ssc english 2nd paper

SSC English 2nd Paper Model-54 With Solutions


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                                  0.5×10=5

around call in ofroundenlightenathe

         Planets are not stars. They have no (a) —— of their own. They can only reflect (b) —— light of the sun. There are many planets (c) —— the sun’s family. The sun’s family consists (d) —— these planets moving (e) —— it. This is called (f) —— solar system. Mercury  is the smallest planet of the solar system. Venus is (g) —— beautiful planet. It is often (h) —— the “Evening Star” and sometimes it is called (i) —— “Morning Star”. Saturn has rings (j) —— it.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                           0.5Íl0=5

         The natural calamities happening around (a) —— world prove that there has been a change (b) ——global climate. Hurricane, Katrina, Rita, tsunami, earthquake, typhoon and cyclone are all (c) —— outcomes of this change. Experts have warned that we are heading towards (d) —— great disaster because (e) —— environment degradation. We are doing a great harm (f) —— our environment by (g) —— unwise in our activities. (h) —— is the most spectacular reason that causes this degradation. And it (i) —— we who are responsible for this. We must not pollute our environment if we want to keep (j) —— earth habitable.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below.   1×5=5

Robert Herrick a famous goldsmith of London
Hewasto a village in Middlesex
His father Nicholas Herrickdieda famous poet of English literature
Nicholas Herrick suddenlyshiftedwhen he was five years old
After the death of his father his family born in London, UK

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :                0.5Íl0=5


         There (a) — different kinds of exercises. Walking (b) — one of them. We (c) — early in the morning for (d) — a morning walk. While (e) — in the morning, we can (f) — fresh air. But in towns and cities air is being (g) — in many ways. As a result, people (h) — from different problems. To (i) —— this problem, people and the government should (j) — forward.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                        5

         “Have you killed the rats?” said the Mayor. “Yes, I have,” said the piper. “Give me the promised money.” “How funny!” said the Mayor. “We cannot give you so much money. Take only fifty.”

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                              1×10=10

         (a)     I forgot his name. (Negative)

         (b)    Yes, now I am sure he was Jerry. (Simple)

         (c)    He was like a star twinkling in a cloudless sky. (Interrogative)

         (d)    Once he broke the axe handle. (Complex)

         (e)     But he did not take the money. (Affirmative)

         (f)           He admitted that he was responsible for breaking the handle. (Compound)

         (g)     He refused to take the money. (Negative)

         (h)    No one hits accurately every time. (interrogative)

         (i)      As he was honest, he did not show any excuse. (Simple)

         (j)      He was not a hypocrite. (Affirmative)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                    1×5=5

         (a)     If you do not waste your time ——.

         (b)     This is the boy who ——.

         (c)     —— I were a child.

         (d)     United we stand, ——.

         (e)     The boy is so weak in mathematics——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         Physical exercise increases our appetite and improves (a) — (digest) — power. If anybody suffers from (b) — (digest) —  he should take physical exercise.  Proper (c) — (digest) — of food removes his loss of appetite. Physical exercise removes (d) — (constipate) — and helps proper blood (e) — (circulate) —. Our anti-bodies will be (f) — (power) — if our blood circulation is (g) — (norm) —. (h) — (proper) — blood circulation in our bodies may cause many (i) — (predictable) — diseases. So, we must (j) — (sure) — proper blood circulation in our body.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                            1×5=5

         (a)     Mr. Shafiq is a nature lover. He is walking in his garden with his friend. He said to his friend, “How sweetly the bird sings! ——?”

         (b)     Mamun along with his friends was reading the book. After the completion of their reading, Mamun said, “Let us play football now, ——?”

         (c)     Rahim is a poor boy. Eid is impending. His poor old mother said to him, “Rahim, you need to buy a new shirt, ——?”

         (d)     If you read in cadet college, you may join the army easily, ——?”

         (e)     The postman is a low paid government employee. His duty is to deliver letters and parcels, ——?”

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                             1×5=5

         A cook (a) —— roasted a duck (b) —— his master. The roast looked (c) —— delicious that the cook couldn’t resist the temptation (d) —— ate (e) —— one of the drumsticks

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                              5

         it is the month of ashar the sky is overcast with clouds it is drizzling the roads are full of mud the boats are plying with sails unfurled harvesting of paddy has been started bangladesh has worn an exquisite beauty this is our motherland should not everybody love his motherland


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) light; (b) the; (c) in; (d) of; (e) round; (f) the; (g) the; (h) called; (i) the; (j) around.

2.      (a) the; (b) of; (c) the; (d) a; (e) of; (f) to; (g) being; (h) Pollution; (i) is; (j) the.

3.      (a)     Robert Herrick was a famous poet of English literature.

         (b)     He was born in London, UK.

         (c)     His father Nicholas Herrick was a famous goldsmith of London.

         (d)     Nicholas Herrick suddenly died when he was five years old.

         (e)     After the death of his father his family shifted to a village in Middlesex.

4.      (a) are; (b) is; (c)rise; (d) enjoying; (e)walking; (f) have/enjoy; (g) polluted; (h) are suffering; (i) overcome; (j) come.

5.      The Mayor asked the Piper if he (p) had killed the rats. The Piper replied in the affirmative that he had killed the rats and also requested him (M) to give him (p) the promised money. The Mayor exclaimed with wonder that it was very funny. He (M) also said that they could not give him (p) so much money and offered him to take only fifty.

6.      (a)     I could not remember his name.

         (b)     Yes, now I am sure of his being Jerry.

         (c)     Wasn’t he like a star twinkling in a cloudless sky?

         (d)     It is he who once broke the axe handle.

         Or,    Once he broke the handle which was of the axe.

         (e)     But he refused to take the money.

         (f)     He was responsible for breaking the handle and he admitted it.

         (g)     He did not accept the money.

         (h)     Who hits accurately every time?

         (i)      Being honest, he did not show any excuse.

         Or,    Because of his honesty, he did not show any excuse.

         (j)      He was sincere.

7.      (a)     If you do not waste your time, certainly you will shine in life.

         (b)     This the boy who came to me yesterday.

         (c)     I wish I were a child.

         (d)     United we stand divided we fall.

         (e)     The boy is so weak in mathematics that he cannot work out a simple addition.

8.      (a) digestive; (b) indigestion; (c) digestion; (d) constipation; (e) circulation; (f) powerful/ empowered; (g) normal; (h) Improper; (i) unpredictable; (j) ensure.

9.      (a)     Mr Shafiq is a nature lover. He is walking in his garden with his friend. He said to his friend, “How sweetly the bird sings! doesn’t it?”

         (b)     Mamun along with his friends was reading the book. After the completion of their reading, Mamun said, “Let us play football now, shall we?”

         (c)     Rahim is a poor boy. Eid is impending. His poor old mother said to him, “Rahim, you need to buy a new shirt, don’t you?”

         (d)     If you read in cadet college, you may join the army easily, mayn’t you?

         (e)     The postman is a low-paid government employee. His duty is to deliver letters and parcels, isn’t it?

10.    (a) once; (b) for; (c) so; (d) and; (e) up.

11.    It is the month of Ashar. The sky is overcast with clouds. It is drizzling. The roads are full of mud. The boats are plying with sails unfurled. Harvesting of paddy has been started. Bangladesh has worn an exquisite beauty. This is our motherland.

Mustafij Sir

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