ssc english 2nd paper

SSC English 2nd Paper Model-25 With Solutions


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                                  0.5×10=5


         The 20th FIFA World Cup (a) ——just a couple of days away and it is going to be (b) ——from June 12 to July 13, 2014. This time it is going to be held (c) —— different mega metropolises of Brazil. (d) —— five time Champion is hopeful of winning the glamorous trophy (e) ——. But Spain and Germany are in very good (f) ——. They have also made a good team and their (g) —— of carrying the cup (h) —— not beyond expectation. Other surprises (i) —— sure to happen. Above all, none should miss the grandeur and (j) —— of this football bonanza.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                           0.5×10=5

         Patriotism is an (a) —— quality of human being. It creates in a man a feeling of love for his motherland. It is older than (b) ——. The man who loves his own country, does his first and (c) —— duties and works for the (d) —— and (e) —— of his country, is a patriot. Even the ancient tribes had a great love for the land where they were born and sacrificed their lives to (f) —— it. If he does and (g) —— his duties honestly and sincerely in his own fields, he can be a patriot. If he does not do so, he will be a (h) ——. We must not have bitterness towards anyone. But (i) —— patriotism is very bad. All should (j) —- off it from their hearts.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below.   1×5=5

Rabindranath Tagorewasborn in the famous Tagore family in March 1861
He revealed through his first published book ‘Banaphool’
Hecouldeducated informally at home
So, he not accustom himself to formal education
At the age of fifteen, his poetic geniusgotone of the most famous poets of world literature

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :                 0.5×10=5

lead raisepreventoffer take rise berejectthrowburn

         Acid throwing is a heinous crime. Recently it (a) —— to an alarming proportion. Women (b) —— the victims of acid throwing. A section of vagabond and morally degraded youth (c) —— proposal of marriage or love to the beautiful girls. When the proposal is (d) —— they become furious. They decide to (e) —— revenge by (f) ——acid on the girls. As a result of it, the faces of the girls are (g) ——. The survivors of acid victims have to (h) —— a cursed life. With a view to (i) —— acid throwing we should (j) —— strong public awareness.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                        5

         Sakib said to Karim, “You had a blue pen.” “No, No, that was green.” “You say, it was green but where is it now?” By God, I don’t know.” “What a nice pen it was!” Sakib said to Karim.

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                              1×10=10

         (a)     Internet is the most miraculous invention of science. (Positive)    

         (b)     It has brought about an unthinkable revolution in the field of communication. (Complex)

         (c)     It is a computer network which connects other network and computers across the globe. (Simple)

         (d)    This network is interlinked with telephone line. (Active)

         (e)    Internet connection must require a telephone set. (Negative)

         (f)           It also requires a modem which is a special kind of software. (Simple)

         (g)    There are not more than two types of Internet. (Affirmative)

         (h)    Internet gets connection from the networking system. (Compound)

         (i)      Internet users can   get any sort of information very easily and quickly. (Passive)

         (j)      Thus internet has done a great wonderful job. (Exclamatory)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                    1×5=5

         (a)    Bangladesh is a small country but it ——.

         (b)    Our big population is a problem because ——.        

         (c)     Though it is a great problem, ——.

         (d)     Unless we control our problem, ——.

         (e)     It is high time ——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         Computer is a (a) — (fair) — a recent (b) — (invent) — of modern science. Now it has (c) — (come) — an integral part of our life. Computer can help us in many ways and it has relieved us of the monotony of our regular jobs. It can perform (d) — (calculate) — very quickly. It can also (e) — (sure) — accuracy in its work. Computer has (f) — (moved) — the burden of our work. In fact, computer has (g) — (most) — become a substitute for human brain. As a result, many people call computer an (h) — (electron) — brain though it is (i) — (able) — to think (j) — (dependent) —.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                            1×5=5

         (a)     The little boy came fast, ——?

         (b)    I am always obsessed with cricket, ——?

         (c)    Let’s go out for a walk in the open field, ——?

         (d)    The teacher said in the class, “He is a 3rd person,” ——?

         (e)    Hello, Sumon, I believe you are coming to the airport, ——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                             1×5=5

         A healthy man can do any work. (a) —— he can eat anything everyway. (b) ——, he can enjoy life in everyway. (c) —— hand, an unhealthy man is unhappy, for he cannot eat and do what he likes to eat and do. (d) —— he lives and dies poor. He may have intelligence, merit, learning and power, but he cannot put them to the use and reap their benefits. (e) —— health is the source of all happiness in life.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                              5

         my lord he said to the caliph in a humble voice i know I have done wrong and must suffer for it but if I have the donkey I shall cause it a great deal of unnecessary suffering



Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) is scheduled; (b) held; (c) in; (d) The; (e) again; (f) chance; (g) chances; (h) are; (i) are;      (j) splendour.

2.      (a)  uncommon;   (b)  civilization;   (c)  foremost;   (d)  people;   (e)  development;   (f) defend; (g) performs; (h) traitor; (i) over; (j) shake.

3.      (i)      Rabindranath Tagore was one of the most famous poets of world literature.

         (ii)     He was born in the famous Tagore family in March, 1861.

         (iii)    He could not accustom himself to formal education.

         (iv)    So, he was educated informally at home.

         (v)     At the age of fifteen, his poetic genius got revealed through his published book ‘Banaphool’.

4.      (a) has risen; (b) are; (c) offer; (d) rejected; (e) take; (f) throwing; (g) burnt; (h) lead; (i) preventing; (j) raise.

5.      Sakib told  Karim that he had had a blue pen. Karim strongly denied in the negative and said that it had been green. Then Sakib told Karim that he (K) said it had been green and asked him where it was then. Swearing by God Karim replied that he did not know. Sakib exclaimed with wonder to Karim that it had been a very nice pen.

6.      (a)     No other invention of science is as miraculous as Internet.

         (b)     It is Internet which has brought about an unthinkable revolution in the field of communication.

         (c)     It is a computer network connecting other network including computers across the globe.

         (d)     Telephone line interlinks this network.

         (e)     Internet connection cannot but require a telephone set./There cannot be any Internet connection without a telephone set.

         (f)     It also requires a modem, a special kind of software.

         (g)     There are only two types of internet.

         (h)     Internet gets a connection from a system and the name of this system is networking system.

         Or,    There is a networking system and internet gets connection from it.

         (i)      Any sort of information can be got very easily and quickly by the internet users.

         (j)      Thus what a wonderful job-internet has done!

7.      (a)     Bangladesh is a small country but it has a huge population.

         (b)     Our big population is a problem because most of them are poor and illiterate.

         (c)     Though it is a great problem, we are not aware of it.

         (d)     Unless we control our problem, it will be more serious.

         (e)     It is high time we took measures to control it.

8.      (a) fairly; (b) invention; (c) become; (d) calculation; (e) ensure; (f) removed; (g) almost; (h) electronic; (i) unable; (j) independently.

9.      (a)     The little boy came fast, didn’t he?

         (b)     I am always obsessed with cricket, aren’t I?

         (c)     Let’s go out for a walk in the open field, shall we?

         (d)     The teacher said in the class, “He is a 3rd person, isn’t it?”

         (e)     Hello, Sumon, I believe you are coming to the airport, aren’t you?

10.    (a) In addition; (b) Moreover; (c) On the other; (d) So; (e) That is why/Therefore.

11.    “My lord,” he said to the caliph in a humble voice, “I know I have done wrong and must suffer for it. But if I save the donkey, I shall cause it a great deal of unnecessary suffering.”

Mustafij Sir

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