ssc english 2nd paper

SSC English 2nd Paper Model-5 With Solutions


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                                  0.5×10=5


         It is (a) —— instinct of everyone to climb (b) —— the top in position and power. Man always hankers (c) —— power. There is no other passion (d) —— the world which is so universal as (e) —— love of power. Power is the source of all (f) ——. Man tries his best to achieve it. However, excess of (g) —— for power leads (h) —— disaster. But people always rush after this power. Sometimes, (i) —— whole nation or society is maddened by this passion. It tries to swallow  (j) —— smaller and weaker neighbours.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                           0.5×10=5

         Family provide psychological support to adult as well (a) -—— to the children. It is an important task of family to (b) —— boredom and loneliness. Large family can give us this psychological (c) ——. But today kinship is (d) ——. Large extended families are giving (e) ——- to small, nuclear families. Here is less responsibilities towards relatives and here is less (f) —— and cooperation. Children of such families are deprived of love and sympathy of (g) ——. As a (h) ——, they often suffer (i) ——psychological (j) ——.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below.   1×5=5

Bangladesh Population problem There The governmentcreates   are is should takea great problem in Bangladesh.
some causes behind overpopulation in Bangladesh.
proper steps to control the growth of population as soon as possible.
other problems like poverty, disease, illiteracy etc.
an overpopulated land.

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :                 0.5×10=5


         With extreme competition everywhere parents are constantly (a) —— about the results. This (b) —— a common sight during the S.S.C. Examinations in thousands of families. Special prayers (c)—— in families having such an examinee. Parents (d) —— special care of their children. They (e) —— sure that their wards get along with studies without the slightest of problems even without mosquito bites. Parents (f) —— to mazars and temples and (g) —— for the examinees. Sometimes they (h) —— cash money and kinds of their wards. Parents of an examinee usually (i) —— worried until the result (j) ——.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                        5

         The man said to his son, “Where have you been so long and why are you wasting your time?” After a moment he said, “Will you not appear in the final exam?” “I went to my friend’s house to borrow an essential book but he was not at home. So I had to wait for him,” the son said.

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                              1×10=10

         (a)     Shumaya who reads in class IX is a brilliant student. (Simple)

         (b)     She lives in a small family. (Negative)

         (c)     No other member in her family is as busy as she. (Superlative)

         (d)     Conditions in her house are very unfavourable. (Negative)

         (e)     She cannot concentrate on her study because of chaos and confusion in her family. (Compound)

         (f)     In spite of having a separate room of her own, she feels disturbed. (Complex)

         (g)     She has to share her room with others. (Interrogative)

         (h)     She wishes she were born in a small family. (Exclamatory)  

         (i)      The new-born baby of her aunt keeps her very busy. (Passive)

         (j)      Her mother is helped in household chores by her. (Active)             

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                    1×5=5

         (a)     Everybody wants friends ——.

         (b)    The heart formed for love cannot be happy without ——.

         (c)    You cannot receive affection if ——.

         (d)    You cannot find others to love you unless ——.

         (e)    ——, everybody wants it.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         English is spoken all over the world, (a) — (office) — it is regarded as an (b) — (national) — language in the (c) — (global) — world. As an (d) — (dependent) — nation, we have to maintain our political, commercial and (e) — (culture) — relations with the rest of the world through English. So, English (f) — (wide) — the opportunity to deal with the globalised world. It promotes (g) — (nation) — co-relation and (h) — (brother) — with the other nations. For this reason, there is no (i) — (alternate) — of English language. In a word, we can’t deny the (j) — (import) — of this language.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                            1×5=5

         (a)     You, he and I did the work,——?

         (b)     Rahim as well as Karim will do the work, ——?

         (c)     None is none on the world, ——?

         (d)     When he came I left the class,——?          

         (e)     Happy Birthday to you,——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                             1×5=5

         Women are nowadays as important as men in society. They constitute nearly half of our total population. (a) ——, there can be no denying the fact (b) —— they too possess equal rights and duties (c) —— men do. They have noble missions to fulfil as men. (d) —— they get opportunity, their genius, powers (e) —— capacities will bloom fully.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                              5            do you know the prisoner at the bar asked the judge yes answer the postmaster I saw him in london i knew him ever since he was a child


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) the; (b) up; (c) after; (d) in; (e) the; (f) strength; (g) desire; (h) to; (i) the; (j) up.

2.      (a) as; (b) remove; (c) support; (d) declining; (e) place; (f) sympathy; (g) relatives; (h) result; (i) from; (j) problems.

3.      (i)      Bangladesh is an overpopulated land.

         (ii)     Population problem is a great problem in Bangladesh.

         (iii)    There are some cause behind overpopulation in Bangladesh.

         (iv)    Population problem creates other problems like poverty, disease, illiteracy, etc.

         (v)     The government should take proper steps to control the growth of population as soon as possible.

4.      (a) worried; (b) is; (c) are offered; (d) take; (e) make; (f) shuttle; (g) pray; (h) give; (i) remain; (j) is published.

5.      The man asked his son where he had been so long and why he was wasting his time. After a moment he again asked him if he (son) would not appear at the final exam. The son replied that he had gone to his friend’s house to borrow an essential book but he (friend) had not been at home and added that so he (son) had to wait for him (friend).

6.      (a)     Shumaya reading in class IX is a brilliant student.

         (b)     She does not live in a large family.

         (c)     She is the busiest member in her family.

         (d)     Conditions in her house are not favourable at all.

         (e)     There is chaos and confusion in her family and so she cannot concentrate on her study.

         (f)     Though she has a separate room of her own, she feels disturbed.

         (g)     Doesn’t she have to share her room with others?

         (h)     If she were born in a small family!

         (i)      She is kept very busy with the new-born baby of her aunt.

         (j)      She helps her mother in household chores.

7.      (a)     Everybody wants friends because nobody can be happy without friends.

         (b)     The heart formed for love cannot be happy without receiving love from others.

         (c)     You cannot receive affection if you do not give it to others.

         (d)     You cannot find others to love you unless you love them.

         (e)     As love is divine, everybody wants it.

8.      (a) Officially; (b) international; (c) globalized; (d) independent; (e) cultural; (f) widens; (g) international; (h) brotherhood; (i) alternative; (j) importance.

9.      (a)     You, he, and I did the work, didn’t we?

         (b)     Rahim as well as Karim will do the work, won’t he?

         (c)     None is none on the world, are they?

         (d)     When he came, I left the class, didn’t I?

         (e      Happy Birthday to you, don’t I?

10.    (a) So; (b) that; (c) as; (d) If; (e) and.

11.    “Do you know the prisoner at the bar?” asked the Judge. “Yes,” answer the postmaster, “I saw him in London. I knew him ever since he was a child.”

Mustafij Sir

Published by
Mustafij Sir

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