English class VIII

80+ Suffix and Prefix Exercise For JSC Questions with Solutions

Suffix and Prefix Exercise For JSC Questions

1.     Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.

        Ernest Hemingway, one of the famous American writers had a great (a) attract to war. He had wanted to become a soldier, but (b) fortune he couldn’t because of his poor eyesight. Later, he became a war (c) correspond in the Spanish Civil War and World War II. Many of his books were about war. His most (d) success book is For Whom the Bell Tolls is about the Spanish War. Another novel, A Farewell to Arms, is also about the (e) use of war. This book also gained much (f) popular. However (g) like his writing, his personal life was full of misery. One of the reasons was his physical (h) sick for which he couldn’t even receive the Nobel Prize he was awarded in person.

        [Adapted from ‘New Headway Intermediate Students book by Ziz and John Soars. Pg. 27]

2.     Fill in the gaps in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text :

        Bangladesh is small country but it has a large (a) populate. Most people here live below the poverty line and cannot therefore affort to educate their (b) child. Many poor children either drop out of school just after a few years or (c) simple do not go to school at all. Despite this situation we have far too many students to educate (d) compare to the number of institutions (e) avail. Bangladesh needs more schools, colleges and universities to provide for the increasing number of students. But owing to (f) finance and resource constraints, the (g) govern cannot find the requisite number of (h) education institution.

3.     Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text :

        A good student is (a) mind to his studies. He is (b) respect to his (c) teach. He does not (d) honour anybody. He is free from (e) conduct. He is (f) study. He is not (g) sincere to his study. He maintains (h) punctual.

4.     Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text :

        A railway porter is a hard working person. He is a day (a) labour. He loads and (b) load the goods of a goods train. Besides, he is very busy during the (c) arrive and (d) depart of trains. He is an (e) literate man. He does not want to receive the (f) fix amount of fee for carrying the luggage of the passengers. During the (g) festive he demands a very high charge for his (h) serve.

5.     Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the box :

        Trees are (a) use to man in many ways. They are (b) company in our day to day life. It is (c) possible to build our homes, furniture etc. without trees. Trees save us from flood and (d) nature calamities. It (e) strength the soil. If we cut down trees at random, there will be ecological (f) balance. So tree      (g) plant programme should be extended for a better. (h) happy and healthier life.

6.     Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix of both with the root words underlined in the text. :

        An (a) healthy man leads a (b) pain life. He cannot enjoy (c) happy. He suffers both (d) physical and (e) mental. He passes his days with (f) tense. His life is very (g) sorrow. He is (h) active too.

7.     Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text :

        An Ideal student is (a) care about his (b) responsible. He is a (c) follow of great men who became    (d) success in (e) world life. He has (f) able to be (g) prosper because he is (h) merit.

8.     Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding prefix, suffix or both with the root words underlined in the text :

        Our education remains (a) complete if we do not learn good manners. In our behaviour with others we must be (b) respect with others. We should never (c) behave with anybody because our (d) conduct may hurt others. We should not create any (e) necessary quarrel with others. The (f) important of good manners is (g) measurable. (h) Real a man of good manners is a gentleman.

9.     Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text :

        A good student is (a) mind to his studies. He is (b) respect to his (c) teach. He does not (d) honour anybody. He is free from (e) conduct. He is (f) study. He is not (g) sincere to his study. He maintains (h) punctual.

10.   Rewrite the following passage using capitalization and punctuation. (Rajuk Uttara Model College, Dhaka)

        clean it very carefully hans said frankel im going to use this instrument to cast a very powerful spell exclaimed hans excitedly oh how interesting

11.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Rajuk Uttara Model College, Dhaka)

        (a) Electron mail is one of the many modern devices of (b) communicate. This is not only a quick, easy and (c) relative cheap way to keep in touch with family and friends. We need internet (d) connect for browsing email. We can also attach big files and send them to our desired persons. Thus it becomes very easy to transfer important files, documents, photos etc. instantly without (e) physical going to anywhere. It maintains our private, social and (f) office network in a (g) power and (h) effect way.

12.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Dinajpur Zilla School, Dinajpur)

        Good manners form an (a) import part of our education. Our education remains (b) complete unless we learn good manners. We must have a sense of respect for others and it is necessary for a (c) culture and (d) discipline society. The (e) import of good manners in life is great (f) deed. (g) Real a man of good manners is a gentleman. Every student must know the code of conduct for his/her (h) practice life.

13.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Jessore Zilla School, Jessore)

        (a) Honest is the best of all virtues. An honest man is always (b) truth. He is never (c) harm to anybody. Nobody is (d) satisfied with him. On the other hand, everybody (e) likes a (f) honest man. People remember an honest man (g) respectful even after his death. Without honesty peace and happiness is (h) possible.

14.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Comilla Zilla School, Comilla)

        Education develops our mind through (a) form learning. The mental and (b) intellect training is also provided by education. Again the purpose of education is to (c) light the individual. The (d) promote of the individual’s capacity is also its purpose. Education (e) broad our mind and refines our (f) sense. So there are (g) vary advantages of education. You cannot find any (h) advantage of education.

15.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Chittagong Collegiate School, Chittagong)

        There goes a wise saying, “A good company makes a man good while a bad one makes him bad.” If anyone becomes (a) custome to good manners or behaves well, he can under no circumstances (b) behave towards anyone. So, moral (c) educate is all important. From their earliest years (d) child must be taught the (e) differ between right and wrong and trained to love and follow what is right and hate and avoid what is wrong. So training means the (f) form of character on right lines. Its object is to bring children up in such a way that they will grow up to be truth loving, honest, brave, pure minded and (g) selfish men and women. The home, (h) doubt, is the best school for moral education.

16.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Jalalabad Cantt. Public School & College, Sylhet)

        Physical exercise means the regular (a) ¾¾ (move) ¾¾ of limbs of our body (b) ¾¾ (accord) ¾¾ to rules. (c) ¾¾ (sound) ¾¾ of body is essential. There lies a close (d) ¾¾ (connect) ¾¾ between body and mind. We cannot think a sound mind without a sound health. It is physical exercise which (e) ¾¾ (ables) ¾¾ us to build a good health. Physical exercise makes our body active and the muscles strong. It also improves our power of (f) ¾¾ (digest) ¾¾ and blood (g) ¾¾ (circulate) ¾¾. It gives (h) ¾¾ (strong) ¾¾ to our brain.

17.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Barisal Govt. Girls’ High School, Barisal)

        None but the (a) ¾¾ (industry) can expect success in life. Industry is the key to success. An idle man can never be (b) ¾¾ (success) in life. In fact, success in life does not come (c) ¾¾(automatic). Only by working (d) ¾¾ (relentless), one can be successful in life. We must shake off our (e) ¾¾ (idle) in order to succeed in life. An idle person has to depend on other’s income for his (f) ¾¾ (survive). It is (g) ¾¾ (doubt) very (h) ¾¾ (grace).

18.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Viqarunnisa Noon School & College, Dhaka)

        (a) Kind is a divine virtue. So, we should not be (b) kind to the people in distress and even to (c) low animals. Some naughty boys (d) joy beating the lower animals like dogs and cats. This is an (e) rational behaviour. Animals can understand your feelings of love. If you are (f) friend with them, they can (g) real your kind behaviour. As a result, friendship grows instead of (h) enemy.

19.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Ideal School & College, Motijheel, Dhaka)

        Our education remains (a) complete if we do not learn good manners. In our behaviour with others we must be (b) respect to others. We should never (c) behave with anybody because our (d) conduct may hurt others. We should not pick (e) necessary quarrel with others. The (f) important of good manners is (g) measurable. (h) Real a man of good manners is a gentleman.

20.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Dhaka Residential Model College, Dhaka; Mymensingh Zilla School, Mymensing)

        Dhaka is a (a) beauty city. But its beauty is spoilt by our (b) wise activities. The city dwellers are polluting its environment. (c) Cleanliness is the (d) ugly sight in the city. In order to make the city look more beautiful, there should be a (e) plan system. A lot of work has been done under (f) beautify scheme to beautify the city. But it will not prove (g) fruit unless we are successful in our drive for (h) cleanly.

21.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Bogra Zilla School, Bogra)

        Ours is a (a) democracy country. Here it is not possible for any (b) elected person to rule over the country. (c) Participate of all parties in (d) nation elections (e) strength democracy. In democracy there is no (f) exist of (g) harmony among the people of (h) differ creeds.

22.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Rangpur Zilla School, Rangpur)

        After being (a) success on moon landing, scientists took another leap. The scientists (b) look beyond Moon to Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Soon Mariner, Skylab, Soyuj were on the way to these planets for further (c) explore. Pictures from Mars were (d) transmit to the earth from these spacecrafts (e) give some vital clues about the (f) exist of any life in the planet. Pioneer 11 and Viking 11 were also soon launched to send back (g) numerable data of space (h) search.

23.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Udayan Higher Secondary School, Dhaka)

        Road accidents have (a) recent become a regular phenomenon in our country. As a result of the accident many persons fall a victim to (b) timely death. Most of the accidents occur because of the (c) violate of traffic rules by (d) skill drivers and (e) conscious passers-by. Many unlicensed and (f) fault vehicles run on the streets. These vehicles (g) danger the (h) safe of passengers and the passers-by.

24.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Monipur Uchcha Vidyalaya & College, Mirpur, Dhaka)

        (a) Honest is the best of all virtures. An honest man is always (b) truth. He is never (c) harm to anybody. Nobody is (d) satisfied with him. On the other hand, everybody (e) likes a (f) honest man. People remember an honest man (g) respectful even after his death. Without honesty peace and (h) happy is impossible.

25.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Adamjee Cantonment Public School, Dhaka)

        Working opportunities for women are very (a) neglect in rural areas of Bangladesh. They (b) usual spend time doing their household chores. The ILO (c) recent started a project titled “Technologies for Rural (d) Employ with Special (e) Refer to Women and (f) Sustain Development.” The aim of this project is to impart training to rural women in (g) vary activities and make them (h) reliant.

26.  Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the brackets. (The Millennium Stars School & College, Rangpur Cantonment, Rangpur)

        In order to be sure of doing well in the examination you have to pay (a) ¾¾ (attend) to studies from the very beginning of the year. Regular practice can (n) ¾¾ (sure) your good result. But if you are (c) ¾¾ (attentive) and irregular, you cannot expect to do so. Bear in mind that (d) ¾¾ (regularity) is the cause of your (e) ¾¾ (satisfactory) result. Nobody can expect a good result in the examination without good (f) ¾¾ (prepare). You should be prepared for it well-ahead of the schedule. Some students remain (g) ¾¾ (prepare) for the (h) ¾¾ (exam) even when it is imminent.

27.  Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the brackets.

        (Rangpur Govt. Girls’ High School, Rangpur)

        Good health means (a) sound of body and mind. One should take exercise (b) regular because it is (c) physicexercise which (d) ablest us to build a good health. He is also to observe the rules of (e) clean. An (f) health man cannot enjoy life. He suffers from frustration, (g) hopeless etc. On the other hand, a (h) health man can enjoy his life fully.

28.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Lions School & College, Saidpur, Nilphamari)

        Ours in not a developed country. We are (a) gradual developing. We are considered to be an (b) developed country because of many reasons. (c) Literacy is one of the. The govt. of the country is aware of these. So, measures have been taken for the (d) eradicate of illiteracy. It is true that literacy rate is (e) rapid progressing. The main reasons of it are (f) dishonest and (g) corrupt in every walk of life. Another reason is (h) obedience to laws of the land.

29.  Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the brackets.

        (Thakurgaon Govt. Boys’ High School, Thakurgaon)    

        Everybody wants to be (a) success in life. Success brings (b) happy. When a person success in life, he becomes (c) cheer. On the other hand, when he finds (d) fail, his (e) happy knows no bounds. If a person becomes (f) industry, he is sure to (g) come any obstacle, So everybody should be hard working so that we can (h) joy success in our life.

30.  Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the brackets.

        (Thakurgaon Govt. Girls’ High School, Thakurgoan.)

        Our (a) Nation Memorial (b) symbol the nation’s respect for the martyrs of the Liberation War. It is an (c) achieve which is (d) measurable. Our freedom fighters showed their unique (e) hero in the war against the well-armed soldiers of Pakistan. The Pakistani soldiers killed our people (f) merciless. They continued atrocities in (g) associate with the local (h) collaborate. However, they were defeated in the end.

31.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Gaibandha Govt. Boys’ HIgh School, Gaibandha; Govt. KD High School, Naogaon; Cantonment Public School & College, Rangpur)

        None but the (a) ¾¾ industry can expect success in life. Industry is the dey to success. An idle man can never be (b) success in life. In fact, success in life does not come (c) automatic. Only by working (d) relentless, one can succeed in life. We must shake off  (e) idle in order to succeed in life. An idle person has to depend on other’s income for his (f) survive. It is (g) doubted very (h) disgrace.

32.  Fill in the gaps used/given in the text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Govt. Girls’ High School, Jessore)

        A good student is (a) mind to his studies. he is (b) respect to his (c) teach. He does not (d) honour anybody. He is free from (e) conduct. He is (f) study. He is not (g) sincere in his study. He maintains (h) punctual.

33.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Dawood Public School, Jessore Cantt., Jessore)

        Our (a) free  (b) fight fought (c) brave. Their (d) dedicate is an act of (e) inspire for us. They have become (f) mortal. They have brought (g) dependence for the country through their sacrifice. They were also (h) courage.

34.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Vidyamoyee Govt. Girls; High School, Mymensingh)

        Truth is not (a) normal. It is (b) nature and (c) sures the spiritual peace of human mind. It (d) powers our soul and enhances our willing power. Illegal and (e) lawful things are against the truth. We must speak (f) bold and clearly having. (g) kind which is a condition of (h) truthful.

35.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Rajshahi Govt. Girls’ High School, Rajshahi)

        Education is the process by which our mind develops through (a) from learning at an institution like a school, college or university. It is mental and (b) intellect training which provides opportunities for growth and helps to (c) come obstacles to progress. Again, the purpose of education is to (d) light the individual and to develop his/her capacity to the limit. It also ennobles our mind and refines our (e) sensible. But (f) proper education is not good for us. It is rather (g) defect and does not bring about any social (h) form. Proper education is a must for mental development.

36.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words.

        (Rajshahi Collegiate School, Rajshahi)

        Flowers (a) symbol love and (b) pure. The (c) charm fragrance of flowers makes us feel (d) some. Nowadays flower (e) cultivate is a money-making (f) busy. Many people improved their condition doing flower business. The (g) employed youths of the society can think about it (h)  youths of the society can think about it (h) sure.

37.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Govt. Laboratory High School, Rajshahi)

        Television has become the most common and widespread of (a) entertain of the present world. A wide range of programmes of varied interest is telecast on numerous channels. Almost every middle class and even (b) work class families have a television set today. Television programmes are not only (c) enjoy but also highly (d) educate. For example, television is used for distant (e) learn. Courses run by the Open University are shown on BTV. Several channels like the Discovery and the (f) Nation Geographic Channels telecast (g) high (h) inform programmes.

38.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Bogra Cantonment Public School & College, Bogra)

        The name of Kazi Nazrul Islam is not (a) known to anybody. He is a great (b) write He is also a (c) sing. His writings are full of (d) inspire. His (e) contribute to Bengali literature has made him (f) mortal. His writings are (g) revolution. He is our (h) nation poet.

39.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words given in each bracket in the text. (Bogra Govt. Girls’ High School, Bogra)

        None but the (a) ¾¾ (industry) can expect success in life. Industry is the key to success. An idle man can never be (b) ¾¾ (success) in life. In fact, success in life does not come (c) ¾¾ (automatic), only by working (d) ¾¾ (relentless), one can be successful in life. We must shake off our (e) ¾¾ (idle) in order to succeed in life. An idle person has to depend on others income for his (f) ¾¾ (survive). It is (g) ¾¾ (doubted) very (h) ¾¾ grace).

40.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (BIAM Model School & College, Bogra)

        Of all the (a) create in the world, humans are (b) physical the most (c) equip. A human cannot fly like a bird, outrun a leopard, swim like an alligator, nor climb trees like a monkey. A human does not have the claw of an eagle, nor the eye and teeth of a wild cat. (d) Carnal, humans are (e) defense. A tiny insect can kill them. But nature is (f) reason and kind. Nature’s (g) believe gift to human kind is the (h) able to think about anything.

41.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Pabna Govt. Girls’ High School, Pabna)

        Allah has created both man and woman (a) equal. He has not drawn any (b) distinct between them. An (c) literate mother can never produce a good citizen. In order to have good citizens female education is a must. Without the (d) lift of women the progress of the nation is (e) possible. Again without education women cannot be elevated. It is (f) deniable that a mother exercises a great influence in the formation of children’s character. Lives of the great men show that their (g) great was due to their mother’s influence. An educated husband can never have free exchange of ideas with ignorant wife. Life would be dull and (h) happy for them.

42.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Pabna Zilla School, Pabna)

        Man wants to gain (a) popular in (b) differ ways. But (c) lawful ways can’t (d) popular a man. When common people are hurt by the (e) behave of a powerful man, they don’t protest in front of him. But they form a (f) hate conception about him.

43.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Momena Ali Biggan School, Sirajganj)

        Money is the means of leading (a) world life. (b) short of money makes our life (c) deplore. We cannot lead our life (d) proper in want of money. But there is (e) difficult in earning money. Our peace and prosperity are (f) depend on proper utilization of money. Spending money in an (g) proper way can lead us to the path of destruction. So, we should be (h) care in spending money.

44.  Rewrite the following sentences using prefixes for the given words in brackets.

        (Amena-Baki Residential Model School & College, Dinajpur)

        (a)   You will get three (merits) if you’re caught smoking on school ground.

        (b)   I see the dog has been (behaving) itself again.

        (c)   We take every (caution) to ensure your safety.

        (d)   Unfortunately, their plan (fired) badly.

        (e)   The United States was left as the only global (power).

45.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Dinajpur Govt. Girls’ High School, Dinajpur)

        (a) truth people are honest. (b) truthful is a great virtue. One cannot have the virtue of (c) honest without speaking the truth. (d) honest people tell a lie for personal interest. (e) dishonest spoils other human qualities in life. People who are (f) virtue are honest and truthful. They are also (g) believe in God and they fear only God. They are (h) loved to all.

46.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Mirzapur Cadet College, Tangail)

        A mobile set is not very (a) expense. The (b) late mobile phone has camera, (c) calculate, the Internet and the radio or transistor. It is a very (d) use thing but its (e) excess use is bad for health. Every scientific object is (f) modern with the (g) pass of time. Nobody knows now whether the (h) develop of mobile will have a television on it in the near future.

47.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Mymensingh Girls’ Cadet College, Mymensingh)

        (a) Eating is not a good habit. It means eating (b) excess food. Some people (c) occasional eat too much. It results in (d) digestion which is (e) injure to health. People suffer from (f) digest trouble because they cannot resist their (g) tempt for overeating. They are (h) tolerant.

48.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Rajshahi Cadet College, Rajshahi)

        A railway porter is a hard-working person. He is a day (a) labour. He loads and (b) loads the goods of a goods train. Besides, he is very busy during the (c) arrive and (d) depart of trains. He is an (e) literate man. He does not want to receive the (f) fix amount of fee for carrying the luggage of the passengers. During the (g) festive he demands a very high charge for his (h) serve.

49.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Pabna Cadet College, Pabna)

        Farida is an eight-year old girl. She is an (a) educated girl. Her father was a day (b) labour and her mother was a garment (c) work. She is very (d) fortunate because she lost both of them at such a tender age. So, she is very (e) help. She works as a domestic servant in the house of a rich man. The (f) own of the house is very (g) kind and always (h) behaves with her.

50.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Joypurhat Girls’ Cadet College, Joypurhat)

        Guests are (a) traditional (b) welcome in our country. Sometimes special (c) arrange is made for their (d) entertain. Sometimes we feel embarrassed to entertain an (e) welcome guests. Our people are very (f) friend and open-minded. They are very (g) cooperation as well as (h) hospitality.

51.  Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or both with the root words underlined in the text.

        (Jhenidah Cadet College, Jhenidah)

        Computer is one of the most (a) wonder scientific objects. It is the (b) out of hard labour of many scientists. It took a long time to invent computer and bring it to the present position. It is an electric device that stores information on (c) magnet tape. Computer is not without (d) merits. It affects the eyesight of the (e) operate. (f) Children are very fond of computer. (g) Though it is (h) harm to their eyes, they like to play games on computer for hours together.    

52.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Comilla Cadet College, Comilla)

        Success in life depends on the proper (a) utilize of time. Those who waste their (b) value time in (c) idle reduce the time of their important work. And (d) punctual is another great virtue of human beings that (e) rich the human life. Everyone should imitate it. If you take lessons from the (f) biography of (g) success persons, you will learn that they did not make any (h) waste of time.

53.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Faujdarhat Cadet College, Chittagong)

        Black holes are (a) produce by huge stars. They are (b) call black holes not because there are holes in reality but because they cannot be seen as there is no light (c) come out of them. After (d) burn for billions of years stars reach the end of their lives, their energy does not become (e) appear. The (f) burn core becomes very small like a pinpoint but its weight is as much as a star. It also has tremendous gravity and this gravity pulls towards it everything that comes near it. Although black holes cannot be seen through telescope, their (g) present can be (h) dentify. They are like gigantic magnets in space.

54.  Use necessary prefix/suffix/both to make the following passage meaningful. (Sylhet Cadet College, Sylhet)

        A book fair is a large scale (a) exhibit of different kinds of books. It is (b) occasion held in our country. Bookstalls are (c) temporary built and decorated in a place. The (d) publish organize these fairs to (e) popular books. A huge amount is expended to make the fair (f) attract. The fairs contribute in stopping books from becoming (g) popular in a (h) technology age.

55.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Barisal Cadet College, Barisal)

        The (d) dwell in Dhaka city throw away the wastes here and there. These (b) vary kinds of wastes emit nauseating stench. The pedestrians have to walk by the dumps having their nostrils pressed with their fingers. The city (c) clean cannot alone keep the city clean. Our (d) responsible is to keep the city clean, otherwise it will be a city (e) suitable for living. Only the dwellers should not be held responsible for the (f) cleanliness. It is seen that wastes and filth pulled out of the (g) sewer pipes are kept on the roads for days together. If it rains (h) heavy, these are again washed away into the drains.

56.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Milestone College, Dhaka.)

        (a) Honest is the best of all virtues. An honest man is always (b) truth. He is never (c) harm to anybody. Nobody is (d) satisfied with him. On the other hand, everybody (e) like a (f) honest man. People remember an honest man (g) respectful even after his death. Without honesty peace and happiness is (h) possible.

57.  Add prefix to the following underlined words. (Shamsul Haque Khan School & College, Dhaka)

        (a)   Everyone hates a honest person.

        (b)   Many literate people do not have any knowledge of health.

        (c)   An educational institution is complete without a library.

        (d)   Many of our children suffer from nutrition.

58.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Motijheel Govt. Boys’ High School, Dhaka)

        My next door neighbour is a man of some (a) common traits. He is also (b) live and energetic. He is very (c) affection and (d) optimist. He is very industrious but never (e) patient. He is very intelligent. He is not a very (f) wealth man, but (g) intellectual he is very rich. He loves (h) frugal.

59.  Fill in the gaps by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words given in the brackets.

        (Bir Shreshtha Noor Mohammad Public College, Dhaka)

        My mother is very (a) ¾¾ (affection) to me. She advises me to (b) ¾¾ (rich) my knowledge. She always (c) ¾¾ (courage) me to become (d) ¾¾ (industry) and (e) ¾¾ (come) the problems. In case of my (f) ¾¾ (ill) she takes good care of me. She nurses me (g) ¾¾ (care) and helps me recover soon.

60.  Fill in the gaps using suffix or prefix with the root words underlined in the text.

        (Shaheed Bir Uttam Lt. Anwar Girls’ College, Dhaka)

        Our (a) nation flag is the symbol of our (b) independent and (c) sovereign. It is also symbol of our integrity and solidarity. Only (d) territory independence without sovereignty is not the real independence. Our national flag (e) mind us of our (f) glory existence. It is also the emblem of our spirit, hopes and (g) aspire. We must (h) hold its dignity.

61.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Motijheel Model High School & College, Dhaka; Govt. Laboratory High School, Khulna)

        Blood (a) donate is a noble act. But many people are (b) willing to donate blood because of their cheap (c) mental. Donating blood can save the life of a (d) die patient. The government should (e) courage people to donate blood (f) free. Otherwise, we will be (g) able to save the lives of serious patients which is very (h) graceful.

62.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Govt. Laboratory High School, Dhaka)

        Haji Mohammad Muhsin is famous for his (a) kind. He was born in a (b) wealth family. He was an (c) married man. He was a social (d) work. He had a great (e) contribute to (f) educate. Everybody knows about his (g) donate. We are not 9h) grate to him.

63.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Mirpur Bangla School & College, Dhaka)

        The aim of (a) educate is to make a man fully (b) equip to be (c) co-operate to himself and to the society. Education aims at (d) provide a child with (e) require to bring out all the talents that he possesses. A (f) true educated person should be self-reliant with regard to his personal needs. He should be well-mannered, thoughtful, creative, kind and helpful. It is by (g) cultivate these virtues that a human being transcends all limitations of life impose upon him and becomes the most dignified (h) create of God.

64.  Fill in the gaps with suffix or prefix. (Shaheed Police Smrity College, Mirpur, Dhaka)

        Our independence is our (a) glory achievement. We feel proud of our independence. Today we have our own national flag. When it is (b) hoist, it flutters (c) glorify the sacrifice of our freedom fighters. We should not (d) honour them. We should not be (e) grateful to them. We pay tribute to them (f) occasion. We make (g) arrange of a function and begin it (h) ceremony in memory of them. Is it enough?

65.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Uttara High School & College, Dhaka)

        A (a) sin cannot go (b) punish. (c) Final he pays for his (d) deeds. When he realizes his sin, he becomes (e) urepent. He prays (f) hearty. (g) Mercy Allah bestows His (h) limited kindness upon him.

66.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Savar Cantonment Public School & College, Dhaka)

        Our (a) nation flag is the symbol of our (b) depend and sovereignty. It is also (c) symbol of our integrity and solidarity. Only (d) territory independence without sovereignty is not the real independence. Our national flag (e) mind us of our (f) glory existence. It is also emblem of our spirit, hopes and (g) aspire. We must (h) hold its dignity.

67.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Safiuddin Sarker Academy & College, Gazipur)

        Money is the means of (a) world life. (b) Short of money makes our life (c) deplore. We cannot lead our life (d) proper for want of money. Our peace and (e) prosper are (f) depend on the proper (g) utilize of money. Spending money in an (h) proper way can lead us to the path of destruction.

68.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Gazipur Cantonment Board Inter High School, Gazipur)

        Honey is (a) nature produced by honey bees through (b) collect of nectar from (c) differ flowers and then they store it in the hive. But nowadays there are (d) keep who rear bees in (e) wood hives and produce honey (f) commercial. This is (g) full chemical and hazard free activity. With the support of govt. and (h) government organizations approximately 300 bee-keepers have trained for honey production.

69.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Rani Bilashmoni Govt. Boys’ High School, Gazipur)

        Most of the people of our counry are (a) literate. They lead an (b) planned life. They don’t have much (c) know about health, sanitation and (d) populate control. So the government should take constructive steps (e) immediate to remove (f) literacy. Otherwise our country will be (g) able to stand upright in front of other (h) develop countries.

70.  Fill in the gaps adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.

        (Faridpur Zilla School, Faridpur)

        A school magazine is a literary creation of the students reading in a school. It is (a) patron by the Headmaster of the school. Two senior students work at the (b) editor desk under the (c) guide of an expert teacher. A school can’t bring out an (d) inform magazine if the management is (e) efficient. Many a good (f) education institution brings out magazines (g) annualy focusing the (h) creative of the young learners.

71.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Rajbari Govt. High School, Rajbari)

        (a) Educate is the process by which our mind develops through (b) form learning at an (c) educate institution. It is a mental and (d) intellect training. Again, the purpose of education is to (e) light the individual and develop his capacity to the limit. It (f) noble our mind, refines our (g) sense. It also (h) broad our outlook.

72.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Bindubasini Govt. Boys’ High School, Gangail)

        Money is the means of leading a (a) world life. (b) Short of money makes our life (c) deplore. We cannot lead our life (d) proper for want of money. But there is (e) difficult in earning money. Our peace and prosperity are (f) depend on proper utilization of money. Spending money in an (g) proper way can lead us to the path of destruction. So, we should be (h) care in spending money.

73.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Jamalpur Zilla School, Jamalpur)

        In order to (a) material your dream, you need (b) determine and efforts. Nothing is (c) achieve in this world without hard work. Nothing is (d) achievable for those who are blessed with (e) common abilities. They are very fortunate. All people do not have equal (f) determine and strength of mind. It is seen that less (g) merit can show better performance if they endeavour (h) vigour.

74.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Khulna Public College, Khulna)

        According to Newman (a) educate gives a man a clear conscious view of his own opinions and (b) judge, a truth in developing them, an (c) eloquent in expressing them and a force in using them. So, it is often compared to light which removes the (d) dark of (e) ignore and helps us distinguish between right and wrong. Julius Nyerere, the ex-President of Tanzania, said at an (f) national conference that the primary purpose of education was the (g) liberate of man from the restricitions of habits and attitudes which limit his (h) human.

75.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Khulna Govt. Girls’ High School, Khulna)

        Bangladesh is an (a) ¾¾ agriculture country. Here most of the people live below the (b) ¾¾ poor line. They took the profession of farming. (c) ¾¾ illiterate is a big problem in our country. The (d) ¾¾ literae people have little (e) ¾¾ know of the modern methods of farming. They should be (f) ¾¾ proper trained for modern (g) ¾¾ cultivate with a view to the (h) ¾¾ produce of more crops.

76.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Khulna Collegiate Girls’ School, Khulna)

        The great ship Titanic is the (a) large ship that had been ever built. It was also (b) sinkableu for having sixteen watertight compartments. But  the tragic (c) sink of this great liner will always be (d) remember, for she went down on her maiden voyage with heavy loss of life. It was sailing (e) cross the icy waters of the North Atlantic. A huge ice-berg was suddenly spotted by a look ut. (f) Sudden there was a slight trembling sound from below and the captain went down to see what had happened. The captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking (g) rapid for five of the sixteen watertight compartments had (h) ready been flooded.

77.  Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or both. (Kushtia Zilla School, Khshtia)

        Our national flag is the symbol of our (a) dependent and (b) sovereign. It has a (c) symbol meaning too. It (d) mind us (e) perpetual of our (f) glory existence. It is also the emblem of our spirit, hopes and (g) aspire. We must (h) hold its dignity.

78.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Kushtia Govt. Girls’ High School, Kushtia)

        Trees are (a) use to man in many ways. They are companions in our day-to-day life. It is (b) possible to build our homes, furniture etc. without trees. Trees save us from flood and (c) nature calamities. It (d) strength the soil. If we cut trees at random, there will be ecological (e) balance. So, tree (f) plant program should be extended for a better (g) happy and (h) healthy life.

79.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Shandhani School & College, Gangni, Meherpur)

        A century ago the world’s population was only 1.7 billion. Today it is approximate 527 billion. The population is near 16 crore. We are industrial backward. Bangladesh is poor than any other country.

80.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Sathkira Govt. High School, Satkhira)

        A (a) teach leads a group of people, large or small. (b) Leader is necessary in every sphere of life. No (c) institute or organization, (d) politic party or government can function without a leader. The activities of the (e) follow are organized by the leader to reach goal. It goes without saying that a good leader plays a (f) value role in his organization. Among the qualities of leadership top (g) important may be given to devotion to a cause. A leader believes in a cause which is primary for the good of his institution or party. He inspires his (h) follow to devote themselves to that cause and fight for it under his leadership.

81.  Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. (Satkhira Govt. Girls’ High School, Satkhira)                 A hard (a) work is (b) hope of his (c) success life. He works (d) hearty to attain (e) prosper. His (f) attain is slow. He passes his days through (g) hard. He is (h) physical strong

Suffix and Prefix Exercise For JSC Questions Solutions

1.     Prefix or suffix

        (a) attraction; (b) unfortunately; (c) correspondent; (d) successful; (e) uselessness; (f) popularity; (g) unlike;   (h) sickness

2.     Prefix or suffix

        (a) population; (b) children; (c) simply; (d) compared; (e) available; (f) financial; (g) government; (h) educational

3.     Prefix or suffix

        (a) unmindful; (b) respectful; (c) teacher; (d) dishonour; (e) misconduct; (f) studious; (g) insincere; (h) punctuality

4.     Prefix or suffix

        (a) labourer; (b) loads; (c) arrival; (d) departure; (e) illiterate; (f) fixed; (g) festival; (h) service

5.     Prefix or suffix

        (a) useful; (b) companion; (c) impossible; (d) natural; (e) strengthens; (f) imbalance; (g) plantation; (h) happier

6.     Prefix or suffix

        (a)   unhealthy; (b) painful; (c) happiness; (d) physically; (e) mentally; (f) tenses; (g) sorrowful; (h) inactive          

7.     Prefix or suffix

        (a) Careful (hZœkxj); (b) responsibility (`vwqZ¡); (c) follower; (d) successful (mdj); (e) worldly (cvw_©e); (f) ability (m¶gZv); (g) prospered; (h) meritorious (†gavex)   

8.     Prefix or suffix

        (a) incomplete; (b) respectful; (c) misbehave(Lvivc AvPiY Kiv);(d) misconduct (Lvivc AvPiY); (e) unnecessary;
(f) importance (¸iæZ¡); (g) immeasurable (AMYbxq); (h) really (Avm‡j)

9.     Prefix or suffix

        (a)    mindful; (b) respectful; (c)        teacher; (d) dishonour; (e) misconduct; (f) studious; (g) insincere; (h) punctuality

10.  Prefix or suffix (Rajuk Uttara Model College, Dhaka)

        “Clean it very carefully, Hans,” said Frankel. “I’m going to use this instrument to cast a very powerful spell,” exclaimed Hans excitedly. “Oh, how interesting!”

11.  Prefix or suffix (P. N. Govt. Girls’ High School, Rajshahi)

        (a) Electronic; (b) communication; (c) relatively; (d) connection; (e) physically; (f) official; (g) powerful; (h) effective.

12.  Prefix or suffix (Dinajpur Zilla School, Dinajpur)

        (a) important; (b) incomplete; (c) cultural; (d) disciplined; (e) importance; (f) indeed; (g) Really; (h) practical.

13.  Prefix or suffix (Jessore Zilla School, Jessore)

        (a) Honesty; (b) truthful; (c) harmful; (d) dissatisfied; (e) dislikes; (f) dishonest; (g) respectfully; (h) impossible.

14.  Prefix or suffix Prefix or suffix (Comilla Zilla School, Comilla)

        (a) formal;  (b) intellectual;  (c) enlighten;  (d) promotion;  (e) broadens;  (f) sensibility; (g) various; (h) disadvantage.

15.  Prefix or suffix (Chittagong Collegiate School, Chittagong)

        (a) accustomed; (b) misbehave; (c) education; (d) children; (e) difference; (f) formation; (g) unselfish; (h) undoubtedly.

16.  Prefix or suffix (Jalalabad Cantt. Public School & College, Sylhet)

        (a) movement; (b) according; (c) Soundness; (d) connection; (e) enables; (f) digestion; (g) circulation; (h) strength.

17.  Prefix or suffix (Barisal Govt. Girls’ High School, Barisal)

        (a) industrious; (b) successful; (c) automatically; (d) relentlessly; (e) idleness; (f) survival; (g) undoubtedly; (h) disgraceful.

18.  Prefix or suffix (Viqarunnisa Noon School & College, Dhaka)

        (a) Kindness; (b) remains; (c) lower; (d) enjoy; (e) irrational; (f) friendly; (g) realise; (h) enmity.

19.  Prefix or suffix (Ideal School & College, Motijheel, Dhaka; Centonment Board High School, Dinajpur)

        (a) incomplete; (b) respectful; (c) misbehave; (d) misconduct; (e) unnecessary; (f) importance;
(g) immeasurable; (h) Really.

20.  Prefix or suffix (Dhaka Residential Model College, Dhaka; Mymensingh Zilla School, Mymensingh)

        (a) beautiful; (b) unwise; (c) Uncleanliness; (d) ugliest; (e) planned; (f) beautification; (g) fruitful; (h) cleanliness.

21. Prefix or suffix (Bogra Zilla School, Bogra)

        (a) democratic; (b) unelected; (c) Participation; (d) national; (e) strengthens; (f) existence; (g) disharmony; (h) different.

22.  Prefix or suffix (Rangpur Zilla School, Rangpur)

        (a) successful; (b) looked; (c) exploration; (d) transmitted; (e) giving; (f) existence; (g) innumerable; (h) research.

23.  Prefix or suffix (Udayan Higher Secondary School, Dhaka)

        (a) recently; (b) untimely; (c) violation; (d) unskilled; (e) unconscious; (f) faulty; (g) endanger; (h) safety.

24.  Prefix or suffix (Monipur Uchcha Vidyalaya & College, Mirpur, Dhaka)

        (a) Honesty; (b) truthful; (c) harmful; (d) dissatisfied; (e) dislikes; (f) dishonest; (g) respectfully; (h) happiness.

25.  Prefix or suffix (Adamjee Cantonment Public School, Dhaka)

        (a) negligible; (b) usually; (c) recently; (d) Employment; (e) reference; (f) Sustainable; (g) various; (h) self-reliant.

26.  Prefix or suffix The (Millennium Stars School & College, Rangpur Cantonment, Rangpur)

        (a) attention; (b) ensure; (c) inattentive; (d) irregularity; (e) unsatisfactory;(f) preparation; (g) unprepared; (h) examination.

27.  Prefix or suffix (Rangpur Govt. Girls’ High School, Rangpur)   

        (a) soundness; (b) regularly; (c) physical; (d) enables; (e) cleanliness; (f) unhealthy; (g) hopelessness; (h) healthy.

28.  Prefix or suffix (Lions School & College, Saidpur, Nilphamari)

        (a) gradually; (b) underdeveloped; (c) Illiteracy; (d) eradication; (e) rapidly; (f) dishonesty; (g) corruption; (j) disobedience.

29.  Prefix or suffix (Thakurgaon Govt. Boys’ High School, Thakurgaon)

        (a) successful; (b) happiness; (c) cheerful; (d) failure; (e) unhappiness; (f) industrious; (g) overcome; (h) enjoy.

30.  Prefix or suffix (Thakurgaon Govt. Girls’ High School, Thakurgoan)

        (a) National; (b) symbolizes; (c) achievement; (d) immeasurable; (e) heroism; (f) mercilessly; (g) association; (h) collaborators.

31.  Prefix or suffix (Gaibandha Govt. Boys’ High School, Gaibandha; Govt. KD High School, Naogaon; Cantonment Public School & College, Rangpur)

        (a) industrious; (b) successful; (c) automatically; (d) relentlessly; (e) idleness; (f) survival; (g) undoubtedly; (h) disgraceful.

32.  Prefix or suffix (Govt. Girls’ High School, Jessore)

        (a) mindful; (b) respectful; (c) teachers; (d) to shoulder; (e) misconduct; (f) studious; (g) insincere; (h) punctuality.

33.  Prefix or suffix (Dawood Public School, Jessore Cantt, Jessore)

        (a) freedom; (b) fighters; (c) bravely; (d) dedication; (e) inspiration; (f) immortal; (g) independence; (h) courageous.

34.  Prefix or suffix. (Vidyamoyee Govt. Girls; High School, Mymensingh)

        (a) abnormal; (b) natural; (c) ensures; (d) empowers; (e) unlawful; (f) boldly; (g) kindness; (h) truthfulness.

35.  Prefix or suffix. (Rajshahi Govt. Girls’ High School, Rajshahi)

        (a) formal; (b) intellectual; (c) overcome; (d) enlighten; (e) sensibility; (f) improper; (g) defective; (h) reform.

36.  Prefix or suffix. (Rajshahi Collegiate School, Rajshahi)

        (a) symbolize; (b) purity; (c) charming; (d) whole-some; (e) cultivation; (f) business; (g) unemployed; (h) surely.

37.  Prefix or suffix. (Govt. Laboratory High School, Rajshahi.)

        (a) entertainment; (b) working; (c) enjoyable; (d) educative; (e) learning; (f) Natoinal; (g) highly; (h) informatve.

38.  Prefix or suffix. (Bogra Cantonment Public School & College, Bogra.)

        (a) unknown; (b) writer; (c) singer; (d) inspiration; (e) contribution; (f) immortal; (g) revolutionary; (h) national.

39.  Prefix or suffix. (Bogra Govt. Girls’ High School, Bogra)

        (a) industrious; (b) successful; (c) automatically; (d) relentlessly; (e) idleness; (f) survival; (g) undoubtedly; (h) disgraceful.

40.  Prefix or suffix. (BIAM Model School & College, Bogra)

        (a) cerations/creatures; (b) physically; (c) unequipped; (d) Carnally; (e) defenseless; (f) reasonable;
(g) unbelievable; (h) ability.

41.  Prefix or suffix. (Pabna Govt. Girls’ High School, Pabna)

        (a) equally; (b) distinction; (c) illiterate; (d) upliftment; (e) impossible; (f) undeniable; (g) greatness; (h) unhappy.

42.  Prefix or suffix. (Pabna Zilla School, Pabna)

        (a) popularity, (b) different; (c) unlawful; (d) popularise; (e) misbehaviour; (f) hateful.

43.  Prefix or suffix. (Momena Ali Biggan School, Sirajganj)

        (a) worldly; (b) shortage; (c) deplorable; (d) properly; (e) difficulty; (f) dependent; (g) improper; (h) careful.

44.  Prefix or suffix. (Amena-Baki Residential Model School & College, Dinajpur)

        (a) demerits; (b) misbehaving; (c) precaution; (d) misfired; (e) superpower.

45.  Prefix or suffix. (Dinajpur Govt. Girls’ High School, Dinajpur)

        (a) Truthful; (b) Truthfulness; (c) honesty; (d) Dishonest; (e) Dishonesty; (f) virtuous; (g) believers; (h) beloved.

46.  Prefix or suffix . (Mirzapur Cadet College, Tangail)

        (a) expensive; (b) latest; (c) calculator; (d) useful; (e) excessive; (f) moderanized; (g) passage; (h) development.

47.  Prefix or suffix. (Mymensingh Girls’ Cadet College, Mymensingh)

        (a) Overeating; (b) excessive; (c) occasionally; (d) indigestion; (e) injurious; (f) digestive; (g) temptation; (h) intolerant.

48.  Prefix or suffix. (Rajshahi Cadet College, Rajshahi)

        (a) labourer; (b) unloads; (c) arrival; (d) departure; (e) illiterate; (f) fixed; (g) festivals; (h) service.

49.  Prefix or suffix. (Pabna Cadet College, Pabna)

        (a) uneducated; (b) labourer; (c) worker; (d) unfortunate; (e) helpless; (f) owner; (g) unkind; (h) misbehaves.

50.  Prefix or suffix. (Joypurhat Girls’ Cadet College, Joypurhat)

        (a) traditionally; (b) welcomed; (c) arrangement; (d) entertainment; (e) unwelcome; (f) friendly; (g) cooperative; (h) hospitable.

51.  Prefix or suffix. (Jhenidah Cadet College, Jhenidah)

        (a) wonderful; (b) outcome; (c) magnetic; (d) demerits; (e) operator; (f) Children; (g) Although; (h) harmful.

52.  Prefix or suffix. (Comilla Cadet College, Comilla)

        (a) utilization; (b) valuable; (c) idleness; (d) punctuality; (e) enriches; (f) autoblographies; (g) successful; (h) wastage.

53.  Prefix or suffix. (Faujdarhat Cadet College, Chittagong)

        (a) produced; (b) called; (c) coming; (d) burning; (e) apparent; (f) burning; (g) presence; (h) identified.

54.  Prefix or suffix. (Sylhet Cadet College, Sylhet)

        (a) exhibition; (b) occasionally; (c) temporarily; (d) publishers; (e) popularize; (f) attractive; (g) unpopular; (h) technological.

55.  Prefix or suffix. (Barisal Cadet College, Barisal)

        (a) dwellers, (b) various, (c) cleaners, (d) responsibility. (e) unsuitable, (f) uncleanliness, (g) sewerage, (h) heavily.

56.  Prefix or suffix. (Milestone College, Dhaka)

        (a) Honesty; (b) truthful; (c) harmful; (d) dissatistied; (e) dislikes; (f) dishonest; (g) respectfully; (h) impossible.

57.  Prefix or suffix. (Shamsul Haque Khan School & College, Dhaka)

        (a) dishonest; (b) illiterate; (c) incomplete; (d) malnutrition.

58.  Prefix or suffix. (Motijheel Govt. Boys’ High School, Dhaka)

        (a) uncommon; (b) lively; (c) affectionate; (d) optimistic; (e) impatient; (f) wealthy; (g) intellectually; (h) frugality.

59.  Prefix or suffix. (Bir Shreshtha Noor Mohammad Public College, Dhaka)

        (a) affectionate; (b) enrich; (c) encourages; (d) industrious; (e) overcome; (f) illness; (g) carefully.

60.  Prefix or suffix. (Shaheed Bir Uttam Lt. Anwar Girls’ College, Dhaka)

        (a) national; (b) independence; (c) sovereignty; (d) territorial; (e) reminds; (f) glorious; (g) aspiration; (h) uphold.

61.   Prefix or suffix. (Motijheel Model High School & College, Dhaka; Govt. Laboratory High School, Khulna)

        (a) donation; (b) unwilling; (c) mentality; (d) dying; (e) encourage; (f) freely; (g) unable; (h) disgraceful.

62.  Prefix or suffix. (Govt. Laboratory High School, Dhaka)

        (a) kindness; (b) wealthy; (c) unmarried; (d) worker; (e) contribution; (f) education; (g) donation; (h) ungrateful.

63.  Prefix or suffix. (Mirpur Bangla School & College, Dhaka)

        (a) education; (b) equipped; (c) co-operative; (d) providing; (e) requirements; (f) truly; (g) cultivating; (h) creation.

64.  Prefix or suffix. (Shaheed Police Smrity College, Mirpur, Dhaka)

        (a) glorious; (b) hoisted; (c) glorifying; (d) dishonour; (e) ungrateful; (f) occasionally; (g) arrangement; (h) ceremonially.

65.  Prefix or suffix. (Uttara High School & College, Dhaka)

        (a) sinner; (b) unpunished; (c) Finally; (d) misdeeds; (e) repentant; (f) heartily; (g) Merciful; (h) unlimited.

66.  Prefix or suffix. (Savar Cantonment Public School & College, Dhaka)

        (a) national; (b) independence; (c) symbolic; (d) territorial; (e) reminds; (f) glorious; (g) aspiration; (h) uphold.

67.  Prefix or suffix. (Safiuddin Sarker Academy & College, Gazipur)

        (a) worldly; (b) Shortage; (c) deplorable; (d) properly; (e) prosperity; (f) dependent; (g) utilization; (h) improper.

68.  Prefix or suffix. (Gazipur Cantonment Board Inter High School, Gazipur)

        (a) naturally; (b) collection; (c) different; (d) bee-keepers; (e) wooden; (f) commercially; (g) fully; (h) non-government.

69.  Prefix or suffix. (Rani Bilashmoni Govt. Boys’ High School, Gazipur)

        (a) illiterate; (b) unplanned; (c) knowledge; (d) population; (e) immediately; (f) illiteracy; (g) unable; (h) developed.

70.  Prefix or suffix. (Faridpur Zilla School, Faridpur)

        (a) patronized; (b) editorial; (c) guidance; (d) informative; (e) inefficient; (f) educationa; (g) annually; (h) creativity.

71.  Prefix or suffix. (Rajbari Govt. High School, Rajbari)

        (a) Education; (b) formal; (c) educational; (d) intellectual; (e) enlighten; (f) ennobles; (g) sensibility; (h) broadens.

72.  Prefix or suffix. (Bindubasini Govt. Boys’ High School, Gangail)

        (a) worldly; (b) Shortage; (c) deplorable; (d) properly; (e) difficulty; (f) dependent; (g) improper; (h) careful.

73.  Prefix or suffix. (Jamalpur Zilla School, Jamalpur)

        (a) materialize; (b) determination; (c) achievable; (d) unachievable; (e) uncommon; (f) determination;
(g) meritorious; (h) vigorously.

74.  Prefix or suffix. (Khulna Public College, Khulna.)

        (a) education; (b) judgement; (c) eloquence; (d) darkness; (e) ignorance; (f) interntional; (g) liberation; (h) humanity.

75.  Prefix or suffix. (Khulna Govt. Girls’ High School, Khulna)

        (a) agricultural; (b) poverty; (c) Illiteracy; (d) illiterate; (e) Knowledge; (f) properly; (g) cultivation; (h) production.

76.  Prefix or suffix. (Khulna Collegiate Girls’ School, Khulna)

        (a) largest; (b) unsinkable; (c) sinking; (d) remembered; (e) across; (f) Suddenly; (g) rapidly; (h) already.

77.  Prefix or suffix. (Kushtia Zilla School, Kushtia)

        (a) independence; (b) sovereignty; (c) symbolical; (d) reminds; (e) perpetually; (f) glorious; (g) aspiration; (h) uphold.

78.  Prefix or suffix. (Kushtia Govt. Girls’ High School, Kushtia)

        (a) useful; (b) impossible; (c) natural; (d) strengthens; (e) imbalance; (f) plantation; (g) happier; (h) healthier.

79.  Prefix or suffix. (Shandhani School & College, Gangni, Meherpur)

        approximately; nearly; industrially; poorer.

80.  Prefix or suffix. (Satkhira Govt. High School, Satkhira)

        (a) teacher; (b) Leadership; (c) institution; (d) political; (e) followers; (f) valuable; (g) importance; (h) followers.

81.  Prefix or suffix. (Shakhira Govt. Girls’ High School, Satkhira)

        (a) worker; (b) hopeful; (c) successful; (d) heartily; (e) prosperity; (f) attainment; (g) hardship; (h) physically.

Mustafij Sir

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Mustafij Sir

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