20+ Common Informal Letter Writing for Class Six English 1st Paper

Informal Letter Writing

A letter to your friend describing the accident.

1.Suppose, you are Swapon of Chittagong and your friend is Sohel of Netrokona. You are mentally upset for some days on account of a bus accident that you witnessed a few days ago. Now, write a letter to your friend describing the accident.
7 August, 2016
Dear Sohel,
Your letter is just to hand. Now I am going to tell you about an accident that took place before me a few days ago and for which I am very much upset.
On that day I was going to New Market. I was on a rickshaw which was waiting for a signal to go ahead. Suddenly I heard a crashing sound behind me. I looked at the spot and saw a gloomy scenery. It was a broken bus which was struck by a truck. I saw several people lying on the road who were stained with blood. It was a terrible sight and I am very much upset still now.
Best complements to your parents.
Your loving friend,

A letter to your friend telling him about your hobby.

2. Suppose, your friend wanted to know about your hobby. Now, write a letter to your friend telling him about your hobby.
20 October, 2016
My dear Soniya,
I have received your letter today. I hope that you are quite well. You wanted to know about my favourite hobby. Now I am giving you details about my hobby.
Everyone has a hobby which is his own. I have also a hobby. My favourite hobby is stamp collecting. I have collected an ample amount of stamps of various countries. I have also made some albums with those stamps. My collected stamps were colourful and interesting. They also help me know about the society and culture of the various countries. I like to show you all of them. I am trying to collect more stamps. If you have any, please send them to me. It will be my pleasure.
I hope you are coming soon to see my collections
Lovingly yours,

A letter to your father for engaging a tutor for you immediately.

3. Suppose, your father is Md. Salimuzzaman of Shahjadpur, Sirajgonj and you are Jasim of 70 Hatirpul, Dhaka. In the last examination you could not do well in English. So you need the help of a tutor to improve in this subject. Now write a letter to your father for engaging a tutor for you immediately.
70 Hatirpul, Dhaka
18 July, 2016
My dear father,
I am very glad to inform you that the results of our last examination has been published. My performance in all subjects except English is very good. I am very worried about English and I need the help of a tutor. So please engage a tutor to help me.
My best regards to you and mother and love to the youngers.
Your loving son,

A letter to your friend inviting her to join your birthday party.

4. Suppose, you are Lubna and your will celebrate your birthday on Sunday next. Now, write a letter to your friend inviting her to join your birthday party.
15th June, 2016
Dear Mili,
My love to you. Hope you are sound and well. You will be glad to know that I am going to celebrate my birthday on Sunday next. My parents will arrange a birthday party. Only my cousins and a few friends will join the party. A musical programme will be arranged. I invite you to join my birthday party. I will be highly glad if you give me the pleasure of your company on the occasion.
Please do not miss the party.
Keep fine.
Yours friend,

A letter to your friend describing the prize giving ceremony of your school.

5. Suppose, your friend Mahtab wanted to know about the prize giving ceremony of your school. Now, write a letter to your friend describing the prize giving ceremony of your school.
20 February, 2016
Dear Mahtab
Thanks for your letter. In your letter you asked me to give you a description of the annual prize-giving ceremony of our school. Now I am giving you an account of it.

The Prize giving ceremony of our school was held on 8 February. The school was decorated nicely. It took a festive look. The Headmaster presided over the function. The chief Guest of the programme was the TNO. The programme began with the recitation from the holy Quran. Then the Headmaster read out the annual report of the school and the Chief Guest gave away the prizes. After this, the chief guest delivered a speech. I won two prizes. One was for my attendance and other was for the result. Finally, the Headmaster announced the formal end of the programme thanking all.
I am quite well. With best regards to your parents.
Yours ever,

A letter to your friend inviting him to the picnic.

6.Suppose, you are Hanif of Mirzapur, Tangail and your friend is Milon of Shibaloy, Manikgonj. You are going to arrange a picnic soon. You like to invite your friend to join the picnic. Now, write a letter to your friend inviting him to the picnic.
5 January, 2016
Dear Milon,
Your letter is just to hand. I hope you are quite well. Today I am giving you a good news. You will be glad to know that we are going to arrange a picnic on the 20th January. We have selected Sonargaon as our picnic spot which is also a historical place. We have already taken all preparations for the programme. We have hired a bus. All our friends are going to join the picnic. Our teachers will also attend the picnic. I invite you to join us. Your presence will add pleasure to us. We shall start from our school compound at 8 am. So, contact us and try to be present in time.
We are waiting for your kind arrival in the picnic.
Ever yours,

A letter to your friend consoling him on his mother’s death.

7. Suppose, your friend is Anwar of Benapole, Jessore and you are Akhter of Barisal. You are shocked to hear the news of your friend’s mother death. write a letter to your friend consoling him on his mother’s death.
13 February, 2016
Dear Anwar,
I am very shocked to hear the news of your mother’s death. The news came to me just like a sudden and unexpected event. It is very hard to believe that your mother is no more on the earth. I am greatly shocked at her death in such a premature age. I cannot forget that she was very affectionate to me.
It is very difficult for me to console you in such a situation. The loss of your mother is irreparable. May Allah give you the strength to bear such a loss. I also pray to the Almighty that her soul may rest in peace.
Yours ever,

A letter to your friend Mahabub inviting him to attend the marriage ceremony.

8. Suppose, you are Laboni of Dhaka. Next month the marriage ceremony of your elder sister is going to be held. Now, write a letter to your friend Mahabub inviting him to attend the marriage ceremony.
25th January, 2016.
Dear Mahabub,
I am overjoyed to inform you that the marriage ceremony of my elder sister will come off on the 14th February. I have invited some of my bosom friends and they have complied to join the programme. I whole-heartedly invite you in this ceremony. So I would like to request to you come our house at least three days before the ceremony. We will spend a very pleasureable time if you join us. Your absence will make me sorrow. So please do not sadden me.
Looking forward to getting you among us.
With best regards to your parents.
Your loving friend,

A letter telling him about the matter.

9. Suppose, you are Ratan of Rajshahi and your friend is Dipu of Shibgonj, Narsingdi. Your friend wanted to know about how you spent your Summer Vacation. Now, write a letter telling him about the matter.
11 July, 2016
Dear Dipu,
I received your sweet note yesterday. You have wanted to know how I have spent my summer vacation. Now I am describing it. I enjoyed my summer vacation in our village home. My grandparents live there. They were very glad to get me in their midst after a long time. Our village is a very nice place. It stands on the bank of a river. Everyday I used to go to take bath in the river with my cousins. I swam in the river. There is a large orchard in front of our village home. Mangoes, jackfruits, coconuts, black berries, bananas were available there. I also visited the home of poet Jasim Uddin. I enjoyed the summer vacation very much.
No more today. Write to me soon about you.
Your loving friend,

A letter of congratulation to your friend.a letter of congratulation to your friend.

10. Suppose, you are Shamim of Khulna and your friend is Emdad of Satkhira. He has secured the first place in the class in annual exam. Write a letter of congratulation to your friend.
10 January, 2016
Dear Emdad,
I am very glad to know that you have stood first in the last annual examination. When I came to know your result, my joys knew no bounds. Really it is a great success on your part. I like to send you my heartiest congratulation on this result. You have studied more and you are worthy of this success. My parents are also happy to know your result. We feel proud of you. May Allah help you to achieve success in future too.
I hope you will visit us soon. With best regards to your parents and love to all.
Sincerely yours,

A letter to your friend asking him to return the book quickly.

11. Suppose, you are Swapnil of Chandpur and your friend is Ripon of Farmgate, Dhaka. Your friend once borrowed a copy of ‘Janani Communicative English Grammar’ from you. Now, write a letter to your friend asking him to return the book quickly.
20 July, 2016
Dear Ripon,
I have not received any letter from you for a long time. I hope you are hale and hearty. By the by, do you remember that you borrowed a book from me named “Janani Communicative English Grammar”? You borrowed it a month ago and you have not returned it yet. You know that my examination is knocking at the door. So I feel the necessity of this book. Please, send me the book as early as possible. You can take it afterwards if you need.
No more today. With best regards to all.
Sincerely yours,

A letter to him about the crops of your country.

12. Imagine, You have a pen-friend in Japan. He is Koijumi of Tokyo and you are Mamun of 10, Dhanmondi. He wants to know about the crops of your country. Now, write a letter to him about the crops of your country.
14 January, 2016
Dear Koijumi,
I received your letter yesterday. I hope you are well. You have wanted to know about the crops of our country. Now I am writing you about it.
I like to inform you that Bangladesh is an agricultural country. As a result, different kinds of crops grow here. For examble, paddy, jute, tea, sugarcane, etc grow here abundantly. Paddy and jute are our main crops. We earn much Foreign Exchange by exporting some of those crops. So the importance of crops for us is immeasurable.
No more today.
Yours ever,

A letter to your younger brother advising him to take care of his health.

13. Suppose, Noyon is your younger brother. He does not take care of his health. Now, write a letter to your younger brother advising him to take care of his health.
3rd March, 2016.
My dear Noyon,
Take my affectionate love. I hope, you are well. I received your letter yesterday. In your letter you have mentioned that you have been suffering from fever for few days. I think, you are responsible for this because you are not so careful to maintain rules of health. But you have to realize that a sound mind lies in a sound body. If you do not possess a sound health, you will not be able to concentrate on your studies. So you should get up early in the morning and take some physical exercises in the fresh air. You have to maintain regularity and take proper food. You should keep yourself neat and clean. I hope, you will take much care of your health from now.
I hope, you will follow the rules of health and enjoy a sound health.
Your elder sister,

A letter to your father for sending you some money.

14. Suppose, your name is Laboni and you need some money for buying books. Now, write a letter to your father for sending you some money.
B.K. Das Road, Dhaka
5 January, 2016.
My dear Father,
At first take my salam. I hope, you are well. You will be very glad to know that the result of my Annual Examination has been published. I have stood first in the class. All the teachers have praised me highly. I have been promoted to class seven.
My teachers have advised me to buy some important books for class seven. So I need 1000 taka for this purpose. Please send me the money as quickly as possible.
My best regards to you and mother and love to the younger.
Your loving daughter,

A letter to your father about your illness.

15. Suppose, your father is Kafil Uddin of Joypurhat and you are Majid of Mohakhali, Dhaka. At present you are sick. Now, write a letter to your father about your illness.
Mohakhali, Dhaka
30 March, 2016
My dear father,
I got your letter yesterday. I hope you all are well by the grace of Almighty. You know that my First Terminal Examination is ahead and I am reading hard for the examination. At present I am a bit ill with fever and headache. I consulted a doctor who advised me to take rest and proper food. I hope I shall come round soon. Please pray for me.
Don’t be upset for me. With best regards to you and dear mummy.
Your affectionate son,

A letter to your mother informing her of your examination.

16. Suppose, your mother is Momota Khatun of Satmatha, Bogra and you are writing from your mess at Shahbag, Dhaka. Your Annual/Final Examination ended today. You have done well in all the papers. You hope to be equal with the three top successful examinees. Now, write a letter to your mother informing her of your examination.
Shahbag, Dhaka
8 December, 2016
My dear mother,
I have received your letter just now. You have wanted to know how I am doing in the examinations. My final examination ended today. It is a good news for you that I have done well in the examination. Last year I did not get good marks in English. But this time I hope I will get A+ in it. I have also done well in Mathematics. It is my belief that I shall be one of the three top scorers among the students. Please pray for me to Allah. I am eagerly waiting for the result.
No more today. I am well. With best regards to you and father.
Your affectionate son,

A letter to your elder brother informing him of your mother’s illness.

17. Suppose, your brother is Tuhin of Shaheb Bazar, Rajshahi. You are Jakir of 23/3 Gulshan, Dhaka. Your mother is ill. Now, write a letter to your elder brother informing him of your mother’s illness.
23/3, Gulshan, Dhaka
5 February, 2016
My dear brother,
I do not get any letter from you for a long time. I hope you are hale and hearty. I like to inform you that our mother has been suffering from fever for a long time. We are very much worried for her. The doctor has advised us to admit her to hospital for better treatment. So you need to come home immediately.
No more today. With best regards to you.
Your affectionate brother,

A letter to your younger brother advising about the importance of learning English.

18. Suppose, your brother is not aware of the importance of learning English. Now, write a letter to your younger brother advising about the importance of learning English.
12 August, 2016.
My dear Niloy,
I received your letter in time. It is unfortunate that you are very weak in English. But you are reluctant to learning it. You know that English is an international language. So you must learn it. It is needed for all kinds of jobs. English is badly needed to get a job in an office, in a bank or in any organisation in our country. Not only that, it is very much needed for the outside of the country. It has become an official language all over the world. All the international organizations run their activities in English. If you want to get higher education, you must have a good command over English. Without English you cannot expect a good job. So you should give importance to learn English.
Write to me soon about your progress.
Keep fine.
Your sister,

A letter to your friend Mahin describing him about the village fair.

19. Suppose you are Abir, a student of Rajbari Zilla School, Rajbari. Recently you have gone to your village home and visited a village fair. Now, write a letter to your friend Mahin describing him about the village fair.
20 May, 2016
My dear Mahin,
Your letter is just to hand. I hope you are passing your time happily. Recently I have visited a village fair and now I am telling you about it.
You know that every year a village fair is held in our village on the occassion of Pahela Baishakh. This year the festival was arranged gorgeously in the K.Z.N. School field for seven days. I got a chance to visit the fair. I visited there with my cousins. There were many stalls in the compound. They were of different types. A lot of people came to visit the fair. Specially the children gathered here. There were toys, clay dolls, sweets, different types of handicrafts, baloons, etc available in the fair. A circus party and a Jatra Dal were making their shows. The fair had become the place of union of all kinds of people. I enjoyed the fair very much.
I hope to visit the fair next time with you. Write to me soon. With best regards to all.
Your loving friend,

A letter to your younger brother advising him to read newspapers.

20. Suppose, your younger brother does not read newspaper. Now, write a letter to your younger brother advising him to read newspapers.
20 September, 2016.
Dear Noyon,
It is long time since I have not received any letter from you. I hope, you are well. I have come to know that you do not like to read newspaper regularly. But it is a bad habit. If you do not know what is happening around us, you will be parted from the current world. Without reading it, you will lack in general knowledge. It will help you to be connected with the modern world. It will broaden your outlook. If you want to enrich your overall knowledge, you should read the articles written by the famous writers. So please try to read the newspapers regularly.
Hope for the best.
Your sister

A letter to your brother who lives in America about the most important event that has taken place in your family.

21. Suppose, you are Noyon and your elder brother lives in America. Your younger sister Bonna has got GPA-5. Now, write a letter to your brother who lives in America about the most important event that has taken place in your family.
25 May 2016
Dear brother,
Your letter is just to hand. I am glad to know that you are passing your days happily. Today I will give you a surprising news that has taken place in our family. You know that our younger sister Bonna has appeared at the SSC examination. Today, her result has published. Bonna has got GPA-5. She has secured A+ grade in all subjects. Hearing the news, our joys know no bounds. Our parents are very glad at this result. Father has bought sweets and mother has distributed them among the neighbours. Some of our neighbours have come to our house and congratulated Bonna on her brilliant result. Her teachers have also praised her a lot.
We are well. Pray for Bonna and write to us soon.
Your brother,

A letter to your friend telling him about your future plan.

22. Suppose, you have a plan in future. You want to be a teacher. Now, write a letter to your friend telling him about your future plan.
20 July, 2016.
Dear Rikta,
Your letter is just to hand. I hope, you are well by the grace of Almighty. In your letter you wanted to know about my future plan. Now I am telling you about my it.
You know that everyone should have a future plan. I have also a future plan. I want to be a teacher because teaching is a noble profession. It enables one to lead a plain, simple and honest life. The teachers are, in fact, the nation builders. They train the students to become good and ideal citizens in future. For this reason. I want to be a teacher in future. I must work hard and be sincere to my profession.
No more today.
Your friend,

A letter advising him to be attentive to his studies.

23. Suppose, you are Farid of Tarash, Sirajgonj. You and your brother Sumon is careless about his studies. Now, write a letter advising him to be attentive to his studies.
8 August, 2016
My dear Sumon,
I received a letter from mother last Monday. I came to know that you are careless about your studies. Also you are keeping bad companies. So I am worried about your future.
Sumon, you should remember that time and tide wait for none. Student life is the seed time of man’s life. You should not waste this time. You should be very attentive to your studies. So give up your bad companies and go to the reading table.
I am quite well. With love to you.
Your loving brother,

A letter to your friend inviting him to spend the holidays with you in the village home.

24. Suppose, you are Rafiq of Azimpur, Dhaka and your friend is Rana of Lalmonirhat. Your Final Examination is over. You are eager to spend the winter holidays in your village. Now, write a letter to your friend inviting him to spend the holidays with you in the village home.
Azimpur, Dhaka
6 December 2016
Dear Rana,
Hope you all are well. I know that your examination is over. My final examination also ended on Sunday last. Now I have decided to spend my winter holidays in our village home. It is a very nice place. There is a river beside the village. So far I know, you have never gone to a village. So I invite you to come to my village to spend the winter holidays. You will get pleasure spending your time there. My grandparents live in our village home. They will be very glad to receive you in their midst. If you like to go there, please contact me soon. I hope you will pass your holidays happily in the village.
No more today. With best regards to your parents.
Yours ever,

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