ssc english 2nd paper

SSC English 2nd Paper Model-68 With Solutions


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                                  0.5×10=5

toimportancebetweencompletea fromeducatetheif

         Though there are some differences (a) —— practical knowledge and bookish knowledge, most often they are thought to be (b) —— same. (c) —— a person is educated in (d) —— true sense, he will be able (e) —— lead (f) —— life (g) —— different (h) —— others. Also he can distinguish between right and wrong. So (i) —— is very (j) ——.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                          0.5Í10=5

         English is regarded as (a) —— international language. It is spoken all (b) —— the world. So the importance (c) —— this language can hardly be exaggerated. Almost all the books (d) —— higher education are written (e) —— English. Today every organization needs employees who can speak and write (f) —— standard form of English. English is spoken (g) —— with the mother tongue almost everywhere. Ours is (h) —— age of globalization. We need to (i) ——   English to join (j) —— advanced world.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below.   1×5=5

So, preventive measureswastenot careful of utilizing natural gas and thus are wasting this resources
Many peoplearebe taken to minimize the waste of our  resources
Theyshouldin city areas are not careful of using natural resources
If this wastagelivingour resources will run out very soon
People continueswater by leaving the taps running whenever they use it for day-to-day  purpose

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :                     1×5=5


         Once there was an idle king. He did not (a) —— physical exercise. As a result, he (b) —— bulky and could (c) —— from one place to another. He (d) —— in a doctor. The doctor (e) —— clever and wise. He (f) —— any medicine for the king. He (g) —— to the king, “Please take a heavy club and (h) —— it in the air till you get tired.” The king (i) —— the advice of the physician. As a result, his fat (j) —— less.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                        5

         The teacher said to the, “Have you prepared your lesson today?” “No, sir” replied students. The teacher  said, “Why?” “I was suffering from headache yesterday. I shall do my work tomorrow”, said the students.

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                              1×10=10

         (a)    Tareq is the most talented boy in the class. (Positive)

         (b)    He behaves well with everybody. (Make it interrogative)

         (c)    He struggles to win the battle of life. (Make it complex sentence)

         (d)    He leads a very poor life. (Make it exclamatory)

         (e)    As he is poor he cannot buy new books. (Make it compound)

         (f)           His teachers want that he should continue his studies. (Make it simple)

         (g)    The headmaster helps him a lot. (Make it passive)

         (h)    Nobody discourages him. (Make it affirmative)

         (i)     He is very sincere and obedient. (Make it negative)

         (j)     Doesn’t he always make good results in the examination. (Make it assertive)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                    1×5=5

         (a)     It is acid throwing which is ——.

         (b)     Acid throwing has become a burning question because ——.

         (c)    Acid throwing could ——.

         (d)    Though the victims recover from physical pain, ——.

         (e)    A dowry hunter husband throws acid on his wife if ——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         A (a) — (free) — fighter is a (b) — (war) — who took part in our War of Liberation in 1971. A freedom fighter is the greatest son of the soil. The (c) — (dependence) — of our motherland was (d) — (dear) — to a freedom fighter than his life. So, when he heard the declaration of independence in 1971, he joined the war. He joined the war (e) — (willing) —. He had no (f) — (might) — weapons with him. But he had strong moral courage. He was (g) — (main) — a guerrilla (h) — (fight). He attacked the enemy from an (i) — (known) — place and then (j) — (appeared) —.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                            1×5=5

         (a)     Nobody prosper in life without hard work,——?

         (b)    The decision of the people controls the situation,——?

         (c)    Let me deliver my lecture on it first,——?

         (d)    Barking dog seldom bites,——?

         (e)    All of them will attend the function,——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                             1×5=5

         The rapid growth of population must be controlled. (a) —— all sorts of attempts to solve food problem will fail. (b) —— we have to increase our food production very rapidly. We may mostly solve our food problem by changing our traditional food habit, (c) —— we can eat potato instead of rice. (d) —— it is high time we changed our eating habit. (e) —— knowledge of nutritive value of food can help solve our food problem to a great extent.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                              5

         but one day i shot the albatross the sailor told the marriage guest it was a terrible thing to do and everyone said i had killed the bird which made the wind blow i had brought bad luck to the crew


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) between; (b) the; (c) If; (d) a/the; (e) to; (f) a; (g) completely; (h) from; (i) education; (j) important.

2.      (a) the; (b) over; (c) of; (d) of; (e) in; (f) the; (g) along; (h) an; (i) know/learn; (j) the.

3.      (i)      Many people living in city areas are not careful of using natural resources.

         (ii)     People are not careful of utilizing natural gas and thus are wasting this resource.

         (iii)    They waste water by leaving the taps running whenever they use it for day-to-day  purpose.

         (iv)    If this wastage continues, our resources will run out very soon.

         (v)     So, preventive measures should be taken to minimize the waste of our resources.

4.      (a) take; (b) became; (c) not move; (d) called; (e) was; (f) didn’t prescribe; (g) said; (h) move; (i) followed; (j) grew.

5.      The asked the student if he had prepared his lesson that day. The student replied in negative. The teacher asked him the cause/why. The student replied that he (s) had been suffering from headache the previous day. He also added that he (s) would do his work the following day.

6.      (a)     No other boy in the class is so talented as Tareq.

         (b)     Doesn’t he behave well with everybody?

         (c)     He struggles so that he can win the battle of life.

         (d)     What a poor life he leads!

         (e)     He is poor and so he cannot buy new books.

         (f)     His teachers want him to continue his studies.

         (g)     He is helped a lot by the headmaster.

         (h)     Everybody encourages him. 

         (i)      He is not insincere and disobedient.

         (j)      He always makes good results in the examination.

7.      (a)     It is acid throwing which is a heinous crime.

         (b)     Acid throwing has become a burning question because it is causing a great problem.

         (c)     Acid throwing could be controlled if the government implements the laws strictly.

         (d)     Though the victims recover from physical pain, they have to suffer from mental agony.

         (e)     A dowry hunter husband throws acid on his wife if the promised dowry is not paid.

8.      (a) freedom; (b) warrior; (c) independence; (d) dearer; (e) willingly; (f) mighty; (g) mainly; (h) fighter; (i) unknown; (j) disappeared.

9.      (a)     Nobody prospers in life without hard work, do they?

         (b)     The decision of the people controls the situation, doesn’t it?

         (c)     Let me deliver my lecture on it first, will you?

         (d)     Barking dogs seldom bite, do they?

         (e)     All of them will attend the function, won’t they?

10.    (a) Otherwise; (b) Besides; (c) for example; (d) So; (e) On the contrary/Moreover.

11.    “But one day I shot the albatross,” the sailor told the marriage guest. “It was a terrible thing to do and everyone said, I had killed the bird which made the wind blow. I had brought bad luck to the crew.”

Mustafij Sir

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