ssc english 2nd paper

SSC English 2nd Paper Model-65 With Solutions


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                                  0.5×10=5


         The 21st February is (a) —— International Mother Language Day. Mother tongue is (b) —— divine gift. From the holy Quran we come to know that the most (c) —— Almighty has bestowed a mother tongue (d) —— each and every caste, creed and colour. Mother tongue is so important that the people of a country express their ideas, thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc (e) —— through mother tongue. But it is (f) —— irony of fate that the then rulers of Pakistan tried of (g) —— Urdu as the state language upon us instead (h) —— Bangla. But the people of our country raised their voice (i) —— the (j) —— decision.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                          0.5Í10=5

         We live in an age of (a) ——. We can see (b) —— influence of science in all spheres of life. Science is a constant (c) —— of our daily life. We have (d) —— the impossible things possible by means (e) —— science. The modern civilization is (f) —— of science. At present we can (g) —— travel from one place to another. (h) —— ancient time journey was difficult. (i) —— had to spend much (j) —— and money for travelling. But we should remember that science has to be exploited for the greater welfare of mankind.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below.   1×5=5

Wegettheir necessary information and knowledge from newspapers
Newspaperisread newspaper to be well informed with the news and views
People from all walks of lifecan enrichmade the world smaller
Itmustcalled the storehouse of knowledge       
hasour knowledge by reading newspaper

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :                0.5Í10=5


         Penguins are true flightless birds. Some species (a) —— as much as 75% of their lives at sea, yet they all (b) —— on land or sea-ice attached to land. To (c) —— in the harsh conditions of the Antarctic, their bodies (d) —— by a thick layer of fat and dense network of waterproof things. Penguin’s bones (e) —— solid and heavy which (f) —— them (g) —— submerged and (h) —— the energy needed for pursuit diving. Some species (i) —— depths of 1000 feet or more and (j) —— submerged for up to 50 minutes though most prefer shorter, shallower dives.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                        5

         The teacher said to the girl,, “Do you think that honesty is the best policy?”  The girl said, “Yes, sir, I think so.” “Then learn to be honest from your childhood,” said the teacher. “Thank you, sir,” said the girl. “May Allah bless you” said the teacher.

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                              1×10=10

         (a)     Bangladesh is a low-lying country. (Interrogative)

         (b)    Every year natural disasters visit us. (Passive)     

         (c)     Earthquake is one of the most unpredictable natural disasters. (Comparative)

         (d)     Dhaka city may be the worst victim of this natural calamity. (Complex)

         (e)     People who build house must maintain the earthquake resistance building code. (Simple)

         (f)     The recurrence of earthquake was experienced by us in the last few years. (Active)

         (g)    Who does not know the consequence of Tsunami? (Assertive)

         (h)    Earthquake is very disastrous. (Exclamatory)

         (i)     Bangladesh lies in the active earthquake zone. (Negative)

         (j)     No other city is as risky as Dhaka in the face of earthquake. (Superlative)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                    1×5=5

         (a)     We work hard so that ——.

         (b)     If we are not industrious, ——.

         (c)     A man who leads an idle life ——.

         (d)     An idle man can never help people and so ——.

         (e)     We know the proverb that ——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         King Solomon was (a) ¾ (fame) — for his (b) ¾ (wise) —. He was blessed with (c) ¾ (ordinary) — knowledge and it was really beyond people’s (d) ¾ (imagine) —. One day Queen of Sheba wanted to test how wise he was. Solomon was given two kinds of flowers. One was (e) ¾ (nature) — and the other was (f) ¾ (artifice) —. As he had a close (g) ¾ (associate) — with nature, he had been (h) ¾ (success) — to different them. In this way, his (i) ¾ (repute) — of (j) ¾ (multidimension) — knowledge spread all over the world.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                            1×5=5

         (a)     Every student can realize the importance of learning English. But she hardly realizes, —?

         (b)     Man has landed on the moon. He is preparing to set foot on the Mars. Actually nothing is impossible for him, ——?

         (c)     She disturbed the boy repeatedly. As he became utterly dissatisfied, he started complaining, ——?

         (d)     I am very busy now. I cannot accompany you today. Let’s meet tomorrow, ——?

         (e)     Football is a popular game. Nobody denies it, ——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                             1×5=5

         It is known to all that gold is a valuable metal. (a) ¾¾, there are many metals cheaper than gold though they look like it. (b) ¾¾ they glitter for sometime, they fade away in the long run. In our society there are also many people (c) ¾¾ are outwardly very gentle and polished. Later on, their real identify is revealed (d) ¾¾ they do not exercise moral values. That’s why, people say, “All (e) ¾¾ glitters is not gold.”

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                              5

         will you come to my house tomorrow i asked the boy we can discuss the terms and conditions then i said it shall be very happy to meet you at your house thank you so much he replied


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) an;  (b) a;  (c) merciful; (d) upon;  (e) clearly; (f) an; (g) imposing;  (h) of;  (i) against; (j) unlawful.

2.      (a) science; (b) the; (c) companion; (d) made; (e) of ; (f) gift; (g) easily; (h) In; (i) People; (j) time.

3.      (a)     Newspaper is called the storehouse of knowledge.

         (b)     We can enrich our knowledge by reading newspaper.

         (c)     We must read newspaper to be well informed with the news and views.

         (d)     It has made the world smaller.

         (e)     People from all walks of life get their necessary information and knowledge from newspapers.

4.      (a) spend; (b) breed; (c) survive; (d) are insulated; (e) are; (f) help; (g) remain; (h) reduce; (i) can reach; (j) stay.

5.      The teacher asked the girl if he thought that honesty is the best policy. The girl respectfully replied in the affirmative that she thought so. Then the teacher advised her to learn to be honest from her childhood. The girl respectfully thanked him. The teacher wished that Allah might bless her.

6.      (a)     Isn’t Bangladesh a low-lying country?

         (b)     We are visited by natural disasters every year.

         (c)     Earthquake is more unpredictable than most other natural disasters.

         (d)     It is Dhaka city which may be the worst victim of this natural calamity.

         (e)     People building house must maintain the earthquake resistance building code.

         (f)     We experienced the recurrence of earthquake in the last few years.

         (g)     Everybody knows the consequence of Tsunami.

         (h)     How disastrous earthquake is!

         (i)      Bangladesh doesn’t lie in the inactive earthquake zone.

         (j)      Dhaka is the most risky (the riskiest) city in the face of earthquake.  

7.      (a)     We work hard so that we can prosper in life.

         (b)     If we are not industrious, we’ll suffer in life.

         (c)     A man who leads an idle life can never be happy and prosperous in life.

         (d)     An idle man can never help people and so he is not loved or respected by them.

         (e)     We know the proverb that industry is the key to success.

8.      (a) famous; (b) wisdom; (c) extra-ordinary; (d) imagination; (e) natural; (f) artificial; (g) association; (h) successful; (i) reputation; (j) multidimensional.

9.      (a)     Every student can realize the importance of learning English. But she hardly realizes it, does she?

         (b)     Man has landed on the moon. He is preparing to set foot on the Mars. Actually nothing is impossible for him, is any thing?

         (c)     She disturbed the boy repeatedly. As he became utterly dissatisfied, he started complaining, didn’t he?

         (d)     I am very busy now. I cannot accompany you today. Let’s meet tomorrow, shall we?

         (e)     Football is a popular game. Nobody denies it, do they?

10.    (a) But; (b) Though/Although; (c) who; (d) as; (e) that.

11.    “Will you come to my house tomorrow?” I asked the boy. “We can discuss the terms and conditions then.” I said, “I shall be very happy to meet you at your house.” “Thank you very much,” he replied.

Mustafij Sir

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