Agrani Bank Officer 2013 Question and Solution
অগ্রণী ব্যাংক অফিসার ২০১৩
১। সঠিক বানান কোনটি?
(ক) সুষম
(খ) সুসম
(গ) সুশম
(ঘ) সূসম
(ঙ) শুষম
উত্ত ক। সুষম
২। ‘সংগীত’ এর সন্ধি বিচ্ছেদ কোনটি?
(ক) সং+গীত
(খ) সং+গিত
(গ) সম+গীত
(ঘ) সম+গিত
(ঙ) সু+গীত
উত্ত গ। সম+গীত
৩। ‘দ্যা লিবারেশন অব বাংলাদেশ’ গ্রন্থের রচয়িতা কে?
(ক) রফিকুল ইসলাম
(খ) রশীদ করিম
(গ) কর্নেল সিদ্দিক মালিক
(ঘ) মেজর জেনারেল সুখওয়ান্ত সিং
(ঙ) মেজর জেনারেল ভাস্কর সিং
উত্ত ঘ। মেজর জেনারেল সুখওয়ান্ত সিং
৪। ‘বাঘের মাসি’ বাগধারাটির অর্থ কি?
(ক) ভয়াতুর
(খ) ধনী ব্যক্তি
(গ) গরিম মানুষ
(ঘ) আরাম প্রিয় ব্যক্তি
(ঙ) নির্ভীক
উত্ত ঘ। আরাম প্রিয় ব্যক্তি
৫। নিচের কোন বানানটি অশুদ্ধ?
(ক) ব্রাহ্মণ
(খ) মনকষ্ট
(গ) দারিদ্র
(ঘ) সমীচীন
(ঙ) ব্যতীত
উত্ত খ। মনকষ্ট
৬। নিচের কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ?
(ক) বিধি লঙ্ঘন হয়েছে
(খ) যুক্তি খন্ডিতো হয়েছে কিন্তু মুক্তি মেলেনি
(গ) পৃথিবী সর্বদা সূর্যের চারিদিকে ঘূর্ণায়মান
(ঘ) আমি আর দ্বিতীয়টি দেখিনি
(ঙ) অনাবশ্যকীয় ব্যাপারে কৌতূহল ভালো নয়।
উত্ত ঙ। অনাবশ্যকীয় ব্যাপারে কৌতূহল ভালো নয়।
৭। ‘সঞ্চয়িতা’ কোন কবির কাব্য সংকলণ?
(ক) রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর
(খ) সত্যেন্দ্রনাথ দত্ত
(গ) কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম
(ঘ) জসীম উদ্দীন
(ঙ) শহীদুল্লাহ
উত্ত ক। রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর
৮। ‘অপলাপ’ শব্দটির অর্থ কি?
(ক) অম্বীকার
(খ) মিথ্যা
(গ) প্রলাপ
(ঘ) অসদালাপ
(ঙ) অসত্য
উত্ত ক। অম্বীকার
৯। ‘অলীক’ শব্দটির বিপরীত শব্দ কোনটি?
(ক) অলৌকিক
(খ) লৌকিক
(গ) বাস্তব
(ঘ) অবাব
(ঙ) অসাড়
উত্ত গ। বাস্তব
১০। ‘বচন’ কোন বিষয়ের ধারণা বোঝায়?
(ক) সংখ্যা
(খ) গণনা
(গ) ক্রম
(ঘ) পরিমাণ
(ঙ) আলাপ
উত্ত ক। সংখ্যা
১১। Select the best word/set of words to fill in the blank:
Don’t worry __ father, he will be fine.
(ক) for
(খ) because
(গ) after
(ঘ) about
(ঙ) of
উত্ত ঘ। about
১২। Your conduct admits __ no excuse.
(ক) at
(খ) for
(গ) of
(ঘ) from
(ঙ) off
উত্ত গ। of
১৩। Each of the Olympic athletes __ for months, even years.
(ক) have been training
(খ) were training
(গ) has been training
(ঘ) been training
(ঙ) shall train
উত্ত ক। have been training
১৪। The bus __ arrives late during bad weather.
(ক) every day
(খ) used to
(গ) always
(ঘ) yesterday
(ঙ) today
উত্ত গ। always
১৫। The hurricane caused __ damage to the city.
(ক) extend
(খ) extended
(গ) extensive
(ঘ) extension
(ঙ) extensing
উত্ত গ। extensive
১৬। Identify the incorrect word in the sentence : Takeshi swimmed one hundred laps in the pool yesterday.
(ক) swimmed
(খ) one
(গ) hundred
(ঘ) in
(ঙ) yesterday
উত্ত খ। one
১৭। The synonym of the word “Erratic” is :
(ক) vague
(খ) irregular
(গ) amity
(ঘ) adore
(ঙ) prodigal
উত্ত খ। irregular
১৮। Which among the following words is not similar to “profession” in meaning?
(ক) occupation
(খ) vocation
(গ) living
(ঘ) training
(ঙ) work
উত্ত ঘ। training
১৯। The antonym of the word “manifest” is :
(ক) limited
(খ) obscure
(গ) faculty
(ঘ) varied
(ঙ) vital
উত্ত খ। obscure
২০। The meaning of the word “facilitate” is :
(ক) congratulate
(খ) give pleasure
(গ) express sympathy
(ঘ) make it easy
(ঙ) compound
উত্ত ঘ। make it easy
২১। Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition : My fight departs __ 5 pm.
(ক) about
(খ) from
(গ) on
(ঘ) at
(ঙ) in
উত্ত ঘ। at
২২। Fill in the blanks with appropriate pairs of words : If I _ to the cinema, I _ an interesting film.
(ক) go, see
(খ) shall go, watch
(গ) went, watch
(ঘ) went, would watch
(ঙ) go watch
উত্ত ঘ। went, would watch
২৩। Which among the following words is not similar to “cry” in meaning ?
(ক) weep
(খ) shout
(গ) call
(ঘ) noise
(ঙ) yell
উত্ত ঘ। noise
২৪। The missing word in the sentence, early sailing ships, __ sometimes in uncharted seas, faced many hazards in reaching their destination is :
(ক) navigation
(খ) navigated
(গ) navigate
(ঘ) navigated
(ঙ) navigator
উত্ত ক। navigation
২৫। The underlined phrase in the sentence “swimming in the river” is hard. is a/an –
(ক) verb
(খ) adjective
(গ) adverb
(ঘ) noun
(ঙ) pronoun
উত্ত ঘ। noun
২৬। What is the smallest number exactly divisible by each of 12, 15, 20 and 27?
(ক) 360
(খ) 480
(গ) 520
(ঘ) 540
(ঙ) 820
উত্ত ঘ। 540
২৭। What is the square root of 0.00000081 ?
(ক) 0.09
(খ) 0.09
(গ) 0.0009
(ঘ) 0.0027
(ঙ) 0.00003
উত্ত গ। 0.0009
২৮। What is the ninth term of the sequence 0, 3, 8, 15, 24, 35, …………………. ?
(ক) 52
(খ) 63
(গ) 71
(ঘ) 80
(ঙ) 84
উত্ত ঘ। 80
২৯। What is the wrong number in the following series : 1, 23, 144, 64, 49 ?
(ক) 1
(খ) 23
(গ) 144
(ঘ) 64
(ঙ) 49
উত্ত খ। 23
৩০। The sum of Rahim’s age and his son’s age is 55 years. 5 years ago Rahim’s son was 29 years younger than Rahim. What is the son’s present age ?
(ক) 5
(খ) 8
(গ) 13
(ঘ) 15
(ঙ) 17
উত্ত গ। 13
৩১। What is the value of (m+n)2 – (m-n)2 ?
(ক) m2
(খ) n2
(গ) m2 – n2
(ঘ) 2mn
(ঙ) 4mn
উত্ত ঙ। 4mn
৩২। 50 minutes ago it was 45 minutes past 4 o’clock. How many minutes is it until six o’clock ?
(ক) 15
(খ) 20
(গ) 25
(ঘ) 30
(ঙ) 35
উত্ত গ। 25
৩৩। The sum of two numbers is 146 and difference between them is 18. What are the numbers ?
(ক) 74, 62
(খ) 82, 64
(গ) 84, 60
(ঘ) 80, 62
(ঙ) 86, 68
উত্ত খ। 82, 64
৩৪। On sports day, if 30 children were made to stand in a column, 16 columns could be formed. If 24 children were made a stand in a column, how many columns could be formed ?
(ক) 40
(খ) 20
(গ) 22
(ঘ) 30
(ঙ) 25
উত্ত খ। 20
৩৫। The number of students in each section of a school is 24. After admitting new students, three new sections were started. Now the total number of sections is 16 and there are 21 students in each section. How many new students were admitted?
(ক) 24
(খ) 14
(গ) 48
(ঘ) 44
(ঙ) 32
উত্ত ক। 24
৩৬। 1/4 of Ahsan’s money is equal to 1/6 of Babu’s money. If both together have Tk. 600, what is the difference between their amounts?
(ক) 50
(খ) 120
(গ) 240
(ঘ) 360
(ঙ) 180
উত্ত খ। 120
৩৭। The average of eight numbers is 14 and the average of six of these numbers is 16. What is the average of the remaining two numbers?
(ক) 4
(খ) 8
(গ) 16
(ঘ) 6
(ঙ) 12
উত্ত খ। 8
৩৮। The average age of 30 students is 10 years and that of another group of 5 of them is 14 years. What is the average age of the remaining students?
(ক) 8 years
(খ) 10 years
(গ) 12 years
(ঘ) 14 years
(ঙ) 11 years
উত্ত খ। 10 years
৩৯। If the two sides of a triangle are 5 and 6, the third side cannot be ………….
(ক) 7
(খ) 3
(গ) 12
(ঘ) 2
(ঙ) 11
উত্ত গ। 12
৪০। The population of a country doubled every 10 years from 1980 to 2010. What was the percent increase in population during the period?
(ক) 100
(খ) 200
(গ) 300
(ঘ) 450
(ঙ) 700
উত্ত ঙ। 700
৪১। How much interest will Tk 2000 earn at an annual rate of 10% in one year if interest is compounded every 6 months?
(ক) Tk 200
(খ) Tk 205
(গ) Tk 220
(ঘ) Tk 225
(ঙ) Tk 210
উত্ত খ। Tk 205
৪২। A company employs 15 persons working 44 hours a week. If 4 persons are ill, how many hours a week would the rest have to work to make up the work force lost?
(ক) 40
(খ) 50
(গ) 55
(ঘ) 60
(ঙ) 64
উত্ত ঘ। 60
৪৩। Which of the following is not a central bank?
(ক) Federal Reserve System
(খ) State Bank of India
(গ) State Bank of Pakistan
(ঘ) Bank of England
(ঙ) Bangladesh Bank
উত্ত খ। State Bank of India
৪৪। In what type of market a new firm finds is difficult to enter?
(ক) perfect competition
(খ) oligopoly
(গ) monopoly
(ঘ) local market
(ঙ) foreign market
উত্ত খ। oligopoly
৪৫। Which of the following is direct tax?
(ক) Income tax
(খ) Value added tax
(গ) Wealth tax
(ঘ) import tax
(ঙ) customs tax
উত্ত ক। Income tax
৪৬। Which country is the largest tea exporter in the world?
(ক) Sri Lanka
(খ) Bangladesh
(গ) India
(ঘ) USA
(ঙ) China
উত্ত ক। Sri Lanka
৪৭। Which forum has formally considered carbon credit the issue of managing global worming?
(ক) Earth Summit, Rio de Jenerio
(খ) Kyoto Protocol
(গ) Montreal Protocol
(ঘ) G-8 Summit, Heiligendamm
(ঙ) Commonwealth
উত্ত খ। Kyoto Protocol
৪৮। What kink of organization of NATO?
(ক) Political
(খ) Social
(গ) Enviornmental
(ঘ) Military
(ঙ) Economic
উত্ত ঘ। Military
৪৯। Which ministry controls banking sector of Bangladesh?
(ক) Commerce
(খ) banking and insurance
(গ) planning
(ঘ) finance
(ঙ) industries
উত্ত ঘ। finance
৫০। The target year of achieving Millennium Development Goals is-
(ক) 2021
(খ) 2015
(গ) 2019
(ঘ) 2025`
(ঙ) 2030
উত্ত খ। 2015
৫১। In which year US president Barak Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize?
(ক) 2010
(খ) 2011
(গ) 2009
(ঘ) 2008
(ঙ) 2012
উত্ত গ। 2009
৫২। Which of the following is the number one natural wonder of the world?
(ক) Ha Long Bay
(খ) Table Mountain
(গ) Iguazo Waterfalls
(ঘ) Amazon Rainforests
(ঙ) Commodo National Park
উত্ত ঘ। Amazon Rainforests
৫৩। How many person were awarded the Ekushey Padak 2013?
(ক) 9
(খ) 10
(গ) 11
(ঘ) 12
(ঙ) 13
উত্ত ঘ। 12
৫৪। What do GATS stand for?
(ক) General Agreement on Trade Supplies
(খ) General Agreement on Trade and services
(গ) General Agreement on Tariff and services
(ঘ) General Agreement on Tariff and Subsidies
(ঙ) General Agreement on Trade Supplements
উত্ত খ। General Agreement on Trade and services
৫৫। How many Export Zone are there in Bangladesh?
(ক) 4
(খ) 5
(গ) 6
(ঘ) 7
(ঙ) 8
উত্ত ঙ। 8
৫৬। Which of the following is the main function of a brokerage house in the stock market?
(ক) Providing advices to the investors
(খ) creating a platform for buying and selling shares
(গ) taking deposits from invertors and giving loans to them
(ঘ) helping investors in planning their portfolios
(ঙ) rising voice in the interest of investors
উত্ত খ। creating a platform for buying and selling shares
৫৭। What is the basic function of an insurance policy?
(ক) Protection against risks
(খ) investigation of resks
(গ) diversification of risks
(ঘ) alleviation of risks
(ঙ) combination of risks
উত্ত ক। Protection against risks
৫৮। Md. Zillur Rahman has been the—– president of Bangladesh.
(ক) 19th
(খ) 20th
(গ) 18th
(ঘ) 21th
(ঙ) 22th
উত্ত ক। 19th
৫৯। Which one is the unit of measuring weight of crude oil?
(ক) ounce
(খ) kg
(গ) liter
(ঘ) gallon
(ঙ) barrel
উত্ত ঙ। barrel
৬০। The designation of the Head of the IMF is
(ক) Chairman
(খ) Managing Director
(গ) Governor
(ঘ) CEO
(ঙ) President
উত্ত খ। Managing Director
৬১। Which word in a webpage, when clicked, opens another document in the site?
(ক) &
(খ) URL
(গ) Hyperlink
(ঘ) Reference
(ঙ) banner Add
উত্ত গ। Hyperlink
৬২। Which key is to be pressed in computer for moving to the beginning a text?
(ক) A
(খ) PgUp
(গ) PgDn
(ঘ) F2
(ঙ) Home
উত্ত ঙ। Home
৬৩। Which of the following is the faster network media?
(ক) coaxial cable
(খ) fibre optic cable
(গ) twisted pair cable
(ঘ) Wi-Fi
উত্ত খ। fibre optic cable
৬৪। The local antenna for satellite connection is called a
(ক) VSAT
(খ) Modem
(গ) Terminal
(ঘ) DTA
(ঙ) LSA
উত্ত ক। VSAT
৬৫। Which is the functional key asking to display “save as” box?
(ক) F5
(খ) F6
(গ) F8
(ঘ) F9
(ঙ) F12
উত্ত ঙ। F12
৬৬। What does ISP stand for?
(ক) Intel Smart Processor
(খ) Integrated Security Provider
(গ) Integrated Service Provider
(ঘ) Internet Service Provider
(ঙ) International Software Provider
উত্ত ঘ। Internet Service Provider
৬৭। What does a computer use for storing programs and data for access by the user?
(ক) RAM
(খ) ROM
(গ) Hard Drive
(ঘ) CD-ROM
(ঙ) Cache Memory
উত্ত গ। Hard Drive
৬৮। What is the standard storage capacity of a CD-ROM disc?
(ক) 4.7 GB
(খ) 9.4 GB
(গ) 700 MB
(ঘ) 900 MB
(ঙ) 700 GB
উত্ত গ। 700 MB
৬৯। The term dot per inch refers to
(ক) dot pitch
(খ) resolution
(গ) speed
(ঘ) output
(ঙ) colors
উত্ত খ। resolution
৭০। What does ‘bbb’ in an e-mail address aaa@bbbb.ccc indicate?
(ক) TCP/IP layer name
(খ) Domain name
(গ) Domain type
(ঘ) Protocol name
(ঙ) Protocol type
উত্ত খ। Domain name