1. Write an e-mail to the manager of a bank for cancelling a cheque.
To : Mr. Mahmud Hasan<
From : Shafiqul Gani<
Date : Saturday,12 January 2016, 11.00 am
Subject : Cheque cancellation.
Dear Mr. Mahmud Hasan
Please cancel cheque Sb. No. 257890 for Tk. 50,000/= in favour of Sunlight Companies Ltd. The cheque appears to have been lost in the post and I am sending another in its place.
Shafiul Gani
Accounts Officer
2. Write an e-mail to the railway booking clerk asking him to reserve a seat for you.
To :
From : “Aman”
Date : Saturday, 9 November 2016; 2.00 pm
Subject : For reservation of seats.
Dear Sir,
I would request you to please reserve four first class seats for the 8.30 am Padma Express from Dhaka to Rajshahi on 12 November, 2015. All the seats should be in the same cabin. A demand draft covering the fare is already sent by the post.
Thanking you.
Yours truly,
3. Write an e-mail to the Postmaster General complaining against non-receipt of a money order.
To :
From : “Raina”
Date : Tuesday, I October 2016; 10.30 am
Subject : Complaining against non-receipt of a money order.
Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that I sent a money order for 5,000/= only from Sher-e-Bangla Nagar Post Office to Ashiqul Islam, C/O Abul Hossain, P.O. Gouranadi, Barisal on 8 September, 2015 under receipt No. MPR No. 1812. It’s a matter of sorrow that the mentioned money order has not yet reached to the payee even after a month. I, therefore, request you to kindly enquire about the matter and take the necessary steps so that the money order is delivered to the proper payee without further delay.
Thanking you,
4. Write an e-mail to the University of London, Admission section, asking them about admission procedure for overseas students.
To : Mr. John Milton<
From : Hasib Reza<
Date : Saturday,12 January 2016, 11.00 am
Subject : Information regarding admission procedure
Dear Sir,
I would like to study undergraduate course in Business Administration in your university. Would you please send me a brochure of your university providing all admission procedures for overseas students including duration of the course, approximate expenses, possibility of getting financial assistance from the university.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Hasib Reza
5. Suppose, you want to go on a foreign tour on holidays. Now write an e-mail to the Manager of a travel agency asking for the details about holiday packages.
To :
From : “Ariq”
Date : Thursday, 4 July, 2016; 9.30 am
Subject : Seeking information about a foreign tour
Dear Sir,
I like to inform you that I want to make a foreign tour during the coming summer vacation with your renowned travel agency. I will go to Bangkok and stay there for five days. I would like to start my journey on 15 July 2016 and return before 23 July 2016. I also like to visit most of the tourist spots there. So now I would like to know the details of such a package tour. It will be convenient for me if you send me an e-mail informing me of the details of such a tour.
Thanking you
Ariq Faiaz
Cell Phone: 019 – – – – – – – – – –
6. Suppose, you want to buy a computer. Now, write an email to a computer firm in response to an advertisement in the newspaper asking more information.
To :
From :
Date : Sunday, 8 February 2016; 10.00am
Subject : Regarding detailed information about computer.
Dear Sir,
I would like to inform you that you have advertised in the ‘The Daily Star’ regarding your computer. But the advertisement lacks information about some important things such as price, configuration, warranty, etc. I need to know these information.
I will be highly grateful to you if you kindly send me an email giving all these detailed pieces of information.
Best regards
Mahmudur Rahman
Bhairab, Kishoregonj
Cell phone : 0191*
7. Suppose, your locality has been seriously hit by a recent flood. Now, write an email to the DC of your district for relief for the flood-affected people.
To :
From :
Date : Tuesday, 7 July 2016; 9.50am
Subject : Request for granting relief for the flood-affected people.
Dear Sir,
I would like to draw your kind attention that our locality has been seriously affected by the recent flood. People are now suffering a lot for want of food, shelter, drinking water and medicine. So, they are badly in need of some relief.
I, therefore, request you to grant some relief for the flood-affected people of this locality.
Best regards
Subrina Hossain
Assistant teacher
Rangpur Zilla School, Rangpur
8. Suppose, you want to open a bank account with a bank. Now, write an email to the manager of a bank about it.
To :
From :
Date : Thursday, 11 March 2016; 11.15am
Subject : Request for opening a bank account.
Dear Sir,
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that I am interested to open a savings account with your branch of Modhumoti Bank Ltd.
I am ready to fulfill all the formalities and requirements in this connection.
I request you to help me by doing the needful in this regard.
Ishtiak Alam
Haraganga College, Munshigonj
9. Suppose, the facilities in your school library are not sufficient. So, write an email to your headmaster requesting him to increase facilities in the library.
To :
From :
Date : Monday, 5 April 2016; 10.45am
Subject : Request for increasing facilities in the library.
With due respect, I would like to draw your kind attention that the facilities in our school library are not adequate which is a matter of regret. The books and the management are also not sufficient to satisfy the need of the students.
So, I hope that you would kindly take steps to increase the facilities in the library.
Yours obediently
Nusrat Jahan
Class X, Roll No. 01
Adamjee Girls’ High School
10. Suppose, you want to participate in an Essay Writing Competition organized by ‘The Daily Sun’. Write an email to the editor requesting him/her to send you the guidelines and other details of that competition.
To :
From :
Date : Wednesday, 2 December 2016; 11.30am
Subject : For information on the Essay Writing Competition.
Dear Sir,
I came to know from the advertisement published in your renowned daily that an essay writing competition is going to be held very soon under the supervision of the Daily Sun. But on your web page sufficient guidelines and information have not been provided.
I want to know about the topic of the essay, word limit, the last date of submission, the requirements of candidature etc.
Hope, you will support me sending all these pieces of information without delay.
Kawsar Ahmed
Circuit House Road, Kakrail.
Cell phone : 01715
11. Suppose, you want to book a room in a hotel at Cox’s Bazar. Now write an e-mail to the manager of the hotel to book a room.
To :
From :
Date : 2.2.2016
Sub: To book a room.
Dear Sir,
I would like to inform you that I will come to Cox’s Bazar at the 4th instant. So, I want to book a room in your hotel. The room must be sea-faced and air conditioned. I will send you the booking money.
Hope, you will confirm a room for me in your hotel.
Best wishe,
WordsMeaningsSynonyms antonymsouterবাইরেরoutmostinnerproletarianদরিদ্র/সর্বহারাWorking-classmorallaunchশুরু করাIntroductionwithdrawpreparingপ্রস্তুতিGet-readydoubtfaultlesslyনির্দোষভাবেabsolutelyfaultynauseaবমিবমিভাবvomitingheadachediscomfortঅসস্তিupsetcomfortmaintainedবজায় করাsustainuselessLaterকরেnextearlierdynamicগতিশীলAggressivestaticplanপরিকল্পনাproposaldisorderaimলক্ষGoalaimlessdirectionনিদ্ধেশনাInstructionnoticeprofessionপেশাJobjoblesssuitsআকারFormnothingaptitudeযোগ্যতাAttitudedislikevaryপরিবর্তীতVariousfixeducatedশিক্ষিতLearneduneducatedcitizenনাগরিকnativeforeignervirtueপূর্ণgoodnessevilA lotঅনেকhugelittlecourteousবিনয়ীpoliterudediscourtesyঅবিনয়ীrudenesscourteouswinজয় করাgainloseenemyশত্রুfoefriendensureনিশ্চিত করাconfirmcancelangerরাগtempercalmnessremoveঅপসারণcancelputcordialityসোহার্দrudenessdiscordialitydifferentভিন্নDissimilarsameseeksঅনুসন্ধানPursuefindeagerআগ্রহীinterestdisinterestedobservationপর্যবেক্ষণExaminationneglectmereএকমাত্রImmenseabnormalalertসতর্কWatchfulunawarelatentসুপ্তOpenrealizedinstructorsপ্রশিকক্ষকteacherstudentguideগাইডmentormisguidewayপথ/উপায়Pathpartfascinatingচমৎকারexcellentunattractiveinterestআগ্রহীeagerdisregardimpatientঅধৈয্যIntolerancepatientillogicalঅযোক্তিকunethicalLogicalindifferentউদাসীনUninteresteddifferentethicallyনৈথিকভাবেlawfullyUnethicalGood-lookingচমৎকারAttractiveUnattractiveDarkঅন্ধকারBlackbrightFlawlessস্থিরperfectflawedShinyউজ্জল্যbrightdarkSlenderসরুthinfatGracefulকরুনাময়elegantungracefulStylishlyআড়ম্বরপূর্ণভাবেattractivesimplyAppreciatesপ্রশংসা করেpriesCriticizeNoticeলক্ষ করেadvertisementoverlookAmbitionউচ্ছাকাঙকাAim/desirelazinessRequireপ্রয়োজনneedanswerProficiencyদক্ষতাskilledincompetenceWonderআশ্চয্যSurprisedisinterestTestedপরীক্ষীতverifiednewEquallyসমানভাবেsimilarlyUnequallyDisappointingহতাশাজনকInceptingappointingPresumablyসম্ভবতdoubtlesslyimprobableQualifyযোগ্যতাcertifyDisqualifywrongভুলmistakewriteIdealআদর্শModelbadMasterদক্ষTeacherStudentMakesতৈরীcreateBreak/destroyMethodপদ্ধতিSystemdifferenceConvincingবিশ্বাসীsatisfactoryUnconvincingPraisesপ্রশাংসা করেhurrahCriticizeMistakeভুলErrorsagacityAngryরাগevilcalmSimpleসাধারণgeneralComplexmoralনৈতিকethicalamoralAcceptedগৃহিতreceivedrejectedSincerityআন্তরিকতাGood-willinsincerityResponsibilityদায়িত্বdutiesdepartureComplexityজটিলতাcomplicationSimplicityEnvyহিংসাlastedpraiseVicesমন্দevilVirtueImpactsপ্রভাবeffectfailsAwarenessসতর্কতাalertnessunawarenessOut-comeবাহিরের দিকresultcauseimportanceগুর্ত্বপূর্ণsignificanceinsignificanceFriendবন্দুenemyfoeNeedপ্রয়োজনcommitment/necessaryavoidSympathyসহানুভুতিkindnessrudenessProveপ্রমানconfirmdisproveFalseমিথ্যাwrongtrueHarmক্ষতিকরlosshelpLaughহাসাburstcryPleasureআনন্দhappinesssadnessBringআনাcarryleaveideaধারণাconceptnothingAllowঅনুমতিpermitdenyFreedomস্বাধীনতাindependencebondageOpinionমতামতviewawarenessFairমেলাcleanunfairEqualসমানbalancedunequalDivisionবিভাগdistributionunionElectনির্বাচন করাvoterefuseSystemনিয়ম-নীতিprocesspartTreatmentচিকিৎশা করাcuringhurtFacilityসুবিধাadvantagepainNeverকখন নয়NotingAlwaysWeakerদুর্বলrottenstrongerDiscourageনিরুৎসাহিতdroopEncourageFrustratingহতাশাজনকBuffaloingsatisfyingInterestআগ্রহীeagernessdiscourageAbilityসক্ষমতাCapabilityinabilityDreamস্বপ্নfancyfactBestসবচেয়ে ভালfinestworstSuccessসফলতাachievementfailureachieveঅর্জন…
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চতুর্থ অধ্যার হিন্দুধর্মে সংস্কার আমাদের এই পার্থিব জীবনকে সুন্দর ও কল্যাণময় করে গড়ে তোলার লড়্গ্েয…
তৃতীয় অধ্যায় ধর্মীয় আচার-অনুষ্ঠান আমাদের জীবনকে সুন্দর ও কল্যাণময় করার জন্য যেসব আচার-আচরণ চর্চিত হয়…
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