ssc english 2nd paper

SSC English 2nd Paper Model-57 With Solutions


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                                  0.5×10=5


         Love of power is inherent (a) —— human nature. Everyone wishes to have power and (b) —— it to others. Power (c) —— comes from the (d) —— of wealth or learning or any high office. It is (e) —— to have some kind of power or other. He who has power, is feared, obeyed and respected. It is for this reason that power is sought by (f) —— individual as well as by (g) —— nation. To love power for its own sake is bad, it then becomes the root of all evil. To carry love of anything to (h) —— excess leads only to (i) —— . So, this love of power should also be kept within (j) —— bounds.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                           0.5Íl0=5

         Uncle Tom was (a) —— Negro slave who worked (b) —— a farm in Kentucky. He was honest, faithful and efficient (c) —— his work. His master, Mr. Shelby, was a kind man and (d) —— his slaves well. Uncle Tom’s wife Aunt Chole was (e) —— very good natured women. She was also (f) —— excellent cook. They lived happily in their little cottage called ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin. They worked hard and honestly (g) —— their master. The cabin of Uncle Tom was made (h) —— wood. It was (i) —— their master’s house. There was a small plot of land (j) —— in front of their cabin.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below.   1×5=5

Bangladeshisone of the main impediments
Itachievedsome impediments to be developed
Corruptionhasa developing country of South Asia
freedom in 1971
an independent country

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :                0.5Íl0=5


         My first day  at school is a memorable day in my life. I will (a) —— the day as long as I live. It (b) —— in January, 1976. I (c) —— my schooling at a village primary school. My father (d) — me to the school for admission. We (e) —— all the way to school. When I (f) —— the Headmaster’s room, I greeted him. I was (g) —— and given a seat. Then he (h) —— me some questions. As I (i) —— them, he (j) —— me cordially and affectionately.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                        5

         “What part of India do you come from, Mr. Reddy?” “From Madras, though I was born and educated in Hyderabad.” “Is this your first visit to Delhi, Mr. Reddy?” asked Tom. “No, I quite often come here on official business.”

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                              1×10=10

         (a)    An old lady became blind. (Complex)

         (b)    She called in a doctor. (Passive)

         (c)    She agreed to pay large fee if cured. (Simple)

         (d)     But she would pay nothing if not cured. (Compound)

         (e)     The doctor called daily and coveted her furniture. (Simple)

         (f)     Everyday he took away some of her furniture. (Negative)

         (g)     When she was cured he demanded his fees. (Simple)

         (h)     The lady refused to pay, saying cure was not complete. (Compound)

         (i)      The doctor brought a court case. (Negative)

         (j)      The judge gave verdict in her favour. (Interrogative)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                    1×5=5

         (a)     —— if he told me.

         (b)     The answer that he  ——.

         (c)     Finishing the work, ——.

         (d)     I saw my mother ——.

         (e)     To walk in the morning ——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         There are many causes behind drug (a) — (addict) —. Among them the first and (b) — (most) — cause is (c) — (frustrate) —. Besides, (d) — (ration) — thinking about life also (e) — (rail) — the (f) — (frustrate) — youths and induces them to take drugs. The (g) — (effects) — of drugs are very serious. (h) — (Initial) — it makes them mentally and physically (i) — (balance) —. Then, with the passage of time, they find themselves on the way of no (j) — (turn) —.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                            1×5=5

         (a)     Each and everybody wants to succeed in life, —?

         (b)     But it is not an easy task, ——?

         (c)     A man should work hard to get success in life, ——?

         (d)     He must not be lazy and poorly motivated in his action, ——?

         (e)     Rather he will be committed and dedicated to his goal of life, ——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                             1×5=5

         Families in towns and villages use a number of polybags each day. They don’t preserve these (a) —— they throw those bags away. This act of people causes pollution to the environment. They don’t get rotten (b) —— they remain mixed with various wastes. Sometimes they get accumulated in drains and stop their proper flow. (c) —— polybags need to be disposed properly, (d) —— how can this be done? (e) —— they are burnt, they give out black smoke and bad smell to pollute air.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                              5

         will you buy my hair asked della i buy hair said madame take your hat off and lets have a sight at the looks of it twenty dollars said madame lifting the mass with a practiced hand


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) in; (b) exercise; (c) chiefly; (d) desire; (e) reasonable; (f) an; (g) a; (h) an; (i) mischief; (j) reasonable.

2.      (a) a; (b) on; (c) in; (d) treated; (e) a; (f) an; (g) for; (h) of; (i) near; (j) situated.

3.      (a)     Bangladesh is a developing country of South Asia.

         (b)     It is an independent country.

         (c)     It achieved freedom in 1971.

         (d)     It has some impediments to be developed.

         (e)     Corruption is one of the main impediments.     

4.      (a) not forget; (b) was; (c) started; (d) took; (e) walked; (f) entered; (g) welcomed; (h) asked; (i) had answered; (j) thanked.

5.      Tom asked Mr. Reddy what part of India he came from. Mr. Reddy replied that he came from Madras though he had been born and educated in Hyderabad. Tom again asked Mr. Reddy if that was his first visit to Delhi. Mr. Reddy replied in the negative and said that he quite often went there on official business.

6.      (a)     It was an old lady who became blind. / A lady who was old became blind.

         (b)     A doctor was called in by her.

         (c)     In case of her cure, she agreed to pay large fee.

         (d)     But she would pay nothing and she would do that in case of being not cured.

         (e)     Apart from calling daily, the doctor coveted her furniture.

         (f)     Didn’t he take away some of her furniture everyday?

         (g)     After her being cured, he demanded his fees.

         (h)     The lady refused to pay and said cure was not complete.

         (i)      Didn’t the doctor bring a court case?.

         (j)      Didn’t the judge give verdict in her favour?

7.      (a)     I would not do the work if he told me.

         (b)     The answer that he gave was not correct.

         (c)     Finishing the work I went to school.

         (d)     I saw my mother cooking in the kitchen room.

         (e)     To walk in the morning is good for health.

8.      (a)  addiction;  (b)  foremost;   (c)  frustration;  (d)  irrational;   (e)  derails;  (f)  frustrated; (g) aftereffects; (h) Initially; (i) imbalanced; (j) return.

9.      (a)     Each and everybody wants to succeed in life, don’t they?

         (b)     But it is not an easy task, is it?

         (c)     A man should work hard to get success in life, shouldn’t he?

         (d)     He must not be lazy and poorly motivated in his action, must he?

         (e)     Rather he will be committed and dedicated to his goal of life, won’t he?

10.    (a) rather; (b) and; (c) So/Therefore; (b) But; (e) When/If.

11.    “Will you buy my hair?” asked Della. “I buy hair,” said Madame, “Take your hat off and let’s have a sight at the looks of it. Twenty Dollars,” said Madame, lifting the mass with a practiced hand.

Mustafij Sir

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