ssc english 2nd paper

SSC English 2nd Paper Model-61 With Solutions


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                                  0.5×10=5


         Trees are useful (a) —— man. They put a stop to (b) —— rich topsoil (c) —— being washed away (d) —— rainwater and floods. We can see trees being (e) —— and damaged. Trees provide life to (f) —— place (g) —— their colourful flowers, beautiful leaves and fruits. They (h) —— shelter to birds and other animals. They take (i) —— carbon dioxide and produce oxygen (j) —— breath.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                          0.5Íl0=5

         (a) —— lot of visitors visit Mathin’s well (b) ——  the compound of Teknaf police station.  Mathin, (c) —— daughter of the Magh King, used (d) —— come to the well accompanied (e) ——  many (f) —— her friends. Dhiraj, the officer in charge of the police station fell (g) —— love with her and wanted to marry her. Though at first the King did not agree to the proposal, he finally gave his consent. But Dhiraj’s father at Calcutta became furious hearing (h) —— news and (i) —— him to return to his ailing father. Dhiraj decided never to return and Ma-thin stopped (j) — food and water until she breathed her last.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below.   1×5=5

We allshould tryus mix with others easily
Simple-minded people isus think simple ways of life
area great virtue
Italso helpsto obtain sincerity from the beginning of our life
Simplicityhelpsreally happy

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :                0.5Íl0=5

becomegrow strong ask demand reflect make call celebrateplay

         International Women’s Day (a) —— important all over the world for women in developed and developing countries alike. The (b) —— international  women’s movement, which has been (c) —— by four global United Nation’s women’s conferences, (d) —— for coordinated efforts to (e) —— women’s right and participation in the political and economic process. Increasingly, the International Women’s Day is a time to (f) —— on progress (g) ——, to (h) —— for change and to (i) —— acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have (j)  —— an extraordinary role in the history of women’s rights.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                        5

         “Dear friend,” Monju said, “How can we get peace in our life?” “It’s only possible by following the path which is shown by the Creator,” said Anwar. “I think we can find peace following the modern life.” “How narrow your thinking is! Is it possible to operate an instrument without following the instruction of the catalogue?”

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                              1×10=10

         (a)     Everyone below 18 is regarded as a child. (Make negative sentence without changing the original meaning)

         (b)    Children are engaged in dangerous occupations. (Active voice)

         (c)    Child labour is one of the biggest curses of the 21st century. (Positive degree)

         (d)    Unfortunately this has become very accepted in our society. (Make complex sentence)

         (e)     Only poverty is responsible for this. (Make negative sentence without changing the original meaning)

         (f)     Children can’t be educated unless we can remove poverty. (Make, affirmative sentence without changing the original meaning)

         (g)     In a family of five or six children the parents have to send some of their kids to work so that they can fill their empty stomachs. (Make compound sentence)

         (h)     Though these poor and helpless children have to break brick all day long, in return they are rewarded with all kinds of abuse. (Make compound sentence)

         (i)      Children in the developed country are not so vulnerable as that in our country. (Make comparative degree)

         (j)      The government should do something for them. (Use passive voice)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                    1×5=5

         (a)     If you lend me some money ——.

         (b)     It is high time ——.

         (c)     He is so weak that ——.

         (d)     It is I who ——.

         (e)     United we stand ——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         One should be (a) — (economic) — in his life. If we can (b) — (economy) — our expenses, we can save money. There should be a balance of our income and (c) — (expend) —. We must consider whether the money is (d) — (expend) — or (e) — (expendable) —. Do we like to do so? If we can do so, we would be (f) — (prosper) — in life. Moreover, (g) — (religion) — order is also to be economical. Again, no one should lead life in a (h) — (miser) — way. We must always be (i) — (mind) — of the proverb that “Cut your coat (j) — (accord) — to your cloth”.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                            1×5=5

         (a)     We need to prepare very well for the exam, ——?

         (b)     Sure. To do so we must study regularly,——?

         (c)     Certainly. But we do not follow the rules at all,——?

         (d)     No, we do not. And when the examination approaches there is no way but start cramming,——-?

         (e)     That’s exactly what I do. You should not do that,——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                             1×5=5

         A miser got some money (a) —— he was not pleased with it. He was in constant fear (b) —— thieves and robbers should steal it. (c) ——, he thought it necessary to devise some steps (d) —— no one might get scent of it and steal it. (e) —— much thought he bought a lump of gold with all his money and buried it at a secret place.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                              5

         Addressing him as sir the nobleman asked sheikh saadi why he was putting up the food in his pocket. He also asked him why he did not eat sheikh saadi replied that he was doing the right thing because his dress deserved those rich dishes the nobleman said that he did not understand what he meant to say and so he was sorry.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) to; (b) the; (c) from; (d) with; (e) planted; (f) a; (g) with; (h) give; (i) in; (j) to.

2.      (a) A; (b) at; (c) the; (d) to; (e) by; (f) of; (g) in; (h) the; (i) urged; (j) taking.

3.      (i)      We all should try to obtain sincerity from the beginning of our life.

         (ii)     Simple-minded people are really happy.

         (iii)    It helps us think simple ways of life.

         (iv)    Simplicity is a great virtue.

         (v)     It also helps us mix with others easily.

4.      (a) has become; (b) growing; (c) strengthened; (d) calls; (e) demand; (f) reflect; (g) made; (h) ask; (i) celebrate; (j) played.

5.      Addressing Anwar as dear friend, Monju asked him how they could get peace in their life. Anwar replied that it is possible only by following the path which is shown by the Creator.   Monju told him (A) that he (M) thought they could find peace following the modern life.    Anwar exclaimed with sorrow that his (M) thinking was very narrow. Then he asked Monju if it is possible to operate an instrument without following the instruction of the catalogue.

6.      (a)     No one above 18 is regarded as a child.

         (b)     People engage children in dangerous occupations.

         (c)     Very few curses of the 21st century are as big as child labour.

         (d)     It is unfortunate that this has become very accepted in our society.

         (e)     Nothing but poverty is responsible for this.

         (f)     Children can be educated if we can remove poverty.

         (g)     In a family of five or six children the parents have to send some of their kids to work to fill their empty stomachs.

         (h)     These poor children have to break brick all day long but in return they are awarded all kinds of abuse.

         (i)      Children in our country are more vulnerable than those in the developed country.

         (j)      Something should be done for them.

7.      (a)     If you lend me some money,  I won’t take any bank loan.

         (b)     It is high time we changed our bad habit.

         (c)     He is so weak that he cannot walk properly.

         (d)     It is I who am to blame.

         (e)     United we stand, divided we fall.

8.      (a) economical; (b) economize; (c) expenditure; (d) expendable; (e) unexpendable; (f) prosperous; (g) religious; (h) miserly; (i) mindful; (j) according.

9.      (a)     We need to prepare very well for the exam, don’t we?

         (b)     Sure, to do so we must study regularly, mustn’t we?

         (c)     Certainly. But we do not follow the rules at all, do we?

         (d)     No, we do not. And when the examination approaches there is no way but start cramming, is there?

         (e)     That’s exactly what I do. You should not do that, should you?

10.    (a) but; (b) lest; (c) So/Therefore; (d) so that/ that; (e) After.

11.    Addressing him as sir, the nobleman asked Sheikh Saadi why he was putting up the food in his pocket. He also asked him why he did not eat. Sheikh Saadi replied that he was doing the right thing because his dress deserved those rich dishes. The nobleman said that he did not understand what he meant to say and so he was sorry.

Mustafij Sir

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