ssc english 2nd paper

SSC English 2nd Paper Model-31 With Solutions


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                                  0.5×10=5


         Men have (a) —— interested in the stars ever since they first (b) —— up into the sky. Some of these stars may (c) —— their own planets. If that is (d) ——, we can suppose that intelligent life may exist (e) —— one of them. The problem is (f) —— the nearest star is forty-eight light years away. In other words, light from it has been (g) —— for forty eight years when it finally reaches us, (h)——nobody from the earth will (i) —— visit the star because it (j) —— take a rocket a hundred thousand years to reach it;

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                          0.5×10=5

         Scientist have (a) —— reported that the surface ice caps are (b) ——. This is due to a rise (c) —— atmospheric temperature known (d) —— the ‘Greenhouse Effect’. According to the scientist, carbon dioxide is primarily responsible (e) —— temperature rise in (f) ——. The carbon dioxide is high (g) —— coal and oil (h) —— burnt. This gas is accumulating in the atmosphere and (i) —— temperature to rise. As a result, the polar ice in the North and South poles (j) —— melting.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below.   1×5=5

Itkillsthe young generation of our country
Drugsmeansa man slowly but surely
Young boyscommitfor intoxicating and stimulating effects
Drug addictionare usedtaking heroine, opium, etc.
has graspedvarious crimes to arrange money

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :                 0.5×10=5


         We live in a five-storey block of flats. We (a) —— here for the last two years. Recently some new people (b) —— into the flat right above us. They don’t (c) —— to have much civic sense. They (d) —— chairs around day and night. Their children also (e) —— a lot of noise. The constant thumping and screeching sound (f) —— from their house (g) —— us crazy. These sounds can easily (h) —— if people are a bit conscious. We have to let them (i) —— that this (j) —— but we are not acquainted with them.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                        5

         Himi said to Rimi, “Why don’t you get up early from sleep?” Rimi said, “It is tough to me to leave bed early.” “Alas! it’s a bad habit,” said Himi, “If you leave bed early you can enjoy sound health. Follow my advice.” “I will try my level best to do this,” said Rimi.

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                              1×10=10

         (a)     BAF Shaheen College situated at Patenga in Chittagong is flourishing its name and fame day by day. (Compound)

         (b)     As it is far away from the city, students have to start early for school. (Simple)

         (c)     O God, grant my prayer, help my brothers. (Compound)

         (d)     He loves all equally. (Comparative)

         (e)     The woman chopped wood, brought in water and fed her baby. (Complex)

         (f)     Everyone admired her. (Interrogative)

         (g)     Do or die. (Simple)

         (h)     Alif studies regularly to make a brilliant result. (Complex)

         (i)      She looked very beautiful wearing the dress. (Exclamatory) 

         (j)      An examinee should try to answer all the questions. (Passive)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                    1×5=5

         (a)     A book fair is an affair which ——.

         (b)     It is a fair where ——.

         (c)     When it is the evening, ——.

         (d)     Book lovers gather in the fair so that ——

         (e)     Some come to the fair to buy books and ——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         In order to (a) — (material) — your dream, you need (b) — (determine) — and efforts. Nothing is (c) — (achieve) — in this world without hard work. Nothing is (d) — (achievable) — for those who are blessed with (e) — (common) — abilities. They are very fortunate. But those who are (f) — (inclined) — to do hard work are really (g) — (fortunate) —. By spending time in (h) — (idle) ——, they only (i) — (fool) — themselves and ultimately become (j) — (remorse) —.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                            1×5=5

         (a)     Drug is ruining our young generation, ——?

         (b)    You can’t deny that drug has its beneficial effect, ——?

         (c)    Strange! Everyone knows it gradually affects the internal function of the body, ——?

         (d)    But drug helps one to forget frustration,——?

         (e)    Strong will can defeat frustration, ——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                             1×5=5

         The paragraph and the essay are different from each other. (a) —— there are some similarities between them. (b) —— the paragraph has a topic sentence to introduce the main idea. Secondly, it has a number of sentences in the middle to develop the main idea. (c) —— there is a concluding sentence in it to bring the main idea to a close. (d) —— the essay also consists of a beginning, a middle and an end. It is (e) —— obvious that the paragraph and the essay share some common features.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                              5

         the teacher said to boy where are you going now i am going to school said the boy did you go to school yesterday no the boy replied why did you not i was suffering from fever said the boy.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) become; (b) looked; (c) have; (d) so; (e) on; (f) that; (g) travelling; (h) probably; (i) ever; (j) will.

2.      (a) recently; (b) melting; (c) in; (d) as; (e) for; (f) atmosphere; (g) when; (h) are; (i) leads/causes; (j) is.

3.      (i)      Drug addiction means taking heroin, opium, etc.

         (ii)     It has grasped the young generation of our country.

         (iii)    Drugs are used for intoxicating and stimulating effects.

         (iv)    Young boys commit various crimes to arrange money.

         (v)     It kills a man slowly but surely.

4.      (a) have   been   living;   (b)   have   moved;   (c)   seem;   (d)   drag;   (e)   make;   (f)   coming;  (g) drives/makes; (h) be avoided; (i) know; (j) should be stopped.

5.      Himi asked Rimi why she (R) did not get up early from sleep. Rimi replied that it was tough to her (R) to leave bed early. Himi exclaimed with sorrow that it was a bad habit. Himi told her (R) that if she (R) left bed early she (R) could enjoy sound health. She (H) also advised her (R) to follow her (H) advice. Rimi told her (H) that she (R) would try her (R) level best to do that.

6.      (a)     BAF Shaheen college is situated at Patenga in Chittagong and it is flourishing its name and fame day by day.

         (b)     It being far away from the city, students have to start early for school.

         (c)     O God, grant my prayer and help my brothers.

         (d)     He does not love anybody less than others.

         (e)      The woman had chopped wood, brought in water before she fed her baby.

         (f)     Who didn’t admire her?

         (g)     Without doing it, you will die.

         (h)     Alif studies regularly so that he can make a brilliant result.       

         (i)      How beautiful she looked wearing this dress!

         (j)      All the questions should be tried to answer by an examinee.   

7.      (a)     A book fair is an affair which meets the demand of the book lovers.

         (b)     It is a fair where books on different subjects are displayed.

         (c)     When it is the evening, book lovers gather there.

         (d)     Book lovers gather in the fair so that they can purchase their respective favourite books.

         (e)     Some come to the fair to buy books and some come to meet their favourite writers.

8.      (a) materialise; (b) determination; (c) achievable; (d) unachievable; (e) uncommon; (f) disinclined; (g) unfortunate; (h) idleness; (i) befool; (j) remorseful.

9.      (a)     Drug is ruining our young generation, isn’t it?

         (b)     You can’t deny that drug has its beneficial effect, can you?

         (c)     Strange! Everyone knows it gradually affects the internal function of the body, don’t they?

         (d)     But drug helps one to forget frustration, doesn’t it?

         (e)     Strong will can defeat frustration, can’t it?

10.    (a) But; (b) Firstly; (c) Moreover; (d) Besides; (e) also.

11.    The teacher said to the boy, “where are you going now?” “I’m going to school,” said the boy. “Did you go to school yesterday?” “No,” the boy replied. “Why did you not go?” “ I was suffering from fever,” said the boy.

Mustafij Sir

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