ssc english 2nd paper

SSC English 2nd Paper Model-9 With Solutions


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                                  0.5×10=5


         Most people long (a) —— wealth. They think wealth brings happiness. But it often puts one (b) —— trouble. A millionaire is (c) —— very happy person, but his great wealth is a great responsibility. He may have many large estates and factories. He needs (d) —— take great care (e) —— them. There may be dispute between the millionaire and his (f) ——. It may invite one trouble (g) —— another. This dispute may turn (h) —— strike. In this case, (i) —— millionaire may face the (j) —— of a huge money. In spite of being rich, he therefore may not have an easy life.

2.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                                                           0.5×10=5           

         Once there was (a) —— old king. He was averse (b) —— physical labour. As a result, he grew very fat and could not move from one place to another (c) ——. He called (d) —— a doctor. The doctor could easily understand that the (e) —— of the king is the root cause of his (f) —. He (g) —— that if he could reduce the obesity of the king, the king would feel well. But the only way to do this was to (h) —— the king to do physical (i) ——. The doctor was afraid how he could ask a king (j) — physical labour.

3.      Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below.   1×5=5

Shecontributedto our Bengali literature to a great extent
Begum RokeyaHadthe pioneer in awakening Muslim women folk
Our nationWasborn in Rangpur
Considersher to be a great lady
a great eagerness for education from her childhood

4.      Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. :                 0.5×10=5


         Bangladesh (a) —— by world communities as a country of all possibilities. We can (b) —— our lives with a view to (c) —— the rightful position of our mother tongue and for (d) —— freedom. On the other hand, we can (e) —— our ungratefulness by killing the organizer of independent. We (f) —— for democracy arid subsequently strangle it while in (g) —— the country. We can become frequently world champion in corruption. Again we vow to (h) —— out it from our national life. We have already (i) —— successful to bolt the spot of being the most corrupt in the world. What a strange nation we (j) ——!

5.      Change the narrative style of the following text.                                                                        5

         The teacher became very angry with the students and said, “Why have you again disturbed the class in this way? I have told you before that when I am speaking, you should be silent. Leave the room and don’t return again today.” “We are extremely sorry sir. Please pardon us,” they said.

6.      Change the sentences according to directions.                                                              1×10=10

         (a)     Water is one of the most useful elements in nature. (Positive)

         (b)    It is a very important asset. (Exclamatory)

         (c)     We cannot pass a single day without water. (Interrogative)

         (d)    Its main source is the rain that, builds streams, lakes and rivers. (Compound)

         (e)     We have rain during the monsoon. (Complex)

         (f)           Heavy rainfall often causes flood. (Passive)

         (g)    Crops are damaged. (Active)

         (h)    Our winter is dry. (Negative)

         (i)      Does rainless winter bring good harvest? (Assertive)

         (j)      We can grow more crops if we can make the best use of rain. (Simple)

7.      Complete the sentences.                                                                                                    1×5=5

         (a)     When the beggar came to me, ——.

         (b)     If you invited me, ——.

         (c)     She will swim after ——.

         (d)     As he was ill, ——.

         (e)     The old woman is so weak ——.

8.      Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis.                                                                                                                                    0.5Í10=5

         Road accidents have (a) — (recent) — become a regular phenomenon in our country. As a result of the accidents many persons fall a victim to (b) — (timely) — death. It is reported that most of the accidents occur because of the (c) — (violate) of traffic rules by (d) — (skilled) — drivers and (e) — (conscious) — passers-by. Many (f) — (licensed) — and (g) — (fault) — vehicles run on the streets. These vehicles (h) — (danger) —the (i) —  (safe) — of passengers and the passers-by. But many of us are (j) — (aware) — of this danger.

9.      Make tag questions of these statements.                                                                            1×5=5

         (a)     Mina needs to study a lot, ——?

         (b)     Let them discuss the matter, ——?

         (c)     He put the book on the table,——?

         (d)     Nobody can deny death, ——?                            

         (e)     Neither of them could do the work, ——?

10.     Complete the passage using suitable connectors:                                                             1×5=5

         It is often said that our large population is our number one problem. (a) —— it is not true. (b) ——, large population can be turned into a unique manpower in a country. (c) —— China can be cited, (d) —— her population is more than 1200 million, she is progressing day by day. (e) —— we are lagging behind.

11.     Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                              5

         my name is hasan jamil i was born in bangladesh i have completed my higher education from dhaka university i love my country most it is a beautiful country


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.      (a) for; (b) to; (c) a; (d) to; (e) of; (f) workers; (g) after; (h) to; (i) risk; (j) loss.

2.      (a) an; (b) to; (c) easily; (d) in; (e) laziness/obesity; (f) illness; (g) told/informed/ suggested; (h) ask/tell/request/make; (i) labour/exercise; (j) to do/to take/undergo

3.      (a)     Begum Rokeya was the pioneer in awakening Muslim women folk.       

         (b)     She was born in Rangpur.

         (c)     She contributed to our Bengali literature to a great extent.

         (d)     She had a great eagerness for education from her childhood.                       

         (e)     Our nation considers her to be a great lady.                                                        

4.      (a) is considered; (b) sacrifice; (c) upholding; (d) achieving; (e) demonstrate; (f) struggle; (g) ruling; (h) stamp; (i) been; (j) are.

5.      The teacher became very angry with the students and asked them why they had again disturbed the class in that way. He also said that he had told them before that when he was speaking, they should be silent. Then the teacher ordered the students to leave the room and not to return again that day. The students respectfully said that they were extremely sorry and requested him to pardon them.

6.      (a)     Very few elements in nature are as useful as water.

         (b)     What an important asset it is!

         (c)     Can we pass a single day without water?

         (d)     Its main source is the rain and it builds streams, lakes and rivers.

         (e)     We have rain when it is monsoon.

         (f)     Flood is often caused by heavy rainfall.

         (g)     Flood damages crops.

         (h)     Our winter is not wet.

         (i)      Rainless winter does not bring good harvest.     

         (j)      We can grow more crops by making the best use of rain.

7.      (a)     When the beggar came to me, I gave him a ten-taka note.

         (b)     If you invited me, I would come.

         (c)     She will swim after she wears a swimming costume.

         (d)     As he was ill, he could not come.

         (e)     The old woman is so weak that she can’t walk.

8.      (a) recently;   (b) untimely;  (c) violation;  (d)  unskilled;  (e)  unconscious;  (f) unlicensed; (g) faulty; (h) endanger; (i) safety; (j) unaware

9.      (a)     Mina needs to study a lot, doesn’t she?

         (b)     Let them discuss the matter, will you?

         (c)     He put the book on the table, didn’t he?

         (d)     Nobody can deny death, can they?

         (e)     Neither of them could do the work, could they?

10.    (a) But; (b) In fact; (c) For example; (d) though; (e) It’s a pity.

11.    My name is Hasan Jamil. I was born in Bangladesh. I have completed my higher education    from Dhaka University. I love my country most. It is a beautiful country.

Mustafij Sir

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