SSC English 2nd Paper Model-51 With Solutions


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                                  0.5×10=5


         There are some very clever boys and girls (a) —- do very well in the examinations (b) —— and always come (c) —— at the top. When people praise and admire them you possibly look (d) —— with envy, (e) —— you wish you were as clever as they! But you need not (f) —— sorry for yourselves, for (g) —— you may not be (h) ——, nothing can prevent you from being good. And remember goodness is a (i) —— better and nobler thing (j) —— mere cleverness.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                           0.5×10=5

         (a) —— effort there can be no progress in life. Life loses (b) —— interest if there is no struggle. (c) —— become dull, if there is no competition (d) —— them and if the result can (e) —— easily foreseen. No matter we win the game (f) —— lose it. The keener the contest, (g) —— greater the enjoyment. (h) —— victory is not a (i) —— triumph unless both the sides are equally matched. Whatever we like it or not, life is one continuous competitive (j) ——.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below.   1×5=5

Wearealso contribute to our development
Womencanneglected in many ways
But theyhaveequal rights to education
Female children left out after primary education in large number
They not claim development without female education

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :                 0.5×10=5


         According to the history, women in the past were (a) —— within the four walls. But at present they (b) —— no longer captive to their parents’ or husbands’ house. With the passage of time the outlook and attitude have been (c) —— as men and women are (d) —— themselves with the changing society. By (e) —— education they are (f) —— pilots, doctors, engineers, high officials, etc. They are (g) —— hand in hand with man in all worthy programmes. They (h) —— now able to prove their worth. They (i) —— much to the economy of the country. Now it has come to the realization of men that no development is possible by (j) —— half of our population idle at home.

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                        5

         “What are you doing now, Jack?” I said.  “I am watching an interesting program on television.”   Aren’t you wasting your time?” “No, I don’t think so,” he said.   Remember, watching much TV makes people lazy”.

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                              1×10=10

         (a)     Very few persons are so/as famous discoverers as Columbus (Use superlative degree).

         (b)     He passed his early life in sorrows (Make negative sentence).

         (c)     He became a sailor in his boyhood (Make complex sentence).

         (d)     There he came in contact with many people and learnt many things about them (Make simple sentence).

         (e)     During these voyages, very often Columbus gazed at the vast sheet of unlimited water (Use passive voice).

         (f)     Nobody can be compared with him (Make interrogative sentence).

         (g)     Though he sailed for India, he reached America (Make compound sentence).

         (h)     He thought it to be India (Make complex sentence).

         (i)      He was the first man to cross the Atlantic (Make interrogative sentence).

         (j)      When he reached the shore, he became excited (Make simple sentence).

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                    1×5=5

         (a)     Had I the wings of a bird,——.

         (b)    If he had been seen by me, I——.

         (c)    It is high time that we——.

         (d)    No sooner had we reached the school  ——.

         (e)    The more you read ——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         (a) — (Tolerance) — is supposed to be a frantic (b) — (behave) —. It causes (c) — (segregate) — among beings. The practice of (d) — (bear) — needs to start from the very beginning of life. Parents and teachers ought to sow the seeds of tolerance in the tender heart of (e) — (learn) —. The (f) — (family) — role is not (g) — (neglect) —also in this respect. Then comes the role of (h) — (educate) — institutions. Our (i) — (new) — introduced curriculum has given (j) — (important) — to this issue.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                            1×5=5

         (a)     Most of us hardly know about the dire consequences of deforestation, ——?

         (b)    A few students qualified the placement test, ——?

         (c)    Bangladesh is too small to accommodate her population, ——?

         (d)    He rarely put on an overcoat, ——? .

         (e)    Trousers sold cheap, ——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                             1×5=5

         Freedom of press is the crying need of the nation (a) —— the press is the conscience of a nation. So, (b) —— any sort of prohibition is put on the liberty of the writers and reporters, free circulation of opinions is hampered and stopped. (c) —— intellectual development is bound to see a stop. If some restrictions and restraints are imposed on the press by the government, (d) —— people will be deprived of many essential truths and things. (e) —— it is true that sometimes the freedom of the press is measured by the yellow journalism.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                              5

         a village fair is an annual joyous gathering of the village people the village fair on the first baishakh is almost common in our country it generally sits in an open field


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) who; (b) cleverly; (c) out; (d) on; (e) and;  (f) be; (g) although; (h) clever; (i) much; (j) than.

2.      (a) Without; (b) its; (c) Games; (d) in; (e) be; (f) or; (g) the; (h) A; (i) real; (j) struggle/ examination.

3.      (i)      We cannot claim development without female education.

         (ii)     Women have equal rights to education.

         (iii)    They can also contribute to our development.

         (iv)    But they are neglected in many ways.

         (v)     Female children are left out after primary education in large number.

4.      (a) confined; (b) are; (c) developed; (d) adapting; (e) receiving; (f) becoming; (g) working; (h) are; (i) contribute/are contributing; (j) keeping.

5.      I asked Jack what he was doing then. He replied that he was watching an interesting program on television. I also asked him if he was not wasting his time. He replied in the negative and said that he did not think so. I advised him to remember that watching much TV makes people lazy.

6.      (a)     Columbus is one of the most famous discoverers.  

         (b)     He did not pass his early life in happiness.

         (c)     He became a sailor when he was a boy.

         (d)     Coming in contact with many people there, he learnt many things about them.

         (e)     The vast sheet of unlimited water was gazed at by Columbus very often during these voyages.

         (f)     Who can be compared with him?

         (g)     He sailed for India but reached America.

         (h)     He thought that it was India.

         (i)      Wasn’t he the first man to cross the Atlantic?

         (j)      Reaching the shore, he became excited.

7.      (a)     Had I the wings of a bird, I could fly in the sky.

         (b)     If he had been seen by me, I would have given him a fantastic news.

         (c)     It is high time that we left the hostel.

         (d)     No sooner had we reached the school than the rain started.

         (e)     The more you read, the more you learn.

8.      (a) Intolerance; (b) behaviour; (c) segregation; (d) bearing; (e) learners; (f) familial; (g) negligible; (h) educational; (i) newly; (j) importance.

9.      (a)     Most of us hardly know about the dire consequences of deforestation, do we?

         (b)     A few students qualified the placement test, didn’t they?

         (c)     Bangladesh is too small to accommodate her population, isn’t she?

         (d)     He rarely put on an overcoat, did he?

         (e)    Trousers sold cheap, didn’t they?

10.    (a) because/as/since; (b) whenever; (c) As a result; (d) consequently; (e) Unfortunately.

11.    A village fair is an annual joyous gathering of the village people. The village fair, on the  first Baishakh, is almost common in our country. It generally sits in the open field.

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