ssc english 2nd paper

SSC English 2nd Paper Model-39 With Solutions


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                                  0.5×10=5


         Environmental (a) —— exists since people began to crowd (b) ——  towns and cities. Ancient Athenians removed their domestic waste (c) —— dump (d) —— the main part of (e) —— city. The Romans dug trenches outside (f) —— city to hold garbage and household waste. This practice often contributed to outbreak (g) —— viral diseases. The ancient Romans might become (h) —— the first people to experience (i) —— effects of toxic pollution in (j) —— form of lead poisoning.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                           0.5×10=5

         (a) —— the War of Liberation in 1971 (b) —— group of collaborators (c) —— the directive of Pakistani military rulers started killing (d) —— Bangalee intellectuals in (e) —— planned way. The killing virtually began (f) —— the army crackdown on the Bangalees in Dhaka (g) —— the night of March and continued till (h) —— surrender of the Pak-army on 16 December 1971. The number of intellectuals killed is yet to be (i) ——. However, the number is (j) —— to be more than 1500.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below.   1×5=5

Wehas becomea common expression to all in our country
Theremeanshardly any man who is not familiar with this term
Tree plantationcannot is/arethe best time for tree plantation
June and July planting more and more trees
think of our existence without trees

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :                 0.5×10=5

prosper callmouldmakehaverepentsowdowastereap

         Man is the architect of his own life.  If he (a) —— a proper division of his time and  (b) —— his duties accordingly, he is sure to (c) —— in life; but if he does otherwise, he is sure to (d) —— when it is too late. Our life is nothing but the sum total of hours, days and years. Youth is the golden season of life. In youth mind is soft and can (e) —— in any form we like. If we (f) —— the precious time of our youth, we shall (g) —— to suffer afterwards. Youth (h) —— the seed time of life. If we (i) —— good seeds in our early life, we shall (j) —— a good harvest.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                        5

         The class teacher of class X said to the students, “Do you like to go on a study tour’? “Yes, sir,” said all the students to their class teacher. Then he said, ‘”Take the permission from your parents.” One of the students said, “Where will we go, sir?” “It will be decided after a discussion with the Principal,” said the teacher.

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                              1×10=10

         (a)     Tigers are known as ferocious animals. (Make complex sentence)

         (b)     As the paws are cushioned, a big tiger can walk through the driest leaves without causing a single crackle. (Make simple sentence)

         (c)     The tiger is one of the most ferocious animals. (Use positive degree)

         (d)     Tigers are stronger than lions. (Use positive degree)

         (e)     Tigers are the bravest of all animals. (Comparative degree)

         (f)     They are not only strong but also ferocious. (Make simple sentence)

         (g)     They hunt swiftly. (Make negative)

         (h)     They hunt after they target their prey. (Make compound sentence)

         (i)      When they walk, they don’t make any sound. (Make simple sentence)

         (j)      Tigers can swim well. (Make interrogative sentence)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                    1×5=5

         (a)     Truthfulness is the greatest of all the virtues because ——.

         (b)     We cannot command the confidence of others unless ——.

         (c)     The man whom nobody believes ——.

         (d)     A man may succeed once or twice by telling a lie, but ——.

         (e)     When once one’s falsehood is brought to light, ——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         The (a) — (ward) — beauty of a man is not his real beauty. His (b) — (ward) — beauty makes him true man. Every man has certain (c) — (born) — qualities whereby he can become a (d) — (use) — man and thus (e) — (celebrate) — person. So we may say that (f) — (in) — values are more important than (g) — (out) — ones. But it is very sad that we remain (h) — (careful) — about our mental development. We always remain busy with how to (i) — (rich) — our outer show which is really (j) — (value) —.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                            1×5=5

         (a)      Money is a must for our life, ——?

         (b)    One can do almost nothing without it,——?

         (c)     But money can hardly bring happiness, ——?

         (d)    What you need most to be happy is contentment, ——?

         (e)    That’s why, few people lead a happy life, ——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                             1×5=5

         Since 1990 Germany was unbeaten to Argentina. (a) —— recently after the World Cup of Brazil a match has been held between two countries (b) —— Germany has been beaten by Argentina securing four goals against Germany. In this match Argentina (c) —— defeated Germany (d) —— regained their confidence. (e) ——, it is expected that they will continue their march for a long time.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                              5

         in spite of his illness rahul went to college he seemed to be very tired and worried his teacher mr washed advised him to leave college at once


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) pollution; (b) in; (c) to; (d) outside; (e) the; (f) the; (g) of; (h) among; (i) the; (j) the.

2.      (a) In; (b) a; (c) with; (d) the; (e) a; (f) with; (g) on; (h) the; (i) unknown; (j) thought.   

3.      (a)     Tree plantation has become a common expression to all in our country.

         (b)     There is hardly any man who is not familiar with this term.

         (c)     Tree plantation means planting more and more trees.

         (d)     June and July are the best time for tree plantation.

         (e)     We cannot think of our existence without trees.

4.      (a) makes; (b) does; (c) prosper; (d) repent; (e) be moulded; (f) waste; (g) have; (h) is called; (i) sow; (j) reap.

5.      The class teacher of class X asked the students if they liked to go on a study tour. The students respectfully replied in the affirmative and said that they would like to go on a study tour. Then he told them to take the permission from their parents. One of the students respectfully asked where they would go. The teacher replied that it would be decided after a discussion with the Principal.

6.      (a)     It is tigers which are known as ferocious animals.

         (b)     The paws being cushioned, a big tiger can walk through the driest leaves without causing a single crackle.

         (c)     Very few animals are as ferocious as the tiger.

         (d)     Lions are not as strong as tigers.

         (e)     Tigers are braver than all other animals.

         (f)     They are both strong and ferocious.

         (g)     They do not hunt sluggishly.

         (h)     They target their prey and then hunt it.

         (i)      At the time of their walking, they don’t make any sound.

         (j)      Can’t tigers swim well?

7.      (a)     Truthfulness is the greatest of all the virtues because it makes a man really great.

         (b)     We cannot command the confidence of others unless we do not cultivate the habit of speaking the truth.

         (c)     The man whom nobody believes can never be famous in life.

         (d)     A man may succeed once or twice by telling a lie, but it never brings about a good result.

         (e)     When once one’s falsehood is brought to light, he is trusted by no one any longer.

8.      (a) outward: (b) inward; (c) inborn; (d) useful; (e) celebrated; (f) inner; (g) outer; (h)careless: (i) enrich; (j) valueless.

9.      (a)     Money is a must for our life, isn’t it?

         (b)     One can do almost nothing without it, can one?

         (c)     But money can hardly bring happiness, can it?

         (d)     What you need most to be happy is contentment, isn’t it?

         (e)     That’s why, few people lead a happy life, do they?

10.    (a) But; (b) where; (c) not only; (d) but also; (e) So/Thus/Therefore.

11.    In spite of his illness, Rahul went to college. He seemed to be very tired and worried. His teacher, Mr. Wahed, advised him to leave college at once.

Mustafij Sir

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