ssc english 2nd paper

SSC English 2nd Paper Model-50 With Solutions


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                                  0.5×10=5


         We must not waste our energy and money any more. We need to (a) —— steps to educate our (b) ——. Emphasis should be given on (c) —— education. There should be at (d) —— one primary school (e) —— each and every village. We are happy that our government has made primary education free and (f) ——. A law has been passed in (g) —— assembly in this regard. To remove illiteracy (h) —— the country, some more steps may be (i) ——. (j) —— illiterate adults also need to be educated.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                           0.5×10=5

         The boy George Washington was (a) —— to go to sea as a sailor. Everything was ready. His box had been carried down to (b) —— boat. When he came to his mother for (c) —— bid farewell, he saw tears (d) —— her eyes. However, he said nothing (e) —— her. Turning around (f)  ——  his servant, he said, “Fetch my box back, I will not go (g) —— break my mother’s heart.” His mother said, “George, God (h) —— the children who honour their parents. I am sure (i) —— it that God will bless you.” Washington took good bye (j) —— his mother.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below.   1×5=5

givevery useful to man
Treesshould not destroyoxygen to breathe to live
Weneedoxygen to breathe to live
provideshelter to birds and animals

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :                 0.5×10=5


         Today women are placing an important role in all spheres of life. Once they were (a) —— by men. They are no longer (b) —— within the four walls of their parents’ or husband’s house. They have (c) —— out of the kitchen and are (d) —— hand in hand with men. By (e) —— higher education, they are becoming pilots, doctors, engineers, teachers, administrators, etc. They have (f) —— able to prove their worth. They (g) —— much to the economy of the country. Now it (h) —— to the realization of the man that true development of the country is never possible (i) —— half of the population idle at home. So, it (j) —— no telling that women are playing a great role in the socio-economic condition of out country.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                        5

         “Good morning,” said the tourist. “Have you any room vacant?” “Yes, sir. Double or single?” “I want one double,” said the tourist. The receptionist said, “We have a double room on the second floor.”

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                              1×10=10

         (a)     Do it. (Make it complex)

         (b)     He was a very hardworking man. (Exclamatory)

         (c)    Very few students are as studious as he. (Superlative)

         (d)    He was as brave as a lion. (Comparative)

         (e)     Nobody likes to do bad in the examinations. (Interrogative)

         (f)     Tigers are not as clever as monkeys. (Make it comparative)

         (g)     Never say good-bye. (Make it passive)

         (h)     As he lost his father, he stopped going to school. (Make it simple)

         (i)      The cuckoo is the sweetest of all birds. (Make it positive)

         (j)      Though he became blind at the age of 44, Milton could produce most beautiful writings. (Make it compound)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                    1×5=5

         (a)     It is education—;—.

         (b)    It paves the way for——.

         (c)    ——, we can make them skilled workers.

         (d)    These are the plans that——.

         (e)    The conscious people should play a vital role so that——.     

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         Nobody can expect a good result in the examination without good (a) — (prepare) —. You should be (b) — (prepare) — for it well-ahead of the schedule. Some students remain (c) — (prepared) — for the examination even it is imminent. As a part of (d) — (prepare) — step they go to the teachers for a concise (e) — (suggest) —. This  works as an (f) — (encourage) for the students. As they have not read their books (g) — (thorough) —, they feel  (h) — (nerve)— as the exam approaches they say (i) — (pray) — and ask for God’s (j) — (assist).

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                            1×5=5

         (a)     I think we should take a decision in the primary stage of our life, ——?

         (b)    No, I do not agree with you. At this stage a child cannot take decision, —— ?

         (c)    But I think parents or teachers can guide him/her in this regard, ——?

         (d)    I   shall   become a teacher. There are not sufficient qualified teachers in our country, ——?

         (e)     I want to be a doctor. We do not have adequate doctors in our country, ——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                             1×5=5

         Computer virus is terror to the users of computers. (a) —— it is not the biological virus, it disturbs the plain operation of a computer. Computer virus is usually a programme to delete the flies which are saved (b) —— useful memories. Sometimes, the virus attacks the hard disk (c) —— harms it. (d) —— things happen (e) —— , no operation is possible after the attack.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                              5

         did you hear a sound he asked no she replied i heard nothing distinctly listen carefully he said cant you hear a little moaning sound coming from the old cottage


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a)  take;   (b)  people;   (c)  primary;   (d)  least;   (e)  in;   (f)  compulsory;   (g)  the;   (h)  from; (i) taken; (j) The.

2.      (a) ready/about/eager; (b) the; (c) to; (d) in; (e) to; (f) to; (g) to; (h) blesses; (i) of; (j) from.

3.      (a)     Trees are very useful to man.

         (b)     They give oxygen to breathe to live.

         (c)     They provide shelter to birds and animals.

         (d)     We need oxygen to breathe to live.

         (e)     We should not destroy trees.

4.      (a) dominated; (b) confined; (c) come; (d) working; (e) taking; (f) been; (g) are contributing;       (h) has come; (i) by keeping; (j) needs.

5.      The tourist wished the receptionist good morning and asked him (r) if they had any room vacant. The receptionist respectfully replied in the affirmative and asked him (t) if he (t) wanted a double room or single. The tourist replied that he wanted one double room. The receptionist told the tourist that they had a double room on the second floor.

6.      (a)     It is you who will do it.

         (b)     What a hard-working man he was!

         (c)     He is one of the most studious students. 

         (d)     A lion was not braver than he.

         (e)     Who like to do bad in the examinations?

         (f)     Monkeys are cleverer than tigers.

         (g)     Let goodbye be never said.

         (h)     After losing his father he stopped going to school.

         (i)      No other bird is as sweet as the cuckoo.

         (j)      Milton became blind at the age of 44 but he could produce most beautiful writings.

7.      (a)     It is education that enlightens us.

         (b)     It paves the way for living a happy life.

         (c)     If we educate the people, we can make them skilled workers.

         (d)     These are the plans that should be implemented.

         (e)     The conscious people should play a vital role so that illiteracy may be removed.

8.      (a) preparation; (b) prepared; (c) unprepared; (d) preparatory; (e) suggestion; (f) encouragement; (g) thoroughly; (h) nervous; (i) prayer; (j) assistance.

9.      (a)     I think we should take a decision in the primary stage of our life, shouldn’t we?

         (b)     No, I do not agree with you. At this stage a child cannot take decision, can it?

         (c)     But I think parents or teachers can guide him/her in this regard, can’t they?

         (d)     I shall become a teacher. There are not sufficient qualified teachers in our country, are there?

         (e)     I want to be a doctor. We do not have adequate doctors in our country, do we?

10.    (a) Though; (b) as; (c) and; (d) Once/If; (e) in such a way.

11.    “Did you hear a sound?” he asked. “No,” she replied. “I heard nothing distinctly.” “Listen carefully,” he said. “Can’t you hear a little moaning sound coming from the old cottage?

Mustafij Sir

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