Class VI English 2nd Paper

35+ Most Common Composition Writing for Class Six English 2nd Paper



Discipline means obedience to some rules and regulations. The term ‘discipline’ comes from a Latin word ‘disciplus’ which means a disciple. A disciple always obeys the orders of his preceptor unquestionably.

Discipline has a great importance in every walk of life. It is a key to success. It teaches us obedience to rules forever. We live in society so we cannot do whatever we like. We have to abide by social rules for the well-being of society. The secret of peace, progress and prosperity of a family lies in the obedience to discipline.

Nature also teaches us discipline. The sun, the moon, the planets and the stars move on their own way. If there is any exception, there happens a great chaos. In the army, we can see it. Each and every game also teaches it.

Discipline is very essential in student life. Lack of discipline among the students disturbs the work of an institution and hampers its progress.

Discipline is necessary in games and sports. In the playground also a sportsman must obey the rules of games. A player has to obey the decision of the referee and of the captain of the team. If the players fail to obey the concerned rules, they are sure to lose the game.

In a family all the members should obey the rules and family traditions. If the members of the family do not obey the rules, there will be chaos and confusions. A disciplined family leads a happy and prosperous life.

Discipline is absolutely necessary in man’s life. It is the only security for the weak Life without discipline is peaceless, uncivilized and brutish. So we all should maintain discipline in all respects.


Time is the most precious thing in our life. The fulfillment in all sectors in our life depends on the proper use of time.

A proverb goes that time and tide waits for none. Time is moving from the very beginning of the civilization. It goes on and on. It does not take any rest. It is never constant. If we lose time, it can never be gained. Our success or failure in life depends on the proper use of time. So we should make proper use of time.

The most precious period of our life is student life. The value of time to a student is limitless. So he should make an apt division of his time and do his duty accordingly. Then he will be able to reach the cherished goal of his life. He should not waste his time idly. He must think that every moment is very precious.

Wasting of time means the wasting of our life. We should not waste any moment idly. If we do not make the right use of time, we will not shine. Many great men in this world have made the proper use of time.

We are the supreme creation of Allah. So we should not waste our time. The developed nations have always put emphasis on time. They have made proper use of time. We should make proper use time to be developed.

To conclude, there is no way to be successful if we do not use time properly. We should remember that time is money. It also brings success if we make proper use of it.


The name of our school is Chuadanga Govt. Girls, High School. It is situated at Chuadanga Sadar. It was established in 1980. It stands on the bank of the river Mathavanga. It is a renowned school of the district.

Our school is housed in a nice two-storeyed buildings. There are twenty two classrooms in our school. They are neat and clean and well-ventillated. The Headmaster has a separate room. There is an office room adjacent to the Headmaster’s room. Two clerks sit there. There is also teachers’ common room where the other teachers take their seats. There are also science laboratories, students common room, scouts room, cadets room, library and gymnasium room. Students play indoor games, read the newspapers, magazines and other papers the common room. And rest of the rooms are used for classrooms.

Each class is held in a separate room. Every class room is well-furnished with desks, chairs, tables, projector, microphone etc. There are also blackboards and maps in the classrooms.

Our school sits in two shifts namely morning shift and day shift. There are about one thousand students in our school. All the students of our school is well behaved and obedient. There are thirty five teachers in our school. They are qualified and they teach us with great care and affection.

Our headmaster is an M.A.B.Ed. He is a man of strong personality. He is very controlled but friendly. He has a soft feeling for all of his students.

There is a big library is our school. It is decorated with different kinds of necessary books. We borrow books from here. Our librarian is a trained man. He manages the library very sincerely. We publish a magazine every a year.

There is the student’s one play ground in our school. We play there in the afternoon. Generally the students play football and volleyball in summer. In winter we play cricket and badminton.

Our school has a good reputation for academic results. The results of the junior scholarship and S.S.C. are quite satisfactory. Our school is one of the best schools in the Chuadanga district. Its name and fame has spread far and wide. I am boastful of being a student of this school.


Student life is the precious period of a man. It is the period which is spent in educational institutions to receive education is called student life. It is the seed time of human life. It is period of preparation for the future life.

The main concern of a student is to dedicate to his study. But he must not confine himself to books only. All his learning should aim at attaining good qualities. He should not waste of his time and energy idly. The happiness and success of a student largely depend on proper use of time.

A student can take part in co-curricular activities. He has to take part in different kinds of games and sports. He should take part in debates, science fair etc to gain knowledge. This will make him healthy, wealthy and wise. For increasing his knowledge he can read different kinds of books, newspapers, magazines, etc.

A student should take part in many social activities during his leisure time. He can teach the illiterate people to make the society illiteracy free. He must do something good for the sufferers during the natural calamities like flood, cyclone, drought etc.

He can help the people understand the importance of tree plantation, family planning, sanitation etc. He should also obey his superiors and say his prayers regularly.

Besides a student should develop some virtues. He should practise the habit of speaking truth. He should be punctual and attentive to classes. He must learn his lessons regularly. He should not put off his study for the next day. He must get up from early in the morning. He should take some physical exercise in the open air. A student must take much care of his health.

A student of today is the future leader. So he must work hard to make himself a dignified person in the family, society and country.


Duties of a student means an assigned work to a student. A student has certain duties to himself as well as to others. It is the period of preparation for the future life. It is rightly called the root time of human life.

The first and formost duty of a student is to devote to his study. He should be attentive to classes. He must learn his lessons regularly. A student should not waste his time idly. His duty is to utilize his time properly. A student should read news papers, magazines, novels, dramas and poetry during his free time.

A student must get-up early in the morning. He should take some physical exercise in an open air. He must follow the rules of health. He can play games and sports in the afternoon. It will refresh his body and mind and give energy.

A student should develop some virtues. He should be punctual and lead a disciplined life. He should be honest, sincere and sympathetic to others. He should practise the habit of speaking the truth.

Another duty of a student is learning good manner. He has to learn first how to behave with parents, how to behave with teachers, elderly persons, family members and in the society.

A student must do some duties to society and country. A student can give free service in different spheres of our national life. A student can teach the illiterate people to make the society illiteracy free. He can open night school. He can help the people understand the importance of tree plantation and sanitation system.

A student can help the people during the natural calamities such as cyclones, floods, droughts and other natural calamities. He can distribute food, clothes, medicine, pure drinking water among the affected people. He can also serve the sick and old people.     

A student must have love for the young people. He must be gentle, polite, sincere, honest and faithful. A student is the future leader of the country. So he must work hard to make himself a noble person in the family society and country.


Daily life means how we spend our time in our day-to-day life. We pass our days doing different things. To make our life meaningful, we have to follow a routine in our everyday life. So I try to follow a routine in order to reach my goal.

My day starts early in the morning. Then I wash myself and say morning prayer. After that the morning begins with a cup of tea. Then I go out for a walk in the open air for twenty minutes. After coming back home, I have my breakfast and then sit down to study for two hours. After that I take a shower and meal. After talking meal I brush my teeth and get ready for school.

My school begins at 11 am. I attend my classes regularly. During tiffin time I say my Zohar prayer and then have some light snacks. Then I go to the common room and enjoy some indoor games such as chess, table-tennis, etc with my friends. After that I attend my class again.

My school finishes at 4 pm. Then I come back home, wash myself and take some rest. After that I take some tiffin and go to field to play with my friends. I love football but table-tennis is my favourite game.

I come back home from field at sunset. Then I say my evening prayer and then go to my study at 7.30 pm. I study there about two hours. Then I have my supper with my family members and enjoy educational programmes. Sometimes I enjoy educational programmes in the midst of my study. This does not hamper my studies at all. I go to bed at 11 pm. And before going to bed I brush my teeth carefully.

I follow this routine everyday. But it’s different on holidays and vacations. On holidays I visit my friends and relatives. Besides, I enjoy films and stage-dramas with my families. Sometimes, I visit different places with my family.

My daily routine does not make me monotonous. Rather it inspires me to do all these activities. I think this will greatly help me to achieve my goal.


Aim in life means the fixed destination of a person. Aim is like a pavement for a better future. It plays an important role as a guideline for man. So an aimless man is like a ship without a rudder.

Like others, I have also an aim in life. My aim in life is to be a teacher. I want to give the light of education to the ignorant people so that they can participate for the reformation of the nation.

There are many reasons for choosing this as my aim. It is well known to all that teaching is an honorable profession. It is an admirable career. It means giving light. By this profession one can open out the power because knowledge is power. Without education any kind of development is impossible. The prerequisite of development is education. But most of the people of our country is ignorant. Ignorance is a curse and only a teacher can remove this curse.

For fulfilling my aim in life I should be a graduate first. Then I have to take a B-ed training on teaching. In this way I will become a good teacher. After being a good teacher, I will give knowledge to the illiterate people.

I know that the village people of our country are mainly lacking of education. The students of our village can not get proper education for the lack of proper guideline. So being a teacher, I want to help the large scale of people who are deprived of education. I believe one day I will become successful.

A teacher is the builder of a nation. He can nourish the talents of the students and can shape their character to be useful citizens of the country. In this way, a teacher builds a happy nation. So I want to be a glorious part of it.


Hobby is nothing but an alternative mental occupation. A man does not depend on it for his living. But it is an interesting way to enjoy leisure period. There are different kinds of hobbies like collecting stamps, coin collection, fishing, reading, listening to music, travelling, gardening, photography and so on.

I am a student. I have also a hobby. It is gardening.

There is a fallen plot of land in front of our house. I, with the help of my younger brother, turned it into a garden. I made the soil loose with a hand spade. I weeded out the weeds and grass roots. Then I put manure on the soil. I made six beds and planted flower plants in them. I watered them daily in the afternoon. Soon the plants grew up and were in flowers.

My garden is rich in various kinds of flowers. Chief among them are the rose, the champa, the jasmine, the beli and many other local flowers. There are a sheuli, a kamini and two gandharaj trees in my garden. When the flowers bloom, the garden looks very beautiful. The sweet scent of the flowers fills the air. My father often sits in the garden and reads periodicals and story books. On festive occasions, we decorate our house with flowers from my garden. I put some flowers in a flower vase on the table in my reading room. It creates a fresh atmosphere in the room.

Before I made this garden, I was a sickly boy. But now I am quite a healthy one. Physical labour and fresh air of the garden have a charming effect on me. They have been helpful to the growth of my body and mind as well.

A man must have a hobby that keeps a man away from a bad company and evil thoughts.


A village fair is a common affair in rural areas of Bangladesh. It is held in almost all the villages. The village people eagerly wait for this occasion. It is held for a day or sometimes for a week. A large number of people come to a particular place to buy or sell goods and enjoy shows and entertainments. A village fair is a great attraction to the villagers.

A village fair is generally held in an open field. It sits under a banyan tree or on the bank of a river or on the yard of a temple. It is usually held on the occasion of Pahela Baishakh or Durga Puja, Chaitra Sankranti or Muharram or some other religious events. Generally a fair is arranged once in a year.

A village fair is a gathering of the people of all ages. Especially the children have special attraction for the fair. A village fair is a colourful exhibition. Home-made products are displayed in the fair. The potters, carpenters, blacksmiths sell their handmade goods. Toys, sweets, balloons and cosmetics, combs, clothes, jewellery are the main attractions for the children and women. Earthen ware and handicrafts of wood, bamboo and cane have special attraction too.

Some special arrangements are also found in the fair. Jatra, jarigan, magic show, puppet show, and circus are arranged everyday for more entertainments. Curious people gather round the circus pandel. Nagor Dola is also a form of entertainment. Actually a village fair is a great source of joy for the village people. People of all ages visit the fair. The fair ground wears a festive look. It is also a meeting place of the common people. A village fair not only entertains people but also gives them opportunity to come closer to each other.

The village fair has also some disadvantages. Some people remain engaged in gambling. They allure the innocent people and make them moneyless. Sometimes people’s pockets are picked. Cheat and criminals gather in the fair and cheat with common people.

A village fair is an interesting event to the villagers. It dispels their boredom of hard labour and makes us happy. A village fair encourages our rural crafts. It is a means of recreation for the villagers.


The name of our village is Char Gungchil. The village is in the district of Noakhali. The river Meghna runs by the south-west of the village. It is two miles long and one mile wide.

The village is densely populated. About three thousand people live here. most of them are Muslims. The rest are Hindus. Most of them are educated. some are serviceholders, some are traders and some are cultivators. There are some carpenters, fishermen, weavers and potters here. There are also two doctors and some teachers in the village.

On the northern side of the village there is a District council Road. It joins the village with the outside area. The nearest railway station is on the other side of the river. It takes about fifteen minutes to go to the station from our village.

The soil of our village is very fertile. Jute, rice, sugarcane, potatoes, peppers, etc grow here in plenty. Besides these, various pulses also grow here.

The sanitation of our village is good. There are eight tubewells in the village. People drink water from these tubewells.

There are two primary schools, one high school and a madrasha in the village. there are also a post office, a daily bazar and a charitable dispensary in the village. there are a temple and three mosques here. Milk, fish and vegetables are cheap here.

The village is self-sufficient in all respects. It is also free from litigations, corruptions and prejudices. That is why, it is called an ideal village.


A village market is a place where people can easily come to buy and sell goods from the nearby villages. It generally sits on the bank of a river, or under a large tree or in an open field. It is an important place for the villagers.

Some village markets sit every morning and break up before noon while some others sit at noon and break up late in the evening.

In a village market, there are few sheds. Some sheds are permanent. Some are temporary makeshift shops. Makeshift shops are arranged in a systemetic way. The makeshift shops sit only on the market day.

Various kinds of necessary goods are sold in a village market. Rice, flour, vegetables, oil, fish, milk, pepper, spices and other things are sold in the makeshift shops. Clothes, groceries, stationary products are sold in the permanent shop. In a large village market paddy, jute, crops and domestic animals are also available.

In a village market, haggling is a common affair. The villagers who come to buy things try to get them in a cheaper rate. The shopkeepers also try to get more profits. After a haggling, they reach an agreement and buy or sell things.

A village market is a meeting place of the villagers. And the tea-shops are a great attraction in a village market. They serve as recreational centres. People of all owners of life come to the market and meet with their friends and relatives in these tea-shops.

In the market day, the people returning from the village market are seen going home with their bags or baskets full of different things. The village people buy their necessary goods for days and carry these to home with their baskets full. A village market is a meeting place for the villagers. It is really important for the village economy. A village market renders a great service to the village people. It serves as the central point of trade and convence in the rural areas.


A village doctor is a well-known figure in rural areas in our country. He is generally a quack but very useful person to the villagers. The villagers have deep confidence in him. He serves a great service to the village people when they become ill. So it goes without saying that the village doctor is a person of great importance.

A village doctor is not well qualified. He gets a few years training under a qualified renowned doctor and thus becomes a doctor. Sometime he becomes a doctor by obtaining an LMAF certificate from a para medical institute. So he starts his business with a lot of practical experience.

A village doctor sets up a dispensary at a suitable place. His stock of medicine is very poor. It is a small establishment with a few almirahs with cheap medicines of everyday use. He has a poor wooden chair to sit on and a broken table of poor quality. There is one or two benches for the visitors and patients to sit on. He sits in the morning and in the evening to visit patients. After finishing the work of examining the patients, prescribing and preparing the medicines, he goes out to attend the patients who are unable to go to his dispensary. He takes little fees from the patients. He spends hours beside the sickbed if the patient is seriously ill. He tries his best to treat the patient well. He takes great care of them. He prescribes the poor patients without taking any fees. He remains busy all day long. He earns popularity by means of his politeness and friendly attitude.

A village doctor is not moneyed. He is not able to refine his dispensary with all necessary medicines. He supplies only cheap medicines. Sometimes he prescribes wrong medicines to the patients which may lead the patients to death.

Although the village doctor sometimes worsens the disease of patients, he is the most trusted person to the villagers. He is the best friend to the village people because they find him whenever they call him. He shares their weal and woe.

A village doctor does a great work for the villagers. Though he is less qualified, he renders a great service to the society. So a village doctor is an useful person to the village people.


There are many people in this beautiful world. But we do not like or admire all of them. But the person whom I admire most is my mother. She is really the soul of our body. She is an ideal housewife of fifty and she is a woman of great heart. She has endured a lot of troubles to bring me up.

She comes of a respectable family. She is tolerant and sympathetic by nature. When I was very disobedient in my childhood, I often made troubles to my mother. But my mother did not feel disturbed any time.

My mother is an ideal housewife. She also looks after our family very sincerely. She manages the household activities with the full concentration.

She is very polite, affectionate and intelligent. She takes great care of all of us. My mother is very religious. She says her prayers five times a day. She is also very kind to the poor. She possesses a good sense of sanitation. She keeps our house neat and clean.

My mother loves me very dearly. Her anxiety knows no bounds if I fall ill. But her face beams with joy when I come round. She bears a good moral character. She advises us to follow the path of truth and honesty. I hold my mother in profound respect.

My mother is well mannered and sociable. She maintains a sound and healthy relation with the reighbours. Although she remains busy most of the time, she spends some time in social activities. She tries to improve the social status of the distressed women. She tries to make them conscious about their rights.

My mother is an ideal mother. She is my best friend. There is none so dear to me as my mother. I love my mother so dearly. I am proud of having such a mother.


Physical exercise means the regular movement of different parts of the body. It makes our body strong and keeps us fit for work. It gives us stamina. We cannot think of good health without taking physical exercise.

Physical exercise is of various kinds. Good forms of exercise are walking, swimming, riding, racing, rowing, and gymnastics, wrestling and playing many outdoor and indoor games. Exercise varies from person to person. All kinds of exercise is not suitable for all ages. So we have to choose first what is suitable for our health. Walking is the best exercise for all kinds of people. Swimming and other games are suitable for young and strong people.

To keep good health, physical exercise is necessary for all. The Greek saying goes “Build up our body if you want to build up your mind.” Without a sound health, one cannot possess sound mind. For increasing our strength and stamina, we should take physical exercise regularly. We know that body and mind are related to each other. So mind is unhealthy when a body is weak.

Regular exercise helps to keep us free from various diseases. Morning walk helps us to take a fresh walk for our mind and body. Swimming in the water strengthens our limbs, other exercises also make different parts of our body strong. It helps to improve our digestion. Regular exercise removes monotony  and works as a recreation. Gymnastic exercise are not suited to people of all ages. The weak and the old cannot stand the strains of gymnastic exercises. Gymnastic exercises are best suited to the young, students and members of well organized clubs. Riding, racing, rowing, wrestling, indoor and outdoor games are exercises for our body. Among all forms of exercise, swimming and walking are the best because they cost nothing. Sound health is essential to live well.

Good health is the prerequisite of success. And a sound mind lives in a sound body. There is a close connection between a sound mind and a sound health. If the body is unsound, the mind must be unsound. It is physical exercise which enables us to build a good health which is the key to success.

There are many people who do not take physical exercise, cannot enjoy good healthy life. They fall victim to many diseases. Then life becomes burden to them. They are always peevish and ill tempered.

Physical exercise is beneficial to us. The student should take regular physical exercise. It will help them to be healthy and attentive to their studies.

All of us should take physical exercise to lead a healthy and happy life. It gives strength to our brain. It teaches us unity, patience, obedience, discipline and punctuality.


Teachers are like our guardians. As I am a student, I have got many teachers in my life. I respect all of my teachers whom I have come across. I am grateful to them all for enriching my knowledge. Among them my favourite teacher is Md. Mizanur Rahman. He is an English teacher. We call him Mizan Sir. I am very fond of him.

My favourite teacher is a brilliant scholar with a sound academic career. He is an M.A in English. He has a lot of qualities. He is experienced and well trained. He is gentle and polite. He holds the attention and interest of the students. He holds the attention and interest of the students. He has a clean, strong and pleasing voice. He never smokes. He has a good command over English. He knows good Bengali too. He makes lessons interesting to the students. He makes the students spellbound in the class.

My favourite teacher is well-mannered and very gentle. He possesses a strong personality. He is always punctual. He is never late in the class. He is very sincere and attentive. He knows a lot of easy techniques which he applies to teach the students.

His method of teaching is very easy and lucid. He can make any grammatical problems easily. He knows how to increase the curiosity of the students. His pronunciation is good and he speaks English with a foreign accent. We never feels boring in his class. Rather, we feel encouraged in his class. He is very well behaved and co-operative. He is never rude but friendly with his students.

My favourite teacher inspires us to take part in extra curricular activities. He helps the poor students according to his ability. He loves his students. But he never allows any irregularity and improper acts.

He has left a permanent impression in my mind. My favourite teacher is a noble and kind person. His impressive personality, art of teaching, responsibility and other qualities have made me one of his admirers. Being a student of such a teacher, I feel proud of him.


Having friends is a grace of Almighty. I have a few bosom friends. Among them, Mahabub Khan is my best friend. I have known him for more than two years. He is also my classmate. Our friendship began at the time of admission to a local primary school. There we first met. Since then we have been the best friends to each other.

My best friend comes of a respectable and educated family. His father is a government officer and his mother is a teacher of a college.

My friend is a boy of exceptional qualities. He is a worthy student. He is a boy of mild nature. He is very punctual also. He listens to the teachers and elders politely. He always stands first in the class.

Honesty, modesty, politeness, sincerity, mildness, attraction to reading books etc. are the qualities available in my friend. He helps the weak students to understand the difficult lessons. He always stretches his helping hands to the distressed people.

He possesses a good moral character. He always speaks the truth. He is honest and sincere. He is careful about his time. So he never wastes his time foolishly. He maintains a controlled life. He follows the rules of health and hygiene.

He does not do harm to others. He does not talk to others unnecessarily. He is fond of games and sports. He plays different kinds of games regularly. He is also fond of fishing.

It will remain incomplete about my best friend if I do not say about his social activities. In any social work he is very much active.

Considering all these, I have chosen him as the best friend of mine. The feelings that he shows to me is undoubtedly genuine. This great feeling of friendship made us two best friends. Though we have dissimilar characteristics, we perfectly supplement each other. In fact, we are apples of eyes of each other. So, all his outstanding qualities made me consider him to be my best friend.


There are six seasons in Bangladesh. Among all the seasons, I like the Spring most. The Spring is the loveliest of all the seasons. It comprises the Bengali month of Falgoon and Chaitra. The Spring comes with all its beauty.

I have several reasons to choose Spring. In comparison to other seasons, Spring is comfortable and beautiful. Summer is the season of extreme heat and thirst. The whole day and night, it remains very hot. People have to suffer a lot for terrible heat. During rainy season, the weather remains wet. The roads become muddy and slippery. We have to face difficulties to go out. We have to stay home often. The weather of Autumn is foggy and misty. The winter is dry and bitter. It is lifeless. Poor people suffer a lot. Winter brings miseries to the people. Then the Spring comes. The temperature is neither hot nor cold. It is moderate and comfortable.

The Spring comes with the sweet songs of the cuckoo. It comes with the sweet smells of flowers. Birds sing everywhere. The whole nature wears a festive look. It remains full of scenic beauty. So, I like Spring most of all the seasons.

Of all the seasons, the Spring is the most pleasant. It is called the king of seasons. Flowers of different colours bloom. Trees are found full of new and lovely green leaves. Meadows become green. The flowers spread smell in the air. Bees are busy in collecting honey from flowers during Spring. Butterflies and grasshoppers fly here and there with their colourful wings. Birds sing with their sweet voice. The prominent singing bird of Spring is cuckoo. It sings sweetly. Nature looks fresh and attractive. The southern wind blows and refreshes us. Many vegetables and fruits are available in this season. It is a season of harvesting crops. The farmers reap their crops and sow new seeds. The Spring is also a season for joy. Village fairs and other folk programmes are held in this season.

The Spring is a season of beauty. It cheers our mind and health. The Spring has a special attraction to the poets. It breathes a new life into the nature. People of every avenue of life like the Spring very much.


Most of the countries of the world have four seasons but we have six. They are summer, rainy, autumn, late autumn, winter and spring. Each season has its own features. Each season consists of two months.

Summer is the hottest season of the year. Tanks, ponds, pools and streams dry up and there is scarcity of water. The days are longer than the night. The sun shoots the rays with great intensity.

It rains heavily during the rainy season. rivers, canals, tanks, wells and low lands are filled with water. roads become muddy and slippery. Fishes are found in plenty in this season. Boats are the only means of communication in this season.

After the rainy season comes autumn. Harvesting of Aus paddy begins. the paddy begins to ripen. Dew drop begins to fall in late autumn. farmers remain busy with harvesting. This season also heralds the advent of winter.

The falling of leaves of the trees indicates the winter. Trees become bare. It is very cold in winter. The nature looks dull and gloomy. People shiver in cold. poor people suffer a lot for want of warm clothes. This is the season of plenty. Vegetables and fishes are available in this season.

Last of all comes spring, the king of all seasons. Birds sing and the southern wind begins to blow. Trees put forth new leaves. It is the season of happiness and joy.

Mangoes, jackfruits, lichis, black berries and melons are summer fruits. They are also found to some extent in the rainy season. Guavas and pineapples are available in plenty in the rainy season. Sugarcane is also available in rainy season. Oranges and plums are the fruits of the winter. Wood-apple and other minor fruits are available in spring. Coconut, banana and papaw are available all the year round.

Excessive rainfall causes flood. During flood crops are destroyed. Dwelling houses and cattle are washed away. Flood is followed by famine and diseases.

Bangladesh experiences all the seasons one after another. We do not feel any sudden change in nature. Every change is enjoyable.


Bangladesh is diversified with six seasons (loFZzi Øviv ˆewPΨgwÊZ). Every season presents us its own distinct features. The winter has also its own features. It comes with fog, mist and shivering cold. It comprises the months of Poush and Magh.

The falling of leaves of the trees heralds (AvMgb †NvlYv K‡i) the advent of winter. Most of the trees become leafless. They seem to be lifeless. Nature looks very dull and dismal in this season. There is heavy fog everywhere. Things at a distance can hardly be seen. People shiver in cold. They put on warm clothes to protect themselves from cold. Some people gather straw or dried leaves and make fire to warm themselves. Domestic and other animals also come out late of their sheds in the winter morning.

The sunshine is very delightful in this season. It makes everybody happy. Some people bask in the sun to warm themselves. When the sun starts to peep through the dense fog, dewdrops on the grass look like pearls. People go to their daily work late.

The winter is the season of abundance. Various kinds of vegetables, fishes and milk are available in this season. Besides, various country-cakes and date-juice are also available in winter. The air in the villages remains filled with the sweet smell of mastered flowers.

The winter is the season of games and sports. Different outdoor games such as cricket, volleyball, tennis, etc. are played throughout the country in this season. Besides, this season offers an atmosphere of travelling. People can travel different places comfortably in this season. Many people go to enjoy picnic. In fact, this season is enjoyable to most of the people.

The winter has some other demerits. Cold wind blows and sometimes chilly weather remains for days. People shiver in cold. Life becomes impossible. The poor suffer much for want of warm clothes. Various kinds of diseases also break out in an epidemic form in this season.

Inspite of some demerits, the winter is desirable to us. Though it brings some miseries to the people, it can be enjoyable in some respects.


There are six seasons in our country and the summer is one of them. It is the first season. It comprises the Bengali months of Baishakh and Jaistha. Every season has its own feature. Summer has also its own feature.

The summer is a season of terrible heat. Everybody feels uneasy. In the summer the weather remains very hot and humid. The scorching heat of the sun in summer makes people tiresome. Actually this season is the hottest and tiring season. People suffer a lot due to excessive heat.

During summer village people sit down under a big trees to feel comfort. The children swim in the rivers and ponds to get relief from the unbearable heat. The city dwellers use electric fans and air conditioners to be cool.

The summer appears in Bangladesh with many fruits and flowers. But ‘Kal-Baishakhi’ causes much harm to man, animals and plants. It sometimes blows away trees and houses. In summer the day becomes longer than the night.

In summer the rivers, ponds, canals and pools dry up. For this reason people suffer for want of water. There is a little rain in this season. The roads and fields become full of dusts.

The summer is also a season of natural calamities. Cyclones, floods and droughts often visit in this season. They cause a great damage to the lives and properties. In summer many diseases like cholera, small pox and measles break out.

Though the summer brings some distress and difficulties, it is a blessing for us. A plenty of fruits are available in this season. Mangoes, jackfruits, black-berries, litchies, melons and many other juicy-fruits grow in this season. These fruits are tasty and nutrition’s.


There are six seasons in our country. The rainy season is one of them. It comprises the Bengali months of Ashar and Shravan. This season comes after the summer.

During the rainy season, the sky remains covered with cloud. The sun remains hidden behind the clouds. The rainfall comes accompanied by roar of thunder and flashes of lightning. Sometimes, it rains hard for several days. Rivers, canals and ponds are full to the brim. The low-lying areas go under water. The roads become muddy. The boats are seen plying in the river water. Fishermen remain busy in fishing. Sometimes, life becomes slow due to incessant rain.

The rainy season helps us in many ways. Bangladesh is an agricultural country. The economic prosperity of our country depends on the progress of our agriculture. Our agriculture depends on the mercy of nature. This mercy is rain. The farmers eagerly wait for the rain to sow seeds and crops. After heavy rainfall, the earth becomes soft and the farmers can easily plough their land. Some crops cannot be grown without sufficient rain water in time. Rain water makes our land fertile and suitable for growing more crops. It brings joy to the farmers. Rain water also does good to us in other ways. It washes away the waste and filth and keeps our environment clean. It also reduce the high temperature and gives people relief from hot weather. Besides, various kinds of flowers bloom in this season. Nature wears a green look. The kadam, the bakul, the rajanigandha the keya, etc. are the main flowers of this season.

The rainy season often causes sufferings to us. The roads become muddy and slippery. People have to face difficulties to move. They have to use umbrella to go out. Sometimes, they cannot go out for days due to heavy rainfall. The poor people cannot work and earn their livelihood. Excessive rain can cause flood. Flood brings miseries to the people. Flood damages our crops and washes away our cattles and houses. People have to move by boats. Flood hampers the communication system. The price of daily necessaries go up. Various diseases like cholera, diarrhoea and dysentery break out in an epidemic form. The sufferings of people know no bounds.

Despite all the demerits, the rainy season is the most prominent season in our country. Our agriculture and economy wholly depend on this season. So this season is always welcome to the common people.


Flood is a natural calamity. It occurs due to the overflow of river water. Bangladesh is a riverine country. She also lies in the monsoon area. As a result, flood visits our country almost every year because of excessive rains. Flood has become a common phenomenon in Bangladesh.

Flood causes for several reasons. Incessant and heavy rainfall is the primary reason of causing flood in our country. When it rains for several days ceaselessly, the rivers cannot hold and carry down the water to the sea. The water overflows the banks of the river and a vast area of lands go under water. As a result, it causes flood. Sometimes, heavy water from mountains rolls down to rivers and causes flood. Flood is also caused by tidal bore from the sea.

Flood causes a heavy devastation to our life and properties. A large part of our country goes under water. It submerges the corn fields. Trees are uprooted. Flood washes away our houses, cattle and sheep. Thousands of people become homeless. They take shelter on the roof of the buildings, on trees and on boats. The villages go under water. Roads and railways are washed away. The communication system is damaged greatly. Normal life comes to a standstill. People suffer from scarcity of pure drinking water and food items. They have to starve for long time. The price of daily necessaries goes up. These make people’s life miserable. After the flood, various diseases like cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, typhoid spread out in an epidemic form due to drinking dirty water. The river-beds should be dredged up timely and this can reduce flood to a great extent.

Flood is devastating and is considered as a natural calamity. It also does some good to us. It washes away the waste and filth. It carries silt which makes our land fertile to grow good crops.


Bangladesh is crises-crossed with hundreds of rivers. Among these rivers the Padma, the Meghna, the Jamuna, the Surma, the Teesta and the Brahmaputra are very well known. There are also some other rivers. Most of these rivers rise from the Himalayas and fall into the Bay of Bengal. Life and living of our people are inseparably related with these rivers.

Rivers play a great role in our agriculture. Our agriculture depends on the rivers. These rivers carry a huge alluvial every year and make our soil fertile. So various kinds of crops grow in plenty here. Besides, these rivers help us in irrigation.

Our rivers are a good source of fish. Fish is our main item of food. They meet up our demand of protein. Our fishermen earn their living by catching and selling fish. They also earn a lot of foreign exchange by exporting fish.

Our rivers are the main ways of communication. Water-ways are easier, cheaper and more comfortable. Steamers, launches and boats carry men and goods from one part to another in all seasons.

Rivers play a significant role in commerce, trade and industry. Most of the towns, cities, trade centres, industries, etc have been set up on the bank of the rivers. Raw materials and industrial products are carried to different places through these rivers.

The rivers have a great influence on the mind of the people of our country. Many poets and writers composed poems and stories on rivers.

Our rivers have some demerits also. Sometimes they cause a great damage to our life and property. In the rainy season most rivers overflow their banks and cause flood. They bring untold sufferings to the people.

However, though the rivers do a little harm, they are very useful to us in many ways. They are the source of our living, wealth and happiness.


Bangladesh is a country where fruits are available during all seasons. God has made this country rich with different types of natural resources. Fruits are one of the best gifts of nature. It is a beautiful homeland of a great variety of fruits. These fruits are both seasonal and all seasonal in nature. There are different types of fruits in Bangladesh. More than 60 varieties of fruits grow in Bangladesh. Major fruits are mango, banana, papaya, jackfruit, pineapple, guave, lichi, lemon, etc.

The Mango is the best summer fruit of our country. It is sweet and juicy. So it is called the prince of fruits. There are many varieties of mangoes in our country such as Fazli, Gopalbhog, Lengra, Amropoli, Mohonbhog etc. The best kinds of mangoes grow in Rajshahi, Dinajpur, Chapainababgonj, Bogra and Dinajpur. Fazli is the best of all mangoes.

The another tasty and summer fruit is jack fruit which is the biggest fruit in the country. It has a thorny skin. Inside the skin there are many juicy cells. It is called our national fruit.

Coconut is a common fruit. It grows over the year. Especially it grows in the coastal area as Noakhali, Feni, Laxmipur, Bhola, Barisal and so on. Its kernel is a tasty food and water is sweet drink which quenches the thirst of a person. In hot weather, coconut is very effective for health.

Banana is a popular fruit to everybody. It is very nutritious and sweet. There are different kinds of banana in our country such as Shobri, Kabri, Amritsagar, Agniswar etc. We get banana everywhere in all seasons. We also can earn a lot of money by cultivating banana.

Lichi is another juicy and favourite fruit to everybody. It is small in size and very tasty to eat. We get the lichis from Dinajpur and Rajshahi.

The pineapple is also the most common fruit. It grows plenty in Comilla and Sylhet. The best kind of it grows in Srimangol and Madhupur of Tangail.

There are also many popular fruits which are very tasty and effective for health. These are palms, blackberries, dates, guavas, wood apples etc.

Guava is a very remarkable and well known fruit. It is round in size and green in colour. Actually, in Bangladesh guava was first introduced by the Portuguese during seventeenth century. Guava has many medicinal benefits. It helps to strengthen our teeth.

It is a fact that fruits are necessary for our good health. It has different kinds of vitamins which are very important to protect our body from different diseases. There are also some fruits that taste sour. Among them the Kamranga, the tamarind and lemon are very well known.

Bangladesh is a place where we can grow many good fruits. We are lucky enough to get a great variety of fruits all the year round. Govt. should take proper steps to cultivate more fruit trees in our country.


Population is an asset for a country. But when a country has a large population more than her capacity to afford food, shelter and other fundamental needs, population becomes a burden for her. Then the population is treated as a problem. Bangladesh is an over populated country and her large population is a problem for her.

Bangladesh is a small country having an area of 1,47,570 square kilometres. But it is burdened with a large population of 150 million people. It is the most densely populated country of the world. More than one thousand people live in per square kilometre. The population is still increasing in an alarming rate. More than two million people are included in our total population every year. Population growth has come to a form of explosion. The growth rate is very high due to illiteracy, early marriage superstitions and lack of knowledges about family planning among the people.

Over population is a serious problem for our country. It hinders the economic development of our nation. Every year a large number of people is added and the additional people need additional foods, shelter, clothes, medicines and other things. It has become difficult for Bangladesh to feed her total population properly. Our land is limited. Increasing population makes habitation on cultivable land. So, our cultivable land is decreasing every year. If we do not control the growth of population, our country will not be able to produce crops enough to feed all. Population problem begets some other problems. Unemployment problem, poverty, disease, corruption are created from over population.

Population growth should be kept under control. Effective family planning can control the population explosion. The government is trying to control the situtation. All of us should come forward to assist the government. Awareness should be raised among the illiterate and village people. We should impart people the knowledge about the benefits of planned and small family. Early marriage should be stopped. If all classes of people are aware of the problem it can be reduced to a great extent. Over population hinders our national prosperity. So we should check our population growth.


Bangladesh is gifted with many kinds of birds. We do not even know the names of all these birds. They add to the beauty of our country. They are found all over the country. We rise early in the morning hearing the sweet songs of these birds.

The birds are different in colour, shape, size and habit. Their food is also different. They live near our houses in woods, marshy lands, and hills.

Of all the birds the crow is the most familiar. It is a cunning bird. It is ugly to look at. It feeds on dead animals, rotten and other old things. It is useful to us because it helps to clean up the environment. It is a teasing bird.

Cuckoo is a popular song bird. It heralds the advent of the spring. It sings sweetly. It lives on insects. The other song birds are the shyama, the nightingale, the koel, etc.

Doel is a small bird. it is found everywhere. It looks pretty. It is our ‘National bird’. It sings and raises its tail at the same time. It lives on insects. It is also a song bird.

Mayna is also a popular bird. it is a talking bird. It can imitate human voice. Its voice is very sweet. it lives on insects. The parrot is also a talking bird.

The dove, the pigeon, the snipe, the heron, the teal, the pankauri, etc are known as game birds. They are found everywhere in Bangladesh. They are popular for their flesh.

There are some other birds known as tailor birds. Because they build their nests with great skill. The swallow, the tuntuni, the babui are called tailor bires.

Birds are wonderful gifts of nature. some birds are very useful to us. Some do us harm. They keep our environment fresh and clean. Some of the birds give us amusements. We eat the flesh and eggs of some birds. They are our important asset. We are really proud of these birds in our country.


Rice is our staple food. It is obtained from the paddy plant. Hot but moist climate is suitable for growing paddy. It grows in Bangladesh, China, Japan, India, Myanmar, Russia, Egypt, Italy and in some parts of America.

There are three principal kinds of paddy. They are Aus, Aman and Boro. There is another variety of paddy called IRRI.

Boro grows in the beds of rivers and on low marshy land. The seedlings are transplanted where water reaches the bottom. Aman and Aus require best tilling. Weeding and manuring are necessary for rapid growth of paddy plants. Aus is harvested in the months of Ashar and Shravan. Aman seeds are first scattered on muddy lands. When they grow upto a height of two or three feet, the ears of grains appear at the top. They become ready for harvesting in the month of Agrahayan or Poush. Then they are brought home and separated from the stalks. It is then dried in the sun. IRRI grows almost in all the seasons. It requires constant irrigation and application of manure.

Rice is obtained when dried paddy is husked either by dhenki or by rice mills. In the rural areas dhenki is used.

Stalks and chaffs are used as fodder for cattle. The boiled rice is called ‘Bhat’ in our country. Chira, muri, khoi, cakes and many other palatable foods are made from it.

Both the government and the people should take steps for an increase of its production to meet up the shortage of food.


Bangladesh is the real home of jute. In Bangladesh, it grows in a large quantity. She earns a lot of foreign currency by exporting jute. So it is called the golden fibre of Bangladesh.

Three-fourths of the total production of jute in the world grow in Bangladesh. It also grows in West Bengal, Assam, Thailand, China and the Philippines.

Firstly, the farmers plough the land in March and April. Then they sow seeds. Shoots come out in a few days. When they grow upto one feet, the fields are weeded well. After three or four months, they become matured.

The cultivators cut the matured jute plants and put them under water. There they get rotten. Then the fibre is taken out and washed in water. It is spread in the sun and it gets dried. Then it is tied into bundles and is made ready for sale.

Coarse cloths, cheap shawl, hessian and gunny bags are made from jute fibre, ropes, mats, painters brush, false hair and other domestic articles are also made from jute.The stalks are also used as fuel. Poor people can use them for fencing their houses.

In order to develop our country, both the government and the people should come forward to increase the production of jute in a large quantity.


Tea is the most popular drink in the present world. It removes our fatigue (K¬vwšÍ), refreshes our mind and gives us energy. Tea has become a part and parcel of our daily food habits.

Tea plants grow in the slope of hills. To grow tea-plants excessive rain water is needed. Hill tracts are chosen to grow tea-plants because rain water does not stand there for long time. In our country tea-garden are found in Sylhet and Chittagong hill tracts.

The first tea-growing country is China. Tea also grows in Japan, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka and many other parts of the world. Bangladesh is one of the largest tea-producing countries. She earns a lot of foreign exchange by exporting tea. It has become a cash-crop in our country.

A tea-plant is an evergreen shrub. At first, the seeds are sown in a nursury. Then the plants are transplanted in the mountain slopes. Tea-plants are planted in rows. They are trimmed down and allowed to grow not more than three or four feet high. As a result they become bushy. When the new leaves and buds come out, they are plucked. They are plucked four times a year. Tea leaves are picked up for the first time in spring. It provides the finest tea.

Tea-leaves are dried in the sun. Then they are rolled over by a machine in the factory and the juice is pressed out. After that they are left spreading on the floor until their colour gets changed. They grow dry and black. Then they are moulded and they become ready for use.

Preparation of tea is an interesting process. At first, water is boiled in a pot and then tea-dust is put in the boiling water. After sometimes, the water gets a colour. It is called liquor. Then liqour is poured off into cups through a sieve. Then some sugar and milk are mixed with it. Then tea is ready for drink.

Tea is a refreshing drink. It stimulates our energy and removes our exhaustion. It has got much popularity among people of all classes. When a guest comes, he is entertained with tea. It has become an item of first class modest entertainment. Excessive drinking of tea harms our health. So, we should be careful about it.


During the Eid-ul-Azha holiday, I got a letter from my elder brother to spend the vacation at his place. Accordingly, I purchased some suitable presents for my little nephew and niece and fixed a date to start for Chittagong.

On the appointed day I went to the Kamlapur Station with a small suitcase. The whole station was full of din and bustle. There was a great rush at the small window of the booking office. With great difficulty I got my ticket of the Mohanagar. I got into a second class compartment which was almost full. A gentleman gave me a seat by a window. I was really lucky to get this seat. The guard blew the whistle and waved the flag. The train started at 10.50 pm.

At first the train moved slowly. Then it began to move faster and faster. The sky was clear. The moon was up. The train passed the stations in the twinkling of an eye. Everything outside seemed to be running fast. The moonlight was glittering on the dark rows of trees. Everything looked dreamy. The sights charmed me. My heart was full of joy. I fell asleep then.

I woke up at a big station. Here I washed my face and had my tea. Some of the passengers got down. The train again steamed off. Now the sun rose. The fields were green with paddy plants. The cool breeze was blowing over them. Birds were flying about.

At 6 am, I reached Chittagong station. I saw my elder brother waiting at the platform. My journey to Chittagong was a new experience to me. I shall never forget this journey.


A journey is a special attraction for me. Whenever I get a chance, I visit different places. I am very fond of travelling. Last month I made a journey by bus which was very enjoyable.

It was the month of December. My annual examination was over and I got a vacation. My parents decided to pay a visit to my uncle’s house at Kushtia. They wished to take me with them. I was very glad to hear the news. We went there by bus.

On the 20th December, we started for Kushtia. We reached Gabtali bus terminal in the early morning. Father had bought the tickets the day before. We got on the bus and took our seats. I got my seat beside the window. Our bus started at 8.30 am for Kushtia.

It was a good day. The sky was sunny. At first the bus was moving slowly. Then it began running at a high speed. We left the city behind and running along the road with green fields and trees on both sides.

We were passing Jahangirnagar University. I looked outside and found the university campus full of green trees and beautiful scenery. Later I saw many trees, houses, paddy fields besides the road. It seemed to me that things like trees, houses were running behind. After two hours, we reached Paturia Ferry ghat. We had to cross the river ‘Padma’ by ferry. Our bus waited sometime for ferry and then got on it. The ferry started to move. I got down from the bus and went to the top of the ferry. There was vast water. The river was calm. Some hawkers were selling various things like fruits, tobacco, muri, chanachur and other things. It took us half an hour to cross the river. I got on the bus again. The bus started to run again. We reached Goalondo after a few minutes. Then our bus took a turn and we entered Rajbari District within an hour. We crossed the town and our bus was running along the road through villages. I saw many huts, houses, canals, orchards, green fields on the way. Really it was a charming scenery. Our bus reached Kushtia at 1pm. My uncle came to the bus stand to receive us. We got down and went to our uncle’s house. Thus the journey came to an end. I enjoyed it very much.


A journey by boat is comfortable and peaceful. Bangladesh is a riverine country. During the rainy season most of the areas of the country go under water. So people have to go from one place to another by boat. It is an enjoyable journey.

Last winter I got an opportunity to enjoy such a journey. It was the month of December. After annual examination I thought of going to my uncle’s house at Mirjapur in Netrokona. Some of my friends agreed. We were five in number. We hired a boat. There were two young and active boatmen.

The boat started from our ghat at 2 pm. The gentle breeze was blowing and we were going to our destination. It was a nice afternoon. The sky was clear. The boatmen pulled oar for sometimes. Then they set sail. We were lucky enough to see this setting sail. The wind was in our favour. So, the boat was passing easily. When the boat reached the Brahmaputra river, the riverine Bangla welcomed us with all its beauty.

There were water anywhere. We were enjoying the real natural beauty of our motherland. Different kinds of boats were moving carrying men and goods. It reminded us of the trade and commerce of our glorious past through waterways. Really, it is beyond description. The paddy fields on both the sides of the river looked green. Children were swimming in the river. Women were carrying water with various types of beautiful pitchers. Some fishermen were catching fish. Farmers were reaping corns and singing songs.

In the afternoon the boat reached a market. We halted there and purchased something to eat. The boat started again. It was about sunset. My heart was filled with joy to see the setting sun. The beauty of the golden sunset on the calm water of the river made a pleasant sight. The moon rose with her pale silvery beams. The river presented a beautiful scene. It was now seven o’clock in the evening. We reached the destination. Some of my cousins were waiting for us. They received as cordially. It was a pleasant experience to us. It will remain evergreen in my heart.


Physical exercise means the regular movements of different parts of the body. It has a great importance to us. It keeps our body sound and strong. We cannot think of good health without taking physical exercise.

There are various forms of physical exercise. Walking, running, swimming, racing, riding and other games and sports are good forms of exercise. Different kinds of exercise are suitable for different people. Walking is the best exercise for all kinds of people. It is suitable for the old and weak people. Swimming and other games are suitable for young and strong people.

To keep good health, physical exercise is necessary for all. The Greek saying goes— “Build up your body if you want to build up your mind.” If the body is sound, the mind remains sound. Without a sound health, one cannot possess sound mind. To preserve sound health, it is necessary to take physical exercise regularly. Physical exercise increases our strength and stamina to work more. It keeps us free from various diseases. Walking in the morning fresh air refreshes our mind and body. Swimming in the water strengthens our limbs. Other exercises also make different parts of our body strong. It helps to improve our digestion. It makes people energetic and helps to live a long life. Sound health is essential to live well. No one will have sound health without taking physical exercise. Regular exercise removes our monotony and works as a recreation. It makes our body and mind fit for work. Good health is the precondition of success. And physical exercise is essential to preserve good health. Those who do not take regular exercise cannot enjoy healthy life. They suffer from various diseases. They find no interest in life. So, all should take regular exercise to make life healthy and enjoyable. Games and sports build our body and teach us patience, punctuality, dutifulness and other virtues. Excessive practise of physical exercise is bad. It causes harm to our body. It may cause serious injury. So, we should be conscious of it.

Physical exercise is beneficial to us. The students should take regular exercise. It will help them to be healthy and attentive to their studies. All of us should take exercise to lead a healthy and happy life.


This is an age of science. So the modern world cannot go even for a single day without science. The present civilization is the gift of modern science.

Electricity is the first wonder of science. We cannot think of modern civilization without electricity. It enlightens our houses and streets. it helps to run the machines of mills and factories. The telegraph, the telephone and the wireless are also the wonderful inventions of science. They carry our messages to distant places in the twinkling of an eye. Radio, cinema, television are the wonders of science. We can hear the news of the whole world through the radio set. Both radio and television are good entertainments. Television is a combination of radio and cinema. We can hear and see the moving and talking pictures in it.

Science has made space travel possible. It has released nuclear energy. Now this energy is used not only for manufacturing atom bomb but also for doing good to human beings.

In the field of medicine, science has made a great contribution by inventing X-ray, radium, penicillin, vaccines, antibiotics, cloroform, ultra-violet ray etc. Computer is the latest invention of science.

all these inventions of science influence our daily life. These blessings of science have made our life easy and comfortable. Science has made the world smaller. The invention of printing press has helped us acquire knowledge and education. Nowadays science has influenced our life so much that we cannot think of a moment without it.

The wonders of science cannot be described in a nutshell. Wherever we go or stay, we find every possible thing done by science. So the wonders of science prevail everywhere.


Ours is an age of science. Science has invented many wonders and computer is one of them. It is a machine which works as the substitution of human brain.

It took a long time to invent computer. Many votaries of science spent years after years and did hard labour to invent computer. The success was not achieved overnight. Charles Babez, a British professor of mathematics thought about a formula which could help in calculation. He could not achieve the final success but he initiated the research leading to the invention of computer. Finally Haward Akin, an American scientist invented such a machine in 1937 that can do difficult sums. Electric computer was used in Harvard University in 1944 after seven years. Since then computer has developed a lot and many sorts of computer are invented nowadays.

There are five major components in a computer. The components are the memory unit, the control unit, input unit, output unit and the arithmetic unit. Input unit and output unit consist of the devices that permit a computer to receive or exhibit data. Generally, a computer accomplishes three functions. It receives data, processes data by various computation and emits data. The functions are performed by giving the computer a programme consisting of a sequence of statements. A computer cannot work alone. It works on the basis of command given by an operator. The necessity of computer is indescribable.

Computer has a great use to us. It provides great service to us. It has lessened our work loads and made our life easy and comfortable. It is used in every sphere of our life. Computers are largely used in educational institutions, offices, banks, hospitals, agricultural farms, industries and so on.

Modern medical facilities cannot be thought of without computer. Computer can diagnose diseases correctly. Computer has a great usage in controlling traffic. Computer can provide traffic signals and control the accidents. Mobile phone communication system is largely dependent on computers. The result of the examination can be published within the shortest possible time with the help of computer. A computer can calculate a complex calculation within a few minutes which a man needs years to do.

Computer is used in conquering space. We can communicate from one corner to the other part of the world through internet. A computer can keep millions of information in it’s file. There is hardly any sector where we are not using computer. It has become the driving force of our modern civilization.

Computer is also used for recreation. It should be used for the interests of mankind. It is the greatest wonder of modern science.


In human history, television is a great source of entertainment. It is one of the greatest inventions of modern science. Television is a wonderful source of entertainment, pleasure, communication, knowledge and information.

The world ‘television’ comes from the latin words ‘tele’ and ‘vision’ which means ‘distance’ and ‘to see’ respectively. So, television literally means watching from distance.

Many scientists worked on the thought of television. Television was invented in 1926 by John Beyard, an English scientist. By 1945, television came out as a means of entertainment. Colour television is the latest invention. It is very modern, cheap and easy to operate now with the help of a remote control.

Television plays a significant role in modern life. It has brought a revolutionary change in the world of entertainment.

Television is now a very popular mass media both to the children and grown up people. People can know the news and views of the whole world through television sitting before its screen. People can entertain themselves by enjoying drama, cinema, novels, songs, sports and different cultural programmes on television. To children it is very popular for its various programmes. It has also the educative value which is praiseworthy. It provides current topics of the world. Television is also used in space technology, advertisements and publicity. Moreover, it can be rightly called the eyes and ears of modern civilization.

There are some negative sides of television. It hampers the students in their studies. They sit before television for a long time keeping off their studies. It also derails the young generation through many naked pictures. Besides, too much watching television affects the eye-sight.

In fine, television has immense benefits. We should utilize its benefits for our life.


Man is curious by nature. He has curiosity to know about the happenings of the world. A newspaper is a paper which contains news of home and abroad to meet our curiosity. It is the current history of the world. It supplies us the important news from various parts of the world. It has become a part and parcel of the civilized society.

It is said that newspaper was first published in China. Newspaper was published in England in the eighteenth century. The first newspaper in the Indian sub-continent was the Indian Gazette published in 1774.

The Samachar Darpan was the first Bengali newspaper. It was published by the Christian missionaries of Sreerampur. Nowadays, newspaper has improved a lot. With the help of scientific technology, a huge number of newspapers are published everyday all over the world.

There are many kinds of newspapers. They are dailies, weeklies, fortnightlies, monthlies and periodicals. The dailies contain the news of daily affairs of home and abroad. They provide the current news and views of the day. Other newspapers are known as periodicals. They publish articles, poems, essays and comments on important affairs.

Newspaper is very useful to us. It is called the storehouse of knowledge. Newspaper has made the world closer. It gives us news on national and international affairs. It is popular with all classes of people. It forms the public opinion. The government and statesmen can circulate their views to the people through newspaper. Anyone can bring the grievances of the people to the notice of the authority through newspaper. Newspaper is the best medium of advertisement for the traders. Newspaper has an importance to the employment seekers. They get the job-circular through newspapers. Newspaper also makes us familiar with the world famous personalities. We can read their speeches and know about them. All sorts of people feel the necessity of newspaper. Reading newspaper increases our general knowledge. People can learn about the progress of science, literature and arts, rights and duties through newspapers.

In our country, a lot of newspapers are published. The renowned dailies are the Ittefaq, the Prothom Alo, the Jugantor, the Samakal, the Daily Star.

Sometimes newspapers publish false news and partial views. They provide lies for their own interests. This should be checked and they should become impartial. Despite this limitation, newspaper has become an important medium of communication. It helps to enrich our knowledge and skill.


Obedience to parents means to obey the orders of our parents.

Our parents deserve the highest of regards from us in the world. It is through them that we have seen the light of the world. When we were born we were in a helpless condition. we could not have lived if they had not taken care of us in our infancy. They took care of us when we were children and could not help ourselves. They watch over us when we are ill and do their best to keep us well and happy. For us they work from morning to night. So it is the duty of every person to obey his parents.

Our parents wish us all the best. They sacrifice their comforts and pleasures for us. So it is must that we should honour and respect our parents.

We should try to please them in all possible ways. It is our solemn duty to support them in their old age. god is pleased with him who loves and honours his parents. “Heaven lies under the feet of the mother”, says the holy Quran. According to Hindu scripture if the parents are pleased, all the gods and goddesses are pleased.

Lives of great men tell us that they were good sons above everything. Hazrat Bayazid Bustami, Hazrat Abdul Quader Zilani, Pandit Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar were the best examples of this sort of obedience.

It follows, therefore, that if we wish to prosper in life, we should love and obey our parents and have our trust in them.

Prize giving Day At My school

Prize giving day is the most expected day for the students. As I am a student I expect this occasion every year. It is the happiest day to us in our school life.

Almost every school organises a prize day to distribute prizes among the students. The prize giving day at our school is a day of great enthusiasm and glorious celebration to the teachers and the students. The guardians and the general people also enjoy this occasion. Prizes are distributed among several students who have achieved excellence in different games and sports.

This year the prize giving ceremony was held on the 1st March. Before the day we were very busy in decorating the gate was adorned with plantain trees, green leaves and flags. A nicely carpeted platform was also made for honour the chief guest, the president of the function and some other guests. On the first March, The president’s chair and table were placed in the middle with flower pots and roses. The invited guests began to come in. The president came in just time. The Secretary and the Headmaster of the school received him warmly at the gate. The student offered him the guard of honour.

The function began just at 10 am with a recitation from the holy Quran. Then our national anthem was sung by some of the trained students.

After this the Headmaster read out the annual report of the school. Then the distribution of prizes began. The headmaster called out the names of the Prize winners one by one from the lowest class. Prizes were first given to those who made good results in the examinations. The other prizes were given to those who should genius in games, sports and recitation. Then the chief guest delivered a short but instructive speech. He praised the prize winners and encouraged the other students to try their best to win prizes the next years. He congratulated the teachers, the members of the Managing committee and other guests.

After that a cultural, programme was arranged by the students. At last the formal function came to a close. It was an enjoyable day. The memory of the day is still fresh in my mind.

The Flowers of Bangladesh

Flower is the creation of God. A flower is the symbol of beauty, purity, love, affection and attraction. It is the beauty of nature and a beauty of nature is joy forever. It always tries to keep us aromatic with their sweet scents. There are different kinds of flowers in this world. They are different in size, shape, colour and smell from each one. Some flowers are common in all seasons and some are seasonal. Some are native and some are foreign. Some are garden flowers and some are wild.

Among all the flowers, the rose is called the queen of flowers. There are different colours of rose such as rosy, red, white, yellow, black, green, etc. The black and green rose is rarely found. People like them for their beauty and fragrance. The remarkable flowers of Bangladesh are the marigold, the gardenia, the jasmine, the china rose, the tuberose, the lotus, the water-lily etc. People like them for their beauty and fragrance.

There are some flowers which grow on large trees. They are the Krishnachura, the Palash, the Shimul, the Champa, etc. They are the flowers of the spring. They make our atmosphere more colourful and bright. Sheuli is the green of autumn. It is also known as Shefali. It is a famous and beautiful flower. It is small in size and white in colour.

Shapla and lotus grow in watery places. The shapla is our national flower. It grows in plenty in our country. It has two colours such as white and red.

Rajanigandha is also a well-known flower. It is the flower of winter. It is yellow and golden in colour and looks beautiful. It blooms at night.

Different flowers bloom in different times. Some flowers bloom at day and some are at night. Specially the Gandharaj, the Bokul and the Jui bloom at night. They spread sweet scent at night.

We use flowers in different occasions. It is very essential for our daily life. Specially for marriage ceremony, birthday, death ceremony, decorating etc. We use flowers. Now a days the demand of flowers is increasing. People are taking flower cultivation as a profession.

Mustafij Sir

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