with; (d) show; (e) a; (f) behaviour/dealings; (g) elders/superiors; (h) a; (i) nothing; (j) of.

3.      (a)     A teacher holds the noblest profession.

         (b)     He nurses the young mind carefully.

         (c)     He opens new vistas of knowledge for them.

         (d)     He is a window opener for his students.

         (e)     He is the nation builder.

4.      (a) proclaimed; (b) to be observed; (c) establishing; (d) came; (e) said; (f) has been given; (g) developing; (h) will add; (i) will encourage; (j) will increase.

5.      The new teacher entered the classroom and asked the students if they could tell him what he should do then. One of the students respectfully replied in the negative. The teacher smiled and told them to try to guess. Another student told the teacher that he should introduce himself to them. Then the teacher thanked him and mentioned that he was really brilliant.

6.      (a)     National Memorial situated at Savar is the symbol of nation’s respect.

         (b)     It bears the most important memories.

         (c)     It is a monument which is a combination of seven towers.

         Or,    It is a combination of towers the number of which is seven.

         (d)     It is more visible than any other memorial in Bangladesh.

         (e)     Proper respect should be shown for gaining it.

         (f)     We should not forget our freedom fighters.

         (g)     What a respectful position they have earned in our country!

         (h)     Every year a lot of people visit it and bow down their heads in front of it.

         (i)      The National Memorial is a very beautiful piece of work.

         (j)      There is nobody who does not want to visit it.

7.      (a)     Those who are prudent can think what will happen next.

         (b)     Completing my lessons, I went to school.

         (c)     Had I been a millionaire, I would have helped the poor.

         (d)     They behaved as though they had known everything.

         (e)     We should wait at the station as long as it rains.

8.      (a) warrior; (b) speechless; (c) overwhelmed; (d) recalled; (e) unmoved; (f) bitterly; (g) misfortune; (h) fatherless; (i) heroism; (j) martyrdom.

9.      (a)     Rina has little knowledge about games and sports, has she?

         (b)     Let’s talk to her, shall we?

         (c)     The Creator is second to none, is He?

         (d)     Everybody praises a well-mannered student, don’t they?           

         (e)     I think she has no interest in it, has she?

10.    (a) as; (b) which; (c) Besides; (d) If; (e) and.

11.    Life without love is a barren field. It is very difficult to grow anything in a sterile place. If a man is loveless, he can kill anyone easily. Such type of men is often compared to a beast.

Mustafij Sir

Published by
Mustafij Sir

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