SSC 2023 English 2nd paper composition- My Visit to a Place of Historical Interest

My Visit to a Place of Historical Interest A historical place means a place which bears the testimony of history. It surely has some important past event worth  notable in history. A visit to a historical place is not only interesting but also educative. It is my spontaneous © habit to visit the historical places…

SSC 2023 English 2nd paper composition- Tree Plantation

Tree Plantation Trees are the most important gift of nature. They are inseparable part of our existenc¡. Since the dawn of civilization, man has a close relationship with trees.Trees help us in many ways. They are our best friends. They play an important role in our life and economy. We get fruits, flowers, fuel and…

SSC 2023 English 2nd paper composition- A village Market

A village Market A village market is very common and necessary place in a village. It is a place where the villagers come to buy and sell things. It is actually a buying and selling center ª for the villagers.Generally, a village market sits at a place which is easily reachable to the villagers. So,…

SSC 2023 English 2nd paper composition-

The Fruits of Bangladesh Nature his given us much wealth. Fruits are one of them. Many kinds of fruits are available in Bangladesh. Among them oranges, mangoes, lichies, jackfruits, guavas, plums etc. are most important.There are many kinds of summer fruits. Mangoes, jackfruits, the melons, lichies are very common among them. These fruits are very…

SSC 2023 English 2nd paper composition- The Rivers of Bangladesh

The Rivers of Bangladesh Bangladesh is called the country of rivers. So many rivers spread over Bangladesh like the nets. The main rivers are the Padma, the Meghna, the Jamuna and the Brah­maputra. Besides these, there are a lot of small rivers throughout the country.The rivers of Bangladesh are blessings of nature. They are the…

SSC 2023 English 2nd paper composition-

Floods in Bangladesh Flood is one of the most common natural calamities in Bangladesh. In the rainy season, sometimes heavy rainfall overflows the bank of river and submerges Wy‡e hvq many low lying area of Bangladesh. This is called flood. Again, water from the upstream may cause flood. It occurs almost every year in Bangladesh….

SSC 2023 English 2nd paper composition- Rainy season

Rainy season There are six seasons in Bangladesh. I like all the seasons. but I like rainy season most. Rainy season is my favorite season and perhaps it is favorite to all. Rainy season comes to us with many pleasant things- and beautiful scence and sounds.The rainy season is the second season of the year….

SSC 2023 English 2nd paper composition- The Spring in Bangladesh

The Season I like Most/The Spring in Bangladesh Bangladesh is called the country of six seasons. Every season appears before us with the beauty and blessings of nature. I like all the seasons but spring is my most favourite season. Of all seasons, spring is the most charming and delightful. It is called the queen…

SSC 2023 English 2nd paper composition- Prize Giving Ceremony of Our School

Prize Giving Ceremony of Our School/Sports Day The prize giving ceremony of a school is always interesting. Students wait eagerly for this ceremony. It is often held on annual sports day of a school. Prizes are given among the winners as well as the students who have good records and good result. Teachers and staffs…

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