To : <>
From : <>
Date : 30 December, 2016, 3:10 pm.
Sub : New year’s greetings.
Dear friend,
I am missing your presence on this occasion. May the coming year bring you all the happiness. Happy new year to you and your family.
To : <>
From : <>
Date : March 10, 2016, 10:30 a.m.
Sub : Congratulation on a birthday party.
Dear friend,
How are you? Hope you are having lots of fun. Happy birthday to you. Many happy returns on your 15th birthday. Looking forward to meeting you soon.
To : <>
From : <>
Date : April 15, 2016, 14:00 pm.
Sub : Thanking for hospitality.
Dear friend,
Hope you are fine. Accept my cordial love for the warm hospitality given to me by you and your family members. Yesterday, I reached home safe but I was thinking about all of you. How kind your people are! I enjoyed every moment of my staying in your house. Besides, the places around the city where I visited charmed me. Now it’s your turn. I think you would accept my invitation. During your next vacation you must visit our house.
No more today. Hope to meet you soon.
To : <>
From : <>
Date : April 2, 2016; 5:10 p.m
Sub : Invitation for the marriage ceremony.
My dear friend,
The marriage ceremony of my elder brother is going to be held on April 17, 2016. The bridegroom’s party will reach our house at 3 p.m on that day. I request you to come to our house at least two days before the function because I need your help. My parents also expect you. The function will remain incomplete if you fail to come at the right time. Hoping to meet you soon.
Yours ever,
5. Suppose, you are Akram. Your friend Wasim is addicted to smoking. Now, write an e-mail to your friend describing the bad effects of smoking.
To : <maznun@yahoo.cim>
From : <>
Date : April, 9, 2016; 10:00 a.m
Sub : Describing the bad effects of smoking.
Dear friend,
How are you? Your silence pains me much. It is a matter of great regret that you have become a chain smoker. I heard such news from a reliable source. I think you are sensible enough to understand the bad effect of smoking. Smoking is, to me, as bad as committing suicide
. It not only wastes your money but also destroys your health and time. In fact, it is a store house of fatal diseases like cancer, heart attack, bronchitis, etc. So, keep yourself aloof from this bad habit. Hoping to receive good news from you.
No more today.
Yours ever,
To : <>
From : <>
Date : 10 April, 2016; 2:30 pm
Sub : Invitation for visiting Bangladesh.
Dear Jessica,
Hope, you are well. A few days ago you told me that your exam was going on. How was your exam? If your exam is over, you may visit our country. I know that you like travelling. I shall be glad if you arrange a programme to visit our country. Our country is a third world country but it has many attractive places to visit. Looking forward to your decision regarding visiting our country.
With thanks,
To : <>
From : <>
Date : Sunday, 22 December, 2016; 10.00 am
Subject : Letter of congratulations.
Dear Arif,
I must congratulate you on your brilliant result in the last annual examination. Please except my sincere congratulation on your excellent performance. Your performance will encourage others to do well in future. Especially I am inspired to achieve a good result.
With best wishes.
Yours ever,
To : <>
From : <>
Date : Tuesday, 1 October 2016, 11.00 am
Subject : Informing about preparation for examination.
Dear Father,
I have just received your e-mail. You wanted to know about my preparation for the annual examination. You will be glad to know that my preparation is good. I have prepared the necessary notes on every subject. I have thoroughly read almost all the topics of every subject. English had always been a subject of fear to me. Now I am confident that I will get good marks in it.
With regards,
To : <>
From : <>
Date : Saturday, 21 December, 2016; 9.00 am
Subject : Information about results
Dear Father.
My annual examination results have been published. You will certainly be glad to know that I have stood first in the class. All my teachers praised me highly and my classmates congratulated me on my brilliant results. I am sure all the family members will be happy to hear this news too. Please pray for me.
With regards.
Yours affectionately,
To : <>
From : <>
Date : Sunday, 1 December, 2016; 11:00 am
Subject : Information about last examination.
My Dear Father,
My annual examination is over. You will be glad to know that I have done well in all the subjects. Actually my preparation was very good and I was also in good health. I can assure you I will retain my top position in the class. Please convey this news to mother.
Your loving son,
WordsMeaningsSynonyms antonymsouterবাইরেরoutmostinnerproletarianদরিদ্র/সর্বহারাWorking-classmorallaunchশুরু করাIntroductionwithdrawpreparingপ্রস্তুতিGet-readydoubtfaultlesslyনির্দোষভাবেabsolutelyfaultynauseaবমিবমিভাবvomitingheadachediscomfortঅসস্তিupsetcomfortmaintainedবজায় করাsustainuselessLaterকরেnextearlierdynamicগতিশীলAggressivestaticplanপরিকল্পনাproposaldisorderaimলক্ষGoalaimlessdirectionনিদ্ধেশনাInstructionnoticeprofessionপেশাJobjoblesssuitsআকারFormnothingaptitudeযোগ্যতাAttitudedislikevaryপরিবর্তীতVariousfixeducatedশিক্ষিতLearneduneducatedcitizenনাগরিকnativeforeignervirtueপূর্ণgoodnessevilA lotঅনেকhugelittlecourteousবিনয়ীpoliterudediscourtesyঅবিনয়ীrudenesscourteouswinজয় করাgainloseenemyশত্রুfoefriendensureনিশ্চিত করাconfirmcancelangerরাগtempercalmnessremoveঅপসারণcancelputcordialityসোহার্দrudenessdiscordialitydifferentভিন্নDissimilarsameseeksঅনুসন্ধানPursuefindeagerআগ্রহীinterestdisinterestedobservationপর্যবেক্ষণExaminationneglectmereএকমাত্রImmenseabnormalalertসতর্কWatchfulunawarelatentসুপ্তOpenrealizedinstructorsপ্রশিকক্ষকteacherstudentguideগাইডmentormisguidewayপথ/উপায়Pathpartfascinatingচমৎকারexcellentunattractiveinterestআগ্রহীeagerdisregardimpatientঅধৈয্যIntolerancepatientillogicalঅযোক্তিকunethicalLogicalindifferentউদাসীনUninteresteddifferentethicallyনৈথিকভাবেlawfullyUnethicalGood-lookingচমৎকারAttractiveUnattractiveDarkঅন্ধকারBlackbrightFlawlessস্থিরperfectflawedShinyউজ্জল্যbrightdarkSlenderসরুthinfatGracefulকরুনাময়elegantungracefulStylishlyআড়ম্বরপূর্ণভাবেattractivesimplyAppreciatesপ্রশংসা করেpriesCriticizeNoticeলক্ষ করেadvertisementoverlookAmbitionউচ্ছাকাঙকাAim/desirelazinessRequireপ্রয়োজনneedanswerProficiencyদক্ষতাskilledincompetenceWonderআশ্চয্যSurprisedisinterestTestedপরীক্ষীতverifiednewEquallyসমানভাবেsimilarlyUnequallyDisappointingহতাশাজনকInceptingappointingPresumablyসম্ভবতdoubtlesslyimprobableQualifyযোগ্যতাcertifyDisqualifywrongভুলmistakewriteIdealআদর্শModelbadMasterদক্ষTeacherStudentMakesতৈরীcreateBreak/destroyMethodপদ্ধতিSystemdifferenceConvincingবিশ্বাসীsatisfactoryUnconvincingPraisesপ্রশাংসা করেhurrahCriticizeMistakeভুলErrorsagacityAngryরাগevilcalmSimpleসাধারণgeneralComplexmoralনৈতিকethicalamoralAcceptedগৃহিতreceivedrejectedSincerityআন্তরিকতাGood-willinsincerityResponsibilityদায়িত্বdutiesdepartureComplexityজটিলতাcomplicationSimplicityEnvyহিংসাlastedpraiseVicesমন্দevilVirtueImpactsপ্রভাবeffectfailsAwarenessসতর্কতাalertnessunawarenessOut-comeবাহিরের দিকresultcauseimportanceগুর্ত্বপূর্ণsignificanceinsignificanceFriendবন্দুenemyfoeNeedপ্রয়োজনcommitment/necessaryavoidSympathyসহানুভুতিkindnessrudenessProveপ্রমানconfirmdisproveFalseমিথ্যাwrongtrueHarmক্ষতিকরlosshelpLaughহাসাburstcryPleasureআনন্দhappinesssadnessBringআনাcarryleaveideaধারণাconceptnothingAllowঅনুমতিpermitdenyFreedomস্বাধীনতাindependencebondageOpinionমতামতviewawarenessFairমেলাcleanunfairEqualসমানbalancedunequalDivisionবিভাগdistributionunionElectনির্বাচন করাvoterefuseSystemনিয়ম-নীতিprocesspartTreatmentচিকিৎশা করাcuringhurtFacilityসুবিধাadvantagepainNeverকখন নয়NotingAlwaysWeakerদুর্বলrottenstrongerDiscourageনিরুৎসাহিতdroopEncourageFrustratingহতাশাজনকBuffaloingsatisfyingInterestআগ্রহীeagernessdiscourageAbilityসক্ষমতাCapabilityinabilityDreamস্বপ্নfancyfactBestসবচেয়ে ভালfinestworstSuccessসফলতাachievementfailureachieveঅর্জন…
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