Agrani Bank Senior Officer 2017 Question and Solution

অগ্রণী ব্যাংক সিনিয়র অফিসার পরীক্ষা ২০১৭

১। ‘ডালে ডালে কুসুম ভার’ এখানে কোন অর্থ প্রকাশ করছে?
(ক) বোঝা
(খ) সমূহ
(গ) বিছিন্ন
(ঘ) গুরুত্ব
উত্তরঃ খ। সমূহ

২। বিভক্তিহীন নাম শব্দকে কী বলে?
(ক) প্রাতিপদিক
(খ) প্রত্যয়ান্তিক
(গ) অনুপাতিক
(ঘ) আনুষাঙ্গিক
উত্তরঃ সঠিক উত্তর পাওয়া যায়নি

৩। ‘জঙ্গম’ শব্দের বিপরীত শব্দ কোনটি?
(ক) স্থাবর
(খ) বহিরঙ্গ
(গ) শান্তি
(ঘ) অস্থাবর
উত্তরঃ ক। স্থাবর

৪। নূরল মোমেনের ‘নেমেসিস’ কোন ধরনের রচনা?
(ক) প্রবন্ধগ্রন্থ
(খ) কাব্যগ্রন্থ
(গ) উপন্যাস
(ঘ) নাটক
উত্তরঃ ঘ। নাটক

৫। কোনটি ভিন্নার্থক শব্দযোগে দ্বিরুক্ত শব্দ?
(ক) ডাল-ভাত
(খ) বনজঙ্গল
(গ) হাতাহাতি
(ঘ) জন্ম-মৃত্যু
উত্তরঃ ক। ডাল-ভাত

৬। ‘মালা’ শব্দের স্ত্রী লিঙ্গ কোনটি?
(ক) মালিনী
(খ) মালিকা
(গ) মালী
(ঘ) মালীনী
উত্তরঃ খ। মালিকা

৭। ‘অম্বু’ শব্দের অর্থ-
(ক) নদী
(খ) চাঁদ
(গ) আগুন
(ঘ) পানি
উত্তরঃ ঘ। পানি

৮। পুথিঁ সাহিত্যর প্রাচীনতম লেখক কে?
(ক) আমীর হামজা
(খ) দৌলত কাজী
(গ) ফকির গরিবুল্লাহ
(ঘ) আলাওল
উত্তরঃ গ। ফকির গরিবুল্লাহ

৯। কোন বাগধারাটির অর্থ ভিন্ন?
(ক) তাসের ঘর
(খ) অহিনকুল সম্বন্ধ
(গ) সাপে নেউলে
(ঘ) আদায় কাঁচকলায়
উত্তরঃ ক। তাসের ঘর

১০। ‘যে নারীর স্বামী ও পুত্র নেই’- বাক্য সংকোচন বলা যায়:
(ক) অবীরা
(খ) কুমারী
(গ) অনূঢ়া
(ঘ) নবোঢ়া
উত্তরঃ ক। অবীরা

১১। ‘ষষ্ঠ’-এর সঠিক সন্ধি বিচ্ছেদ কোনটি?
(ক) ষট+থ
(খ) ষষ্+ট
(গ) ষষ্+থ
(ঘ) ষষ্+ঠ
উত্তরঃ ক। ষট+থ

১২। ‘কার্তুজ’ শব্দটি কোন ভাষা থেকে এসেছে?
(ক) তুর্কী
(খ) পর্তুগিজ [ফরাসি]
(গ) ইংরেজি
(ঘ) ওলন্দাজ
উত্তরঃ খ। পর্তুগিজ [ফরাসি]

১৩। খাঁটি বাংলা উপসর্গ কোনটি?
(ক) নিম
(খ) আম
(গ) সম
(ঘ) রাম
উত্তরঃ ঘ। রাম

১৪। ‘বুলবুলিতে ধান খেয়েছে খাজনা দিব কিসে’- এ বাক্য ‘বুলবুলিতে’ কোন কারকে কোন বিভক্তি?
(ক) কর্মে ৫মী
(খ) করণে ৭মী
(গ) অপদানে ৫মী
(ঘ) কর্তায় ৭মী
উত্তরঃ ঘ। কর্তায় ৭মী

১৫। ‘মহানবী’ কোন সমাস?
(ক) দ্বন্দ্ব
(গ) তৎপুরুষ
(ঘ) বহুব্রীহি
উত্তরঃ খ।

১৬। ‘মনিকাঞ্চন যোগ’- এর সমার্থক বাগধারা কোনটি?
(ক) সোনায় সোহাগা
(খ) শিরে সংক্রান্তি
(গ) কেতাদুরস্ত
(ঘ) দহরম-মহরম
উত্তরঃ ক। সোনায় সোহাগা

১৭। মুসলিম রেনেসাসেঁর কবি কে?
(ক) মুহাম্মদ আবদুল হাই
(খ) আলাওল
(গ) ফররুখ আহমদ
(ঘ) কায়কোবাদ
উত্তরঃ গ। ফররুখ আহমদ

১৮। কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ?
(ক) আদ্যোক্ষর
(খ) আদ্যাক্ষর
(গ) আদ্যেক্ষর
(ঘ) আদ্যক্ষর
উত্তরঃ ঘ। আদ্যক্ষর

১৯। চলিত রীতির প্রবর্তন করেন কে?
(ক) ঈশ্বরচন্দ্র বিদ্যাসাগর
(খ) রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর
(গ) প্রমথ চৌধুরী
(ঘ) প্যারীচাঁদ মিত্র
উত্তরঃ গ। প্রমথ চৌধুরী

২০। ‘পঞ্চতন্ত্র’ গ্রন্তটি কার রচনা?
(ক) সৈয়দ মুজতবা আলী
(খ) সমরেশ বসু
(গ) আবুল ফজল
(ঘ) সত্যেন সেন
উত্তরঃ ক। সৈয়দ মুজতবা আলী

২১। Fill in the Blanks: The doctor was worried________ the patient
(ক) about
(খ) with
(গ) to
(ঘ) at
উত্তরঃ ক। about

২২। Fill in the Blanks: Soldiers were deployed—— the boarder of the country.
(ক) to
(খ) by
(গ) on
(ঘ) along
উত্তরঃ ঘ। along

২৩। Fill in the Blanks: I am accustomed——– such a life.
(ক) at
(খ) in
(গ) with
(ঘ) to
উত্তরঃ ঘ। to

২৪। Fill in the Blanks: ——–she reached the exam hall than the door closed.
(ক) As sooner as
(খ) No sooner
(গ) As soon as
(ঘ) No sooner had
উত্তরঃ ঘ। No sooner had

২৫। The proverb A burnt child dreads fire means:
(ক) To choose between equally bad alternatives
(খ) Children are burnt easily
(গ) A burnt child needs to see a doctor.
(ঘ) A bad experience may scare ones attitude.
উত্তরঃ ঘ। A bad experience may scare ones attitude.

২৬। What is the synonym of Diligent?
(ক) Weak
(খ) Assiduous
(গ) Dull
(ঘ) Lethargic
উত্তরঃ খ। Assiduous

২৭। Which is in singular number?
(ক) Hypothesis
(খ) Media
(গ) Syllabi
(ঘ) Agenda
উত্তরঃ ক। Hypothesis

২৮। Which one is the following pairs is similar in relationship to Curiosity : know?
(ক) Wanderlust : Travel
(খ) Starvation : Eat
(গ) Humor : Laugh
(ঘ) Temptation : Conquer
উত্তরঃ ক। Wanderlust : Travel

২৯। The author of the novel The Trial is :
(ক) Ernest Hemingway
(খ) Franz Kafka
(গ) Victor Hugo
(ঘ) Leo Tolstoy
উত্তরঃ খ। Franz Kafka

৩০। Find the odd word in the following list.
(ক) Nadir
(খ) Acme
(গ) Zenith
(ঘ) Apex
উত্তরঃ ক। Nadir

৩১। Find out this Text in your text book. The underlined words are respectively :
(ক) Noun and Adverb
(খ) Noun and Adjective
(গ) Noun and Noun
(ঘ) Adjective and Noun
উত্তরঃ খ। Noun and Adjective

৩২। The passive form of the sentence Who has written Hamlet is :
(ক) Who has Hamlet been written by?
(খ) Hamlet is written by whom?
(গ) By whom Hamlet is written?
(ঘ) By whom Hamlet is being written?
উত্তরঃ ক। Who has Hamlet been written by?

৩৩। The indirect form of the sentence “He said, Let us go for a walk” is :
(ক) He proposed to go for walk.
(খ) He proposed that they would go for walk.
(গ) He said that they must go for walk.
(ঘ) He suggested that they should go for a walk.
উত্তরঃ ঘ। He suggested that they should go for a walk.

৩৪। The idiom be all and end all means :
(ক) whatever happens
(খ) supreme aim
(গ) everything
(ঘ) by any means
উত্তরঃ খ। supreme aim

৩৫। The word Hypocritical is the antonym of :
(ক) Cunning
(খ) Considerate
(গ) Wise
(ঘ) Sincere
উত্তরঃ ঘ। Sincere

৩৬। Which one is correct spelling ?
(ক) Grandiur
(খ) Athiest
(গ) Frengid
(ঘ) psychotic
উত্তরঃ ঘ। psychotic

৩৭। Choose the correct sentence :
(ক) Between you and I, I doubt that he will come.
(খ) Between you and me, I doubt that he would come.
(গ) Between you and me, I doubt that he will come.
(ঘ) Between you and I, I doubt that he would come.
উত্তরঃ গ। Between you and me, I doubt that he will come.

৩৮। Choose the correct sentence :
(ক) One of the boy will meet me today.
(খ) One of the boy is meeting me today.
(গ) One of the boys is meeting me today.
(ঘ) One of the boys are meeting me today.
উত্তরঃ গ। One of the boys is meeting me today.

৩৯। Choose the correct sentence :
(ক) He acted in cowardly.
(খ) He acted in a cowardly manner.
(গ) He acted coward manner.
(ঘ) He acted in coward manner.
উত্তরঃ খ। He acted in a cowardly manner.

৪০। Choose the correct sentence :
(ক) The intruder stood quietly for a few moments.
(খ) The intruder stood quietly for a few moments.
(গ) The intruder stood quietly for few moments.
(ঘ) The intruder stood quietly few moments.
উত্তরঃ ক। The intruder stood quietly for a few moments.

৪১। A and B together have Tk. 1210. If 4/15 of As amount is equal to 2/5 of Bs amount, what is amount B has ?
(ক) Tk. 480
(খ) Tk. 470
(গ) Tk. 478
(ঘ) Tk. 484
উত্তরঃ ঘ। Tk. 484

৪২। In a class 75% passed in English, 60% in Mathematics and 25% failed in both the subjects. What is the percentage who passed in both subjects?
(ক) 55%
(খ) 50%
(গ) 45%
(ঘ) 60%
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 60%

৪৩। A person makes a profit of 10% on 25% of the quantity and loss of 20% on the rest of the quantity. What is the gain or loss is percentage on the whole?
(ক) 10%
(খ) -12%
(গ) 20%
(ঘ) 12.5%
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 12.5%

৪৪। Increasing the original price of an item by 10%, then decreasing by 20% and then again increasing the price by 10% is equivalent to :
(ক) 4.4% increase
(খ) original price
(গ) 3.2% decrease
(ঘ) 3.5% decrease
উত্তরঃ গ। 3.2% decrease

৪৫। In a row of trees is 7th from the left and 14th from the right end. How many trees are there in the row?
(ক) 21
(খ) 19
(গ) 18
(ঘ) 20
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 20

৪৬। The average age of 12 children is 15 years. If another child comes the average age comes to 13. What is the age of the new child?
(ক) None
(খ) 11 years
(গ) 7 years
(ঘ) 9 years
উত্তরঃ ক। None

৪৭। A train 150 meter long and running at a speed of 60 km per hour takes 30 seconds to cross a bridge. what is a length of the bridge?
(ক) 650 meter
(খ) 500 meter
(গ) 350 meter
(ঘ) 450 meter
উত্তরঃ গ। 350 meter

৪৮। A dishonest shopkeeper professes to sell ghee at his cost price. But he uses a false weight of 950g for a kilogram. His gain percentage is :
(ক) 5.26
(খ) 3
(গ) 4
(ঘ) 4.5
উত্তরঃ ক। 5.26

৪৯। A sum of money at simple interest amounts to Tk. 2800 in 2 years and to Tk. 3250 in 5 years at a rate of :
(ক) 4%
(খ) 3%
(গ) 5%
(ঘ) 6%
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 6%

৫০। A dog takes 4 leaps for every 5 leaps of a hare but 3 leaps of the dog is equal to 4 leaps of the hare. Compare their speeds :
(ক) 16 : 15
(খ) 20 : 19
(গ) 19 : 18
(ঘ) 18 : 17
উত্তরঃ ক। 16 : 15

৫১। In a mixture of 50 liters, milk and water are in the ratio of 3 : 2. How much water should be added to the mixture to make the ratio of the two equal?
(ক) 10 liters
(খ) 8 liters
(গ) 14 liters
(ঘ) 12 liters
উত্তরঃ ক। 10 liters

৫২। If x is 90% of y then what percent of x is y?
(ক) 1.11
(খ) 111.1
(গ) 101.1
(ঘ) 11.1
উত্তরঃ খ। 111.1

৫৩। A room of size 5m X 3m and height 3m requires walls and ceiling painting. What is the area to be painted?
(ক) 64 sq. m
(খ) 63 sq. m
(গ) 70 sq. m
(ঘ) 90 sq. m
উত্তরঃ খ। 63 sq. m

৫৪। The length and breadth of a square are increased by 40% and 30% respectively. The area of the resulting rectangle exceeds the area of the square by :
(ক) 41%
(খ) 50%
(গ) 82%
(ঘ) 76%
উত্তরঃ গ। 82%

৫৫। A father is 61 and his son is 16. In how many years will the father be twice as old a his son?
(ক) 29
(খ) 25
(গ) 17
(ঘ) 19
উত্তরঃ ক। 29

৫৬। Two motorists drove their cars at a speed of 45 km per hour and 50 km per hour respectively. One car took 10 minutes longer than the other to travel a distance. Find the distance travelled.
(ক) 20 km
(খ) 18 km
(গ) 15 km
(ঘ) 75 km
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 75 km

৫৭। A husband and wife have six married sons. Each of them has four children. The total number in the family is :
(ক) 34
(খ) 36
(গ) 32
(ঘ) 38
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 38

৫৮। What is 200% of 0.010?
(ক) 0.0002
(খ) 0.002
(গ) 0.02
(ঘ) 0.2
উত্তরঃ গ। 0.02

৫৯। On selling 17 balls at Tk. 720, there is a loss equal to the cost price of 5 balls. The cost price of a ball is :
(ক) Tk. 55
(খ) Tk. 50
(গ) Tk. 45
(ঘ) Tk. 60
উত্তরঃ গ। Tk. 45

৬০। Two-fifty of one-fourth of three-seventh of a number is 15. What is the half of the number ?
(ক) 157
(খ) 75
(গ) 57
(ঘ) 175
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 175

৬১। A gas tank is 1/5th full and requires 32 gallons more to make it 3/7 full. What is the capacity of the tank?
(ক) 145 gallons
(খ) 120 gallons
(গ) 140 gallons
(ঘ) 135 gallons
উত্তরঃ গ। 140 gallons

৬২। A and B can do a piece of work in 9 days, B and C in 12 days, A and C in 18 days. If all of them work together, then how much time will they take to finish the same work?
(ক) 6
(খ) 7
(গ) 8
(ঘ) 10
উত্তরঃ গ। 8

৬৩। A family had provision of food for 15 days. After 5 days 8 guests came and the provision lasted 6 days. How many are the members of the family?
(ক) 10
(খ) 11
(গ) 13
(ঘ) 12
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 12

৬৪। Which one of the following extends a private network across public networks ?
(ক) Enterprise private network
(খ) Virtual private network
(গ) Storage area network
(ঘ) Local area network
উত্তরঃ খ। Virtual private network

৬৫। Multiplication of the following commands can be used to save a file ?
(ক) 0001012
(খ) 1100112
(গ) 1000112
(ঘ) 1111002
উত্তরঃ গ। 1000112

৬৬। Which of the following is a key board command to copy some text in MS word ?
(ক) Alt + G
(খ) Ctrl + C
(গ) Shift + Copy
(ঘ) Shift + C
উত্তরঃ খ। Ctrl + C

৬৭। For what value of x is 82x-4=16x?
(ক) 3
(খ) 4
(গ) 2
(ঘ) 6
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 6

৬৮। A husband and wife have six married sons . Each of them has four children . The total number in the family is :
(ক) 32
(খ) 38
(গ) 34
(ঘ) 36
উত্তরঃ খ। 38

৬৯। An angle which is less than 30° and larger than 180° is classified as :
(ক) adjacent angle
(খ) obtuse angle
(গ) acute angle
(ঘ) reflex angle
উত্তরঃ ঘ। reflex angle

৭০। How many degrees are between the hands of a clock at 3 : 30?
(ক) 75°
(খ) 90°
(গ) 105°
(ঘ) 70°
উত্তরঃ ক। 75°

৭১। 5-3+5-3+5-3+5-3+5-3=?
(ক) 128°
(খ) 68°
(গ) 100°
(ঘ) 38°
উত্তরঃ ক। 128°

৭২। Which of the following are extensions of graphics files?
(ক) .BMP
(খ) .EXE
(গ) .XML
(ঘ) .DOC
উত্তরঃ ক। .BMP

৭৩। Which of the following commands can be used to save a file?
(ক) Crtl+P
(খ) Crtl+A
(গ) Crtl+S
(ঘ) Crtl+W
উত্তরঃ গ। Crtl+S

৭৪। Which one is both input and output device?
(ক) Keyboard
(খ) Plotter
(গ) Touch Screen
(ঘ) OMR
উত্তরঃ গ। Touch Screen

৭৫। The city Davos is mostly associated with :
(ক) IMF Metting
(খ) AIIBs Metting
(গ) World Economic Forums Metting
(ঘ) United Nations Meeting
উত্তরঃ গ। World Economic Forums Metting

৭৬। Which of the following has recently been included in UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity list?
(ক) Boshonta Utshob
(খ) Lalon Dol Purnima Utshob
(গ) Mongol Shobhajatra
(ঘ) Nobanno Utshob
উত্তরঃ গ। Mongol Shobhajatra

৭৭। In 2016, who won the Nobel in medicine?
(ক) Jean Tirole
(খ) Yoshinori Ohsumi
(গ) Patrick Modiano
(ঘ) Svetlana Alexievich
উত্তরঃ খ। Yoshinori Ohsumi

৭৮। Which Bangladeshi players name has been included in the Guinness book of records?
(ক) Rani Hamid
(খ) Zobera Rahman Linu
(গ) Salma Khatun
(ঘ) Sakib Al Hasan
উত্তরঃ খ। Zobera Rahman Linu

৭৯। Which of the following countries is the last member of the United Nations?
(ক) Ethiopia
(খ) South Sudan
(গ) Andorra
(ঘ) Sierra Leone
উত্তরঃ খ। South Sudan

৮০। Which of the following countries recently officially accepted Bitcoin and digital currencies as legal money?
(ক) France
(খ) Japan
(গ) Russia
(ঘ) China
উত্তরঃ ঘ। China

৮১। Which bank launched Agent banking for the first time in Bangladesh?
(ক) Bank Asia Ktd
(খ) Agrani Bank Ltd.
(গ) Sonali Bank Ltd.
(ঘ) Janata Bank Ltd.
উত্তরঃ ক। Bank Asia Ktd

৮২। The Headquarter of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is located in :
(ক) Beijing
(খ) Shanghai
(গ) Hong Kong
(ঘ) Manila
উত্তরঃ ক। Beijing

৮৩। Which country receives the highest amount of foreign aid in the world?
(ক) Afghanistan
(খ) Somalia
(গ) Nigar
(ঘ) Nepal
উত্তরঃ ক। Afghanistan

৮৪। The total number of countries that officially use Euro as currency is :
(ক) 19
(খ) 16
(গ) 28
(ঘ) 15
উত্তরঃ ক। 19

৮৫। Taka 10 polymer note was first introduced in Bangladesh in :
(ক) 2003
(খ) 2000
(গ) 2001
(ঘ) 2002
উত্তরঃ খ। 2000

৮৬। The only rock-mine of Bangladesh is situated in :
(ক) Dinajpur
(খ) Thakurgoan
(গ) Rangpur
(ঘ) Bogra
উত্তরঃ ক। Dinajpur

৮৭। The government of which of the following countries has issued a tax strike on digital economy?
(ক) Australia
(খ) China
(গ) Russia
(ঘ) Japan
উত্তরঃ ক। Australia

৮৮। Fazle Kabir is the____ governor of Bangladesh Bank.
(ক) 9th
(খ) 10th
(গ) 11th
(ঘ) 12th
উত্তরঃ গ। 11th

৮৯। Which of the following is a keyboard command to copy some text in MS Word?
(ক) Alt+G
(খ) Shift+Copy
(গ) Ctrl+C
(ঘ) Shift+C
উত্তরঃ গ। Ctrl+C

৯০। Which one of the following in an example of optical storage device?
(ক) CPU
(খ) CD ROM
(গ) RAM
(ঘ) Hard Disk
উত্তরঃ খ। CD ROM

৯১। Which one of the following is Utility software?
(ক) Oracle
(খ) CD ROM
(গ) McAfee
(ঘ) MS Word
উত্তরঃ গ। McAfee

৯২। Which of the following command is used to select all the contents in MS Word?
(ক) Ctrl+W
(খ) Ctrl+A
(গ) Ctrl+P
(ঘ) Ctrl+E
উত্তরঃ খ। Ctrl+A

৯৩। Which of the following MS Office program can be used for numerical calculation?
(ক) MS Excel
(খ) MS Outlook
(গ) MS Word
(ঘ) MS PowerPoint
উত্তরঃ ক। MS Excel

৯৪। Which one of the following extends a private network across public networks?
(ক) Enterprise private network
(খ) Virtual private network
(গ) Storage area network
(ঘ) Local area network
উত্তরঃ খ। Virtual private network

৯৫। Which countries are NOT included in D-8 countries?
(ক) Egypt, Indonesia, Iran
(খ) Bangladesh, Pakistan, Turkey
(গ) Iran, Malaysia, Pakistan
(ঘ) India, Nepal, Sri Lanka
উত্তরঃ ঘ। India, Nepal, Sri Lanka

৯৬। The length of the proposed Padma bridge is :
(ক) 6.50 km
(খ) 6.35 km
(গ) 6.75 km
(ঘ) 6.15 km
উত্তরঃ ঘ। 6.15 km

৯৭। Which country is NOT a member of G-20?
(ক) Malaysia
(খ) Italy
(গ) China
(ঘ) Turkey
উত্তরঃ ক। Malaysia

৯৮। A Bear Market means, share prices are :
(ক) rising
(খ) Falling
(গ) moving abnormally
(ঘ) Static
উত্তরঃ খ। Falling

৯৯। Yuan is the currency of :
(ক) China
(খ) South Korea
(গ) Myanmar
(ঘ) North Korea
উত্তরঃ ক। China

১০০। For the first time Islamic Index has been introduced in the share market of :
(ক) Iran
(খ) Egypt
(গ) Malaysia
(ঘ) Bahrain
উত্তরঃ ঘ। Bahrain

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