ssc english 2nd paper

SSC English 2nd Paper Model-32 With Solutions


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                                  0.5×10=5


         Pottery making is (a) —— ancient tradition (b) —— our rural Bangladesh. It has survived (c) ——onslaught of urbanization and modernization. The Pal caste of the Hindu faith has painstakingly preserved (d) —— craft of pottery making (e) —— generations. There has also been a revival (f) —— the demand for pottery, which is being seen, as both trendy and environmentally sound. But for this trade to (g) —— commercially innovations (h) —— design and production have to be made. (i) —— handful of such innovators have (j) —— pottery to appeal to contemporary tastes and others must soon follow this fashion to survive.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                          0.5×10=5

         Style (a) —— clothing changes more rapidly because (b) —— fashion, comfort and necessity. Why are (c) —— short one year and long (d) —— next? The weather does not vary that much (e) —— year to year. One might try to (f) —— changes in fashion (g) —— using practical seasons. But actually the need for variety and (h) —— desire to be (i) —— are more (j) ——.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below.   1×5=5

did not likeLondon Hospital instead of going out to parties
Florence Nightingalewasthe treatment of sick people
Shevisitedthe easy occupation of the society
went to Germany and France to study nursing
studiedshocked by the roughness in those hospitals

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :                 0.5×10=5


         Food is the first among all basic needs of human beings. People (a) —— food to satisfy their hunger. People should eat as much as they need. We eat to live, do (b) —— to eat. But some people foster the opposite view. The habit of more eating is (c) —— as overeating. Due to overeating, we will (d) —— from various indigestion problems. Overeating (e) —— our liver function. People know the consequences of (f) ——. Still some people (g) —— gluttonous and they are always after (h) ——. The habit of taking as much food as you (i) —— is a very good habit. Our religion (j) —— overeating.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                        5

         The Beduin said to the Prophet (Sm), “Oh, Muhammad, please forgive me. I could not recognise you.” The holy Prophet (Sm) said, “Why did you cut off your right hand?” “I don’t think it is right to keep the hand that assaulted you,” he said in reply. “If you are the Prophet, join my hand,” said the Beduin.

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                              1×10=10

         (a)     A good teacher is an asset for the country. (Negative)

         (b)    Observe a good teacher and you will never find him motionless. (Complex)

         (c)     He never sits idle in the class. (Affirmative)

         (d)    He walks about the class when he feels its necessity. (Compound)

         (e)     He has to assess the answer sheets of the students. (Interrogative)

         (f)    He speaks as he thinks and believes. (Simple)

         (g)     Actually a good teacher works harder than a man in other profession. (Positive)

         (h)     Fixed rules do not chain him. (Passive)

         (i)      His classes become communicative and lively. (Negative)

         (j)      We should show due respect to him. (Imperative)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                    1×5=5

         (a)     These are the Pyramids which——. 

         (b)     All the Pyramids are——.  

         (c)     These Pyramids are located——.

         (d)    The great Pyramids were built by a king ——.

         (e)    He ruled Egypt and ——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         The UNESCO has proclaimed February 21 as the International Mother Language Day to be observed (a) — (world) — in recognition of the sacrifices of the martyrs for establishing the (b) — (right) — place of Bangla. The (c) — (declare) — came in the form of a resolution (d) — (unanimous) — adopted at the plenary of the UNESCO in 1999. One of the aims of the proclamation was to encourage (e) — (lingual) — education which will develop (f) — (full) — awareness about language and cultural tradition. The initiative will also inspire unity based on (g) — (understand) —, tolerance and dialogue. It is a great tribute and (h) — (glow) — homage paid by the international community to the language martyrs of Bangladesh. This was an (i) — (forget) — and (j) — (glory) — moment for the people of Bangladesh.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                            1×5=5

         (a)    We live in Bangladesh, ——?

         (b)    She is one of the smallest countries in the world, ——?

         (c)    But she has a large population, ——?

         (d)    We must turn this population into power, ——?

         (e)     Let us work together in this regard, ——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                             1×5=5

         Pollution means making something dirty and impure. We come across different pollutions (a) —— arsenic pollution, water pollution, air pollution, sound pollution, etc. (b) —— in water the presence of arsenic is much higher (c) —— the acceptable quantity, it is called arsenic pollution. The farmers all over the world are using pesticide and chemicals (d) —— are mixing with water directly and (e) —— water is polluted.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                              5

         is there anybody here who has ever crossed a river by a boat i have teacher i clearly remember what happened in that journey said Jamal.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) an; (b) in; (c) the; (d) the; (e) for; (f) in; (g) flourish; (h) in; (i) A; (j)  introduced.

2.      (a) in; (b) of; (c) they; (d) the; (e) from; (f) bring; (g) by; (h) the; (i) different; (j) practical.

3.      (i)      Florence Nightingale did not like the easy occupation of the society.

         (ii)     She visited London Hospital instead of going out to parties.

         (iii)    She studied the treatment of sick people.

         (iv)    She was shocked by the roughness in those hospitals.

         (v)     She went to Germany and France to study nursing.

4.      (a) take; (b) not live; (c) known; (d) suffer; (e) damages; (f) overeating; (g) are; (h) eating; (i) need; (j) forbids.

5.      Addressing the Prophet as Muhammad (Sm) the Beduin earnestly requested him (Sm) to forgive him (B) and said that he could not recognize him (Sm). The holy Prophet (Sm) asked him why he (B) had cut off his right hand. He (B) replied that he (B) didn’t think it was right to keep the hand that had assaulted him (Sm) and requested him (Sm) to join his hand if he (Sm) was the Prophet.

6.      (a)     A good teacher is nothing but an asset for a country.

         Or,    A good teacher is not a liability for the country.

         (b)     If you observe a good teacher, you will never find him motionless.

         (c)     He always moves in the class.

         (d)     He feels the necessity of movement and he walks about the class.

         (e)     Does not he have to assess the answer sheets of the students?

         (f)     He speaks according to his thought and belief.

         (g)     A man in other profession actually does not work as hard as a good teacher does.

         (h)     He is not chained by fixed rules.

         (i)      His classes do not become non-communicative and lifeless.

         (j)      Let’s show due respect to him.

7.      (a)     These are the Pyramids which are the wonders of the world.

         (b)     All the Pyramids are not of equal size as they are different.

         (c)     These Pyramids are located in Egypt which is an ancient country.

         (d)     The great Pyramids were built by a king whose name was Khunam-Khufu.

         (e)     He ruled Egypt and was the second Pharaoh of the 4th dynasty.

8.      (a) worldwide; (b) rightful; (c) declaration; (d) unanimously; (e) multilingual; (f) fuller; (g) understanding; (h) glowing; (i) unforgettable; (j) glorious.

9.      (a)     We live in Bangladesh, don’t we?

         (b)     She is one of the smallest countries in the world, isn’t she?

         (c)     But she has a large population, hasn’t she?

         (d)     We must turn this population into power, mustn’t we?      

         (e)     Let us work together in this regard, shall we?

10.    (a) such as; (b) When; (c) than; (d) which; (e) thus.

11.    “Is there anybody here who has ever crossed a river by a boat.” I have a teacher, I clearly remember what happened in that journey,” said Jamal.

Mustafij Sir

Published by
Mustafij Sir

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