ssc english 2nd paper

SSC English 2nd Paper Model-38 With Solutions


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                                  0.5×10=5


         Terrorism is a (a) —— threat and major concern (b) —— almost all the countries. Terrorists cause damage (c) —— human lives and properties (d) —— panic and terror. The cause of terrorism is mainly (e) —— of genuine rights and also greed and exploitation (f) —— different groups and nations. To get rid of terrorism is very difficult (g) —— not impossible (h) —— the intellectuals and peace (i) —— nations work (j) ——.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                          0.5×10=5

         Civility means polite (a) —— or modesty. It also (b) —— courteous manner. It is a great virtue of a man. (c) —— be well-behaved or good-natured we (d) —— not spend money or wealth. We have to (e) —— willingness to attain civility. We have to (f) —— some code of conduct and maintain the norms of etiquette of the society. It may vary (g) —— society to society. However, one has to (h) —— good manners (i) —— one’s character from an early age. No expenditure (j) —— consciousness is required.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below.   1×5=5

Our War of Independencewentto the battlefield to save the country
People from all walks of lifedid not runplace in 1971
Theyfoughtface to face with the enemies
tookaway showing their backs
joinedthe war

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :                 0.5×10=5


         Waste is what we (a) —— away everyday. It (b) —— everything from unwanted old cars to cigarette packets. The amount of waste (c) —— rapidly all over the world and (d) —— the environment. It (e) —— high time we (f) —— about it seriously. We cannot altogether (g) —— rid of our waste, but a proper management can certainly (h) —— it. We can think of burning and (i) —— of waste. In many countries, it is now quite natural to (j) —— old bottles, cars and recycle them.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                        5

         Rihan said to me, “Have you finished the book I gave you yesterday?” “Yes, I have finished reading the book,” I replied, “What an interesting book it is! I wish I could borrow the book earlier,   I said. “Will you return me the book today?” he said.

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                              1×10=10

         (a)     Napoleon was one of the greatest soldiers in France. (Positive)

         (b)     When he was young, the joined the French army as an ordinary soldier. (Simple)

         (c)     He grew powerful and soon became the greatest man in the country. (Complex)

         (d)     He fought several wars with the neighboring countries and won victory over them. (Simple)

         (e)     In 1804 he proclaimed himself the emperor. (Interrogative)

         (f)     Everybody feared him. (Passive)

         (g)     Then, France was the most powerful country in Europe. (Comparative)

         (h)     Napoleon became great for his courage. (Complex)

         (i)      His courage raised him to the highest position. (Passive)

         (j)      He was destroyed because he misused his power. (Simple)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                    1×5=5

         (a)    There is a popular saying ——.

         (b)     Though an honest man is poor, ——.

         (c)    If we try whole heartedly,——.

         (d)     I wish——.

         (e)     Our life is meaningless until ——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         In the past people did not have developed (a) — (communicate) — facilities. They used to make (b) — (move) — to short distant places on foot. Nowadays, they go by rickshaw, taxi or by other kinds of (c) — (motor) — vehicles. As a result, they do not undergo physical (d) — (exert) — which is not good for health. The ultimate result is that many a man is now getting diabete. The (e) — (suggest) — is that we should form the habit of walking. Walking (f) — (able) — us to (g) — (joy) — the beauty of nature. It also helps us have physical (h) — (fit) —. But some people are (i) — (different) — to walking. They give (j) — (prefer) to vehicles.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                            1×5=5

         (a)    Congratulations Kajol! You have made an excellent result , ——?

         (b)    Thanks. But my parents and teachers also deserve the credit, ——?

         (c)    Right you are. We ought to remain grateful to them, ——?

         (d)    Certainly, you too studied hard, ——?

         (e)    Yes, only hard work brings success, ——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                             1×5=5

         On the exam date of English second paper I was stuck up in almost a never-ending traffic jam. (a) —— I reached the examination hall half an hour late. When I entered the examination hall, the invigilator gave me the answer script and the question paper. I filled up the answer script. (b) —— I looked at the questions. (c) —— all the questions were common to me, I started writing. (d) —— I could not write the full answer of any question. (e) —— I switched over to another question. Again the same thing happened.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                              5

         Born from the great liberation war of 1971 bangladesh is a non communal progressive democratic state that has worked to establish an economy and society free of inequality and to nurture a culture of democracy  and respect for human rights for all fostered by patriotism in all areas of special existence


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) global; (b) for; (c) to; (d) creating; (e) deprivation; (f) by; (g) but; (h) if; (i) loving; (j) unitedly.

2.      (a) behaviour; (b) means; (c) To; (d) need; (e) have; (f) follow; (g) from; (h) have/possess; (i) in; (j) but.

3.      (a)     Our War of Independence took place in 1971.

         (b)     People from all walks of life joined the war.

         (c)     They went to the battlefield to save the country.

         (d)     They did not run away showing their backs.

         (e)     They fought face to face with their enemies.

4.      (a) throw; (b) includes; (c) grows; (d) pollutes; (e) is; (f) thought; (g) get; (h) reduce; (i) recycling; (j) collect.

5.      Rihan asked me if I had finished reading the book he (R) had given me the previous day. I     replied in the affirmative that I had finished reading the book. I exclaimed with joy that it was a very interesting book and wished that I could borrow the book earlier. Rihan asked me if I would return the book to him (R) that day.

6.      (a)     Very few soldiers in France were as great as Napoleon.

         (b)     In his youth, he joined the French army as an ordinary soldier.

         (c)     As he grew powerful, he soon became the greatest man in the country.

         (d)     Fighting several wars with the neighbouring countries, he won victory over them.

         (e)     Didn’t he proclaim himself the emperor in 1804?

         (f)     He was feared by everybody.

         (g)     Then, France was more powerful than any other country in Europe.

         (h)     Napoleon became great because he was courageous.

         (i)      He was raised to the high position by his courage.

         (j)      He was destroyed because of his misuse of power.

7.      (a)     There is a popular saying that “Honesty is the best policy”.

         (b)     Though an honest man is poor, he leads a happy life

         (c)     If we try whole-heartedly, we can remain honest.

         (d)     I wish I were honest.

         (e)     Our life is meaningless until we are honest.

8.      (a) communicative; (b) movement; (c) motorized; (d) exertion; (e) suggestion; (f) enables; (g) enjoy; (h) fitness; (i) indifferent; (j) preference.

9.      (a)     Congratulations Kajol! You have made an excellent result, haven’t you?

         (b)     Thanks. But my parents and teachers also deserve the credit, don’t they?  

         (c)     Right you are. We ought to remain grateful to them, oughtn’t we?      

         (d)     Certainly, you too studied hard, didn’t you?

         (e)     Yes, only hard work brings success, doesn’t it?

10.    (a) So; (b) Then; (c) As; (d) But; (e) So.

11.    Born from the great Liberation War of 1971, Bangladesh is a non-communal progressive democratic state that has worked to establish an economy and society, free of inequality and, to nurture a culture of democracy and respect for human rights for all, fostered by patriotism in all areas of social existence.

Mustafij Sir

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