HSC Synonym Antonym Board Question All Board

Words Meanings Synonyms     antonyms outer বাইরের outmost inner proletarian দরিদ্র/সর্বহারা Working-class moral launch শুরু করা Introduction withdraw preparing প্রস্তুতি Get-ready doubt faultlessly নির্দোষভাবে absolutely faulty nausea বমিবমিভাব vomiting headache discomfort অসস্তি upset comfort maintained বজায় করা sustain useless Later করে next earlier dynamic গতিশীল Aggressive static plan পরিকল্পনা proposal disorder aim লক্ষ Goal aimless…

HSC Board Question 2017 Comilla Board Question with Solution

Comilla Board Question 2017 Part–A : Grammar (Marks-60) 1.   Fill in the blanks in the following text with articles (a/ an/ the) as necessary. Some of the blanks may not require an article. Put cross (´) in those blanks.                                     0×5´10 = 5 In (a) — last 25 years (b) — world has lost one-third of…

HSC Board Question 2017 Jessore Board Question with Solution

Jessore Board Question 2017 Part–A : Grammar (Marks-60) 1.   Fill in the blanks in the following text with articles (a/ an/ the) as necessary. Some of the blanks may not require an article. Put cross (´) in those blanks.                                     0×5´10 = 5 The process of learning may very well be compared to (a) — undertaking…

HSC Board Question 2017 Dinajpur Board Question with Solution

Dinajpur Board Question 2017 Part–A : Grammar (Marks-60) 1.   Fill in the blanks in the following text with articles (a/an/the) as necessary. Some of the blanks may not require an article. Put cross (´) in those blanks.                                             0×5´10 = 5 What (a) — surprise it was! Robin got (b) — first prize in (c) —…

HSC Board Question 2017 Rajshahi Board Question with Solution

Rajshahi Board Question 2017 Part–A : Grammar (Marks-60) 1.   Fill in the blanks in the following text with articles (a/ an/ the) as necessary. Some of the blanks may not require an article. Put cross (´) in those blanks.                                     0×5´10 = 5 Truthfulness is (a) — greatest of all (b) — virtues which makes (c)…

HSC Board Question 2017 Dhaka Board Question with Solution

Dhaka Board Question-2017 Part–A : Grammar (Marks-60) 1.   Fill in the blanks in the following text with articles (a/an/the) as necessary. Some of the blanks may not require an article. Put cross (´) in those blanks.                                             0×5´10 = 5 Patriotism is (a) — noble virtue. It inspires (b) — man to dedicate his life for…

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