ssc english 2nd paper

SSC English 2nd Paper Model-41 With Solutions


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                                  0.5×10=5


         Gratefulness is (a) —— acknowledgement and (b) —— of help received (c) —— others. In the society; we cannot do all things alone. Sometimes we need the help of others. We are inter-dependent in the society man. A man may be in danger (d) —— in problem. It is a (e) —— instinct in man to come (f) ——, because of his fellow feeling, (g) —— arid kinship with help for the needy. To acknowledge and appreciate such help is (h) ——. Gratefulness comes from (i) —— depth of the heart and finds its manifestation looks, words and deeds of the grateful man. The grateful man feels highly obliged (j) —— the benefit he has received.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                           0.5×10=5

         People do not eat (a) —— same food all (b) —— the world. The eating habits of the people of a country (c) —— largely on its geographical position, climate and soil. That is to say the (d) —— of food they get (e) ——. For instance people in the tropical countries (f) —— a lot of fruits and vegetables. The chief food of the (g) —— of Hawaii and Polynesia in the Pacific are tero roots, bread, fruits and seafood. They also (h) —— a lot of limes. The Indians of central America eat mostly fruits and vegetables. The Eskimos live (i) —— meat. The word “Eskimo” itself (j) —— the eater of fishes.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below.   1×5=5

Hecaresrespect a truthful man
Everybodyisnone but Allah
Truthfulnessshouldsincere too
A truthful mantruststhe greatest of all virtues
We all a truthful man

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :                 0.5×10=5

recitepresenthearcreateconquertelllearnbe listen

         A child (a) —— to talk gradually. It also learns singing, languages and many other things by (b) —— to others. Educational broadcasting (c) —— only a shape of this idea. History (d) —— in the form of dramas. Geography (e) —— in the form of travels and poetry (f)  ——. This (g) —— a special interest in the heart of the children when they (h) —— over the radio. Radio has (i) —— the distance of time and space. So the students can hear over the radio the speeches of the great men who (j) —— no longer in our midst.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                        5

         “What can I do for you, sir?” asked the tailor. “I want a woollen suit made,” said Mr. Rashid. “Would you like to buy cloth from us, sir? The tailor asked. “No, I have brought the suit length with me.”

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                              1×10=10

         (a)     He is the best player. (Positive)

         (b)    An industrious boy will shine in life. (Complex)

         (c)     A life with an assignment is an actual life. (Negative without changing meaning)

         (d)    When I reached there, my friend received me cordially. (Compound)

         (e)    He is very attentive to his study. (Exclamatory)

         (f)           Very few students of his class are as brilliant as he. (Superlative degree)

         (g)    She learns his lessons when it is time to learn. (Simple)

         (h)    We are proud of our freedom fighters. (Interrogative)

         (i)     Who does not like flowers? (Affirmative)

         (j)     You have wasted much time. (Passive voice)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                    1×5=5

         (a)     There was a man——.

         (b)    Because of having great attraction for English ——.

         (c)    The teacher began to teach the man though ——.

         (d)    In spite of memorizing three words, ——.

         (e)     However, after trying a couple of months, ——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         Money is (a) — (sweet) — than honey. And it is called the fuel of life. Though money is a must in our (b) — (world) — life, it cannot (c) — (sure) — all (d) — (happy) —. (e) — (happy) — lies in (f) — (content) —. (g) — (moral) — plays an important role in the respect. An (h) — (moral) —  person cannot be happy. Those who earn money through the path of (i) — (honest) — leads a (j) — (comfort) — life.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                            1×5=5

         (a)     Nowadays information and culture are freely flowing from one country to another,——?

         (b)    Certainly culture has many good and bad aspects. But you should agree with me that foreign culture is destroying our own culture, ——?

         (c)    No, I won’t enjoy most of the foreign TV programmes, unless all are rich in moral and educative information. We can learn a lot from them, ——?

         (d)    Undoubtedly, our culture has some drawbacks, ——?

         (e)     You are right. We need to modify our TV programmes so that we can be benefited from these, ——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                             1×5=5

         From my school days I heard a lot about college life. (a) ——, I was eagerly waiting for that happy and romantic college life. (b) —— the long-cherished day came. It was the 26th October,  2012.  (c) —— I reached the college, I found the whole college campus crowded by lots of young pupils. (d) —— all of them were unknown to me, I felt very lonely. (e) —— I met one of my school friends, I was relieved.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                              5

         dear how can you disbelieve me i have done everything yes in the true sense everything for you it is time i am sure to learn about everything you question


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a)  the;   (b)  appreciation;   (c)  from;   (d)  or;   (e)  natural;   (f)  forward;   (g)  friendship;    (h) gratefulness; (i) the; (j) for

2.      (a) the; (b) over; (c) depend; (d) kind; (e) easily; (f) eat; (g) people; (h) eat; (i) on; (j) means.

3.      (i)      Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues.

         (ii)     Everybody trusts a truthful man.

         (iii)    A truthful man cares none but Allah.

         (iv)    We all should respect a truthful man.                               

         (v)     He is sincere too.

4.      (a) learns; (b) listening; (c) presents; (d) is told; (e) is presented; (f) reciting; (g) creates; (h) hear; (i) conquered; (j) are.

5.      The tailor courteously asked Mr. Rashid what he (t) could do for him (R). Mr Rashid answered that he (R) wanted a woollen suit made. The tailor again asked politely if he (R) would like to buy cloth from them. Mr. Rashid replied in the negative and said that he had brought the suit length with him (R).

6.      (a)     No other player is as good as he.

         (b)     A boy, who is industrious, will shine in life.

         (c)     A life without an assignment is not an actual life.                 

         (d)     I reached there and my friend received me cordially.

         (e)     How attentive he is to his study!                                      

         (f)     He is one of the most brilliant students in the class.

         (g)     She learns her lessons in time.

         (h)     Aren’t we proud of our freedom fighters?

         (i)      All like flowers./Everybody likes flowers.

         (j)      Much time has been wasted by you.

7.      (a)     There was a man who wanted to learn English.

         (b)     Because of having great attraction for English, he went to a famous teacher.

         (c)     The teacher began to teach the man though he was dull-headed.

         (d)     In spite of memorizing three words, he didn’t know their meanings.

         (e)     However, after trying a couple of months, the teacher released him.

8.      (a) sweeter; (b) worldly; (c) ensure; (d) happiness; (e) Happiness; (f) contentment; (g) Morality; (h) immoral; (i) honesty; (j) comfortable.

9.      (a)     Nowadays information and culture are freely flowing from one country to another, aren’t they?

         (b)     Certainly culture has many good and bad aspects. But you should agree with me that foreign culture is destroying our own culture, isn’t it?

         (c)     No, I won’t enjoy most of the foreign TV programmes, unless all are rich in moral and educative information. We can learn a lot from them, can’t we?

         (d)     Undoubtedly, our culture has some drawbacks, hasn’t it?

         (e)     You are right. We need to modify our TV programmes so that we can be benefited from these, don’t we?

10.    (a) So; (b) At last; (c) When; (d) As; (e) When.

11.    “Dear, how can you disbelieve me? I have done everything. Yes, in the true sense, everything for you. It is time, I am sure, to learn about everything you question.”

Mustafij Sir

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